Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]
I actually feel like a few changes would do the puzzle some good.
Background on me, (you mighta seen me on the jumping puzzle, the weird little asura the sidles back and forth all the time) I first played this puzzle back in 2012, when it first came out, and I can see it’s changed for the better. I was fairly competent back then and I’m even more competent at it now, but that’s simply because I am exceptional at jumping puzzles. (Although, I don’t think I’d ever want to do Troll’s Revenge again, for instance. Argh.)
Naturally this means I can’t really speak for the ones who have trouble.
Although these were my thoughts:
1. Have three different difficulties – Easy, Medium and Hard.
The difficulties could mean one of two things, or even more.
Option 1 – The Easy course is half as long and the Hard course is twice as long.
Option 2 – The difficulties determine the speed of the snowflake despawns, and perhaps the speed of the ice ball and present disappearances. Medium is the current.
Balancing would be, for instance, Easy earning 5 presents, Medium 10 and Hard 15 or 20.
2. Everyone gets their own set of snowflakes and presents.
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to sit around waiting at specific locations across the jumping puzzle, simply waiting for things to spawn.
3. Remove the timer.
This is a personal opinion and may be shared but I find it detrimental to my pacing just like the snowflakes and presents to look at the timer and go “Oh only 2 minutes left? Guess I’ll reach the end then sleep or something in the final room til the timer ends.”
Perhaps these could be potential changes for next year, but the current form is fairly doable.
I’d say the rightmost path is the easiest, for people who are having trouble. Jump as late as possible in the middle fire to land on the present (as chances are you won’t be able to wait for the blue line) and head straight upwards, no left or right movements, with good timing. Dodge roll at the top to avoid the wind then take it one candy set at a time, being patient around the skritt snowball fire and the iceball rolling. You can do it.
Hope this helps, and hope my suggestions are at least taken into consideration. I’d love for this puzzle to improve.
(edited by pholtos.9751)
There’s also the matter of other players acting against you for the most parts of the JP (especially on the exploding presents part). There should never be a case where, in PvE, you’d rather be alone than with other players.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
So many complaints about the JP, but it is only required to win several times (and it is far easier than Mad King Clock Tower).
The real concern is that the sigils/runes (superior snowfall and mischief, I believe) required for Winter’s Presence are now basically unobtainable. Previously, they were rather easy to get; now, they appear to be unobtainable unless you spend hundreds upon hundreds of gold in mystic coins upgrading sigils or buy from TP.
A quick examination of their TP prices proves something is wrong;the prices went from being a paltry sum per rune/sigil to a whopping 2+ gold for one (and keep in mind you need (50?) of each to make the conponents of the WP collection)
Please Anet, make the superior runes required for WP drop from gifts in some form again. If nothing is done, prices will just continue to steadily rise to even more obscene levels.
I have to say that the problems with the supply of Sigils/Runes point to a lack of control or oversight.
I appreciate that an MMO is a very complex system and it’s impossible to keep everything in mind at all times but who decided to remove/change the drops for this years Wintersday? Why didn’t they know that these drops were required for current content?
A simple search on the GW2 wiki would have let them know that they were needed and common sense would dictate that the mechanism for crafting the Sigils and Runes was excessively costly given the cost of Mystic Coins.
In general I get the feeling that ArenaNet is a little chaotic here, people seem to make weird decisions. The alternative is that they intend this to be the way that this item is crafted in which case it’s just a massive money sink; it already costs over 800g (including the 10,000 drinks) to craft the item, if you had to craft all 50 Sigils and Runes from scratch then the cost of Winter’s Presence would be over 1600g.
Winter’s Presence should be a fun little thing you can work towards but it really is a massive mess up IMO. Firstly 10,000 drinks is far from reasonable, secondly removing drops required for it indicates a carelessness or a deliberate attempt to further drive up the cost of an already expensive item.
Imo it’s a desperate move to keep players playing the game. It’s a typical way for MMOs.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I’d like the shoulders myself and may finish out the achievement at some point. I do find the JP annoying as well as the drinks
That aside, I have always liked gw2 for its variety, including some easy stuff, some hard stuff and even some grind.
If i get my 10k drinks I’ll spend more time on the puzzle. If not there are other things to do. Never felt the luminescent gear was worth the trouble either.
I’m sure Anet monitors who does what and tweaks as needed. I’m not sure i would change this one.
That said in general I do prefer a few options. Cant say I’ve done the ember bay jp either which means i spent a lot less time there not doing the other achievements. If i am not the only one and they want more people doing content like winter festival and ember isle then make changes. If they are happy with participation leave it alone.
