Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beast Sos.1457

Beast Sos.1457

I am a bit impatient at this time of night so i have only read the OP and the answer that followed it so forgive if what i will say has been said before.

I would love to have some content that will require great team coordination, it will be a new goal for me to accomplish so i agree with what you want 100%.

There is something that bothered me about your suggestions in what requirements must be filled to make it a very skilled encounter. Needing a tank/healer/dps in the groups may be impossible. It is doable because there are classes that seemed to be geared for a tank or healer role, but it really isn’t maximized. There are not abilities that can help the tank control the agro or immense healing abilities that the designated healer can rely on.

These are the only problems i see if such content where to be released for guild wars 2

The reason i suggested a support/tank/dps was not bc that makes a group more skilled but it allows the boss encounters to be much more exciting and difficult. if they were to have content where, for example, u need some sort of heal going on such as a rangers spring but thats not all that is needed, u would also need to use that spring for blast finishers to aoe heal ur group or to use a blast finisher in the eles lava to give might to urself. things like that would make the encounters more skill based bc u would need to work together and time/save certain skills. the support boons used in speed clears r usually might and fury for the dmg. it all comes back down to dpsing the boss/mobs down. with the content that im looks for, the boss wouldnt have 100k hp so its not like u need a dps group to clear it quick but he does constant dmg, not one shot skills but constant burns attacks coming ur way, so a full dps group wont be able to kill it quick enough before they get wiped out.

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beast Sos.1457

Beast Sos.1457


SAB Tribulation mode…..

Tequatl (upcoming changes)…

All show that they are seeking ways to create counters that require skill from the players. Each has its own unique rewards for being able to do it – a mini, specific weapon skins, etc. They may not be what some people want as their rewards, but many were happy with them. For some, the content itself was enough. Just depends on the player. They won’t be able to make everyone happy though.

We’ve been told that we can look forward to more of these types of things, as they continue to revamp the world bosses and the dungeons. It’s not huge strides right now, but they are making the attempt, and things like this take time.

Everything u mention except teq is temp content so ppl dont really care if it doesnt reward appropriate rewards. we dont even know if teq is going to be difficult so we cant really comment on that yet. i really have to say this again? when someone is playing a MMO they expect to be rewarded bc its a huge part of the game. the harder the content the better the rewards (should be). if i was playing super mario i would expect to be rewarded with gold or items for completing difficult content, bc its not part of the game. if i were to play super mario and completed a really hard part. would i not get ranked up or move on to the next lvl? of course i would be thats how the game rewards its players. in a MMO on the other hand, the players r rewarded with gold and items for doing certain content, the harder the content is the better the rewards should be, not worse.

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beast Sos.1457

Beast Sos.1457

The other problem is that the content would be terrible and would let everyone who wants to afk watching HP bars and then healing or spamming buffs and going afk for “support” get what they wanted, a nice, original trinity MMO.

The way we have it right now, every single class is capable of offering DPS, control and support, and doing this lets parties clear content efficiently. Just because randoms on here say support isn’t needed doesn’t make it so, just watch any speed clear video and you’ll see the amount of support, control and co-ordination is involved.

The only problem is that most people can’t handle this so ANet will never make “elite” content with appropriate rewards because their main audience who wants to tank 50k 1-hit boss attacks would get angry.

No one is asking for the WoW trinity, gw2 has its own. support/control/dps. what happens when we need to use our support skills is harder content. if i have proc/regen/might/fury/stability/vigor/retal/aegis, all up it would allow me to take more dmg and do more dmg and it will also allow the boss encounter to be more difficult bc then the boss can constantly attack. its not just the boons that will keep ppl alive, its using the combo field. for example, im on my warrior, i see a ranger up a healing spring down so i pick up the banner i droped then go and use the 5 skill, which places it back on the ground, in the healing spring and aoe heal anyone with in a certain range from me. things like that will allow the game to have difficult, fun, etc content.

Just bc the majority of players dont like that content doesnt mean it shouldnt be added. no one is asking Anet to change the game all we want is hard content which rewards ups appropriately. they can add a challenging instance twice a year and keep their easy mode loving player base and gain more players who enjoy hard content.

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

You have content that requires skill but from what i’m reading you don’t wan’t challenging content, you want MORE rewards.

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beast Sos.1457

Beast Sos.1457

You have content that requires skill but from what i’m reading you don’t wan’t challenging content, you want MORE rewards.

Clearly ur not reading everything. im playing a MMO here ofcourse if the content, no matter how difficult, isnt rewarding im not going to waste my time doing it. after the first time i completed the gauntlet u think i did it again?! no way, it was fun but not worth it. if i was playing a game which wasnt about getting rewarded and buying new skins which release so often, then i wouldnt give 2 craps about rewards. all im asking is for difficult content which i can do whenever i want and also bc able to make gold off it so i can gear my guys in some sick skins. i dont want to be forced to grind champs for a skin i like, i should be able to have the option of doing something i like that is worth doing bc i actually get rewarded for it.

