Will There Ever Be a New Class or Race?
Well I think so yes, adding new professions was very common in GW1. They have to be adding Tengu as playable. If they don’t, I will throw an asteroid at ANet HQ.
That makes me so happy
Skritt! Skriiittttt! <threatens to hold her breath ‘til they’re playable>
I know they most likely won’t be, but dangit, they’d be so fun to play!
New professions could go either way, as they’ve said in the past that they tried to cover all the play-styles from the get-go. If something is missing, they’ll add it, but I personally expect expansions to existing classes. New weapons, traits, skill, etc.
As for races, they’ve also said before that the 5 we have now won’t be all there is. How many they’ll eventually offer remains a mystery, but if I had to guess we’ll end up with 8 races and 8 classes. Tengu are all but confirmed, largos seem incredibly likely, but I’m not sure on the last one.
Some of the chatter during the story quests suggested that dwarves are “all but” gone. Of course the story quests also showed a ghost of someone’s mount.
That made me wonder if we might uncover a previously isolated settlement of dwarves. On the other hand, it seems ArenaNet wants to make their game unique in the swords-n-sorcery rpg genre as the one that doesn’t have elves and dwarves. (which I totally support).
They have confirmed we will eventually get new races, but have said that at the moment, they are happy with the current classes and are likely to expand on them for now.