Would Largos ever be a playable race?
Id say they were extremely unlikely to be playable in GW2s lifetime.
However, rather than retread old arguments, ill post a link to the discussion just under your thread and you can read a wider selection of opinions. Theres a lot of derailing late in, but some decent discussion early on from either side.
The answer is… maybe.
If in the future they will start to add new playable races and if we will have the underwater expansion then they are the best candidates.
But do not expect them soon.
I doubt it. Charr tails cause enough clipping as it is, imagine ANet trying to deal with a body that has wings attached to it
I doubt it. Charr tails cause enough clipping as it is, imagine ANet trying to deal with a body that has wings attached to it
You mean like every other character that has wings now? XD
They can change largos wings to glider wings if needed, and perhaps you can transmute them to look like any other wings skin if you want (hello, gemstore).
I’d really love it if largos became playable.
Unlikely? Out of all possible races they are actually the most likely.
race threads are becoming mount threads
Largos would probably be the easiest race they could implement, but that’s also the problem with them. They’re essentially elves. Sylvari were originally designed as elves with plant accessories, but were redesigned because they wanted something more unique. Largos would basically end up being gray humans, and they probably wouldn’t have permanent wings because they’d avoid the issue by revealing that they’re actually a part of their suit.
I doubt ArenaNet will ever implement a new race however, because not only are they costly to implement, they’ll also forever increase development costs. If they were going to implement one however, they’d likely go with something more unique. Tengu for example, which were one of the original candidates.
Largos would probably be the easiest race they could implement, but that’s also the problem with them. They’re essentially elves. Sylvari were originally designed as elves with plant accessories, but were redesigned because they wanted something more unique. Largos would basically end up being gray humans, and they probably wouldn’t have permanent wings because they’d avoid the issue by revealing that they’re actually a part of their suit.
I doubt ArenaNet will ever implement a new race however, because not only are they costly to implement, they’ll also forever increase development costs. If they were going to implement one however, they’d likely go with something more unique. Tengu for example, which were one of the original candidates.
First of all, nothing connects largos to elves except for some strange ears that only males have, by the way. We have no idea how their faces look like. For all you know they could end up being like Mileena from mortal kombat under those masks, lol.
And tengu eh, you again have that problem with adjusting old armor to them. That’s not only adjusting the mesh, but you’d also get problems with stretched textures/clipping (like charr have). Largos are easier in that department cause they share human body model.
And then there’s also Bubbles of course, the underwater dragon. If we were to fight him, who would assist us with that? Quaggan? Largos would fit nicely into that story being powerful fighters and an underwater race. While tengu are not really relevant to the story these days.
A large part of the appeal of the Largos is that we don’t know much about them. If they become a player race, then they’ll lose that appeal.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Anet can’t finish legendary armour over a year past due. They would have to reskin all existing items to fix a new race. As well as lore and maps. New voice actors hired etc. Gw2 will be lucky to see a second espec.
MORE view blocking wings? I hope they never become a playable race.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Largos need a redesign, before they are possible for being a playable race.
They current design has been made under the thought, that they aren’t a playable race, thus the reason why you see that race currently in the whole game just like only maximum 3 or 4 times or so, wherefrom 1 is just a single main story NPC and the others are just some enemies in a few maps.
Anet completely redesigned the looks for Sylvari before release of the game, so I see no reason, why Anet can’t/shouldn’t also completely redesign the looks and so on for the Expansion that could add them as playable race together with the story, that lets us fight against the deep sea dragon, which is the reason why the Largos had to flee from their home territory in the first place, like other races (Quaggan, Krait, Naga ect.)
Replacing that 1 main story npcs and the few enemies is surely no huge workload to do.
Theres also some kind of unofficial Largos project from fans that i have seen somewhere, which i find good and interesting. Don#t know what has been come out of that so far, never heard again somethign about that for a long while by now
Ah, found it again ,the Youtube Channel Look it:
Shows you, how much effort there is to create a race from paper to something, that actually works in the game later
Howeve,r that channel shows just the current design of the largos. If they should become playable, i think its neccessary to completely redesign their “Wings Part”
They are way too stiff and unnatural in the game. If they would stay like this animated, a Largos would break everytime their wings when they perform a Dodge Roll lol
If that race should keep their wings as some kind of racial unique part of their design, then the wign design must become alot more fluid and the wings need to receive a completely compatible different animation for the whole combat related movement setting, for gliding ect. pp so that their wings are in the way. Also for swimming/diving they would need complete new animations, so that they look natural there and not so stiff like glued onto their backs.
