Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LOCO.1785


Before the Lost Shores patch, yes.

Now? No.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hieronymus.5916


I whent a step further and bought it for a friend, he got to level 34 before he got bored and quit. We both played GW1 for years and now we’re done with this game within a few days. Sure I whent on alone, hit 80 got exotic gear and quit. The only thing GW2 makes me feel now is nostalgia for GW1.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


Yes to answer the op. it’s worth 60 US.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Godorn.2931


Not no but *#&^ NO. I wold not recommend this game to an enemy.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174



Cash grab game. *nods*

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: civildude.4308


Prior to Anet starting their gear grind through ascended gear I would have and did wholeheartedly recommend GW2 to everyone. Now I most certainly would not. One of the major selling points of this game to me was that there was no constant gear progression that killed other mmo’s for me.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaakEE.7109



Broken Promises + unbalanced pvp.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wesley.4590


I would recommend it to a friend and I am.

Don’t really get what all the fuss is about. So there is a new tier of gear, if you don’t want it, don’t get it. Or just wait until they’ve fully implemented it. They already made statements on where Ascended items are heading to. Atm it would be a grind to get it, but this is only an early stage. And what’s so terrible about it being a grind to get it, you are not required to get it so now the people that like grinds can grind and the people that don’t really like it (myself aswell) can ignore it for now. Only concerns could be that they are (going to) be usable in WvW, where you might have a minor disadvantage if you use Exotics instead of Ascendeds. But by the time you can have a full Ascended set, FotM won’t be the only way to get them anymore.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Merthax.5172


Would I? I have already…with full explanation of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spoofy.8239


In answer to your question “Not a hope in hell”

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


reads thread title…..



Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Would I? I have already…with full explanation of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Same with me, my friend. It’s good to see a fellow gamer who isn’t a mindless sheep.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Columba.9730


NO. Not after they introduced god-mode gear available only via dungeons.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quench.7091


GW2 doesn’t have a clear identity right now. It is going through some changes with what it sees as the target audience from what I can tell. I know where my friends stand when it comes to video games, but I can’t tell where GW2 stands.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


I would if they’re interested in MMO’s or want to try something and take a break from their current MMO they were playing…otherwise nah.


Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


I would recommend to a friend yes, and detail the game…. because unlike most here my friends are intelligent enough to make a informed choice about whether to purchase and play or not.

Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean they won’t… just because you feel lied to and burned for whatever reason… well that has nothing to do with the game or your friends… your just being spiteful.

Some of you need to grow up a bit, and put your pitchforks down.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LeoXearo.3641


If someone’s just looking for a casual MMO because they’re too busy to invest too much time into video games then I’d recommend this game.

Otherwise not really. The leveling is fun but leveling to the cap takes no time at all and then you are left with nothing to do… well you have stuff to do but there isn’t much motivation to do it because rewards suck.

Probably better off playing something like league of legends.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

I have talked a few former-wow-addicts into trying the GW2 beta. After they played the final beta weekend, they cancelled their Wow subs and never looked back. They’re playing GW2 more than I am at the moment.

Would I recommend it again? Yup. I would also strongly recommend they never read these forums if they want to keep their souls intact.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amen.2630


i wouldnt, some of them play other games and refuse to change and say they are satisfied with the system and the genre,

some already tried and almost ALL of them left for good forever, and i mean it they will NEVER come back

1 of my friends is playing it but share the same opinion as me, its broken and horrible at this point and we both dont really like to play it anymore, what we enjoyed a lot in the first months

sad, so sad for a game which was promised to be revolutionary

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


There are a number of issues that prevent me from recommending GW2. Thankfully all issues are “temporary” and will be fixed in due course but do not make the game enjoyable with certain playing styles.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cherrie.8907


I would not recommend on my own but I would offer my insights if they asked.
Overall, I find the game decent and probably only worth looking at at this point in time because it has no monthly fee, but I personally prefer to pay a sub and have a great game, than battle with bad design on so many levels plus the horrid cash shop.

I think GW2 is the most overrated game on the market right now, which is sad really. The game simply does not deliver.
Not worth recommending anymore.

