Wintersday Event at a different city please
You have to read the event properly. That Asura will travel from city to city….. “Before Tixx arrives in Lion’s Arch in his massive airship toy workshop, he’ll visit every major city in Tyria to deliver Wintersday toys and holiday cheer.”
Recruiting dungeon raiders.
I don’t know about you guys, but i’ll be waiting in Rata Summ!
Hopefully those toys include delivering activities to the game! Those cities can use some life. Check out my sig if you want to see more on activities that they might add with this new content… maybe…
So instead of people clogging up la, people will clog up diff cities, one at a time, before ultimately clogging up la again. Wish they’d just do the event simultaneous in all cities.
I did costume brawl in rata sum which was a great place since there was no culling.
Request carriage rides in Divinity’s Reach… it goes in a nice circle.