Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirion.9361


Ok kids which has better performance or are they equal because i know AMD going to be King soon of the Dx12 which i know gw2 is Dx9 but anyway i love multi threading.But i wonder is there any improvement of the Windows using R9 295 X2

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Nope. GW2 is just too antiquated to even notice any difference.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


No game currently uses DX12. ARK is trying to be the first though they were supposed to release the DX12 patch at least 6 weeks ago. They have said they’re waiting on Nvidia to update their drivers.

Very very few games will actually use DX12 any time soon though we should start seeing the very first DX12 games coming out this spring and I assume within 2 years from right now DX12 will be in almost every new game made.

Gw2 could update to DX12 but it’s a massive project that isn’t happening any time soon and I’m skeptical they would do it in the first place.

That being said acting like Gw2 is ancient or somehow bad tech is a real jerk thing to do considering NO game has DX12. Just goes to show you how little people know about computers.

Build your own so you learn.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Upgrading DX also will not provide the performance boost that people are hoping for.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tao.5096


No game currently uses DX12. ARK is trying to be the first though they were supposed to release the DX12 patch at least 6 weeks ago. They have said they’re waiting on Nvidia to update their drivers.

Very very few games will actually use DX12 any time soon though we should start seeing the very first DX12 games coming out this spring and I assume within 2 years from right now DX12 will be in almost every new game made.

Gw2 could update to DX12 but it’s a massive project that isn’t happening any time soon and I’m skeptical they would do it in the first place.

That being said acting like Gw2 is ancient or somehow bad tech is a real jerk thing to do considering NO game has DX12. Just goes to show you how little people know about computers.

Build your own so you learn.

I’m playing FF14 on DX11 max details on decent PC, and I keep stable 50~60(sync) even in most crowded places without turning off the character models(dunno if there is such option).

I’m pretty surprised how optimized Square Enix have made FF14, since it’s very hard for me to recall any other game where I do not have to limit amount of Character models in my area. Even on DX9.

Perhaps another one will be BnS, since I had rough 100fps in crowded places without turning off char models in area back in it’s CBT2 in China.

It means simply that’s up to developers and how they utilize engine they’re working on.

Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


Upgrading DX also will not provide the performance boost that people are hoping for.

This too^ I have a friend who tells me in Steam constantly that DX12 is the 2nd coming of the lord or something.

In reality from the testing I’ve seen on pc hardware sights it will give us a fps increase but it’s very conditional on the particular game and it’s not a solid 20% like they claim.

If we’re lucky a healthy 10% increase in fps would be welcome and probably possible.

IMO Gw2 is a very well made piece of software. Dx12 would be great but it’s going to take time for it to come to any games at all.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrH.2591


Upgrading DX also will not provide the performance boost that people are hoping for.

I remember when WoW went from DX9 to DX11 and it doubled my frame rate in town, it made a massive difference. Why wouldn’t it do the same for Guild Wars 2?

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Upgrading DX also will not provide the performance boost that people are hoping for.

I remember when WoW went from DX9 to DX11 and it doubled my frame rate in town, it made a massive difference. Why wouldn’t it do the same for Guild Wars 2?

Do you know what DX does? That would be why.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Ok kids which has better performance or are they equal because i know AMD going to be King soon of the Dx12 which i know gw2 is Dx9 but anyway i love multi threading.But i wonder is there any improvement of the Windows using R9 295 X2

I’ve actually noticed even worse performance on 10 as opposed to 7. On 7 while running on 8k was still a literal slideshow I could at least get in some nice screenshots whereas on 10 it simply crashes.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I’m sticking to 8.1 until Microsoft pries it out of my hands. I upgraded to 10 and reverted back in a day.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: imsoenthused.1634


As someone who works in IT and needed to learn it to be able to support it, I’ve been using windows 10 since the first preview release. On hardware that it works properly on it is faster and more efficient than any version of windows that has come before it. I upgraded on my home machine when the release hit with zero concerns, and actually gained an average of 2-3 fps in most of my games. It’s been running with zero problems on my living room HTPC as well, which is an older core duo with one of my old out dated gaming GPUs in it. Much, much faster in the old box than windows 7 was.