The good
- graphics
- sound
- no monthly fee
- no holy trinity
- interesting class mechanic and not-too-bad combat
- jumping puzzles
- quaggans

The bad – far more than good and far more severe
- it’s still a fantasy MMO and overall, it has exactly the same feeling as all of them out tehre
- prevelant and still expanding RNG (Mystic Forge reminds me of the worse element of the worse game I;ve ever played, Chaos Machine in Mu Online…)
- moneygrab store and in-game tactics
- poor overall story (writing is good on the low level, but when you look at the world from the distance, very unimaginative and cliche)
- dungeon design – GW2 has the absolutely worst dungeon design in any game I’ve played the last 3 years; mechanics are unimaginative and in most cases depend solely on huge morale pools and huge hits; trash are unnecessarly hard, rewards are not worht the effort, plus most dungeons in game are not worth doing at this point
- poor socialization
- grind
- poor cosmetics mechanics, aimed to grab even more cash
- no in-game support; so you’ve been trying to beat an unabalnced dungeon for 4h and it bugged out on you? Good luck trying to exploit-fix it or going in again hoping it won’t bug out again… Unacceptable for me in 2012
- no account restoration policy at launch, and 3 months after launch still! So you’ve been hacked? Sucks to be you…
- no reimbursement policy – so you’ve lost a huge amount of in-game gold / materials / effort because of the bug in game that was even confirmed? Sucks to be you, we don’t have reimbursement policy either. Also unacceptable in 2012!

And on top of all that, broken promises.
I kinda feel like almost every aspect that made the game trully unique and great was taken out, leaving “the same old”, but underdelivered.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Falcon Night.4653

Falcon Night.4653

After seeing the video Manifesto and reading up on this game I was hyping it up to my friends and my brother.
One of my friends started to play and quit cause he got bored, this was before Lost Shores. Went back to WoW.
My brother has been a WoW player for years now. Has absolutely no interest in other MMOGs, got his dragon mounts, epic raid gear, etc. He tried and quit SWTOR cause, well, it sucked. To him SWTOR was just a bad implementation of WoW. Last weekend we met up and he asked me how GW2 was. Told me he had recently got bored of WoW’s gear grind and was looking for something else (he actually downloaded X-COM demo to try.) I told him, “stay in WoW, there’s no point to come to over GW2.”
Myself, I’m enjoying GW2 at the moment, basically because it does not cost me anything to play. The game play is ok by me. And I’m just biding my time till a game comes out that interests me again.

TLDR: No, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, anymore.

These are not the droid you are looking for, move along… → ESO, FireFall, NW :)

(edited by Falcon Night.4653)

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruby Red.4019

Ruby Red.4019

I did and the ones that bought it have all left. From a guild of 40 there are 2 of us that log in sometimes. Would I now… no… not in a million years.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


nope. all my friends like PvP and gw2 PvP is quite awful. spvp is still a joke and wvwvw is a stale zero fest. my brother is the only person I knew who bought at release and he quit after a week of spvp

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SonicTHI.3217


Up to a few weeks ago i d recommend it to any stranger (and i did) but now that its clear where the game is going i cant recommend it to anyone. In fact i d tell them to stay away.

The AMA did nothing but confirm to me that either the devs after 5 years of mostly brilliant, logical decisions suddenly turned stupid or more likely that they are being dictated from above with clear deadlines and a focus on more monetization and short term profits.

In any case this move turned the game into a single dungeon gear grind and also completely destroyed my trust in the company that i ve supported for 7 years.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike O’Brien, President of Arenanet

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


I wouldn’t recommend this cash grab to an enemy.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


you guys are all so pessimistic and yell at the smallest details, only 3 months down the road. It seems that this game can’t get content because people will just kitten. “Oh no, there’s a new tier to do stuff with, how will we live now, even though we can still wear greens and kill people in exotics, but now a new tier is a REAL problem” in the future I imagine it will be “oh no the level cap was increased, I’m not the highest level anymore, I hate this game so much”. Seriously guys, WTF?

