(edited by baalblade.8465)
World Raid Bosses are TOO EASY!!!
If you want to scale them, remove timers.
I still have yet to killupdated tequatl…
try tequila or balthazar
you’ll get a medallion of the magi for your troubles.
I still have yet to killupdated tequatl…
Exactly! again some of this game bosses balancing needed address.
1 Year ago, Teq was doable, now it’s near impossible, god know why >_>
But who need Teq when you can away from keyboard farming SB, Maw and Wurm right? at least Shatterer require some control (super easy boring dragon too btw, stand in corner and press 1 till he die, the zerg take care the rest)
If you want to scale them, remove timers.
And that, another ridiculous thing, happen to Jormag at 10% health at low game hours all the time, it’s depressing. Again, back to SCALING problem, if there’s only 5 players, the bosses shouldn’t impossible. Frozen Maw feel more tankier with large players, but Maw damage still very low.
(edited by baalblade.8465)
First. World bosses aren’t “raids”. They’re world bosses. They go from stupidly, mindlessly easy. (ShadowBooty, JungleWurm, FrozenMom) to capable of whiping small or less powerful parties, but generally easy. (Jormag’s Claw, The Shatterer) to slightly more difficult, (Fire elemental I see whipe parties pretty often. I think this is more because so many lowbies show up to fight it due to its area, along with Flame Shaman, Tarkamom) to Captain Whats-her-name who shouldn’t be in the game…
To Tequatl and triple Threat, which shows why the idea of a world ‘raid’ is bad. (How do you beat them? Massive amounts of elementalists with FG 4+icebow.)
Please, leave beginner zone world bosses as they are. There is a reason they are like they are. A clue is in the word ‘begginer’. How do you encourage begginers’ to explore if you decimate them in their first world boss encounter? That would would only cheese people off not encourage them. If you want a challenge at the Shadow Behemoth go in naked with a level one weapon, instead of a legendary with full exotic/ ascended armour!
As stated above, these aren’t “raid” bosses, so you are stuck in the archetypes of the wrong game.
Looking back on some of your old posts, there is a funny change – you used to talk about how dungeons were too hard and how they had to be made easier and nobody liked doing them.
Now you’re complaining about world bosses being too easy when they are zerged down… while you are doing the zerg train.
If you don’t like the way the world bosses scale (or don’t scale), then consider guesting to a different server that doesn’t zerg as much and you can enjoy the content and get to use more than just your autoattack.
Arena Net needs kick it up a notch. ‘World Bosses’ need to live up their names. They are not supposed to be farmed casually. And be sure to make the loot is worthwhile.
<— This guy is totally guilty of range-AFK’ing Shadow Behemoth during an encounter. That was a tasty sammich, lemme tell you.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Good Sir have you met my good friend, The Triple headed Jungle wurm because he’s a boss made for you.
(edited by guardian.6489)
A clue is in the word ‘begginer’.
Which mostly get camp mostly by END-GAME players. Funny game we play huh?
You know why? cause beginner don’t even know about these bosses exist, most newbies are there to do quests and luckily run into bosses, rarely.
End-gamers have timers phase and everything, camping bosses like some professional hackers. So when Shadow Behemoth is up, it drop dead in 5 minutes, so fast noobs pass by not even know about it, sad really.
Good Sir have you met my good friend, The Triple headed Jungle wurm because he’s a boss made for you.
huh? Wtf is “headed jungle wurm” need look up
exactly! get it?
(edited by baalblade.8465)
A clue is in the word ‘begginer’.
Which mostly get camp mostly by END-GAME players. Funny game we play huh?
You know why? cause beginner don’t even know about these bosses exist, most newbies are there to do quests and luckily run into bosses, rarely.
End-gamers have timers phase and everything, camping bosses like some professional hackers. So when Shadow Behemoth is up, it drop dead in 5 minutes, so fast noobs past by not even notice it, sad really.
A clue is in the word ‘mostly’.
I’m also to make Teq achiv.
But the rest of the world bosses is too easy, it dies too fast, it’s not even a challenge anymore, it’s just stay there, and leave the thing in auto-attack till event finishes.
Since Zerg-Lag-Farm Trains arrived events got mad.
Asura thing.
Hey baalblade idk why you said EXACTLY to my pose, I was using it as a point against you not for you…
Go to any world that complains about no one being around.