That said, I’ve seen machines that for some reason it just doesn’t play well with, no matter what you do to it. Machines that it says are completely compatible and that just do not work like they should. Some of these are upgrades gone wrong, and installing a clean copy of Windows 10 fixes them, but some of them just don’t work, weird pauses and slow downs, strange crashes, etc. In my experience though, after touching more windows 10, both OEM and upgrade machines, than I can rightly count, these problem machines are pretty rare. For the majority windows 10 is a straight upgrade with better memory management, better security, and support for Directx 12.

That’s my experience, take it or leave it. I unhesitatingly told every family member and friend who contacted me and asked about it to take advantage of the upgrade.

All morons hate it when you call them a moron. – J. D. Salinger

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


That being said acting like Gw2 is ancient or somehow bad tech is a real jerk thing to do considering NO game has DX12.

It’s not about DX12. GW2 just runs on a badly optimized dx9 engine, that has problems in utilizing more than one processor thread, and (due to it still being a 32bit application) is capped on the amount of memory it can address (capped below what it actually can require, at moments, which results in OutOfMemory crashes on high-end machines). Which is no wonder, seeing as it is based on the GW1 engine and wasn’t really upgraded since before launch.
It is antiquated now

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tao.5096


That being said acting like Gw2 is ancient or somehow bad tech is a real jerk thing to do considering NO game has DX12.

It’s not about DX12. GW2 just runs on a badly optimized dx9 engine, that has problems in utilizing more than one processor thread, and (due to it still being a 32bit application) is capped on the amount of memory it can address (capped below what it actually can require, at moments, which results in OutOfMemory crashes on high-end machines). Which is no wonder, seeing as it is based on the GW1 engine and wasn’t really upgraded since before launch.
It is antiquated now

It is very hard to upgrade an engine and add features that would help in future developing of the game.

Fixing problems such as random dcs caused by server(not routing) is also very difficult.

Skipping the graphic quality which is nearly impossible to increase, the so called performance isn’t something that will be achieved easily and without enormous costs and development time, which still doesn’t guarantee the success.

I understand Anet.
It’s not an easy task to do such upgrades.

Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


For the majority windows 10 is a straight upgrade with better memory management, better security, and support for Directx 12.

Those are the only (and I do mean only, the UI is overly simplistic garbage and Aero was a great thing that needs to be brought back at least in the Microsoft store yes Metro is so bad I’m willing to pay for it Metro is to the 10’s what goofy fashion is to the 80’s or goofy Emo hair is to the zeroes) reasons I upgraded from 7 and I’m just not seeing it. Wise Care 365 is reporting drastically higher boot times (28 seconds, I have an SSD up from 15 or sometimes even 13) than with 7 too.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It’s not an easy task to do such upgrades.

I never said it was.

For the majority windows 10 is a straight upgrade with better memory management, better security, and support for Directx 12.

Those are the only (and I do mean only, the UI is overly simplistic garbage and Aero was a great thing that needs to be brought back at least in the Microsoft store yes Metro is so bad I’m willing to pay for it Metro is to the 10’s what goofy fashion is to the 80’s or goofy Emo hair is to the zeroes) reasons I upgraded from 7 and I’m just not seeing it. Wise Care 365 is reporting drastically higher boot times (28 seconds, I have an SSD up from 15 or sometimes even 13) than with 7 too.

Which does exactly nothing for GW2.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tao.5096


It’s not an easy task to do such upgrades.

I never said it was.

Apparently it was a sarcasm.


Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torenn.2598


Seriously doubt there are going to be any massive improvements to the engine. GW2 was designed with the absence of a subscription fee in mind, so naturally that guided many of the development decisions (as evidenced by the number of times it was brought up in the programmer presentation). You get what you pay for.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


There isn’t going to be much improvement for GW2, in any case your GPU needs are quite low on GW2 anyway’s, I upgraded my 760GTX to a 980GTX TI and saw nearly no FPS changes, though when I upgraded my CPU to a I7-6700K I had a massive boost and can do Teq and Jormag @60FPS

Don’t expect anything for Dx12 for GW2,

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toxicity.5392


Windows 10 is pretty bad.
The core is about the same as 7/8 for the most part, the ui is a little improved over 8, however load times seemed longer for me and many people get some stutters with it, at which this point I’d attribute to old BIOSes for old motherboards. (I get bad dpc latency spikes = audio dropouts, video stutters, and gigabyte refuses to support my mobo since 4 weeks after it came out – back in 2011)

10 will constantly spy on you, and harass you to update – even after running one of those privacy tools and attempting to disable forced updates. Not to mention some of the updates have ruined peoples installs.

