Wintersday Event, boggled

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ykfox.3825


I’m going to number the points the OP was making, as I understand it.

Quote: Tixx arrives in Lion’s Arch in his massive airship toy workshop.

Like, I don’t even know how to accept this really, Guild Wars Style. I am just lost and confused why it exist and how does it work with the lore? *(1)

I understand its an Asura and all but really… a Golem airship? Would had accepted giant floating cube or a regular airship but a golem?

Just being a nerd but… magic can only go so far and so does fuel. On top of that, wouldn’t having something that big would give leeway to the dragons into shooting it down, since the energy required to keep that thing a float and running would match that of a small nuclear bomb. (2)

Also… why is an Asuran making Toys? Usually Asuras are all witty and snotty about being smart and a superior race, yet its making toys? Which lore wise, would be toys suited for a complex Asura child to play with. No other race would understand the toys Tixx would make.

/Opens Presents /receive “Mathematical entries of dimensional portions calculator”. (3)

A human would had been better for the situation, if anything go Norn if that desperate. Really getting tired of Asura this and Asura that content updates. The race isn’t all that interesting. (4)

Right then, let’s address these points shall we?

(1) An Asuran (Tixx), has apparently decided he likes Wintersday and thus decided to create toys for the various races of Tyria. Naturally he decides he needs a workshop to create these toys in, and what better way then a giant floating airship he can pilot to the various cities to deliver the toys.

HOW is this not something any Asura would do? Have you SEEN their homecity? It’s a giant series of cubes. That float. The entire city floats. On AIR.

(2) Giant golem is a lot more interesting then a giant floating cube, also if you consider how much energy it must take to keep Rata Sum floating year round nonstop, considering we don’t even know how big this Golemzeppelin is yet, it’s fully believable. With regards to the dragons shooting it down, yes, they totally have nothing better to do then attack a random airship that’s been who knows where.

(3) Seriously? You clearly haven’t played GW1. Humans 250 years ago were using golem beacons etc. to launch-summon golem support. (G.O.L.E.M. mission in Eye of the North). Asuran’s can totally design little toys humans etc could understand, and so what if they’re incredibly advanced, that just makes it more fun when they explode.

(4) Clearly, it seems to me you simply have something against the Asuran race. They’re awesome, and I wholeheartedly approve of this update. Honestly, what would you prefer, a giant norn or human in a big red suit riding around in a boring old sleigh or something?

Disclaimer: If the preceeding post annoyed, insulted, and/or irritated anyone, well, tough. ANet has decreed we shall have a Golemzeppelin to admire, AND A GOLEMZEPPELIN WE SHALL HAVE.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Louveepine.7630


Frankly, I like the idea of an asura nice, there are many asuras friendly. In the books we have two, and one of rots.

There are different kinds of geniuses in the world, good people who want ammélioré people’s lives, and people really bad.
Dreamers and destroyers of dreams.

A demon who loves games, who dreams may exist.

Then, for the golem flying me it does not shock me more than that. They have many cities that fly.
We have blocks of rocks flying castles in the sky, airships too heavy at the end of Arah functioning thanks to the magic. And boat should be driven deeper into the water because of the weight.

Me, it does not affect me more than that, and I am very happy to see a nice Asura.

# Asura because I’m worth it!

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


Since Winter’s day Thread is not up yet, which is weird on not having this open and available so we can freely discussing but this is what’s bugging me.

Quote: Tixx arrives in Lion’s Arch in his massive airship toy workshop.


Like, I don’t even know how to accept this really, Guild Wars Style. I am just lost and confused why it exist and how does it work with the lore?

I understand its an Asura and all but really… a Golem airship? Would had accepted giant floating cube or a regular airship but a golem?

Just being a nerd but… magic can only go so far and so does fuel. On top of that, wouldn’t having something that big would give leeway to the dragons into shooting it down, since the energy required to keep that thing a float and running would match that of a small nuclear bomb.

