Will PVE ever get any balance?

Will PVE ever get any balance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Awe.1096


Just roll an asura warrior if you havent already and you will be set for life. Up until recently at least the class was rather poor in sPvP. Now they are the current top tier there. We just need to wait for another balance pass so that warriors will become kings in WvW as well (where they are already solid but some classes are still on par or even better).

Will PVE ever get any balance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Wow, pve needs balance? why? are you complaining that the 100b zerker warrior can kill some mobs a little bit faster than your profession or imagination can? oh the humanity

Will PVE ever get any balance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EpicHedgehog.1754


Yes, i really want to see changes in PvE, now i’m afraid to say that i’m playing support ele (not full berserker) because they will most likely kick me. Make supporting valuable, now its just “full berserker or GTFO” and there is no reason to play anything besides Warrior/Guardian (and Ele for AC (frost bow)/ Mesmer for CoF (portals) and sometimes Thief and Mesmer for higher levels of fractals)

Not good at english ^^

Will PVE ever get any balance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Yes, i really want to see changes in PvE, now i’m afraid to say that i’m playing support ele (not full berserker) because they will most likely kick me. Make supporting valuable, now its just “full berserker or GTFO” and there is no reason to play anything besides Warrior/Guardian (and Ele for AC (frost bow)/ Mesmer for CoF (portals) and sometimes Thief and Mesmer for higher levels of fractals)

I think that this has less to do with balance and more to do with human nature. It’s in every game I’ve ever played. Someone will insist on something. In WoW it was gear checks. In GW 1 it was specific builds. Here it’s zerker gear.

But the content is doable by other builds and other gear…it’s just not as fast or efficient.

It’s my opinion that the vast majority of players actually don’t care. It’s a very vocal minority that do. My advice is to join a guild with like minded players and do dungeons with whatever you want to.

It’s what I did. Not once in all the time I’ve done dungeons with my guild (and I have the dungeon master title), has anyone ever asked me about my build or my gear, with the possible exception to pick my brain and see if it helps them make some kind of build.

And I can assure you my build is not the most efficient.

Will PVE ever get any balance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EpicHedgehog.1754


I just may go and play with full zerk warrior for the all speed dungeon runs, but i hope that they will add new long endgame dungeons that will need the party to have support, like the new TA path but with worthy reward.

Not good at english ^^

Will PVE ever get any balance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


I have a warrior that I have yet to zerk out because I just feel… I dunno weird. I use my ele, in soldier gear and cav trinkets, using ruby orbs and exquisite ruby jewels and I hit super hard and survive just fine. I would probably benefit from full zerk on my ele but I like the some of the tankiness.

Will PVE ever get any balance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: woeye.2753


Yeah, I feel the ingredients for balancing are mixed up in a very strange way for some professions. As others already said: good balancing is when every class/profession has both pros and cons. Think of a checklist with lots of aspects such as DPS, tankiness, armor, health points, CC, group buffs/utility, mobility, stay-on-target time, etc. etc.

Logically you would assume that if a class has high DPS and high stay-on-target time it has to give up something else. Like mobility, HP or armor.

But in GW2 they decided that for some strange reason this should not be applied to the warrior profession. It seems the warrior is a crossbreed of other professions, taken only the good parts and leaving out the bad parts.

But yeah, it has been said many, many times already. Yet not much has changed. And so I doubt things will change.

All professions are equal. But some are more equal.