This drive me to Linux. GW2 runs okay with the portable WineGW2 fork (if a bit buggy).
Mint is recommended for (very) old PCs – its basically like Windows except the automatic updates actually update everything on your pc. Installs faster, sets up faster, etc.
Antergos/Arch for newer PCs/more experienced users. Once set up it’s much nicer, cleaner, and up to date than Mint/*buntu distros. But it takes longer and is quite a bit more difficult.

I farm more than a chinese gold seller.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Windows 10 is pretty bad.
The core is about the same as 7/8 for the most part, the ui is a little improved over 8, however load times seemed longer for me and many people get some stutters with it, at which this point I’d attribute to old BIOSes for old motherboards. (I get bad dpc latency spikes = audio dropouts, video stutters, and gigabyte refuses to support my mobo since 4 weeks after it came out – back in 2011)

10 will constantly spy on you, and harass you to update – even after running one of those privacy tools and attempting to disable forced updates. Not to mention some of the updates have ruined peoples installs.

This drive me to Linux. GW2 runs okay with the portable WineGW2 fork (if a bit buggy).
Mint is recommended for (very) old PCs – its basically like Windows except the automatic updates actually update everything on your pc. Installs faster, sets up faster, etc.
Antergos/Arch for newer PCs/more experienced users. Once set up it’s much nicer, cleaner, and up to date than Mint/*buntu distros. But it takes longer and is quite a bit more difficult.

Actually as far as boot times go there are benchmarks out: @ minute 4:07

Basically windows 10 booted about 12 seconds faster then windows 7

You won’t see any gaming improvements with windows 10, you just get the excellent coding from Windows 8 without all of the UI BS, at the price of 0$/€

Oh and about windows “spying” I can tell you now, this is no different from Windows 8 or 7, if they really want to know anything they can, or are, it’s the kind of world we live in now

I used windows 7 for years and loved it, skipped windows 8/8.1 due to poor UI, and I’ve enjoyed my update to windows 10 without any mayor issues

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lilypop.7819


If you find that Windows 10 boots up slower than Windows 7 the most likely cause is your AV software.

One of the major reasons for moving to Windows 10 is the increased security features – it was the lack of these features that caused Windows 7 to boot up slowly in the first place. Some AV vendors will be ignoring the new features – as they are pretty much MS controlled – and causing slower boots up as a result.

I doubt if any OEM vendors are specifically developing drivers for Window 7; it’s days are numbered, two years if I recall correctly.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PyrateSilly.4710


I doubt if any OEM vendors are specifically developing drivers for Window 7; it’s days are numbered, two years if I recall correctly.

MS is still doing security updates for Win XP. Not for the general public but for large corporations since some still are using XP for stuff. I know that where my other half works, some of their machines are still running Win 95 for some of the programs needed. Most of the computers have gone to Win 7 but like I said there are a few that are still Win 95 and some Win XP. Large businesses are not upgrading all that fast, I know that place he works at they did not put Win 8 or 8.1 on any machine. The IT guys all hated because it was hard to make it work with all the other parts of the company.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Regarding GW2, what I love about Windows 10 is the boot / shutdown time which is on my machine about 1/3 of the time it took in Windows 7, massive speed boost. First time booting I felt like I had an SSD installed.

Second, I like how responsive it is when alt+tabbing, the new multi-desktop features, excellent when having to browse the wiki or dulfy while playing.

The best non-GW2 related thing Windows 10 did for me is fixing my 3 TB hard drive. My aging motherboard didn’t support 3TB, only view up to 2TB because NVIDIA never released updated drivers for their old NForce hardware. To my surprise, using Microsoft Windows 10 default drivers (not NVIDIA’s trash) I can see 3TB without issues. The funniest thing was that Ubuntu Linux could see all 3TB since day one, only Windows 7/8 couldn’t, tells a lot about NVIDIA drivers.

