Would you buy an expansion?
With the whole ascended debacle and now the announcement of WvWvW specific infusions I’d have to say no. The game is headed in a way which I cannot support and as such I’m not willing to sink more money into it. The original vision which I paid to see realized has been abandoned and I with it.
Oh, come on! It will be something like a + -2% damage to players or mobs in the WvW.
About +20% for full set, when the armor and weapons will be there. It’s been calculated several times already (possibly even higher, the calculations were really conservative).
Sounds awesome, won’t affect PvE kings and WvW players finally have something to look forward to.
Oh, did you mean WvW infusions? I guess i misread your post then. I thought you were talking about the ascended/exotic difference.
Yep, WvW infusion effect will likely be negligible for stats – most likely it will be “+World XP” or similar effects anyway
No that was my mistake, I misread your post actually haha, thought we were talking about the WvW Infusions
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Would I buy… why would I buy an expansion? To gain access to more empty lands? Just to see my the list of engineer bugs getting longer and the devs not even dare to look on it? Or maybe surprise myself with more unjustified nerfings? Or maybe grind for a legendary sniper rifle (the only one) when my Engi uses is as a shotgun? What a bad joke! Before The developers should plan an Expansion maybe they should focus on fixing the actual faults of the game and improve the content to a reasonable degree.
All the new content I got in months was a freaking living story with very few quests. Aaaaaand it’s gone.
Except a few monotone events around the map nothing ever happens. Everything becomes dull in 2-3 months. I see fewer and fewer people playing already. The hype is gone and the ones responsible with keeping the game alive failed to act in good time. I don’t care if 3 million people bought the game, Im sure the actual active players base is very small compared to whakitten was 6 months ago. I can’t say I’m sorry I buy Guild Wars, because I had my share of fun and amazing exploration. But no, I would never buy another expansion.
Would I buy… why would I buy an expansion? To gain access to more empty lands? Just to see my the list of engineer bugs getting longer and the devs not even dare to look on it? Or maybe surprise myself with more unjustified nerfings? Or maybe grind for a legendary sniper rifle (the only one) when my Engi uses is as a shotgun? What a bad joke! Before The developers should plan an Expansion maybe they should focus on fixing the actual faults of the game and improve the content to a reasonable degree.
All the new content I got in months was a freaking living story with very few quests. Aaaaaand it’s gone.
Except a few monotone events around the map nothing ever happens. Everything becomes dull in 2-3 months. I see fewer and fewer people playing already. The hype is gone and the ones responsible with keeping the game alive failed to act in good time. I don’t care if 3 million people bought the game, Im sure the actual active players base is very small compared to whakitten was 6 months ago. I can’t say I’m sorry I buy Guild Wars, because I had my share of fun and amazing exploration. But no, I would never buy another expansion.
Well said, really puts the problems into perspective. How can I trust them with 60 more dollars when they can’t fix the 60 dollars I already spent?
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Only three things would ever get me to come back to this game.
~ equalize the engineer in every aspect of builds and traits across the board to the other classes (full on adventurer style traits for burst damage, multiple choices for might/fury building, pets get 90% immunity to AOE damage skills, gadgets get boons, no more RNG on tossed elixirs except U, no more self CC, grenade 1 get’s a direct LOS targeting, remove the cap on condition damage in PVE across the board, this includes fixing the 19 pages of flaws and bugs btw)
~ world content is at least 5 new DE’s and 1 new meta a month, no more temporary stuff
~ loot is rightfully returned to the open world (because bots switched to selling node materials a long long time ago, it’s time for this insult to be fixed, we know it’s not for bots anymore)
You can’t ask that question without even knowing anything about it or what would be in the expansion, that would be like me saying I’m going to release something new, would you buy it?
If it adds loads of new great content that I’d be interested in then yeah I’ll most likely buy it, but if it’s a load of stuff i have no interest in then no, but obviously we have no info so i can’t say.
Absolutely. I’m anxious to see new lands.
Absolutley, I will buy it. They got me just only with what I have seen so far in these 9 months. It would be awesome to continue with new maps, new races, new stories, new goals…
So far the living world keep us entertaning a few hours with new content but I would want a lot more.
I’ll buy the expansion only if it means new & improved weapons & armor & more/better character creation options & possibly new classes/Races, Content ect. You know, the normal – also Cantha & Elona- those were my fav campaigns in GW1- I’d love to revisit them
No. As much as I have enjoyed the game, I had high hopes for it and while new stuff has been added, it has gone in the wrong direction imho.
- I expected guild missions to be accessible to all in guilds, more akin to epic fights and for grouping beyond 5 to be possible. Seriously how hard is it to allow larger group size? I don’t know, but I’d imagine not too hard.
- All added content lately has been what I would called aimed at newer players. Not much for those that have been playing since the beginning.
- The living story is an interesting concept, but shouldn’t be the end all be all. It would have been nice added 1-2 years in once the game matured some.
- Class balance in a game that is touted as “all classes can do anything” is not there. Fixing bugged traits/skills would be a start then go from there.
- The DR and reward inequality is the antithesis to “play how you want” mentality. That a 2 minute wurm/FE DE rewards as good/better than high level PVE content is just laughable. I know why they do it (push ppl to certain areas), but it really does feel forced. That one of the easiest dungeons is the best money maker is kinda funny too.
Since there seems to be more bots than real players on my server no, I won’t be wasting any money on the game until they do something.
“we’re looking into it” “we’re developing tools”…hardly reassuring, it’s the same names warping around the map harvesting nodes with impunity hour after hour, often week after week. If they can’t be bothered to get a GM on a server to block these kitten then they don’t deserve the money.
Short answer – YES!
Long answer – ABSOLUTELY!!
Would I buy a new expac and why?
Absolutely! I enjoy it. I look forward to logging on and playing. I enjoy the content and I enjoy the choices I have that seem meaningful to me.
Permanent price drop?
Expansion is coming! Can’t wait for it!