Must be nice. I’m done w/ this nonsense. I got to the ELEVENTH snowflake FOUR times. Two or three times it either blew up or melted beneath me, I’m not sure which. But I ended up back at the start, so I guess it’s immaterial.
The one time I got past that, I actually got to the SEVENTEENTH snowflake. And it disappeared even as I landed. Not sure how I got that far, It was like the snowflakes stopped melting for a few seconds.
I have tried and tried and TRIED this JP this season. I’m upwards of fifty attempts, which is more than twice as much as I have tried it in any preceding season, and SEVENTEEN is now my new number. With at least four more past that.
This puzzle is JUST TOO FAST. I over jump or under jump or I jump at the wrong angle EVERY single TIME I try to “match the pace” that this JP demands. I’m done banging my head.
Anything less is a direct slap in the face to those of us WHO CANNOT DO THIS.
You are never going to beat the puzzle if you are this upset. I know if I’m upset or over emotional I fall every time. How long would you say you spend on each snowflake? It takes a few seconds for one to dissolve. You say you die in the same spot every time, Are you consciously trying to change your technique every time you do it? It’s easy to get stuck just doing the same mistakes over and over when you’re frustrated. It took me dozens of tries and many hours before I ever finished the puzzle
A handful of people not taking the time to do the puzzle shouldn’t merit the devs taking a Wintersday event out of a Wintersday achievement. . . practice other jumping puzzles first if you’re not comfortable with your character.
Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] Co-Leader/WvW Commander
A handful of people not taking the time to do the puzzle shouldn’t merit the devs taking a Wintersday event out of a Wintersday achievement. . . practice other jumping puzzles first if you’re not comfortable with your character.
Agreed… if it is a handful. I bet it is more than a handful. In the end, the devs need to decide what sort of uptake they want. I don’t think this ach was meant to be an easy one so as long as they are happy with the rate of participation, it’s fine.
Of course, they probably wouldn’t have asked the question if they were happy with the rate. But rather than nerf if it and annoy the folks who did it the harder way, if they don’t like the participation on this event, they should just keep it in mind for future such events.
As I mentioned, I thought the Ember Bay puzzle wasn’t worth the time and decided not to worry about most of the rest of the related achievements. I’m perfectly happy with that and I am not one of these demanding they remove the JP. If the achievement completion was more attractive (same applies to Winder’s Presence), I would spend the time to master the puzzle, which is the only really challenging part.
One note on the Winter JP- for me, I’ve found mouse steering pretty hard on the puzzle because of the time constraint and I think I might have to retrain to keyboard steering… which I could do if I really wanted the shoulders but I don’t want them that badly. Again, I’m not demanding the devs remove the JP, I can just live without the shoulders, although they are nice.
Now, why would the devs want to change it?
A) They want a certain level of participation in the game so the base stays happy and some portion continues to buy gems. So too many things that people write-off may depress participation. But only Anet has the numbers so it is their call.
B) The drink part of the ach is probably a good real-dollar maker for them. I know I would probably finish out my drinks by spending some money on gems to buy drinks. So, again, they can decide if the gem store cash flow is okay without it.
I’m guessing participation is probably fine, as is the gemstore, so if I were Anet, I wouldn’t nerf it. Makes some folks happy, annoys those who did it the previous way, who may not be a large percentage but are clearly a dedicated percentage and should not be lightly annoyed, simply for business reasons if not also for fairness.
The frustrating thing is that many of the people lack empathy for others being unable to do JPs like this one is because they have good computers and their frames per second are top notch, they are comparing their performance to others that might have lousy FPS. It ain’t fair, but life isn’t fair. I will probably never get this skin, I’ve made peace with that, but for many many other people that have invested hours that they could have spent having fun with the things they enjoy about the Wintersday festival it is indeed a bitter pill that no matter how hard they try their computer will not allow them to succeed. So for those who think that their accomplishment is so special, perhaps it is just your superior equipment. I’ve managed to get near the end ONCE. I haven’t been able to get past past the presents again. It ain’t no biggie to me, I like my Night Fury shoulders better anyhow. I main a Reaper so it is far more appropriate than snowflakes.
I do think anet should nerf it next season. The achievement has been around for few years, they should develop some new activities and allow others to enjoy a skin that should be old news by next year. But then again, anet doesn’t seem to be investing much into their festivals, which is rather disappointing. it makes me want to invest little of my time or energy into them because they’re just the same regurgitated content. I didn’t buy any Christmas items from the gem store this year. I had considered doing so, but I wasn’t so excited about it once it got here.
B) The drink part of the ach is probably a good real-dollar maker for them. I know I would probably finish out my drinks by spending some money on gems to buy drinks. So, again, they can decide if the gem store cash flow is okay without it.
