Wood farming.

Wood farming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carnius Magius.8091

Carnius Magius.8091

What circumstances would yield 2 good hardwood logs and 1 dud from a tree which don’t remember its type? I usekittenhril axe and the tree was in Timberline Falls. This never happened to me before.

Don’t blame me for the misspelling of the axe I used. The preview pane showed the same bug in the board software.

(edited by Carnius Magius.8091)

Wood farming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


1. Getting attacked / entering combat while gathering will sometimes result in ruined gathers.

2. Equipping any gathering tool while actively gathering, that doesn’t meet the requirement of the node will result in only ruined gathers. For example, if you begin mining mithril, then equip a copper sickle, your active tool becomes that sickle, resulting in ruined ore.

Wood farming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drkn.3429


Going Mist Form, Armor of Earth or Arcane Shield on an ele is known to cause such problems. Using invulnerability-granting skills while gathering as well.


Wood farming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nirvana.8245


It appears they have increased the failed frequency here. Alot of players have brought this up in game. I rarely used to get it, maybe 1 a month, now I get it quite frequently and I only use Ori Tools now regardless of the area I am playing in. Prior explanation was it was you have not been registered as out of combat. Now I can get it without being in combat for minutes before gathering it. I could understand 30 or 40 seconds, but beyond that…

Wood farming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: google.3709


If you’re an engineer and you switch to a kit in the middle of gathering, Everything will be ruined

Wood farming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


To be honest I can be in combat and have stuff hitting me on low level veins and trees and stuff and never get fails. I’ve gotten low level veins and had one to three mobs on me and never failed once. Granted this was on a level 80, makes me wonder if level has something to do with it since monsters might have less chance of hitting me.

Mithril and above obviously will fail if in combat or something happens while doing it. As far as the chance of failing it was really bad for me for a while, even with Ori tools, for now apparent reason. I haven’t had too many issues lately though.

Wood farming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rafiee.2935


Never had this happen to me. Even when gathering ancient logs and worms attacking me doesn’t result in a fail. I’m actually really surprised to hear that people have had fails since I didn’t think it was even possible. Very interesting indeed. What level are you?

LvL 80 Ranger on Sea of Sorrow’s
Fever Clan[FC] Guild Leader

Wood farming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carnius Magius.8091

Carnius Magius.8091

I’m level 80 – the downgrade for the area. I was getting attacked at the time. That could be the problem. Using the wrong axe would result in all duds for that node.