World Changes, Story, Lore and the Timeline

World Changes, Story, Lore and the Timeline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lady Elyssa.2469

Lady Elyssa.2469

I have been thinking about how things like the upcoming expansion as well as previous living world installments currently work and thought that if they were broken down in to 4 main types that this would help preserve the existing lore and timeline and also allow for real world changes to exist.

1) Personal Stories – Instanced stories specific to our character / race / profession. This should not be tied to any specific timeline and therefore fit in at any point in the game.

2) Historical Stories – These would be instanced and involve elements like the creation of the pact. If played after current events, the player should be notified that they are reliving historical events that have already transpired, I remember this becoming a part of how historical events were covered in GW1.

3) Living World – These would be relevant to the current place in time of the world and would also be instanced same as the Personal / Historical Stories and could be replayed “out of order” as long as they inform players that they are “reliving historical events”.

4) Evolving World – This would allow for real world changes that are permanent and reflect the current lore and timeline. This allows the world to continue to change and grow and would not have any actual effects on the other elements. The Evolving World would be able to leave behind lore or traces of previous changes.

  • A living example of this is Southsun. Those of us who were there remember well the original Karka Queen event on a massive scale. We still have remnants of that with the current Karka Queen now serving as a World Boss Event. I am sure the Priory has a few more scholars it could contribute to tie together threads like this and any others that may follow.
  • This would allow for large scale events like the Karka Queen, Marionette etc to take place as large scale one time had to be there moments that would in turn become a piece of Tyria’s history. Those that are not there at the time are still kept informed and many of us were not present during the original Guild Wars or the Fall of Abaddon or the Exodus of the Gods, etc, but we know about them from the Lore.
  • Fractals provides the ideal place for people to traverse these fantastic historical moments and a chance to live and experience them for themselves firsthand. I doubt Anet is short for new content ideas but this would provide an ideal setting to re-use content without all that hard work going to waste.

I think this or something like it would allow the world to continue to grow and expand and at the same time allow the timeline and the history of tyria to remain intact and if anything encourage us to go back and revisit of those key historical moments.