I’m guessing participation is probably fine, as is the gemstore, so if I were Anet, I wouldn’t nerf it. Makes some folks happy, annoys those who did it the previous way, who may not be a large percentage but are clearly a dedicated percentage and should not be lightly annoyed, simply for business reasons if not also for fairness.
This was me last year. I did all the achievements, spent hours mastering the jumping puzzle, spent buckets of in game gold to consume thousands of drinks- but I was still about 5k drinks short. I was so sick of farming and it was close to the end so I just bought gems and converted to gold to buy drinks (I thought it had to be done by the end of the Wintersday festival). I’m sure I’m not the only one
I do think anet should nerf it next season. The achievement has been around for few years, they should develop some new activities and allow others to enjoy a skin that should be old news by next year.
As far as I’m aware Winter’s Presence was added in 2015, I don’t think we can call it several years old yet. However I agree that by next year people will be itching for something new.
I do think anet should nerf it next season. The achievement has been around for few years, they should develop some new activities and allow others to enjoy a skin that should be old news by next year.
As far as I’m aware Winter’s Presence was added in 2015, I don’t think we can call it several years old yet. However I agree that by next year people will be itching for something new.
I did not say “several years”, I said “a few years”. By next year it will be a few years since they released it. A few is defined as between 3 and 6. So, yes, I stand by my opinion that they should either nerf the requirement to make it, or nerf the jp itself. It isn’t a legendary weapon, it is a skin. And it is a skin related to content that is only accessible a month a year. It is associated with content that many many players find beyond the capacity of their their computer specs. I don’t see how allowing more people to enjoy this skin is hurting those who’ve had it special for 3 years by the time next wintersday comes around. They nerf’d the night fury batwings drop, I didn’t complain.
I do think anet should nerf it next season. The achievement has been around for few years, they should develop some new activities and allow others to enjoy a skin that should be old news by next year.
As far as I’m aware Winter’s Presence was added in 2015, I don’t think we can call it several years old yet. However I agree that by next year people will be itching for something new.
I did not say “several years”, I said “a few years”. By next year it will be a few years since they released it. A few is defined as between 3 and 6. So, yes, I stand by my opinion that they should either nerf the requirement to make it, or nerf the jp itself. It isn’t a legendary weapon, it is a skin. And it is a skin related to content that is only accessible a month a year. It is associated with content that many many players find beyond the capacity of their their computer specs. I don’t see how allowing more people to enjoy this skin is hurting those who’ve had it special for 3 years by the time next wintersday comes around. They nerf’d the night fury batwings drop, I didn’t complain.
I always thought of ‘several’ and ‘few’ and interchangeable terms. I didn’t contradict your opinion I thought you were under the impression it had been around for longer. I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea that I think it would hurt anyone who’s gotten it already.
Sigils should drop again. The fact that they don’t this year, along with a few other changes like the immense increase in price for frostbitten tools is beyond disappointing.
Not sure how useful this will be to players having trouble with this jp, however what seemed to help me was practicing on the jp in Caledon Forest, Spekk’s Laboratory.
Biggest thing that threw me when I first attempted the Wintersday jp was the speed at which you had to jump. Spekk’s jp also has vanishing platforms, and you have to move pretty quickly…plus it has check points. Practicing that one a few times did help me tackle the Wintersday jp with at least more confidence.
Still took me a few tries to get (well, quite a few, but I’m stubborn), but I managed to get past the snowflakes easily enough, after a while. The exploding presents on the other hand….well, they seem easier this year, less random (or maybe that’s just me?)
Try practicing at Spekk’s then come back to the Wintersday jp, don’t give up, just concentrate on getting that one snowflake further (ignore your health timer, to a degree, keep thinking about it will make you lose concentration on the jumping).
@Nightshade: I never mastered the Mad King’s Clocktower, so I feel your pain. But with the Winter Wonderland, I tried a new approach, and it makes the JP a piece of cake once you’ve mastered the basics (also, unlike the Mad King’s Clocktower, you respawn immediately, which helps because you are still in the swing of things!).
So, how to learn mastering Winter Wonderland:
- Deactivate the sound. There is nothing adding more to the stress than the sound of breaking ice behind you and the sound of other players jumping etc. It really helps you focus.
- Ignore the health bar. You’ll never become a calm, focused jumper, quick enough to get through this JP, if you panic about your decreasing health all the time.
- Keep your focus. Ignore everyone else, and if you feel like they are in your way, wait a second for them to jump to the next platform so that you can keep a clear view on your toon.
- Use the left path. I find it to be the easiest.
