Would you exclude someone from a group...

Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shiyo.3578


Ranger’s are also an incredible PVE class, they have the best water field in the game, 50% uptime waterfield with AOE regen + aoe condition removal? Yes please, not to mention they’re tanky as hell, do decent damage, and have the best res in the game via their elite spirit. You just need a ranger who knows how to do more than autoattack with a ranged weapon and alt tab. Use greatsword, gear tanky, and support while tanking. Pretend you’re a guardian with a pet, because you are.

even if the ranger is specked for zerker and uses a sword their damage is still over than anyone else’s. Excuse from Anet? They have a pet to help their damage, so they don’t need a damage increase! So no, they don’t do decent damage.

You are not there to do top damage. You should not be using zerker gear. You still do decent damage while supporting your entire group.

(edited by Shiyo.3578)

Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


You are not there to do top damage. You should not be using zerker gear.

my point is – no matter how you look at it rangers don’t do decent damage. Then when it comes to base toughness they are as squishy as a thief unless they go for tanking gear. A thief in tanking gear will still out damage a ranger in tanking gear. Then there’s the pet problem. Even if you keep them stoved AoEs can still target and kill them and that messes up the pattern.
I’ll take any ranger that wants to run with me no problem, I’m just pointing out that the class needs some serious fixing.

Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


The Class someone plays doesn’t really matter to me, I find all of them useful in some way, even Rangers. I actually love Rangers because of the blast heal I can spam with their healing spring. I’ve done plenty of dungeons and fractals with all types of combinations including full light/light+medium no heavy grps to know anything can work if they know what they’re doing. I generally would only kick someone if they’re extremely rude, trolling or just generally uncooperative and refusing to do things correctly or want to learn. Then there’s if they DC or Akitten forever…. A..F…K*

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Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naranek.3467


Absolutely not. In fact, I’d kick the guy who wanted to exclude someone just for playing the “wrong” class. This past weekend, had a great story dungeon run on AC with a group that included a ranger, who afterwards said that it was his fastest run for that one. This ranger and another guildie met up with two random people hanging at the entrance who also wanted to do story mode (first time for me and at least one other); we worked well together, we were friendly and communicative, no one was a load, and I gave out blackberry cookies as a thank-you. Granted, that’s the first dungeon, but still. Don’t go in with preconceived notions of “the right way” to play. Do it for fun.

Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cinemapaula.8673


Flissy – you just proved my point. You don’t know what a good ranger can do, since you’ve obviously never played with one. The good ones DO NOT play the way you describe. =) Nice try. Find a good ranger. Team up. Stop being so unfairly biased towards the profession before you know whakittens all about.

Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


If they where a specific profession? Just for anything?

(Looking to see if the CoF1 mentality is present everywhere or not.)

No I would not.

And actually find the opposite mentality in PUGs outside of CoF – if anything goes wrong anywhere people start -accusing- others of running zerker and thereby causing a wipe.
- Which it will do, but the accusing gets annoying.

We take anyone of any class, as long as they leave the attitude behind. Though we did run with one attitude person today and it was… painful…

We bring the player, not the class or character. And as most of us have many characters, what shows up class wise can vary radically run from run even when its the same people behind the keyboards.

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Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flissy.4093


Flissy – you just proved my point. You don’t know what a good ranger can do, since you’ve obviously never played with one. The good ones DO NOT play the way you describe. =) Nice try. Find a good ranger. Team up. Stop being so unfairly biased towards the profession before you know whakittens all about.

Sword/X is highest DPS for a Ranger, while either bows are terrible. Not sure what MMO Ranger you’re on about.

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Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I wasn’t the person voting people out of my group in kindergarten and I’m not that guy in videogames either.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
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Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alissah.9281


Nope, id never exclude someone based on profession.
“Any profession excels at combat eith no exception” -arenanet
I agree with this statement. Only when doing fractals or somehing you need alteast 1 person with projectile reflection skills, other than that anyone can join. Luckily i have 3 reflections myself sk i dont have to exclude people for that reason

Id also exclude people wih a bad attitude…. Nothing new there

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