Other than that, as someone who deals with computers all day, the feature I like the most in Windows 10 is the reset… Took ~38 minutes on my PC (no SSD) to turn the computer back to a clean install state, no software installed, fresh Windows, but with every single update. It also gives you a neat list of all the software you had, but now you don’t have, with download links for those that are free to download, or links to their main web pages for those that are bought. No need to remember what you had before the format anymore, and resetting is painless and fast.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ebslike.1852


Upgrading DX also will not provide the performance boost that people are hoping for.

I remember when WoW went from DX9 to DX11 and it doubled my frame rate in town, it made a massive difference. Why wouldn’t it do the same for Guild Wars 2?

Do you know what DX does? That would be why.

That’s a really clear and cohesive explanation of the issue with Guild Wars 2 but that does not explain why Guild Wars 2 runs terribly on older and newer systems. If this was the end-all of the discussion then a lot more games would be suffering from the issues Guild Wars 2 has with performance.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Upgrading DX also will not provide the performance boost that people are hoping for.

I remember when WoW went from DX9 to DX11 and it doubled my frame rate in town, it made a massive difference. Why wouldn’t it do the same for Guild Wars 2?

Do you know what DX does? That would be why.

That’s a really clear and cohesive explanation of the issue with Guild Wars 2 but that does not explain why Guild Wars 2 runs terribly on older and newer systems. If this was the end-all of the discussion then a lot more games would be suffering from the issues Guild Wars 2 has with performance.

It has to do with the game engine. It’s not built like other games.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorrynnStarr.7942


I upgraded to 10, two weeks ago… bought a new SSD to do a fresh install onto. I can go from power off state to choosing my character in less then 30 seconds… plus use Norton AV installed (dont even hassle me on Norton vs others, been using it since 95 and only twice in that time have a i caught a virus… tested other avgs as well…) Make sure you have the hardware to support it or you wont see a drastic increase in performance.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: risa.1382


DX12 hype is just there to get you into Windows 10 so Microsoft can sell everything you do and type to marketers and… others.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorrynnStarr.7942


DX12 hype is just there to get you into Windows 10 so Microsoft can sell everything you do and type to marketers and… others.

and this is different from EVERY other search engine/OS/company on the planet how?

yea its got issues… so does everything else and If you think for a second that its the only one doing this or that you can somehow “shield” yourself from it happening to you, you are living a false dream my friend. all it takes is one person…. one person at any company anywhere in any OS etc to free all your data to whoever they want to with or without your knowledge or consent. and 99999.9999999/100000 times, you wont know they did it. then there are hackers that break into everywhere you shop online or in the real world… all it takes is one and your info is out there….

now…. quit hating on the new OS cuz its the mindless popular thing to do… they are all bad and all have flaws, get over it.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: risa.1382


DX12 hype is just there to get you into Windows 10 so Microsoft can sell everything you do and type to marketers and… others.

and this is different from EVERY other search engine/OS/company on the planet how?

yea its got issues… so does everything else and If you think for a second that its the only one doing this or that you can somehow “shield” yourself from it happening to you, you are living a false dream my friend. all it takes is one person…. one person at any company anywhere in any OS etc to free all your data to whoever they want to with or without your knowledge or consent. and 99999.9999999/100000 times, you wont know they did it. then there are hackers that break into everywhere you shop online or in the real world… all it takes is one and your info is out there….

now…. quit hating on the new OS cuz its the mindless popular thing to do… they are all bad and all have flaws, get over it.

Not every search engine and OS does it. And just because others do, doesn’t make it right. I swear every time I see that argument, I just see lemmings walking over a cliff one by one.

There are in fact plenty of ways to protect yourself, they’re just beyond people who are willing to give up because “well everyone else is doing it so whatever…”

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tao.5096


Not every search engine and OS does it. And just because others do, doesn’t make it right. I swear every time I see that argument, I just see lemmings walking over a cliff one by one.

There are in fact plenty of ways to protect yourself, they’re just beyond people who are willing to give up because “well everyone else is doing it so whatever…”

Lemmings was a good game – not everyone were capable of playing it.

Also, it’s disturbing how people feel nothing while sharing their personal information for free and allow others to cash out on this info.

Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: imsoenthused.1634


DX12 hype is just there to get you into Windows 10 so Microsoft can sell everything you do and type to marketers and… others.

Here’s your tinfoil hat, and remember, jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.

