While I am absolutely sure this is a topic discussed and visited before, I am unable to find appropriate topic with google search or any other option right now, so I would just like to voice some feedback on the subject.
I have a friend, “newer” player generally that has reached to 80 on his first character not long ago and is experiencing many of the world events – for the first time. Having plenty of enthusiasm and drive to play and try to reach those legendaries and experience living world story, dungeons and all, he’s having good fun in the game. We both appreacite many things done in the game to make it enjoyable to play together and in groups.
Now, to get to the problem in hand.
Today, for example, we attempted once again to join in and take part in Tequatl the Sunless, the dragon minion / champion, what ever one might call it. We arrived good deal early, prepared and set up with many people that were set to organize and make a good event happen, maybe get achievements, get some many good chests as a reward.
Well, as it happens, my friend crashed. Far be it from an issue, he just dropped and logged back in right away. Issue is, he loaded in to the overflow as the time was so close to beginning of Tequatl. Plenty of people there, but far inferior to what there was with the people that had arrived first in original map. He tried to join me through party system, but obviously as the “world is full”, he is unable and they failed to down the dragon.
I am sure you can taste and feel that incredible frustration. Now, while many can attest that it can be done many times during a day, there’s periods when people simply are not able to join the game. Tequatl is more sparse than other events, and he has the specific drops and chest amount, and we all want a share of it.
So he missed todays chance, just because of temporary connection package error, maybe it was game server, maybe it was his connection, who knows.
Why is it that the server cannot withold his spot for even 10 seconds? Why cannot it have a small possibiliy to let people rejoin right away before forcing them out of their original group, with no possible way to return to them.
I would request and humbly hope that something could be done to this issue. Create a reservation slot or ID so that a disconnected player does not immediately get kicked off to overflow. MMO games are prone to having small disconnects happen to everyone during a day, here or there, for one reason or another. I rarely ever have any issues, but even I have unexplained drop here or there. If that kind small hick-up can be sole source of incredible frustration and feeling of disappointment, being completely beoynd your own abilities to fix or affect, it just drives people away. It may be day or two at first, but if it happens often, eventually they just seek less stressful entertainment elsewhere and may end up drifting away.