Winters day Event Satisfaction Survey
1)graphics (1-bad…10-amazing) – 9
2)sound(1-bad…10-amazing) – 7
3)story concept/originality (1-boring…10-captivating) – 8
4)loot/reward (1-lost all my money…10-gained amazing items) – 8 for some reason i stopped getting cogs and couldn’t get 2 other minipets, otherwise everything else was great
5)stability (1-extremly buggy…10-no bugs) – 8
6)network connection/speed (1-laggy,disconnections, 10 – perfect connection) – 9
7)mini events length (1-to long/short…10-just right) – 7
8)overall event length (1-to long/short…10-just right) – 10
9)overall Satisfaction (1-worst experience ever,10-best experience ever) – 8
1) 10 The art was excellent.
2) 10 The bells were a great touch.
3) 5 “It’s wintersday, and an inventor made stuff and decided to give it away? Wait, the stuff broke and attacked people?” <- story in a nutshell… eh, they didn’t re-invent the wheel or anything, but it was amusing. That being said, on “concept” the idea of not being able to party with the people we want to was a complete and total /facepalm moment that pretty much turned me off from doing the event.
4) 3 Rated a 3 because while I didn’t lose any money on the event, the loot was fairly useless, aside from the bag that got sent to my new toon. I’m not complaining about it, really- it’s not like I expected something earth-shattering as a reward. I just thought the reward we did get was very… meh.
5) 10 I didn’t have any issues with the event stuff in terms of stability.
6) 10 goes hand in hand with stability, I thought?
7) 10 fine, I guess
8) 7 Honestly, I think this went on a bit too long, and became very stale very quickly. After you completed the Toypocalypse, there was really no reason to re-do it, unless you were achievement hunting. Event probably could have been a week shorter without seeing anyone cry over it.
9) 6.5 Being completely honest, the Halloween event was far more entertaining. The Mad King’s realm areas were loot-filled and hilarious. Candy Corn monsters? Yes please!… And for Wintersday you want me… wait, you want me to run around and… paint dolls? eh…..
Couple this with, again, the fact that I couldn’t partake of the event with my friends that I chose to (what happened to the “guild” concept in ‘Guild Wars’?), and it was less than impressive. Could’ve been worse, I suppose: it could have gone like Lost Shores.
Maybe if you don’t refer to it as holiday theme and just an event with cool new skins and unique items you would enjoy it?