Worth coming back?
You can get 10 replies with 10 different answers. You’re better off logging in and deciding for yourself.
And I think 15467932 people are still playing.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
You can get 10 replies with 10 different answers. You’re better off logging in and deciding for yourself.
And I think 15467932 people are still playing.
This ^^ All the negative nancy’s will flock here and say what they have to say. The best thing is to login, have a look around and see if you think it is worth it. You really don’t have much to lose but a bit of time seeing if you like it.
If you loved the game and left just because you ran out of things to do you picked pretty much the worst time to leave because it’s just after that they started bi-weekly updates of either temporary or permanent content. There’s been dungeons, open-world events, jumping puzzles, festivals…lot’s of different stuff.
The latest one – which is an addition to Fractals – isn’t that exciting to me but a lot of people are playing it, including people who have never played Fractals before. But personally I preferred the last one which was kind of a tower defence in reverse with a bunch of new events in Kessex Hills. Fortunately each release stays up for 4 weeks, so you can still do the last one.
But really if you’ve already bought the game you’ve got nothing to lose by giving it a try again. There’s no subscription fee, you’ve not committing to anything more than the time it’d take you to have a look.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Exactly. Log in yourself and find out! You might like it now, you might not. Find out for yourself. We can’t tell you if you’re gonna like it or not.
What we can tell you is that there’s not too much new stuff for you to do since you left.
There’s a tower in Kessex you might like to try, but that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.
It really depends. I had a few level 80’s that were fully geared up and I had nothing left to do and wasn’t interested in completing the so called “Living Story”. I quit the game and deleted all of my characters.
Just this past week I have been interested in getting back into the game because of the really cool armor skins that have been created. Yet, there are many things preventing me from getting back into the game at all. In fact, those things repulse me so much. Among those things are: Transmutation stones (I’d have to farm for about 13 hours straight just to get enough money to buy the transmutation stones I’d need), the gem store itself (The armor is released STRICTLY through the gem store and not given to a merchant to sell to us for gold or karma), Leveling (Leveling has become such a chore that I don’t have the time or patience anymore to level another character to 80 just so I could look cool), and the Living Story (The LS is still lame, and will continue to be lame until permanent content is given through the LS).
If you’re like me and these things repulse you, don’t play. If you have more patience and time than I do, you might like to come back and try some of the new things there are to do. (Mini-games, activities, new Living Story stuff).
I didn’t play for some time and I back to play, the major change is the HUD and the tooltips. If you like fractal and achievements you will have some extra things to do, personally I don’t give a duck.
For the rest, everything still the same with bosses more hard and Zerks out of control.
New dungeon path, which you should try. The new Tequatl fight, which requires a lot of organization and you’re not likely to do without a guild (there are special ones set up just to take down Tequatl and they do it several times a day), new jump puzzle, and the new fractal stuff, plus a couple of fun minigames.
There’s also a pretty fun tower in Kessex Hills. There’s been some interesting stuff, but not “tons” of content.
WvW has changed some too and will be getting more changes moving forward.
The game is very active, there are more people playing now than at launch. Well worth coming back with all of the continuing improvements to the game and content patches every two weeks.
Here’s a great video that shows what changes you’ll see right away (applies to everyone)
And another video that highlights changes to WvW
You can see the release splash pages here:
And here is a searchable patch notes:
Game is more cash shop centered now. Do you like cash shop?
The game is very active, there are more people playing now than at launch. Well worth coming back with all of the continuing improvements to the game and content patches every two weeks.
Here’s a great video that shows what changes you’ll see right away (applies to everyone)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce_dvXJercIAnd another video that highlights changes to WvW
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUfV3OBLyc8You can see the release splash pages here:
https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/And here is a searchable patch notes:
Whoa there Nelly!! More people playing than at launch eh?
I sure would like to see a source for that one.
The game is very active, there are more people playing now than at launch. Well worth coming back with all of the continuing improvements to the game and content patches every two weeks.
Here’s a great video that shows what changes you’ll see right away (applies to everyone)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce_dvXJercIAnd another video that highlights changes to WvW
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUfV3OBLyc8You can see the release splash pages here:
https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/And here is a searchable patch notes:
http://gw2patchnotesearch.david-reess.de/Whoa there Nelly!! More people playing than at launch eh?
I sure would like to see a source for that one.
He’s always throwing out bs numbers when it comes to population.
Just a few months ago he claimed that you would have to be suffering from a delusional disorder if you didn’t believe that 2.5million people of 3 million sales are still active players logging in every week.
The game is very active, there are more people playing now than at launch. Well worth coming back with all of the continuing improvements to the game and content patches every two weeks.
Here’s a great video that shows what changes you’ll see right away (applies to everyone)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce_dvXJercIAnd another video that highlights changes to WvW
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUfV3OBLyc8You can see the release splash pages here:
https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/And here is a searchable patch notes:
http://gw2patchnotesearch.david-reess.de/Whoa there Nelly!! More people playing than at launch eh?
I sure would like to see a source for that one.
He’s always throwing out bs numbers when it comes to population.
Just a few months ago he claimed that you would have to be suffering from a delusional disorder if you didn’t believe that 2.5million people of 3 million sales are still active players logging in every week.
yeah, I know. sad isn’kitten still, I enjoy calling them on it when I can lol
I personally have been away from the game for over a year and I this is my 6th day back. I have been really happy with it all. The only real negative thing I would have to say about it and you can say it to all MMO is if you are not in an active guild, gaming by your self is pretty lonely since pretty much the entire end game at some point requires you to group with people.
The game IMO really takes off when you are active socially with people. I think that is what sets it a part from other MMOs.
I mean I have been in closed beta for Wild Star and GW2 has really taken me away from doing that.