Would be nice to see who loggs in
I’m not sure what you do mean. If your guild is not making you feel welcome, I would imagine this is something you could speak about with the officers of your guild.
What is it you would want the game/Devs to do? There is already a notice in chat of anyone you have in your friend’s list that logs on. You could ask the other guild members to add you as a friend if you want them to know when you log on. =)
Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.
I think what he means is that when someone logs in and says “Hi” everyone says “Hi”. But if a person logs in a few seconds after that and says “Hi”, nobody says “Hi”. I guess because people think that person is replying or because everyone already said “Hi”.
I think what he is asking for is an indicator in guild chat that people have logged on.
Well, until that happens, the choices are:
Asking to be added to friend’s list, so the guild members know when he logs on,
say in chat, ‘Hi, I just got on, what’s everyone up to?’ =)
Your thread would probably get more dev attention if the title was specific to guild members logging in.
A similar option exists, but it’s up to the end user to set it up properly. There’s a configuration setting for “Game Messages” in each chat tab. This will leave a message indicating when a user (on your friends list) has logged in/out.
But if a player is bothered by not being responded to in chat, that’s a bit of a personal problem.