All morons hate it when you call them a moron. – J. D. Salinger

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


I’ve not noticed any change in performance when I switched to 10 from 7

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


I’ve noticed minor things. Better disk caching and memory management in general. But for the game, very little.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorrynnStarr.7942


DX12 hype is just there to get you into Windows 10 so Microsoft can sell everything you do and type to marketers and… others.

and this is different from EVERY other search engine/OS/company on the planet how?

yea its got issues… so does everything else and If you think for a second that its the only one doing this or that you can somehow “shield” yourself from it happening to you, you are living a false dream my friend. all it takes is one person…. one person at any company anywhere in any OS etc to free all your data to whoever they want to with or without your knowledge or consent. and 99999.9999999/100000 times, you wont know they did it. then there are hackers that break into everywhere you shop online or in the real world… all it takes is one and your info is out there….

now…. quit hating on the new OS cuz its the mindless popular thing to do… they are all bad and all have flaws, get over it.

Not every search engine and OS does it. And just because others do, doesn’t make it right. I swear every time I see that argument, I just see lemmings walking over a cliff one by one.

There are in fact plenty of ways to protect yourself, they’re just beyond people who are willing to give up because “well everyone else is doing it so whatever…”

your right, not every single one in the world does, and I never said it was right either. but to think and be oblivious to the fact that your information is not already compromised is like living in crystal shop hanging on a chandelier with the screws slowly falling out. I guarantee your information is already out there somewhere…

Im not saying dont be stupid and just throw the info out to everyone in the world What I am saying is, keeping yourself bottled up and cut off from everything for fear some tiny shred of info might get out, is sheer idiocy.

Always do what you can to prudently keep your info… but be realistic to the fact that you are not gonna stop someone from getting it and selling it. It WILL happen, and likely without you ever knowing it. No matter what OS you run or search engine you use or company you buy from. If you have a credit card, bank account, shop online, or just plain surf the web, its a 99.99999% likely hood someone out there will have most of your basic info… which is no more then what win10 gathers anyways.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toxicity.5392


If you find that Windows 10 boots up slower than Windows 7 the most likely cause is your AV software.

One of the major reasons for moving to Windows 10 is the increased security features – it was the lack of these features that caused Windows 7 to boot up slowly in the first place. Some AV vendors will be ignoring the new features – as they are pretty much MS controlled – and causing slower boots up as a result.

I doubt if any OEM vendors are specifically developing drivers for Window 7; it’s days are numbered, two years if I recall correctly.

I was talking about GW2 load speed, not OS load speed. Seemed to load faster on 7/8 and definitely loads way faster on WineGW2. Framerate dips a lot on 10 and is probably related to the aforementioned DPC latency issue.
I don’t use antivirus. noscript, hardware firewall, and a sandbox is all I need.

I farm more than a chinese gold seller.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrH.2591


Windows 10 is pretty bad.
The core is about the same as 7/8 for the most part, the ui is a little improved over 8, however load times seemed longer for me and many people get some stutters with it, at which this point I’d attribute to old BIOSes for old motherboards. (I get bad dpc latency spikes = audio dropouts, video stutters, and gigabyte refuses to support my mobo since 4 weeks after it came out – back in 2011)

10 will constantly spy on you, and harass you to update – even after running one of those privacy tools and attempting to disable forced updates. Not to mention some of the updates have ruined peoples installs.

This drive me to Linux. GW2 runs okay with the portable WineGW2 fork (if a bit buggy).
Mint is recommended for (very) old PCs – its basically like Windows except the automatic updates actually update everything on your pc. Installs faster, sets up faster, etc.
Antergos/Arch for newer PCs/more experienced users. Once set up it’s much nicer, cleaner, and up to date than Mint/*buntu distros. But it takes longer and is quite a bit more difficult.

I’ve been using Windows 10 since day one and it’s great, I’m not sure why you seem to hate it so much? And you can disable all the “spying”, it takes about 2 minutes. As for forced updates, in reality it works great, people freaked out over nothing.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Extreme.8350


Windows 7 then 8 and then 10 again lol.
Windows 10 is not going to become better until there will be any dx12 games.
IF there will be. Valve devs is working with Vulcan which according to them is the same thing but multi platform. Also win10 start and shutdown faster than win7? lol
That is totally irrelevant when it take about 10 seconds anyway.
The cons out-weight the pros on win10. I let others do the bug testing.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Win10 is a load of crap, at least at the moment.

