World Map Expansion
I’m thinking that if a GW3 happens they would have learnt that dragons have been over done in RPGS and it’s time for something new and they should have def got the idea we HATE zombies as that too is just “meh” now. In fact the only thing they could do to make me go “no just noooo” now is vampires…..oh wow they better not….Twilight anyone? :P
And yes, I hope the rest of the map gets filled out and we can play there and not only that I HOPE we get to explore unknown lands of the entire planet over seas and such. But maybe I am just too optimistic there.
Probably, if they showed a world map with no zones left mysterious, whenever they did add new zones (and expanded the map), people would criticize that it wasn’t canon, or something like that. And when they do have a world map with undiscovered zones, people criticize that. Not sure what the solution might be.
I think it’s encouraging to see other lands/areas on the world map that we might one day uncover. Gives something to look forward to, even if it never transpires, because the game was replaced with something else.
If not being able to get to the areas they do show bothers you then you don’t want to know how big Tyria really is.
Actually I think I might want to know how big Tyria really is. In GW1 they added 2 more continents and still never fully opened up the map. I would like to see them avoid adding more continental maps before they add more areas to the map they already have.
As far as canon arguments are concerned Guild Wars 1 and 2 still have a large amount of freedom to work on their storyline. Pretty much anything in GW2 is all related to the dragons anyway and they are essentially making the story up as they go. So I would say that anyone who wants to argue in favor of canon regulations should go take a breather and get a cup of coffee or tea.
How can the brand new content be regulated by canon standards when Guild Wars has not really been around long enough to fully develop such standards? As long as they keep the story going down the path of dealing with the dragons it will essentially be sticking with the main storyline.
Also Zhaitan is only the first dragon the story introduces anyway. There is one in the sea and one woke up in GW1 after the great destroyer was taken down. Which means there are dragons for 2 elements and we have yet to face them. The map we are presented with in GW2 has room for a water and fire dragon as it is.
Of course I started this topic to talk about the map not the dragons.