- The blue boxes. Once you reach the gift boxes/stairs, don’t jump if there are too many other players. Wait for it to clear up a bit. If you are alone, the better! Because if you wait a second after the gifts respawn, you’ll get an extra set of boxes that make the jump extremely easy.
- Chant. Nope, not kidding you. Either put on some motivational music and sing along, or try motivating yourself by talking to yourself (“This is easy, I can do this, I will succeed” etc.).
Yep, sounds crazy, but hey, no one is watching you so just give it a try.
Good luck.
P.S. I went from being unable to master this JP to finishing it within ~2-3 mins of time in merely a couple of days! It just takes practice, focus and — most importantly — a calm mindset.
(edited by Ashantara.8731)
@Nightshade: I never mastered the Mad King’s Clocktower, so I feel your pain. But with the Winter Wonderland, I tried a new approach, and it makes the JP a piece of cake once you’ve mastered the basics (also, unlike the Mad King’s Clocktower, you respawn immediately, which helps because you are still in the swing of things!).
So, how to learn mastering Winter Wonderland:
- Deactivate the sound. There is nothing adding more to the stress than the sound of breaking ice behind you and the sound of other players jumping etc. It really helps you focus.
- Ignore the health bar. You’ll never become a calm, focused jumper, quick enough to get through this JP, if you panic about your decreasing health all the time.
- Keep your focus. Ignore everyone else, and if you feel like they are in your way, wait a second for them to jump to the next platform so that you can keep a clear view on your toon.
- Use the left path. I find it to be the easiest.
- The blue boxes. Once you reach the gift boxes/stairs, don’t jump if there are too many other players. Wait for it to clear up a bit. If you are alone, the better! Because if you wait a second after the gifts respawn, you’ll get an extra set of boxes that make the jump extremely easy.
- Chant. Nope, not kidding you. Either put on some motivational music and sing along, or try motivating yourself by talking to yourself (“This is easy, I can do this, I will succeed” etc.).
Yep, sounds crazy, but hey, no one is watching you so just give it a try.
Good luck.
P.S. I went from being unable to master this JP to finishing it within ~2-3 mins of time in merely a couple of days! It just takes practice, focus and — most importantly — a calm mindset.
Sigh. So the season is over, and yet AGAIN I have not finished the WP JP. 17 snowflakes is my number. Still.
While I appreciate those here who are trying to help, and are giving good advice, the point remains…. I SUCK AT JUMPING PUZZLES. MK tower… I looked at it twice, and have never again even gone into it.
Most here should be familiar w/ the Mawdrey achievement. It’s something that came out of Living World Season 2. Recently I started actively working on earning Mawdrey, principally to crunch up stored Bloodstone Dust.
NoW, as I have proceeded thru the Mawdrey creation process, I have found that there are several JP’s that I HAD to perform/complete in order to activate certain objects or obtain certain objects. Insert scream of agony and frustration HERE.
One of them I completed by myself…. in about an hour or so. A second one, that has dissolving platforms and knock off golems on these balancing rings I would have most likely NOT been able to complete… except for a helpful Mesmer. I’m not looking forward to the third one, I’ve read the walkthrough, It’s going to be another hour or more for me most likely.
I’ve taken the time to watch the U-tube videos. My count is that a player has to complete a MINIMUM of FORTY-EIGHT jumps to get PAST the snowflakes. And it’s obvious to me that the ONLY path I dare take will be the Center one, since it has only ONE set of slick candy cane posts, NOT two. I’ve read write-ups that stress that those candy cane bars are especially tricky.
I am not Mike Tyson, or Bruce Lee, or Chuck Norris. I am not Michael Phelps, nor Jessie Owens, or Apolo Ono. I am not Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, or Barry Bonds. I am just a guy who does NOT aspire to be an insane Jumping bean.
This about ability, or in my case, LACK THEREOF. I avoid jumping puzzles because they make me want to scream and throw my computer through the wall. I never do one for “fun”, only when I “have” to or if a friend of mine wants to. To be FORCED to complete a JP for a SKIN is just insulting as it is aggravating.
So… one last time… The JP should be REMOVED from the WP achievement. I tried to find someone in my 250 person guild to try to go thru the WP JP with me as a teammate. I didn’t get a SINGLE volunteer out of the 60-100 people that were online in that 3 days.
OR. A non-timed, non-melty snowflake, no reward besides completion count version needs to be put in for those of us that NEED 30 minutes to complete what the JP ATHLETES are completing in UNDER THREE MINUTES.
The candy cane bars are NOT a problem, and I am telling you: the left path is easiest to do! Also, STOP COUNTING your steps! That’s insane, as it’ll only stress you out — the opposite of what I wrote in my list of helpful recipes.