Also… why is an Asuran making Toys? Usually Asuras are all witty and snotty about being smart and a superior race, yet its making toys? Which lore wise, would be toys suited for a complex Asura child to play with. No other race would understand the toys Tixx would make.

/Opens Presents /receive “Mathematical entries of dimensional portions calculator”.

A human would had been better for the situation, if anything go Norn if that desperate. Really getting tired of Asura this and Asura that content updates. The race isn’t all that interesting.

Edit: Not sure why link went bad, posted the main page, from GW2 Twitter.

I’d say that your racism against the Asura stems from an inferiority complex.

P.S. Only the Asura were smart enough to put the research into uncovering the history of the Mad King, or the mystery of the Karka.

P.P.S. Both events had humans, Quaggan, Hylick, and other races participating as well. It’s just Asura are the initial “brains” behind the operations.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zen.2450


I really want more serious lore, not this fluff crap. Please don’t put in fantastic fiction, we want fantasy fiction.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

The games lore is confusing enough without having a Golem Airship making toys.

. . .

I think GW1 would have made your head explode during the holidays. Starting with the April Fools quests the last two years, the utter silliness of some of the Canthan New Year quests, Dwaya’s reindeer “Rudi” . . .

And without the holidays, the Norn Fighting Tournament ran by Magnus the Bison. Wherein people were there for almost no reason other than to fill a potential slot for an opponent.

There’s so much other goofy stuff which made it into the lore that a toymaking asura who has a massive golem airship manufacturing facility might be tamer than “Drakes on a Plain” which ends with a scythe which looks like a banana.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


@ Zen.2450

Its pointless. This game is not worth fighting for and its clear that there is too many idiots to fall for this crap. Enjoy it while you can because on that day when the toy airship comes, will be a far greater Lag day than lost shores event while this toy airship, rains down gifts from above.

Yes, I know very well he passes out gifts before that day. However, have a gut feeling about the raining gifts of presents.

Edit: I am shocked why this thread is not closed with a Dev reply “Thanks for the Feedback.” Just allowing it to stay open to allow trolls to give leeway to Arenanet by posting how great and wonderful Arenanet is, is sickening.

(edited by Shadowlancer.7102)

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


There is one thing that’s been bothering me with the entire premise of this thread.

Where is the plot hole? We have no information about Trixx or his airship, other than the fact that the airship is also his toy workshop.

What we do have a is a single piece of concept art depicting a golem-shaped flying machine. We have no idea if this is an actual working golem that can fly, and has room inside for a workshop…or if it is just a huge golem-shaped balloon with the workshop space being a small part central of the airship.

From the picture, my initial impression is the latter. That it’s a huge balloon with the workshop in the “body” of the golem.

Ok, I have to say something to this.


Enjoy it while you can because on that day when the toy airship comes, will be a far greater Lag day than lost shores event while this toy airship, rains down gifts from above.

Yes, I know very well he passes out gifts before that day. However, have a gut feeling about the raining gifts of presents.

What is going to cause this supposed lag? Where is this information from?

I’m sure rendering a large airship will have some impact on graphic performance of the game, but it has nothing to do with lag in any way. Standing in a city like LA, you’re PC has to render a lot already, and the model of this airship (likely high in the sky, and not of extreme detail) should not be an issue for most players.

I do not see anything on the event page about “gifts raining down from above”, so please stop making up “facts” to prove a point that does not exist, or provide a source of this information if you feel it is accurate.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


@ mrstealth.6701

I really hate it when people argue with me, I want you all to remember this thread because I have never been wrong in most of my threads, even the ones deleted because Arenanet is not that hard or complex to figure out.

- Inquest are involved with this event.
- You will be able to go inside the Toy workshop located in the Golem Airship, which will be instanced.
- Lag will be so bad in Major cities on the day when the Airship visits the major cities and that a majority of the community, will not see this appear on their screen or see the event in motion.
- Black Lion Chest will be updated.
- Christmas Outfits.
- New Christmas Mystic Forge recipes.
- Finally a twist in the Toy Dungeon instance which will cause problems in group.

As for my source of information. You would never be satisfied, where I got it from and call it fake.