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Clearly ur not reading everything. im playing a MMO here ofcourse if the content, no matter how difficult, isnt rewarding im not going to waste my time doing it.

Since you have posts going back 12 months, I’m going to assume you bought GW2 back then. Why — if you felt then as you feel now — buy a game that has advertised that the motivation to do content would be fun? Did you assume that even though this is an MMO, there would be no repetition — or did you not research?

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


after the first time i completed the gauntlet u think i did it again?! no way, it was fun but not worth it.

That is the differnet between rewarding skill and challenge.

Why should you get reward for doing unchallenge content? You beat it already right?

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beast Sos.1457

Beast Sos.1457

Clearly ur not reading everything. im playing a MMO here ofcourse if the content, no matter how difficult, isnt rewarding im not going to waste my time doing it.

Since you have posts going back 12 months, I’m going to assume you bought GW2 back then. Why — if you felt then as you feel now — buy a game that has advertised that the motivation to do content would be fun? Did you assume that even though this is an MMO, there would be no repetition — or did you not research?

When they announced that they we’re released a sequel to gw1, which was the game i was playing at the time, i was pretty excited seeing that gw1 was a awesome game. then i watched the Manifesto trailer!!! that is when i knew i was going to play gw2. lets start off with dynamic events. i thought i was going to do them not bc of rewards but bc they were suppose to be fun and exciting. u fail a event and the town gets taken over, then they mobs start expanding and taking more places if u wouldnt fight back. the shatterer was suppose to be a epic fight, they r changing the open world boss encounters now but who knows how they r going to turn out, not a spam 1 to win.

I sure as hell didnt expect the RNG the game has, i really thought that i was going to be rewarded for doing content not getting lucky with a precursor off a guard in WvW, which i never have! speaking about wvw. they r actually fixing it up now with the new 5 point capture thing but right now honestly it just a zerg fest and a half no skill required just follow ur commander.

Dungeon were suppose to be unbelievable hard! i’ve watched pax panel way before the game came out and i remember one of the dungeon designers saying how after completion of a exp dungeon, which were suppose to be sooooooo hard and required teamwork big time, u would get one token which would be traded in for a piece of exotic armour. the rewards were suppose to be much better bc they were meant to be difficult.

The open world was suppose to be much more living and dynamic then it is. a bunch of times ive tried to run around and do events but sometimes it takes me forever to find one in a random zone, which was completely empty so it should of been packed with events. the game just turned into grind for gold to get the latest skins. its not too late to fix up this mess, they have been making a bit of progress with the teq update and WvW update. the LS is just ap and gold farming, imo, thats probably the main reason ppl do them. there has been nice updates but its so little that their not worth mentioning.

I just know gw2 can be so much better, with the combat it has, the dynamic event system like they did with the invasions, the dragons, temples, pvp, Wvw, it can all be so kitten awesome if they just released the proper content and not more grind.

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beast Sos.1457

Beast Sos.1457

after the first time i completed the gauntlet u think i did it again?! no way, it was fun but not worth it.

That is the differnet between rewarding skill and challenge.

Why should you get reward for doing unchallenge content? You beat it already right?

Well not everyone likes to play a game for the challenge. some ppl just like to have fun with their buddies, some ppl like the lore, some ppl like the cosmetics. gw2 already caters to most of what ppl r interested in a game for except the difficult content which should be rewarding like everything else.

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


after the first time i completed the gauntlet u think i did it again?! no way, it was fun but not worth it.

That is the differnet between rewarding skill and challenge.

Why should you get reward for doing unchallenge content? You beat it already right?

Well not everyone likes to play a game for the challenge. some ppl just like to have fun with their buddies, some ppl like the lore, some ppl like the cosmetics. gw2 already caters to most of what ppl r interested in a game for except the difficult content which should be rewarding like everything else.

You mean you want to turn deadeye farm into liadri farm? Nothing is difficult once you beat it 100 times.

What I’m saying is content is only hard the first few time you do it.

Even if they added a bunch of hard dungeon/raid every few month. I’m not sure if it is the best thing. That just mean no pug can do it. And it just turn into another mmorpg you have to play like a second job.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beast Sos.1457

Beast Sos.1457

after the first time i completed the gauntlet u think i did it again?! no way, it was fun but not worth it.

That is the differnet between rewarding skill and challenge.

Why should you get reward for doing unchallenge content? You beat it already right?

Well not everyone likes to play a game for the challenge. some ppl just like to have fun with their buddies, some ppl like the lore, some ppl like the cosmetics. gw2 already caters to most of what ppl r interested in a game for except the difficult content which should be rewarding like everything else.

You mean you want to turn deadeye farm into liadri farm? Nothing is difficult once you beat it 100 times.

What I’m saying is content is only hard the first few time you do it.

Even if they added a bunch of hard dungeon/raid every few month. I’m not sure if it is the best thing. That just mean no pug can do it. And it just turn into another mmorpg you have to play like a second job.