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oorjuwa.1682


I did recommend it but regret it, after the lost shores update that proved me so very wrong about how different the game would be. I wont put myself in the same situation again. I know now that whatever has been told by developers about the game is not true or at least changing post launch.

I still play but hardly accomplishing any leveling due to the fact that zones are just empty and am alone most of the time, barely see anyone around doing events as I did with my main.

The game current condition is unstable, deserted I say…although servers are high/full most of the time but its not reflecting on the world of Tyria.

Something is seriously wrong with the game currently. I just hope they would seriously fix it.

I have to admit, I felt so upset when they first introduced one time events and gambling chests on Halloween. Thought they would see how upset we were and change that for the next event…BUT no, they had to go and do even worse.


“You’ve got some really nice toys there. Mind if I break them?”
— Gwen

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfmother.4098


Yes, I would recommend it.

We can make ourselves miserable, or we can make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JakHammer.7094


OP I would.
Well —- Maybe.
Actually —- Probably not at this time.

I will wait and see if this is really truly the only gear level addition, and how it proceeds. But I am worried and not even mostly by the Ascended issues, which are still way to early to judge.

As a refugee from City of Heroes, any possible trust in any statement from anyone who works for Arena Net / NCSoft is already gone forever. Ignore what they say. Observe, analyse, and NEVER Forget what they DO.

I literally purchased this game less than 72 hours before they pulled the plug on CoH with No warning and for No good reason that has ever been revealed to us. I so wish I had not. Now I feel guilt that I was one of teo people that encouraged our entire Super Group to come into GW2 based on my initial experience. We all enjoyed the fisrt few months, but lately Guild night is smaller and smaller.

I gave friends free copies of GW1. I still have free sets of GW1 to give, and I still would. I started playing CoH because a friend gave me a free copy. I gave away free copies of that game too.

Not GW2, not now.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.6045


If someone asked for my opinion I would tell them that I like it. So yeah I would recommend the game if someone asked me… Not going to stuff it to anyone’s face..

Feel free to disagree

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


Yes, I would. It’s an incredibly great game. Cheap too compared to some other games that can keep you entertained for so many hours.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


I’ve played through several MMO’s, arpg’s, and other games with friends and family. Everyone has different preferences around games but most know a good game when they play it. Everyone thought GW2 was a good game. The greatest thing about it was that they were blazing a new path and correcting glaring problems in the genre. Principally, this was around players playing cooperatively with other players as everyone was sick of the culture of WoW. But, it was also around jettisoning the gear grind and vertical progression. Vertical progression actually tends to produce a lot of the behavior and culture problems you see in other MMO’s. Long story short, I would have recommended it heartily to others before the last patch but will no longer recommend it above any other MMO. Now, it’s just another MMO after all, so it would come down to visual aesthetic or something about the combat system perhaps.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I’ve played through several MMO’s, arpg’s, and other games with friends and family. Everyone has different preferences around games but most know a good game when they play it. Everyone thought GW2 was a good game. The greatest thing about it was that they were blazing a new path and correcting glaring problems in the genre. Principally, this was around players playing cooperatively with other players as everyone was sick of the culture of WoW. But, it was also around jettisoning the gear grind and vertical progression. Vertical progression actually tends to produce a lot of the behavior and culture problems you see in other MMO’s. Long story short, I would have recommended it heartily to others before the last patch but will no longer recommend it above any other MMO. Now, it’s just another MMO after all, so it would come down to visual aesthetic or something about the combat system perhaps.

I find it weird that people repeat vertical progression without knowing the meaning of it. Do you need rares to get exotics? No. Well then it’s not vertical progression.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlockworK.2954


I would definitely recommend GW2. It’s a great $60 game that has no other fees attached to it.

The entitlement of children nowadays. The sky is not falling.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Singh.8206


I had mentioned GW2 to friends, they had played WOW for years but had stopped because they were tired of all the gear grinding.
I pushed the fact that GW2’s promise was what sold me, that there would be NO gear grinding.