However, once again, I have never been wrong. Enjoy and remember my words.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asglarek.8976


whats really dumbfounding is why on earth Lions Arch , why not Hoelbrak, Rata Sum, Black Citadel hell even The Grove is AN deliberately trying to crash the game servers theres already overloading upon overloading in LA.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


@ Asglarek.8976

Because Arenanet said Lion’s Arch was always been planned to be the main area for community gathers, it also has less programing.

Since half the map is nothing but ocean, the high mountains given to hide the back parts of the map, its very easy for programmers to do whatever event in LA without many issues. However not making this a Lost Shore argument situation.

That’s the reason why LA is always chosen.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kill.3458


Yep shadow, spot on, you sire do know everything about this GAME, you were definitely there when the developers talked of the plans for Wintersday, and your definitely not trying to show off your “genius” on the forums rather than in where it could be of some minor “benefit” others.

You my friend are nothing more but a troll, and though you may not believe so, you have shown yourself to be a socially inept individual whom lacks the ability to know when he’s wrong.

Hope ES is all you dreamed it to be, Good Night sir and good riddance

(edited by Kill.3458)

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


@ mrstealth.6701

I really hate it when people argue with me, I want you all to remember this thread because I have never been wrong in most of my threads, even the ones deleted because Arenanet is not that hard or complex to figure out.

- Inquest are involved with this event.
- You will be able to go inside the Toy workshop located in the Golem Airship, which will be instanced.
- Lag will be so bad in Major cities on the day when the Airship visits the major cities and that a majority of the community, will not see this appear on their screen or see the event in motion.
- Black Lion Chest will be updated.
- Christmas Outfits.
- New Christmas Mystic Forge recipes.
- Finally a twist in the Toy Dungeon instance which will cause problems in group.

As for my source of information. You would never be satisfied, where I got it from and call it fake.

However, once again, I have never been wrong. Enjoy and remember my words.

There is no need to assume I wil not be satisfied with your information. In fact, your refusal to share this source is a very good reason to not believe it even exists. As always, the only accurate/factual info is that posted by Arenanet.

However, some of the things you list here are likely to happen.

The Inquest like to disrupt asuran activity whenever they can, so it’s possible they will attempt that with this event, but it is not fact.

Seasonal/Event-related costumes have been in the Guild Wars series for a few years. We saw them in GW2 in the Halloween event, and I think the majority of players assume there will be Wintersday costumes as well.

Black Lion Chest updates are a possibility, but the use of a new event-only chest (like the Consortium Chest) is just as, if not more likely.

The toyshop being an instance/dungeon is a possiblity, but not a fact. Assuming there will be issues with the dungeon is quite a stretch. I don’t recall any major problems with the Mad King dungeon.

As with the Halloween event, special mystic forge recipes are also something likely to return.

As for the lag. Any event cramming a large amount of players into a small area is likely to cause rendering issues with players not appearing on your screeen. Having “invisible players” in town during an event is not an actual problem, it’s no more than an annoyance. The lag during the initial Karka attack in LA can be attributed to the massive amounts of enemies and active combat, not from only the amount of players present. I had no lag during the Halloween event, despite the large number of players in LA at the time. Also, changing your claim for the cause of lag from “presents raining down” to “a lot of players being there” is not supporting your original claim, it’s avoiding it entirely. Arenanet actually tried the “random presents dropping on the ground” idea in Guild Wars, and it was a mess that was later replaced with items simply being added to your inventory. The Halloween event in GW2 managed this through a chest that spawned in LA.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


@ Kill.3458

Quote: “You my friend are nothing more but a troll, and though you may not believe so, you have shown yourself to be a socially inept individual whom lacks the ability to know when he’s wrong.”

So everything I claimed in my post in reply to @ mrstealth.6701’s post, and every one of the situations I listed happens, you are going to apologies to me right?

Note: Screen shoted this just so I can relish the day it happens and proof of you accusation towards me.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wesley.4590


@ Wesley.4590

You are the very reason, among many other folks, why MMOs have gone to crap. So because I posted an opinion of finding a plot hole in the lore, I am on a high horse?

