(edited by Hirasaki.6208)
World Exploration Progress Semi Account Bound
Sure, as long as said ‘alt’ can gain no Map Rewards or Gifts of Exploration, or anything else associated with Map Completion or World Map Completion.
You can still get Map Rewards and Gift of Exploration on your alt, The only thing I’m proposing account bound are the waypoints and the map shrouds. You still have to do Vistas, Hero Points and Hearts on your Alt if you want Map Rewards and Gift of Exploration.
It’s not that hard to deshroud and get all of the necessary waypoints. There’s no need to make them all account bound without removing the ability to get the map completion rewards and Gifts of Exploration.
I would be fine with all maps getting 1 or 2 key waypoints. Like a waypoint near Teq for Sparkfly Fen. Or the relevant dungeon waypoints. Or the ones near stationary guild mission locations.
You can still get Map Rewards and Gift of Exploration on your alt, The only thing I’m proposing account bound are the waypoints and the map shrouds. You still have to do Vistas, Hero Points and Hearts on your Alt if you want Map Rewards and Gift of Exploration.
It takes very little time to run to what ever map you need. And no, by having way points account bound, it makes mapping on alts way easier than your first time.
Why do people want games to be so super easy and so much of the game played for them? Do people need to have things like this happen to keep there interest in a game, if we start with this what’s next? Unlock all hero points, because I’ve done them once and I want my alts to have elite specs from level 1. I should have to do it all again. I’ve done it once.
Why do you want to remove part of the game? Is because you just can’t be bothered to do it again? Because that’s what it sounds like.
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You can still get Map Rewards and Gift of Exploration on your alt, The only thing I’m proposing account bound are the waypoints and the map shrouds. You still have to do Vistas, Hero Points and Hearts on your Alt if you want Map Rewards and Gift of Exploration.
No. If one desires the reward, one should complete the necessary content. Hardly equitable to all those that completed the maps previously, and have as many alts as they desire.
Bloodstone, Ember Bay and Bitter all have Scrolls you can purchase that are account bound and can be used to access those maps so no reason to make it a cakewalk by adding WPs to new characters.
Completely forgot about those scroll, guess that could work.
I would be fine with all maps getting 1 or 2 key waypoints. Like a waypoint near Teq for Sparkfly Fen. Or the relevant dungeon waypoints. Or the ones near stationary guild mission locations.
Good compromise, something I could live with
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”