Will discontinued PvP skins ever return?

Will discontinued PvP skins ever return?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kazwazza.7168


So title sums up most of what this thread is about, however I am really curious as to whether these skins will be returning at some point? if so, how will they return? and how will we be able to obtain them?

I am mostly curious as lately, I’ve been trying to create theme’s for some of my characters and have been going through the wardrobe to see what skins I could use, which I don’t have and I’ve come across some of these PvP skins and just gone Wow! this skin is perfect for my theme. So then gone to find out how to obtain it and suddenly find out that it’s discontinued (since I wasn’t a huge PvP person back then, I’ve now got no means to obtain these skins and had I known that at a later date I would’ve used these skins, I would have put in the work to obtain them back when I could. But as can be guessed I didn’t really know about them until recently). This to me is quite unsatisfactory in the scheme of thing’s, especially when taking into account that new players don’t have access to these skins.

Will discontinued PvP skins ever return?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nike.2631


You basically blew your question’s brains out the moment you used the word ‘ever’.

Will they return ever? Yes. They’ve said that. Does that ‘ever’ in mean some time in the next two years? You didn’t ask that.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Will discontinued PvP skins ever return?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


Think of all the skins PvPers didn’t obtain because it wasn’t obtainable in PvP. All of the Halloween skins, the Molten Jetpack, etc.
Or other players that have obtained skins like Mad Memoires, shattered dragon wings etc, and they aren’t showing in the wardrobe, and aren’t purchasable with Laurels either.
I hope they add these back in too.