OP, not sure how long you have been in this game, but people only start farming these bosses because Anet gave them guarantee rare drops.
Before that, nobody even bother to do these bosses aside from the 3 dragons(because back then, people are still delusional about dragons have a higher chance to drop precursors).
imho, it’s better to have 80s farm these bosses, then left them unattempted and be newbie killers.
Hey baalblade idk why you said EXACTLY to my pose, I was using it as a point against you not for you…
And he turned it around into a point for him, by pointing out that some bosses are way too easy, and others are way too hard (like you described).
Updated every Monday
Hey baalblade idk why you said EXACTLY to my pose, I was using it as a point against you not for you…
and i used it support my argument how IMBALANCE bosses in this game are. Your point?
Teq used to be doable until some “miracle” happen to it and now, no one care about it anymore. Shame though, love the intro scene.
Do you know what’s my point? “when someone tell you to jump, you ask how high”
cause clearly Arenanet developers fail to understand that mean
(edited by baalblade.8465)
Maw Shaman is totally ok. Think also that he is a lvl 15 boss, i think he maybe has even a little too much hitpoints. And there is no danger in coming too late since you can do the pre-events without a problem since they are directly at his spot, not like Behemoth where they are so far away that Behemoth could die when on the way.
Worm is just .. a bag of hitpoints now .. could also have some less, since also everybody can already come for pre-events.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Hey baalblade idk why you said EXACTLY to my pose, I was using it as a point against you not for you…
and i used it support my argument how IMBALANCE bosses in this game are. You point?
Are you saying that every boss in the game should be the same difficulty?
That would be a TERRIBLE game…
Arena Net needs kick it up a notch. ‘World Bosses’ need to live up their names. They are not supposed to be farmed casually. And be sure to make the loot is worthwhile.
Yeah … or they can just directly shut down their servers instead of kicking 95%+ of from playing the actual content.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Anet already applied a solution to world bosses to make them more challenging some time ago.. they increased their HP Pool and slapped on a Timer chuckles
Anet already applied a solution to world bosses to make them more challenging some time ago.. they increased their HP Pool and slapped on a Timer
Hey hey hey now
They completely changed some of the bosses, now instead of standing in that one glitch spot for Jormag in phase 1 to kill the ice wall you actually have to dodge stuff :P
I somewhat agree that more could be done to make the word bosses more engaging (there’s a serious problem if you don’t need to play a game to win – winning in this case beating the boss).
- Add zerg and stack breaking abilities. For exampe, deals more damage the more people it hits. Likewise, mix in some abilities that do less damage the more people it hits.
- Add scaling of the mechanics. For example, the Underworld Portals of Shadow Behemoth. The more people, the more portals which are spread out (say, an extra portal for every 4 players) and then extra adds (starting at 4 with an extra 1 per player, which resets to 4 adds when an extra portal spawns).
- Have abilities cause % damage. The advantage of this is that abilities won’t have to be tuned for a specific level range; 50% damage (before taking into account things like armour) on a level 5 will have the same effect as on a level 80.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
If there is one world boss that is deserving of an update, it’s the Shadow Behemoth. Two examples of perfect world bosses that have been revamped is the Fire Elemental and the Inquest Golem Mark II.
Well first let’s clear something up. Those aren’t Raid bosses.
Anet already applied a solution to world bosses to make them more challenging some time ago.. they increased their HP Pool and slapped on a Timer
Hey hey hey now
They completely changed some of the bosses, now instead of standing in that one glitch spot for Jormag in phase 1 to kill the ice wall you actually have to dodge stuff :P
hehe, I remember when they first added the timers etc.. first time i actually saw Shatterer Fail… Ofc he gets killed every time now, but at first release of the “updates” saw him fail a few times lol, they were good times
Now where did I put that flame kittenant shielding?
Honestly, I think they should all be revamped and set up like Teq or the 3 headed Wurm, on steroids. Requiring splitting, puzzle completions, etc in addition to straight damage.
Anet already applied a solution to world bosses to make them more challenging some time ago.. they increased their HP Pool and slapped on a Timer
Hey hey hey now
They completely changed some of the bosses, now instead of standing in that one glitch spot for Jormag in phase 1 to kill the ice wall you actually have to dodge stuff :P
hehe, I remember when they first added the timers etc.. first time i actually saw Shatterer Fail… Ofc he gets killed every time now, but at first release of the “updates” saw him fail a few times lol, they were good times
The reactions to the revamped tequatl were even better though:
“So we can’t just stand by his foot anymore?”