So NO, I will not.
As a matter of fact, I’ll be telling other people not to buy the game since Anet lied.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


This topic stinks of ex-WoW player nonsense. “I hated my old MMO and I am scared this will become like it”

Guild Wars is it’s own gem and probably the best value for money of any game out today. Yes I would recommend it as it is amazing fun and Arena Net have pushed out new free content almost every month since release, Mad King, Lost Shores, Wintersday next and a new unknown event for Janurary.

The nonsense about Ascended is just that, nonsense. If it was released when the game went live not a single person would even comment on it, it would have been accepted as the norm. The people that do complain are just that typical MMO minority that complains about nearly everything, if they did not have Ascended to focus on, then it would be something else.

If anyone finds Guild Wars 2 not worth recomending then I doubt they would recommend any MMO at all, none come close to the fun GW2 offers or the tremendous value for money it has.

Also Chamone “All of us, myself included,” you do not speak for everyone, just yourself, you presumptuous…

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


Oh, I thought of more more thing; I trusted the company. They seemed different. The Dev team seemed to have their lights on and they seemed to have respect for their players. I didn’t play GW1, was a WoW refugee, so I was basing my trust just on what I read. Now, everything I read from them just confuses and angers me. Take the AMA: " we will have vertical progression moving forward with the focus on zero grind and a very low power curve." Who do they think they are talking to, some kid who has never played an MMO? Good luck with that; vertical progression pretty much defines a grind. Losing trust was a defining moment with GW2. And, after the AMA confirmed the fears, trust won’t be returning.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rakuren Kenshou.7689

Rakuren Kenshou.7689

I’m going to ignore the fact that this is another “ascended ruined the game” thread and just answer the question.

Yes. I have refered 6 people so far.
I will continue to refer people.

This game is EASILY worth 60 dollars. If they finish the content and decide they don’t like the “gear grind”, they will have gotten more play and enjoyment than they would have gotten for a game they would normally pay 60 dollars for.

Also of note…

0 of my friends that I have refered care about or refer to ascended things as a “gear grind”. It’s a pretty standard MMO feature, and it isn’t even close to the kind of gear grind present in other MMOs.

“I reject your reality and substitute my own.”

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


I’ve played through several MMO’s, arpg’s, and other games with friends and family. Everyone has different preferences around games but most know a good game when they play it. Everyone thought GW2 was a good game. The greatest thing about it was that they were blazing a new path and correcting glaring problems in the genre. Principally, this was around players playing cooperatively with other players as everyone was sick of the culture of WoW. But, it was also around jettisoning the gear grind and vertical progression. Vertical progression actually tends to produce a lot of the behavior and culture problems you see in other MMO’s. Long story short, I would have recommended it heartily to others before the last patch but will no longer recommend it above any other MMO. Now, it’s just another MMO after all, so it would come down to visual aesthetic or something about the combat system perhaps.

I find it weird that people repeat vertical progression without knowing the meaning of it. Do you need rares to get exotics? No. Well then it’s not vertical progression.

I find it weird that people don’t understand that vertical progression is about the increase in power level. You “progress” by acquiring the new tier of gear with the higher stats. No, you don’t need rares to get exotics, but no one is talking about that, we are talking about vertical progression.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I would not, and it has nothing to do with “vertical progression”.

We’ve had how many bugfixes in the last month? Oh, you mean just the fixes that came with the Lost Shores patch? Which hardly fixed anything (and in some cases did more harm than good [blind > phantasm summon, for example]).

Since release there have been countless bugs regarding skills and traits and game mechanics. Every profession seems flooded with more things that are not working than are. And its 3 months on now and we’re reduced to bugfixes once a month? Are you serious?

In addition to far too few bug fixes, they nerf classes based on how they are now, when half their kitten doesn’t work, instead of fixing them. Do I think fixing a bug should, or would, only take 10 minutes? No. But if you’re a competent enough programmer to make the game, it shouldn’t take you 3+ months to fix them either.

Then there’s the failure to split PvP/PvE from the beginning like they said the would. Any developer thinking both areas of gaming can be balanced on one set of skills that isn’t Rock/Paper/Scissors is deluding himself, and I thought ANet had learned this from GW1. Either they didn’t learn, or they did but simply don’t care.

