Will Stalwart set return?
Check the “Missing Wardrobe Skins” link in my signature.
Thanks. I’ve read some of it during on Google searches, like maybe seeing if I could mystic forge some buccaneer karma skins and eventually obtain a Stalwart piece since both are technically PvP sets so maybe it’d be within the same mystic forge cycle? I blew some karma on skins and didn’t get one, but I didn’t do a meaningful sample size though did notice a huge number of privateer skins.
I need the Stalwart chestpiece skin for my Revenant. It’d look perfect on him.
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That is the one piece that is still available. Unfortunately, it’s for Medium armor and not Heavy
I need the Stalwart chestpiece skin for my Revenant.
It’d look perfect on him.
You could have some heavy scale though it’s kind of hard to tell it from the noob chain from a distance or with certain dyes. Too bad since I really want to use charred and cinders on it. It is still a nice set provided you have the right (Glint?) dyes though Carapace and the spikey Orr karma armor and dark templar look best so far.
After mystic forging some more I didn’t find any of the skins, but that was to be expected. Oh well, can’t help but try. If the skins aren’t in the mystic forge RNG table then you’re totally guaranteed not obtaining it.
I’ve seen some PvP boxes on sale where I can obtain the chance to win them but again, it’s only a chance and on the Wiki it states they can no longer be opened.
I’ve read about the new tracks and shards of glory. I have hope for it yet.
I’m hoping they toss Tribal/Apostle/Stalwart in HoT somewhere, to pad out the anemic number of actually new armor sets we’re getting.
I want those Apostle pants, god kitten it, I’ve got every piece of that set but that one (and every piece of Stalwart but the only good piece, the shoulders!)