It offers absolutely no performance increase for gaming whatsoever unless the game offers dx12 support, which none do at the moment.

Not only that but there’s a ton of compatibility problems and driver issues and bugs that haven’t been worked out yet, so you’re basically going for an upgrade that forces you into making a microsoft account and offers you more modernized UIs on your OS. That’s pretty much it, nothing really special about it unless you liked the tablet-appeal win8.1 had to it and want to combine it with stuff that you liked from win7.

As far as performance is concerned, win7 and win10 are almost totally even and win8.1 is technically the most efficient of the windows operating systems atm.

Check the many benchmark tests available to the public on google and you’ll see for yourself, no point in using windows 10 for gaming.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Spirited Was Eceni.3869

I upgraded to Windows10 from 7 last week and hated it. I much prefer the look of Windows 7.

By far the worst thing was Windows 10 reset my overclocked i7 quad core processor back to factory settings and put some kind of lock on it so I couldn’t overclock it again, the options just weren’t available in the bios. I had to remove the motherboard battery and totally drain power so I could input the overclock settings again. This was after reinstalling Windows 7.

Due to this its my experience that Windows 10 drastically slowed down my whole computer and didn’t even warn me it was going to do it. I’ll stick with Windows 7 for as long as possible.

“Judge a person’s character by how they behave when given anonymity.”

Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

I’m sticking to 7pro until Microsoft pries it out of my hands. I upgraded to 10 and reverted back in 15 minutes.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I upgraded to Windows10 from 7 last week and hated it. I much prefer the look of Windows 7.

By far the worst thing was Windows 10 reset my overclocked i7 quad core processor back to factory settings and put some kind of lock on it so I couldn’t overclock it again, the options just weren’t available in the bios. I had to remove the motherboard battery and totally drain power so I could input the overclock settings again. This was after reinstalling Windows 7.

Due to this its my experience that Windows 10 drastically slowed down my whole computer and didn’t even warn me it was going to do it. I’ll stick with Windows 7 for as long as possible.

What ? How the kitten does that even work…honest question cus ive never heard anything like this before.How is windows able to mess with your bios and reset your oc ?!

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Spirited Was Eceni.3869

I upgraded to Windows10 from 7 last week and hated it. I much prefer the look of Windows 7.

By far the worst thing was Windows 10 reset my overclocked i7 quad core processor back to factory settings and put some kind of lock on it so I couldn’t overclock it again, the options just weren’t available in the bios. I had to remove the motherboard battery and totally drain power so I could input the overclock settings again. This was after reinstalling Windows 7.

Due to this its my experience that Windows 10 drastically slowed down my whole computer and didn’t even warn me it was going to do it. I’ll stick with Windows 7 for as long as possible.

What ? How the kitten does that even work…honest question cus ive never heard anything like this before.How is windows able to mess with your bios and reset your oc ?!

I have no idea how or why, only that it did. I’m not very tech savvy but when I checked in task manager my original speed was shown. I contacted tech support at the company who made my custom build pc (thank you lifetime tech support option) and they checked via remote access. The tech guy was also very surprised. I was then talked through the process I mentioned earlier. When finished they remote accessed again and did a stress test and monitored with 3rd party software. All back to normal now and thankfully it didn’t mess with my oc graphics card.

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Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Upgrading DX also will not provide the performance boost that people are hoping for.

I remember when WoW went from DX9 to DX11 and it doubled my frame rate in town, it made a massive difference. Why wouldn’t it do the same for Guild Wars 2?

Do you know what DX does? That would be why.

Actually the new DX is a breeze of fresh air in terms or performance, older Dx “<12”, code werent that optimized nor clean it had its flaws, the new dx versions. for what i saw it is a very good performance boost.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorrynnStarr.7942


I think you are gonna get mixed reviews on this as everyones equipment is different… as well as everyones knowledge level of what they are doing. Ive been running win 10 now for several weeks, had no issues at all with it after I configured it right. the Pro version has more options to disable data gathering then a Home version, which is why I have always bought the pro versions in the past and continue to advocate it now. home is cheaper, but less controlable. Learn how to modify it and it will perform just like 7 even. knowledge is key, do your homework.