You Sir are fail! I do not pity people like you and for your information, I have a better understanding what people fall for, which you fall under that category, of quantity type games rather than quality.

I am embarrassed to be around people that claim to be gamers which in all reality, you are nothing close to being a gamer and the fact you have the audacity to say you have a valid opinion about the situation is a mockery.

However, please continue on talking about … well nothing. I think its very clear what Arenanets “Winter Day” ’s event is aiming for.

No actually that’s nowhere near what I actually posted… Here it is one more time, specifically for you:
I never said you were on a high horse because you posted an opinion of “finding a plot hole in the lore”, I said you were on a high horse because you just can’t accept that some people have different thoughts than you and that that doesn’t immediatly make them stupid. If you even read my previous post you would have noticed this.

But hey according to your logic, I disagree with you so I must be a “fail”, “the very reason, among many other folks (because you don’t want to give me too much credit, I understand), why MMOs have gone to crap”, plus I have to be “nothing close to being a gamer” and ofcourse I can’t have a valid opinion (sorry that I couldn’t copy that one, but that’s because of the phrasing).

Do you see how many times you’ve tried to insult me there just because I don’t share your opinion? While all I was doing was sharing my own opinion here, just like you did in your first post. And the most ironic thing about all this is that most people now probably think of you exactly what you think of me or even worse

But let’s get back to my initial point. I would advise you to have some patience and wait until they give us the backgroundstory. That way you have the complete picture instead of only a small fragment of the new lore. If you decide then that you still don’t like it, then let them know here. If it turns out it wasn’t all that bad afterall, maybe you can learn a lesson from this and next time don’t start bashing something new until you have all the information to make a good judgement.


Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

@ mrstealth.6701

I really hate it when people argue with me, I want you all to remember this thread because I have never been wrong in most of my threads, even the ones deleted because Arenanet is not that hard or complex to figure out.

- Inquest are involved with this event.
- You will be able to go inside the Toy workshop located in the Golem Airship, which will be instanced.
- Lag will be so bad in Major cities on the day when the Airship visits the major cities and that a majority of the community, will not see this appear on their screen or see the event in motion.
- Black Lion Chest will be updated.
- Christmas Outfits.
- New Christmas Mystic Forge recipes.
- Finally a twist in the Toy Dungeon instance which will cause problems in group.

As for my source of information. You would never be satisfied, where I got it from and call it fake.

However, once again, I have never been wrong. Enjoy and remember my words.

Oh, good, you’ve never been wrong. Therefore, you don’t need to cite your sources when you make these claims about “what’s really going on.” When, in fact, most of that could be inferred from how Halloween was handled and the other half is very broad things . . .

If I were to make predictions similar to that, it’d be easy to never be wrong.

I will make my own three predictions, which won’t be wrong and you could take that to the bank.

- Lots of people are going to have a good time doing this block of events.
- Some people are going to complain about them.
- There will be an NPC named Toymaker Tixx involved in some of the events either directly or through his minions.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


@ Wesley.4590

Seems you misunderstood what I said about me listing things what I know will happen versus your acclaims of disbelief towards me. My reply was for @ Kill.3458 about that list, not you @ Wesley.4590.

However its okay, people make mistakes.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


@ Tobias Trueflight.8350

I was never wrong about the Halloween event leakage I provided 2-3 weeks early on my previous server, nor was I wrong providing yet again leakage about the Lost Shores event.

However, I dont have to prove anything since I know I am right, what you need to prove along with others that are trying to prove me wrong, is the list I provided.

Which cannot be proved until more information comes out. However I think on my new server, I shall share some secret info with some people about Gem Shop prices and what to expect inside the Toy dungeon.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leite.9475


I really hate it when people argue with me, I want you all to remember this thread because I have never been wrong in most of my threads, even the ones deleted because Arenanet is not that hard or complex to figure out.