Boss week was so much fun.
I believe world bosses and dynamic events should be scaled upon the number of players and the players participating average level
For example, fighting Shatterer with 10 level 80’s is like fighting Shatterer with 30 level 20’s. Since I’m level 80, I can kill everything below lvl 40 with a couple hits, this shouldn’t happen.
Scaling is also way too much or way too low. I started soloing a boss, when suddenly a zerg appeared! The 50-man zerg started spamming 1 on the boss, when eventually the entire zerg got killed because they were stupid, and I ended up soloing this boss with maxed out difficulty.
Anet already applied a solution to world bosses to make them more challenging some time ago.. they increased their HP Pool and slapped on a Timer
Hey hey hey now
They completely changed some of the bosses, now instead of standing in that one glitch spot for Jormag in phase 1 to kill the ice wall you actually have to dodge stuff :P
hehe, I remember when they first added the timers etc.. first time i actually saw Shatterer Fail… Ofc he gets killed every time now, but at first release of the “updates” saw him fail a few times lol, they were good times
The reactions to the revamped tequatl were even better though:
“So we can’t just stand by his foot anymore?”
Boss week was so much fun.
Haha, There was Chaos when Sunless Re-vamp was released, it felt so impossible at the time
The real irony here? The people who are complaining about begginer world bosses and only beginner world bosses are the high end of the server population (i’m not talking about any other bosses here). The real first timers on GW2, which by the way, are the ones we are talking about who will be most affected by any begginer world boss nerfs (sorry to emphasis the word beginner, but some here seem to want to over look that small fact) wont even have a voice here as a lot don,t know where the forums are to have a voice! Lets face it, even the OP admits to having full exotics / ascended, so has the whole world to play in, but chooses to focus purely on beginner zones! Sure I admit to going to these events, and know what gives me the most buzz? When I hear a beginner see the Behemoth for the first time and say something along the lines of ‘omg look at THAT’! Seems to me to be a lot of selfish attitudes from a minority (i again emphasis— a minority—-not all) high end players with a me me me attitude, forgetting where they came from—ie, we were all begginers at somepoint
The reactions to the revamped tequatl were even better though:
“So we can’t just stand by his foot anymore?”
And yet that’s what i see people mostly doing when he is attempted nowadays.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I think its fine to have different degree of difficulty for world boss.
Easiest (usually in starting area) : SB, Great Wurm, FE, Maw, etc
Easy : Shatterer, Mk II, Jormag, Fire Shaman, etc
Medium : Karka Queen, Temples, etc
Hard : Teq, Triple Wurm.
I don’t think they should add more of the easiest or modify them to make them harder. But they should make more medium ones, since they seem to be of an ideal difficulty. The easy are too easy and the hard are too hard (at least that’s what you hear from the forum). But not a lot of complain against Karka Queen or the temples.
The issue isn’t that they are too easy, it’s they are always the same, the same Boss in the same location, most don’t even move around. Random Bosses, random Boss locations and roaming Bosses is what’s needed, not adding more hit points or more gimmicks.
I think its fine to have different degree of difficulty for world boss.
Easiest (usually in starting area) : SB, Great Wurm, FE, Maw, etc
Easy : Shatterer, Mk II, Jormag, Fire Shaman, etc
Medium : Karka Queen, Temples, etc
Hard : Teq, Triple Wurm.I don’t think they should add more of the easiest or modify them to make them harder. But they should make more medium ones, since they seem to be of an ideal difficulty. The easy are too easy and the hard are too hard (at least that’s what you hear from the forum). But not a lot of complain against Karka Queen or the temples.
Fire ele is not easiest, it was originally one of the hardest world bosses, a real zerg killer, and even now it’s one of the few that always leaves some corpses behind, and forces constant movement from the participants. I would put it (as well as MK II, Fire Shaman, Megadestroyer and Claw) at the desired level of World bosses. Easier ones should be upgraded to similar levels, and no more harder ones should be introduced.
The hardest world boss that might have place in the open world could be a slightly scaled down Marionette equivalent. Current Teq is a bit too hard. Wurm is definitely way oevrdone, and should be removed from the open world.
Remember, remember, 15th of November