If you approach JPs with that negative attitude and that high of a stress level, you will never master the art. All of us started out as noobs, but you have to practice or else you will always shy away from them and fail the few times you decide to give it a try.
I suggest you do the JP completionist achievement. That’s the best practice I can recommend. Good luck.
I tend to find that spending time doing something that I detest in game because it is the only path to something that I want drives me away from the game…or at least encourages me to stop spending money.
That said, I would rather see a skin as the reward for a JP than some sort of vertical progression.
I tend to find that spending time doing something that I detest in game because it is the only path to something that I want drives me away from the game…or at least encourages me to stop spending money.
Okay, you have a valid point there. Maybe I just can’t see how someone would detest JPs, even though some can be quite frustrating at first. I guess since jumping is a core mechanic in GW2, I am simply trying to encourage everyone to master it.
By the way, I detested the requirement of leveling masteries through grinding HoT just to be able to continue with the storyline and have more freedom in the rest of the game (i.e., by having gliding maxed out). But it looks like ArenaNet listened to the feedback and has found a new approach on masteries with the release of Season 3.
However, in the case of something unique like the WP skin, I think that being forced to put in resources (like time and effort) is okay — that’s what makes special skins so special (see legendaries). If it was easy, everyone would have them and it wouldn’t be nearly as rewarding, no?
I tend to find that spending time doing something that I detest in game because it is the only path to something that I want drives me away from the game…or at least encourages me to stop spending money.
Okay, you have a valid point there. Maybe I just can’t see how someone would detest JPs, even though some can be quite frustrating at first.
I guess since jumping is a core mechanic in GW2, I am simply trying to encourage everyone to master it.
By the way, I detested the requirement of leveling masteries through grinding HoT just to be able to continue with the storyline and have more freedom in the rest of the game (i.e., by having gliding maxed out). But it looks like ArenaNet listened to the feedback and has found a new approach on masteries with the release of Season 3.
However, in the case of something unique like the WP skin, I think that being forced to put in resources (like time and effort) is okay — that’s what makes special skins so special (see legendaries). If it was easy, everyone would have them and it wouldn’t be nearly as rewarding, no?
Jumping is a core mechanic. Hmm. NO. JP’s have never been “required” content. Unless you want the overall achievement. Or are FORCED into it to try to get a SKIN that you want.
I’ve been playing GW2 since about SIX MONTHS after launch. I avoid JP’s like the plague, and never EVER do them anymore unless I bring someone along or I see other players already moving thru a puzzle.
I cannot stress this enough.. they drive me crazy. I hate, loathe, detest, and wish that there WERE NO JP’s in the game. You probably go into a puzzle, finish it the second or third try and move on, unless it’s a particularly difficult one. I remind you of my post about the Auric Basin JP inside of the conical cave.
Three falls in the same area. My glider saved me twice, I missed the close save the 3rd time, flew down to the vista and got that. THEN I started up and FELL again on the second loop around. At that point my friend had almost made it to the top, so I wisely waited for him to make it.
So that’s FOUR falls, and I was NEVER more than 2/3’s done at any point until I used a personal TP. Meanwhile my buddy didn’t fall ONCE.
I have NO DESIRE to stress myself out any further than I have to. JP’s are my personal Kryptonite, and WD JP aside, I’ve made my peace w/ that.
Which is why I have REPEATEDLY requested that the WD JP be removed from the WP achievement. Or offer an alternative. Say 20 wins in PvP during the WD celebration. Or even 40. Doable, especially if you have a guild and get a team together.
Or make a non timed, non melting, non freezing, NON INSANE version of the WD JP. One that I can spend 30 or 40 minutes in order to complete it for achievement credit ONLY.
It wouldn’t even be that HARD for the devs to do EITHER of these things. Unlike ME trying and trying and trying the STUPID #%&*()($ PUZZLE AND FAILING EVERY TIME. In the snowflakes section. Usually before I complete TWELVE JUMPS. When I need FORTY EIGHT JUMPS IN ABOUT NINETY SECONDS TO EVEN GET TO THE SECOND STAGE.
IN. SANE. Nuff said.
I am not at all fond of jumping puzzles. Then again I do not care for platforming games either. I do not have a problem with an exclusive reward being gated behind specific content, especially if it is a purely cosmetic reward such as a skin. I dont feel that a holiday item needs to maintain a semblance of being “special” by being gated in this manner though.
I’d be nice if they said whats the deal with the sigils and runes, sigils are spiked at like 6g each and we need 50…. on top of the mystic coins. what a shame and most of all, what a low and dirty move on behalf of the devs.