However, once again, I have never been wrong. Enjoy and remember my words.


dont care if this post gets edited or deleted …. just some random noob on an ego trip, nothing else to see here… tho the event seems interesting and the term “golemzepplin” made me laugh tons (not as much as the OP’s DIVINE NEED FOR PERSONAL TRUTHINESS) but still a decent amount. Rest of the lore posts are quite interesting as i havent ever played GW1

…. troll on OP, troll on

[Faith] – Maguuma ~ Sigzerker

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

@ Tobias Trueflight.8350

I was never wrong about the Halloween event leakage I provided 2-3 weeks early on my previous server, nor was I wrong providing yet again leakage about the Lost Shores event.

However, I dont have to prove anything since I know I am right, what you need to prove along with others that are trying to prove me wrong, is the list I provided.

Which cannot be proved until more information comes out. However I think on my new server, I shall share some secret info with some people about Gem Shop prices and what to expect inside the Toy dungeon.

No, my friend, the burden of proof is on you. Not us. If you are going to make claims you have to back them up with evidence. (Why is it so hard for people to grasp the correct order of things like this?)

- Person A holds up a sealed envelope and says inside there is a picture of something. Let’s say it’s a photograph of a dog.

- Person B says the envelope holds something else, like a grocery list. The envelope is completely opaque therefore one cannot look through it to see the contents, and two cardboard slats are in there to prevent anything from being discerned simply by feeling it.

- Person A now has the burden of proof to show what is in the envelope or otherwise prove that what is inside is a photograph of a dog. If he cannot prove this, or if he refuses to open the envelope, his claim can no longer be taken with complete credulity.

That’s how making claims work. You could be right, you could be wrong, but nobody is going to believe you if you refuse to show evidence or just claim that you have to be right because of a fault of “Person B”.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


It’s not exactly a challenge to guess price of gem shop items that will get added. I think anyone with a bit of common sense could have guessed we were getting a Mad King costume at Halloween, and used the existing items to estimate its price.

And it was rather obvious from the earliest Halloween event info that we would likely be visiting the Mad King’s realm for some of the quests or events, and that there would be a jumping puzzle based on a clocktower.

I would also like to note that we have nothing more than your claims (which currently do not carry much weight) that you made predictions about other events.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wesley.4590


Note: Screen shoted this just so I can relish the day it happens and proof of you accusation towards me.

Wow did you actually just do this or were you just kidding there? Because that would be so sad… “Relish the day it happens” that you were right about stuff like lag during a holiday event in a game, no kitten Sherlock! Let me try that aswell!
I predict:
- Gem prices rising even further in the upcoming weeks because of Wintersday
- A Wintersday-themed Town Clothing Hat for participating in the finale
- Major cities being decorated with Wintersday-themes
- My account and character names staying the same during the event
- Hundreds of double complain post topics about Wintersday on the forum
- A lot of people also enjoying Wintersday

When these genius predictions of mine come true, I will finally feel like I’ve accomplished something in my life! And I feel entitled to call myself a real gamer and smarter than all of you!

Yeah… I’m not going to do that, sorry… It’s just too pathetic.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadowlancer.7102


@ Tobias Trueflight.8350

You and the others on this thread is saying my information is false, where I am saying it is true.

I am still gathering information about the “Golem Airship event raining presents”. I am assuming, from my current intel, its an animation effect that will cause the Major Lag on that day, however fully knowing that Arenanet is watching this thread very closely and watching my every move.

One could say they might remove that animation to prevent the said Lag that I have predicted, or ignore me all together and include it anyways.

However since its not on my list, that I posted, I will still need 3-4 days to finish gathering my information before, deciding what to do with it.

Its been such a pleasure watching you all go after me. However, when I am right, I am right. Good Night.

