World Completions and the Update...
If they do add entire new areas 1 or 2 things is likely:
1) The new areas won’t affect current map completion at all.
2) The new area(s) will have it’s own achievement for map completion.
It’s unlikely that they will make it affect current achievement progress, though.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Fellyn hit it right on the nail.
i hope it doesn’t affect current completion…it shouldn’t anyway, since this is only an event.
the way i see it working out for xpac is only the new areas give a new completion bonus similar to zone completion, without affecting the OG vanilla gw2
Well it’s not just an event update kiba. That’s why I’m concerned. It’s new content PLUS event. If it were just event, I wouldn’t be concerned…
guess i didn’t pay enough attention to their teaser notes.
in that case i think/hope that current completion will stay the same. i’m at 83% myself as of this post.
i really can’t see the devs doing something like changing the base completion achievement. it would kitten off many players who are above 50% right now.
new zone completion rewards sound like the way to go…
Halloween advert page thing said new minidungeons, jumping puzzles and events not new maps so this content update is likely not to add new maps merely plonk small bits of new content onto existing maps with no effect on map completion (ie no new hearts/pois/vistas/waypoints).
When they do big map expansions they will likely come with their own achievements independant of the launch ones.