If someone wants to farm hard content y cant they? y can we farm frost gorge champs all day and night and its not a problem? is it bc its easy? just bc they add hard content doesnt mean u have to do it. if someone cant complete the gauntlet, is that a bad thing? i, and many other ppl enjoy the difficult content, we’re not asking Anet to change the game we just want to be rewarded for content we enjoy not spamming 1 all day for a chance at some skin./ gw2 as it is right now is a second job. running in a circle in frostgorge is worse than my job actually. spamming all ur skills in a zerg in orr to make gold isnt fun. dungeons where u dont need to try at all isnt fun. sure some ppl like that content, and gw2 caters to them, so all now im asking is for Anet to add difficult content which is rewarding no matter the amount of time u do it just like u can run in frostgorge for 24 hours stright.

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


after the first time i completed the gauntlet u think i did it again?! no way, it was fun but not worth it.

That is the differnet between rewarding skill and challenge.

Why should you get reward for doing unchallenge content? You beat it already right?

Well not everyone likes to play a game for the challenge. some ppl just like to have fun with their buddies, some ppl like the lore, some ppl like the cosmetics. gw2 already caters to most of what ppl r interested in a game for except the difficult content which should be rewarding like everything else.

You mean you want to turn deadeye farm into liadri farm? Nothing is difficult once you beat it 100 times.

What I’m saying is content is only hard the first few time you do it.

Even if they added a bunch of hard dungeon/raid every few month. I’m not sure if it is the best thing. That just mean no pug can do it. And it just turn into another mmorpg you have to play like a second job.

Man all the comments in this thread hurt my head.

If there was harder content that gave better rewards the harder it was, it would be perfectly fine…. no one would be forced to do it, people can still faceroll zerg train for rewards, other people that enjoy hard dungeons that require teamwork could farm those instead for money.

The game could use more variety in the “rewards” department, it has content variety already, risk/reward needs more tuning, I don’t know why anyone would be against that?

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


One shot mechanics is Anets idea of skill. Did Liadri require skill? I’d say it required reflexes and doing the fight a few times to learn the mechanics, but not so much skill.

What do you consider as skill? Don’t stand in the stupid? Don’t stand in the stupid while pressing 1? Don’t stand in the stupid while pressing one and managing 20 add ons that tell you what button to press and targeting macros and and no…

I really don’t remember any MMO ever requiring skill. Patience yes. Ability to memorize, yes. I dunno I just don’t see it.

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlietteFaye.7316


One shot mechanics is Anets idea of skill. Did Liadri require skill? I’d say it required reflexes and doing the fight a few times to learn the mechanics, but not so much skill.

What do you consider as skill? Don’t stand in the stupid? Don’t stand in the stupid while pressing 1? Don’t stand in the stupid while pressing one and managing 20 add ons that tell you what button to press and targeting macros and and no…

I really don’t remember any MMO ever requiring skill. Patience yes. Ability to memorize, yes. I dunno I just don’t see it.

Memorization and reactions aren’t considered skills anymore? Hmm…


Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


One shot mechanics is Anets idea of skill. Did Liadri require skill? I’d say it required reflexes and doing the fight a few times to learn the mechanics, but not so much skill.

What do you consider as skill? Don’t stand in the stupid? Don’t stand in the stupid while pressing 1? Don’t stand in the stupid while pressing one and managing 20 add ons that tell you what button to press and targeting macros and and no…

I really don’t remember any MMO ever requiring skill. Patience yes. Ability to memorize, yes. I dunno I just don’t see it.

Memorization and reactions aren’t considered skills anymore? Hmm…

When have inherent traits ever been considered ‘skills’? Would you consider having good eyesight or being tall a skill as well?

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


One shot mechanics is Anets idea of skill. Did Liadri require skill? I’d say it required reflexes and doing the fight a few times to learn the mechanics, but not so much skill.

What do you consider as skill? Don’t stand in the stupid? Don’t stand in the stupid while pressing 1? Don’t stand in the stupid while pressing one and managing 20 add ons that tell you what button to press and targeting macros and and no…

I really don’t remember any MMO ever requiring skill. Patience yes. Ability to memorize, yes. I dunno I just don’t see it.

Memorization and reactions aren’t considered skills anymore? Hmm…

I think you are being liberal with your definitions.

Will we ever get content which rewards SKILL!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


One shot mechanics is Anets idea of skill. Did Liadri require skill? I’d say it required reflexes and doing the fight a few times to learn the mechanics, but not so much skill.

What do you consider as skill? Don’t stand in the stupid? Don’t stand in the stupid while pressing 1? Don’t stand in the stupid while pressing one and managing 20 add ons that tell you what button to press and targeting macros and and no…

I really don’t remember any MMO ever requiring skill. Patience yes. Ability to memorize, yes. I dunno I just don’t see it.

Memorization and reactions aren’t considered skills anymore? Hmm…

I think you are being liberal with your definitions.

Memory and reaction times are both talents and skills. One’s talent determines the range, but one can train to improve within the range of one’s talent.