(edited by Shadowlancer.7102)

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pingley.1268


Actually, I feel ANet has great concepts and ideas for all of their updates (Yes, even Lost Shores was a pretty good idea. I was interested!), and this one is no worse than the others.
I really like ANets idea of going unique. Rather than having some Norn with a deer as his spirit animal distribute toys or something, they went with something that wouldn’t have been my first guess for “Santa”, the asura!
Now in response to your “lore” criticisms, I don’t believe there is a real problem. If cubes hover, why not golems? Rata Sum is large, yet it hovers. Besides, even if the size proportionality is a bit off, it’s concept art. It can be changed.
An asura would be smart enough to give the kids what they wanted… Just like Santa doesn’t give a Nerf gun to a 3 year-old girl, Tixx will know how to adapt his gifts to the receiver.
Also, remember that asuras are geniuses, innovators, and creators. “Toys” in your eyes may seem pathetic, but a creative person, as I believe Tixx is, may seem toys as keys to our joy or perhaps the real answer to developing on a mental level, going back to our childhood roots, or something of that sort.
By the way, a human being “Santa”? A norn? Facepalm Those are sadly unoriginal and I truly believe ANet would not go for something as dull and plain as that.
Now give ANet a chance to amaze us, rather than criticizing everything about a new idea they have that they haven’t even released.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheAmpca.1753


@ mrstealth.6701

I really hate it when people argue with me, I want you all to remember this thread because I have never been wrong in most of my threads

Hard to be wrong when you think your point is the only valid point.

Honestly what do you want that dictates “good lore” This is a fantasy game, no where does it say “all Asurans in guild wars 2 will act like x y z and all x and y will have attributes q r e.” The lore is changing, so what whoooopdey doo. Honestly it seems you want a flat and unchanging lore which leads to a pretty boring story.

@ Tobias Trueflight.8350

You and the others on this thread is saying my information is false, where I am saying it is true.

I am still gathering information about the “Golem Airship event raining presents”. I am assuming, from my current intel, its an animation effect that will cause the Major Lag on that day, however fully knowing that Arenanet is watching this thread very closely and watching my every move.

One could say they might remove that animation to prevent the said Lag that I have predicted, or ignore me all together and include it anyways.

However since its not on my list, that I posted, I will still need 3-4 days to finish gathering my information before, deciding what to do with it.

Its been such a pleasure watching you all go after me. However, when I am right, I am right. Good Night.

Paragraph 1: Stating the obvious doesn’t make your argument valid
Paragraph 2: I see your imagination is a very good source for gathering intel on real events. Here let me give it a go “My intel tells me that president Barack Obama is actually white and always wears sharpie to hide this”
Paragraph 3: Yes one could say this, hell one could say anything that one wanted to say
Paragraph 4: Good idea, might want to think before you accuse Anet of doing something they haven’t
Paragraph 5: True statement, when you are right you are right. However just because when you are right you are right doesn’t mean when you are wrong you are right.
Paragraph 2 end " Arenanet is watching this thread very closely and watching my every move.": I believe this is a communly used practice called forum moderating

(edited by TheAmpca.1753)

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wesley.4590


@ Wesley.4590

Seems you misunderstood what I said about me listing things what I know will happen versus your acclaims of disbelief towards me. My reply was for @ Kill.3458 about that list, not you @ Wesley.4590.

However its okay, people make mistakes.

Read the post of you that I quoted in my message again. I wasn’t even talking about your post @ Kill.3458. I was responding to an earlier post of you directed at me. It’s even in the quote! I never even made acclaims of disbelief towards you, all I said was that you shouldn’t jump to conclusions about Wintersday while Anet has only released 4 sentences of information about it so far and that your whole attitude in this topic is disrespectful!

For someone claiming to be so much smarter than all of us, you do need a lot of explaining… Hope you get it this time.

(edited by Wesley.4590)

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


@ Tobias Trueflight.8350

You and the others on this thread is saying my information is false, where I am saying it is true.

I am still gathering information about the “Golem Airship event raining presents”. I am assuming, from my current intel, its an animation effect that will cause the Major Lag on that day, however fully knowing that Arenanet is watching this thread very closely and watching my every move.

One could say they might remove that animation to prevent the said Lag that I have predicted, or ignore me all together and include it anyways.

