Wintersday and One Time Events

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unspecified.9142


I hope Anet isn’t planning to put any one time events in the Wintersday event/celebration/whatever it is. Having one time events for Halloween or randomly in November is one thing. Putting one time events at a time of year where you can guarantee the majority of people will have holiday related things to do in real life (e.g. going home for the holidays) would just be a terrible idea.

I’m probably going to miss Wintersday entirely and I’m fine with that. I’m going to be away from home and spending time with family which is a million times more important to me (I might be able to get some time on a laptop but I won’t be making a special effort for it). What I do care about is the long term health of this game because I like it.

I always liked the way GW1 handled holidays because if you could only login for 1-2 hours over the entire event you could still do most things you just didn’t get to farm as much or spend much time doing any particular thing.

My fear is that there will be something like a one time event at noon PST on any of the days around Christmas. People shouldn’t be forced to choose between their family and a game (hopefully it’s not much of a choice and people go for family).

My hope is just that Anet looks back at GW1 and realizes the ‘everything is open from day 1 until the end’ is the right model for a major holiday like Wintersday. I guarantee everyone will want to participate but people who have their priorities straight aren’t going to skip a family lunch/dinner/Christmas morning (sorry not too familiar with other holiday’s traditions) just to participate in an in-game event.

If any holiday should be a “do it on your time” event it’s Wintersday. Save the one time event story telling (which I love btw) for times of the year where you can’t realistically expect 99% of your player base to have plans.

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Derk.3189


One time events are great for creating the atmosphere that there are still heaps of players playing the game. I don’t see them changing this any time soon.

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


I would expect something similar to Halloween personally – any one-time events there were just neat extras like the Mad King busting out, I don’t feel like I lost anything from not being there for that. I would expect the main event stuff to be activities over a week or two, and the finale to be like GW1, every hour or every few hours.

Lost Shores represents a point in Tyria’s history as well as the games – The Day The Karka Came, so to speak. That makes sense for a one-off. Wintersday is more a community festival and should be more open. Also, GW1 always did the Wintersday main event on New Year’s Eve to give some leeway to people having Christmas with family, which I think is a great idea.

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acebandage.7236


I agree. I’ve enjoyed the 1 time events especially the Halloween one but would like to see the winter celebration run for a longer duration and maybe be a little more light hearted in nature.

Throw up decorations in the home cities(not just LA), and give us activities similar to costume brawl, carving pumpkins, a fun jumping puzzle(challenging but not so much that I’m dropping f-bombs trying to complete it), toss some unique skins on the trader and call it good.


Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lutheran.9687


I just want a one time event that returns the Lion’s Arch Fountain in all its glory. Maybe a Santa Claus like character that does it for everyone via a cut scene. That’s it. Everything else can be instanced and open to everyone throughout the event regardless of time you are on.

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: minbariguy.7504


I agree with the OP. My holidays are hectic enough as it is. If I’m expected to schedule my real life around their game, they can forget it. I won’t even bother. And that’s a shame.

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mr Crazy Moose.5760

Mr Crazy Moose.5760

For a game that’s being sold all over the world, one-time events make no sense at all. No matter how they determine the starting point, it’s going to be impossible for people from some time zone to take part.

They make even less sense when we’ve seen time and time again that it can barely handle the demand of one-time events. The servers going down during the mad king one-time event, the crippling lag during phase one and the login servers breaking combined with lag during phase three.

It really is time they explored the alternatives.

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teep.5376


All I want for Christmas is NO one-time events (or make them simply fun like in Halloween). I am on break from the game now because I really dislike this shift to one-time events. I just do not want to invest any more time and money in a game that forces its customers to choose between RL and experiencing new content. I already missed 3 one-time events. I just do not understand why I must be excluded because I have responsibilities at 12 noon on a Friday or want to see family for a Sunday Dinner.

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


I want more 1 time events. I bet they are one of the constants for GW2 in its lifespan.

I think for the wintersday event, it will not be climaxed on christmas or new years eve, everyone wants or needs that time to spend with friends/family. I would think running a week/weeks long festival would be best, if nothing else, for more sales of the gem items. Every other consumer location already has christmas decor, why not GW2?

Though on my wintersday list, I hope for events as varied as the halloween festival.

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784



Make “one time events” last for a few days. Much more time to get them done/experienced.


Make “one time events” instanced. People can experience them at their leisure during a larger window of time.


You are welcome ArenaNet for solving your issues. =)

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


I want more 1 time events. I bet they are one of the constants for GW2 in its lifespan.

I think for the wintersday event, it will not be climaxed on christmas or new years eve, everyone wants or needs that time to spend with friends/family. I would think running a week/weeks long festival would be best, if nothing else, for more sales of the gem items. Every other consumer location already has christmas decor, why not GW2?

Though on my wintersday list, I hope for events as varied as the halloween festival.

The majority love 1 off events it seems.

The majority also hate small windows of time that screw them out of the 1 off events.

Oceanic players are an especially screwed over bunch.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bane.6281


And don’t forget the SEA players. Seems like GW2 event only caters to a specific time zone players…

Wintersday and One Time Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rozcinana.7249


Halloween event was the best! More like that one, less like Lost shores.