Would people complain if...
People will complain no matter what.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
One of the things I like about this game is that they’re willing to experiment with new things.
Sure it doesn’t always work (to take an old example I was very relieved that they gave up on 1-time only ‘special’ events after Lost Shores) but at least they’re trying. And if they do come up with something good there’s a high probability other developers will pick up on it and do the same, or improve on it further in their own games.
I guess it depends on what you want out of the game though. That works for me, other players may want a familiar MMO but without the subscription fee, or something more like traditional RPGs or something else entirely. I’m lucky in that most of the time GW2 gives me what I want, but I can see how frustrating it would be if it was constantly almost, but not exactly, right.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
While experimentation is good, the gamer shouldn’t be the lab rat because it can easily create a toxic environment that is hard to undo. Experimentation for the large part should be done prior to release (or not in game) so that they can advertise and adhere to the product they’re marketing giving consumers the ability to choose whether they want to buy in or not.
Problem is the lack of goof prophets these days, so nobody really knows how
an experiment works when masses of player start to play it. So in the end there
are masses of ideas that may work great on the paper or even in beta with
only some dedicated players .. but it turns into a total mess when the masses
turn it into something else.
Who for example had seen all the problems of champtrains when they said that
we should finally get some loot from champs ?
So .. in the end either you go the Blizzard way and copy just the good parts from all
other games .. or if you want to try something new .. there is no other way then to
release it and see the reactions after that.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
People will always complain even if they did this, why? For them it wasn’t enough content.
People will always complain even if they did this, why? For them it wasn’t enough content.
Or they don’t like the content.
Or the change in X wasn’t a big enough change.
Or that’s now how they wanted ANet to input that into the game.
People will always complain even if they did this, why? For them it wasn’t enough content.
Or they don’t like the content.
Or the change in X wasn’t a big enough change.
Or that’s now how they wanted ANet to input that into the game.
Or just pure ignorance, like “I DON’T WANT THAT GREEN ARROW TO POINT OUT WHERE THE EVENT IS” when you can actually turn it off -shrug-
Yes I would complain;
1) Broken Personal Story.
2) Missing Living Story season 1 that did not return in any form.
3) Pretty good season 2 that you cannot properly understand as a new player due to a huge gap beteween broken PS and the LS2 episodes.
And that’s just the tip of the iceburg. Updates have broken the game more than they have fixed it because ANet keeps stopping halfway on anything good.
As it stands, all added content would make for a poor expansion.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
If they gave it all in one go, people would complain that there was too much to do.
People will complain no matter what.
Honestly, I am very satisfied with the Living Story 2.0. release model, along with the other features added. The content ingame right now is way superior than was at release. (exception: the NPE and trait changes)
If I could nitpick at anything, it’s the fact that a lot of the Open World content from Living Story 1, such as Tower of Nightmares, was removed. And that really sucks, because they provided an excellent model for endgame “raid”-style gameplay with things like Battle for LA and the Tower.
Also, the skill balance is too little, too late, and too little. Necromancers feel so ignored, that sometimes I feel like the way the devs see the forum are like the image attachment.
everything added since release was added in one go instead of by drip feed?
I wonder. It seems these days that people’s attention span and patience and their expectations and sense of entitlement are such that they’re almost impossible to please no matter what devs do.
As an old time gamer I’ve played lots of different rpg games since Temple of Apshai for the TRS80 got me started down the dark path. Some are never updated, some get a release 2 and 3 etc, some have incremental updates and some have full expansions.
I don’t think it’s a bad thing per se that devs want to try some new or different. Different doesn’t have to mean bad just because it’s not what you’re used to.
So, if fractals, ETOM, Dry Top, Silverwastes, Southsun, changes to dungeons and Obsidian Sanctum, new PVP maps, new skills and traits, wardobe and mini changes etc (did I miss something?) were all released in one go say 18 months after release would people still complain about lack of new content?
Sure, because people complain. You left out Guild Missions, btw.
And Temple of Apshai sure brought be back. First “graphic” adventure game I played after Scott Adam’s Adventure (which was just text). Gah I’m old.
Yes, people will complain.
It’s an easy thing to do here on the interwebz.
Anet could add on a free machine that connects to the game that spits out money, and people would complain that it didn’t organize that money by numerical denomination first.
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
If everything Arena Net has released up untill now was released as a single update instead, I’d be disappointed – disappointed for the low ammount of content supposedly triple A MMORPG company can produce with over 300 employees in more than 2 years.
Even if Anet have released two expansions with each releasing a new continent, people would complain.
The illusion that there is something Anet can do to make people stop complaining has no place in reality. Whatever happens, whatever Anet does, people will always complain about different stuff.
Feedback is good. And a good dev knows he needs the smarts and backbone to admit right to valid critique, while ignoring ridiculous claims that can also appear en masse.
everything added since release was added in one go instead of by drip feed?
Nope. I’d likely just have left if all that kitten was dumped on me all at once.
Oh, you were saying about the content-content only? Not the changes like ascended gear, trait breaking and NPE?
Well, even bundled together they are still nothing compared to a single campaign expansion from GW1. And there were lot of valid complains about the quality of the content, which would not go away.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Hey, I’m old enough to remember being excited over Donkey Kong. GW2 is the heaven I spent my teens dreaming of
That’s probably why I have so much fun playing it and don’t get too kittened off by things
If precursor crafting became available, people would complain.
If WvW got new maps, people would complain.
Any change that affects the PvP meta would be met with complaints.
If there was an expansion with a new class and a new race, people would complain.