That’s a nice “out” that lets you be “right” about something whether the present raining happens or not. Make your claim, back it up, and stick to it. Swapping your story around just destroys any credibility you might have had. Also, assuming anything animated is going to cause “lag” is a bit silly. Performance issues from onscreen/rendered effects and lag/latency are completley different techinical issues.

I’m also not saying your information is false. I’m only saying that it is not factual, there is nothing to back up your claims. At this point, they are merely predictions that may or may not come true. Some of them rather obvious ones that anyone would see as possibilities.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wesley.4590


-snip- fully knowing that Arenanet is watching this thread very closely and watching my every move. -snip-

Yeah Anet is definitely watching your every move closely and this topic, that’s why they closed it already…

By any chance do you regularly have the feeling that you’re being followed and the whole world is plotting against you?

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ConcernedPlum.1087


“I really hate it when people argue with me, I want you all to remember this thread because I have never been wrong in most of my threads, even the ones deleted because Arenanet is not that hard or complex to figure out.”
I generally use the forums to see if there is any new information out, etc and hardly ever log in to actually write anything. (Prefer to just watch rather then participate) But after seeing this paragraph I felt I had to jump in. You sir/ ma’am seem to be on one of the highest horses I have ever seen in my life. This is probably one of the most irritating threads to have read but I couldn’t help myself as I clicked next to watch your posts become more and more grating. There have been 126 posts centered around different discussions as to how you may or may not be wrong and in your defense you have simply said that you are right and that person is wrong or ignorant. Show us your information leak and I will happily apologize but until then.. Good day.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

@ Tobias Trueflight.8350

You and the others on this thread is saying my information is false, where I am saying it is true.

I am still gathering information about the “Golem Airship event raining presents”. I am assuming, from my current intel, its an animation effect that will cause the Major Lag on that day, however fully knowing that Arenanet is watching this thread very closely and watching my every move.

One could say they might remove that animation to prevent the said Lag that I have predicted, or ignore me all together and include it anyways.

However since its not on my list, that I posted, I will still need 3-4 days to finish gathering my information before, deciding what to do with it.

Its been such a pleasure watching you all go after me. However, when I am right, I am right. Good Night.

I’m not going to BOTHER going after you because, well, you claimed your information is incomplete or that it could be changed later. Which is a great safety net for you to make any claim and when it turns out differently or slightly differently . . . “well they must have changed it”. So you’re not wrong, you were right when you made the prediction.

This is also a common problem because it illustrates one problem with “infallible predictions” which can be changed once you know about it. I drop a glass mug towards the floor and someone catches it. Naturally, my prediction the mug was going to shatter is right because of outside inference of how a glass object reacts when dropped from a height, but there is still room for me to be wrong. The glass might not shatter, but only chip or crack without breaking apart.

But if someone catches it, the glass did not shatter and my prediction for that experiment is no longer any good due to outside influence. The fact that, all things being predictable and without interference, the glass would shatter on the floor does not mean there is a guarantee it will happen. Outside influence is always an unknown factor.

Also, and this might be a bit of a stretch but I’ll throw it in anyway: as soon as you predict the future and say something there is an likely chance the event you predicted will be avoided. If I warn someone that I saw them get into a car accident twelve hours from now . . . it’s perfectly possible they won’t get into it if my information is detailed enough to prevent it from happening due to other precautions.

Anyway, my point in the post still stands. I am not saying, definitively, your information is false and your predictions won’t happen. A broken clock is right twice a day, at the least. I am saying the burden of proof is on you and if you refuse to give any then you can’t be surprised nobody is going to believe you.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i sense that the golem workshop will be some kind of asuran-themed wintersday dungeon, in the air. maybe players will have to retake the workshop from the grentches, or something, saving wintersday.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wesley.4590


@ Wesley.4590

Congratulations, you changed the quote to a new quote, after my comment. Are you proud of yourself? Also please do not waste my time about no “Edit” is being shown, you can edit something within 1 minute or less before the “Edit” can be shown, thus you can ninja edit things.

Anyways, just wanted to point that out since you are being so smug about it. Good night.

Don’t even answer my previous question, because this post already gave me the answer.

