World Summit - Give me the Dragon!

World Summit - Give me the Dragon!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oldskool.1520



There is some issue with doing ahievements in challenge mode on this mission as every replay we need to wait a lot of time until all introdution dialogues and cutscene will finish. This is around 5 minutes or maybe more, when you can smoke or to sleep until it will end… And those ahievements are hard at least for me as i am not nolifer for who as i see they’re designed + lags.

I mean not all players complete them from 1st or 2nd time, not all are so pro, for some this is just first steps in season 2 and they’re not skilled to do silverwastes and to fight sneaky tenacles… I probably will need 100 or 1000 runs until i will learn to dodge enough accurate to complete them and every replay time i need to wait and listen all this introdution and this is very huge time waste! I already failed it over 5 times…

I suggest if player choosen challenge mode, it anyway means that he needs just to kill a dragon and give to him it, skip all dialogues, scenes, at least all blah blah blah talk until first monsters will spawn. As anyway this part of mission it’s not a part of challenge…

Why to waste our time and servers traffic for this… I am up to grind to repeat it hundreds or thousands of times until i will learn to deal with them but i don’t want to waste any second on boring dialogues, please!!!

- zero patience, rage only!

World Summit - Give me the Dragon!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246


That’s the only reason why I still have not finished season 2 achievements. Hardest part of some achievements is not to fall asleep before you can actually start trying to do them.

World Summit - Give me the Dragon!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oldskool.1520


Could be at least some key, to skip speech scenes… Like on Diablo3 was some key, esc or space (now don’t remember good), was possible to cancel every speech of NPC in missions, to speed up it. As we’re getting helpless feeling when we’re unable to progress with our speed.

Of course some players very like storyline, some are non-english or with poor english and even if they will listen everything, they won’t understand anything or part of it… So to push with force to listen every dialogue i don’t see any point…

- zero patience, rage only!

World Summit - Give me the Dragon!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azurem.9468


I would like to be able to skip that stuff in general, e.g. when taking a new level 80 through Tangled Paths for the black lion key. I can understand there not being a way to skip the long annoying dialogue sequences because they’re not interactive at all, but the personal story had skippable cutscenes so why does the living story not?

I know when replaying some of the episodes for achievements, there was a mote that let you restart the boss to try the achievements again without having to restart the whole instance. I don’t know if the world summit has that but it could be a decent compromise if Anet doesn’t want to make living story stuff skippable for some reason.

World Summit - Give me the Dragon!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrettM.9062


Even on the first runthrough for a character, it is very annoying if you get a dc during the boss battle and have to redo all the preliminaries. I think I got dc’d three or four times the last time I did World Summit, and a couple of times doing Hidden Arcana. There are several missions with a huge amount of no-combat preliminary work, including dialogs, cut scenes, and finding books/artifacts. I agree that it should be possible to skip all that and get to the meat of the mission when necessary.

World Summit - Give me the Dragon!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oldskool.1520


Already ended this hell with Part 2 ahievements, spent on it 4 days was serious angry on anet…

- zero patience, rage only!