Aside from all the technical stuff, the Largos Race needs lore. We nearly know absolutely nothing about them yet. That would be something that the Expansion would have to change.
It makes sense for the character creation to come up with like 4 different “Houses”
I myself made a real long time ago once a thread, where I wrote a concept for their lore based on 4 Houses.. hmm ,if i can find that old thread again xD
But sadly I can’t find it anymore and haven’t saved it up somewhere for quick reference
But I think if their get redesign, then their look should be also more amphibic, so that it explains itself by their design, that they can live on land and in water.
The current design has nothign of that, they look too humanoid for me with just those stiff attached manta wings
I’d love it if they would look more like this:
Thats definetely a far better design for some kind of underwater amphibic race that could use a kind of modified Charr Body Model perhaps and turn their “wings” just into a racial locked glider design.
Largos need a redesign, before they are possible for being a playable race.
They current design has been made under the thought, that they aren’t a playable race, thus the reason why you see that race currently in the whole game just like only maximum 3 or 4 times or so, wherefrom 1 is just a single main story NPC and the others are just some enemies in a few maps.Replacing that 1 main story npcs and the few enemies is surely no huge workload to do.
Theres also some kind of unofficial Largos project from fans that i have seen somewhere, which i find good and interesting. Don#t know what has been come out of that so far, never heard again somethign about that for a long while by now
Ah, found it again ,the Youtube Channel
Look it:
Shows you, how much effort there is to create a race from paper to something, that actually works in the game later
Howeve,r that channel shows just the current design of the largos. If they should become playable, i think its neccessary to completely redesign their “Wings Part”
They are way too stiff and unnatural in the game. If they would stay like this animated, a Largos would break everytime their wings when they perform a Dodge Roll lolIf that race should keep their wings as some kind of racial unique part of their design, then the wign design must become alot more fluid and the wings need to receive a completely compatible different animation for the whole combat related movement setting, for gliding ect. pp so that their wings are in the way. Also for swimming/diving they would need complete new animations, so that they look natural there and not so stiff like glued onto their backs.
Aside from all the technical stuff, the Largos Race needs lore. We nearly know absolutely nothing about them yet. That would be something that the Expansion would have to change.
It makes sense for the character creation to come up with like 4 different “Houses”
I myself made a real long time ago once a thread, where I wrote a concept for their lore based on 4 Houses.. hmm ,if i can find that old thread again xD
But sadly I can’t find it anymore and haven’t saved it up somewhere for quick referenceThats definetely a far better design for some kind of underwater amphibic race that could use a kind of modified Charr Body Model perhaps and turn their “wings” just into a racial locked glider design.
That’s quite an interesting video. I see they fused largos with seers. I read some fan theories that largos are evolved seers. And yeah, wings would need to be redesigned, but seeing how gemstore is full of them lately, I don’t think that would be a big problem.
I also like your points that they are just rarely-encountered npcs and enemies. This is why I keep saying largos are perfect candidates if new race ever comes :P
- Easy body to model armor for (Unlike tengu or koda or even dwarves)
- Not very prominent in the main story, so devs can do whatever they want with them, their design and their lore
- Are described as fierce fighters, so it would make sense if they suddenly decide to join us in a battle against Elder Dragons
- Won’t feel like they were shoehorned in the story if DSD finally shows up. Largos respect successful warriors, and after us slaying 2 EDs they may think we are now ‘worthy’ of working together with.
- Have a few ‘houses’ they belong to, so that would fit well with the personal story concept where you have to choose your order/college/etc.
- They have a unique mysterious look to them. (Unlike koda or skritt who all look the same)
- Have ties to DSD and Abaddon due to living underwater, so there are lots of possibilities to elaborate on existing lore and create new one.
- Wings. But since a lot of characters have wings nowadays, excuses like ‘OMG WINGS AND CLIPPING!!!" don’t make a lot of sense. They will just need to adapt largos wings to be like current ones.
- Underwater combat. Well, that should also happen some day, and it seems like a good opportunity to do it.
Like we don’t have enough wings ingame, i heard you like wings so i put wings on your wings.
The biggest problem I see with largos as a playable race is their lore says they live in the deep ocean (and haven’t migrated like quaggan and krait) so their starting area would have to be entirely underwater.
Underwater content is extremely niche, some people love it but many people hate it, and apparently Anet think it’s too confusing for new players, since they disabled it until level 8.