Yeah sure, I ninja edited my post if that even exists. And how do you explain that if I did it within that short amount of time, you still saw the original version containing the other quote I presumably made? Or are you just that pathetic that you keep on refreshing this page every second when you are not typing?

Admitting you made a mistake really isn’t the end of the world you know… But please, go talk to someone about all of this, it could really help you out.

PS: How could I have changed my post within a minute or so, if I presumably changed it after I read your response to it? Do you see the conflict here?!

(edited by Wesley.4590)

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


There have been 126 posts centered around different discussions as to how you may or may not be wrong and in your defense you have simply said that you are right and that person is wrong or ignorant.

126 posts, and I’m still trying to figure out if he is trying to be some sort of Tyrian Nostradomus (writing vague predictions that can easily be reworked later to fit actual events) or is just upset because he doesn’t like Asurans….and is venting that by trying to troll his own thread.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wesley.4590


I would like to apologize for getting sucked into this nonsense and basically reinforcing the OP in staying off-topic.

I hope it’s not too late for this topic to go back to it’s initial discussion, but at least I’m done with all this off-topic kitten

We’ll see how the event and the lore surrounding the event turns out. So far I see no warning signs and I’m definitely looking forward to joining in on the festivities in all the major cities this time! Looks promising, this might be the beginning of the end of the ghost towns^^ Keep’em coming Anet!

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Penguin.5197


@ Avatar.1923

Sorry but I am just, criticizing Arenanet on wanting to make a believable story lore and this golem airship thing, is probably the dumbest if not the stupidest idea they have ever came up and came out in future content update.

I feel bad for arenanet they always get criticized before they release ANYTHING.
Feel the christmas spirit people! Let this one go!! >:O

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drifter.8453


I would guess since Asura are the tinest race, could be an entity of Santa Elves.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aphix.9846


This is the most stupid topic I’ve read. For all I care it could be a magical unicorn flying from city to city giving toys. Why does it matter, AT ALL ?

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JERRIX.5390



It’s a game with Holiday events. All the lore started in someone’s head anyway, they do what they want! If this is such a big deal to ya OP, I’d say it’s time to get off the computer and celebrate some real holidays. At least they all have Lore that makes sense, right? lol a baby born in a barn and Santa Clause…. good night!

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

I rarely post on the forums, I usually just browse, but after reading through this thread, I just felt the need to post.

OP, you accuse others of being ignorant and stupid, and yet you fail to see the blatant irony of your own comments. Your own arrogance and ignorance is just….I don’t have a word for it…astounding? unfathomable? unbelievable? All of your posts are insulting and condescending toward others. You imply at every turn that only you are right, that everyone else is wrong, and that anyone who disagrees with you is stupid.
You have no leg to stand on. No facts to back up your claims. only OPINIONS. And yet when others post their OPINIONS, you accuse them of being wrong, stupid, and ignorant. You’re so full of yourself, it’s almost sickening.

Back on topic, I see absolutely nothing wrong with the event, in fact I agree with the majority of the posters in this thread; this is EXACTLY the kind of thing an Asura would do, and I wholeheartedly look forward to it!

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Wintersday was always my favorite GW event, largely because I really got into GW1 during the first Wintersday event (2005; I had played before, but tossed it aside till then). I’m glad to see a fresh start on the holiday instead of trying to stuff in old lore (the gods) that doesn’t fit the current world status.

I’m looking forward to this event, and welcome our new floppy-eared Santa/Wintersday Gift Giver, and his robotic sleigh, with open arms. It’s crazy, it’s quirky, and I love the idea.

It doesn’t have to make sense with the lore to be fun, even though I still think this will fit the lore just fine. It’s a 2-week event, and everything from it, aside from some novelty items, will be gone after the festival.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega Mayhem.7163

Omega Mayhem.7163

Ya’ll got trolled HARD.

Wintersday Event, boggled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.3406


Due to the inflammatory tone of this thread, it will be closed. Please keep in mind that if you want to discuss issues on our forums, you have to do it in a constructive way.