There’s also the fact that they can’t do the usual racial level 10 – 30 story then merge them into the fight against Zhaitan because there’s no largos in the Pact and only 1 even helping them.
I suppose they could make them a special race you can only play after getting another character to level 80 and give them a shorter, unique story about joining the fight at the current state. But I don’t know how that would go over.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
The biggest problem I see with largos as a playable race is their lore says they live in the deep ocean (and haven’t migrated like quaggan and krait) so their starting area would have to be entirely underwater.
Underwater content is extremely niche, some people love it but many people hate it, and apparently Anet think it’s too confusing for new players, since they disabled it until level 8.
There’s also the fact that they can’t do the usual racial level 10 – 30 story then merge them into the fight against Zhaitan because there’s no largos in the Pact and only 1 even helping them.
I suppose they could make them a special race you can only play after getting another character to level 80 and give them a shorter, unique story about joining the fight at the current state. But I don’t know how that would go over.
Well largos had to move due to the ‘horrors’ in their homeland, so the starting area could be some current settlement they reside in, that is not completely underwater.
And yeah, unlocking them after lvl 80 on any other character is also a good idea. It would be an expansion race anyway. This way they can have more complicated gameplay and start in lvl 80 zone right away. This would eliminate the need for starting areas, and won’t confuse new players.
Think of it as an ‘experienced’ player race. Once you know the basics of the game, you get an opportunity to unlock the advanced race. Also fits with the lore of largos , since they are already highly skilled assassins.
they were supposed to release tengu as a race, and great axe. RIP expansions that are worth buying.
they were supposed to release tengu as a race, and great axe. RIP expansions that are worth buying.
Do you have a link/source for that?
Yeah, if ArenaNet decides to expand the list of playable races, largos are probably high up the “likely candidate” list. Opinions obviously vary about exactly where they rank, but personally I’d place them second (tengu obviously first as we already know they were a candidate). They do appear to have an actual civilization, and unlike most other races that have been floated, there’s nothing that strongly suggests ANet ruled them out of future consideration. The “mystery” thing is a weaker factor as I see it – the devs might gain more than they lose.
Stormbluff Isle ( http://www.stormbluffisle.com )
they were supposed to release tengu as a race, and great axe. RIP expansions that are worth buying.
Do you have a link/source for that?
No, nor do they have sources for any claims in this thread or the one linked above.
Pretty much the only things we know, disregarding all the nonsense on these forums are:
A) Anet can make a new race, the tech is there
B) Most NPC races are not constructed like player races, so they would basically have to be remade to be a player race.
C) As of the last expansion they were not working on one.
I doubt we will see much in the way of new races because a) it’s too much work to make all the skins fit a new race and 2) it adds very little in terms of the game. Put it this way … is adding a race going to retain players or bring in new ones? Not really worth the investment.
Even from a lore POV, aren’t Largos this sort of secret race that keep to themselves? How would they even be sensibly introduced to the game to all of the sudden see all these Largos characters running around?
they were supposed to release tengu as a race, and great axe. RIP expansions that are worth buying.
Do you have a link/source for that?
I dont have a link on hand, but theres plenty of footage/interviews out there. They were scrapped as a playable race during development, instead we got big humans.. really.. if I got to choose between norn and tengu and norn as a playable race, it would be tengu a hundred times.
I havent ever heard anything about axes being part of the base design, and I doubt they wouldve scrapped it if it was already in development
they were supposed to release tengu as a race, and great axe. RIP expansions that are worth buying.
Do you have a link/source for that?
I dont have a link on hand, but theres plenty of footage/interviews out there. They were scrapped as a playable race during development, instead we got big humans.. really.. if I got to choose between norn and tengu and norn as a playable race, it would be tengu a hundred times.
I havent ever heard anything about axes being part of the base design, and I doubt they wouldve scrapped it if it was already in development
I would have liked to have seen Tengu too. I always enjoyed the Factions storyline on the island and the Bonus Mission Pack with Master Togo in GW1.
Don’t really care about the axe though.
I’d be content with just being allowed in the Tengu city, couldn’t care less about actually being able to play as a Tengu or not
I’d be content with just being allowed in the Tengu city, couldn’t care less about actually being able to play as a Tengu or not
Agreed, the Tengu played such big roles, playable or not, why are they omitted from all stories so far.. I mean, I get they’re hiding behind their walls. But interaction with the world can’t be that negligable