I would not recommend GW2 to a friend right now, as it is. But as I play periodically I’ll see how it goes. If it improves, then yeah I would. But as of right now, no.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bpphantom.8243


Would I recommend GW2 to a friend. No. It’s too sandboxy while not being a sandbox, and too theme parky while not being a theme park. It’s a strange thing that doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be. The result being that it’s not very good at being either.

As for ANet, they don’t really factor in to my not recommending GW2. Every developer has issues, and every game has bugs. It’s the nature of the beast.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Then leave the rest to Batman.”

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I’ve played through several MMO’s, arpg’s, and other games with friends and family. Everyone has different preferences around games but most know a good game when they play it. Everyone thought GW2 was a good game. The greatest thing about it was that they were blazing a new path and correcting glaring problems in the genre. Principally, this was around players playing cooperatively with other players as everyone was sick of the culture of WoW. But, it was also around jettisoning the gear grind and vertical progression. Vertical progression actually tends to produce a lot of the behavior and culture problems you see in other MMO’s. Long story short, I would have recommended it heartily to others before the last patch but will no longer recommend it above any other MMO. Now, it’s just another MMO after all, so it would come down to visual aesthetic or something about the combat system perhaps.

I find it weird that people repeat vertical progression without knowing the meaning of it. Do you need rares to get exotics? No. Well then it’s not vertical progression.

I find it weird that people don’t understand that vertical progression is about the increase in power level. You “progress” by acquiring the new tier of gear with the higher stats. No, you don’t need rares to get exotics, but no one is talking about that, we are talking about vertical progression.

so essentially you’re kittening about there being gear with different stats even though the difference is minimal? Okay. Get out of MMOs then. I’m sorry that it’s not communism where there’s only one type of gear and everybody gets the same stats.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


I’ve played through several MMO’s, arpg’s, and other games with friends and family. Everyone has different preferences around games but most know a good game when they play it. Everyone thought GW2 was a good game. The greatest thing about it was that they were blazing a new path and correcting glaring problems in the genre. Principally, this was around players playing cooperatively with other players as everyone was sick of the culture of WoW. But, it was also around jettisoning the gear grind and vertical progression. Vertical progression actually tends to produce a lot of the behavior and culture problems you see in other MMO’s. Long story short, I would have recommended it heartily to others before the last patch but will no longer recommend it above any other MMO. Now, it’s just another MMO after all, so it would come down to visual aesthetic or something about the combat system perhaps.

I find it weird that people repeat vertical progression without knowing the meaning of it. Do you need rares to get exotics? No. Well then it’s not vertical progression.

I find it weird that people don’t understand that vertical progression is about the increase in power level. You “progress” by acquiring the new tier of gear with the higher stats. No, you don’t need rares to get exotics, but no one is talking about that, we are talking about vertical progression.

so essentially you’re kittening about there being gear with different stats even though the difference is minimal? Okay. Get out of MMOs then. I’m sorry that it’s not communism where there’s only one type of gear and everybody gets the same stats.

Good, it sounds like you now understand vertical progression. But, you seem to have now conflated it with Capitalism. To pursue that would be to derail entirely.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnycosmic.9130


Not any more.

I still pop on now and again because its free.

I would not recommend to my friends where the sum of a game is standing around for infinity looking for a group for number infinity dungeon.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cherrie.8907


I’ve played through several MMO’s, arpg’s, and other games with friends and family. Everyone has different preferences around games but most know a good game when they play it. Everyone thought GW2 was a good game. The greatest thing about it was that they were blazing a new path and correcting glaring problems in the genre. Principally, this was around players playing cooperatively with other players as everyone was sick of the culture of WoW. But, it was also around jettisoning the gear grind and vertical progression. Vertical progression actually tends to produce a lot of the behavior and culture problems you see in other MMO’s. Long story short, I would have recommended it heartily to others before the last patch but will no longer recommend it above any other MMO. Now, it’s just another MMO after all, so it would come down to visual aesthetic or something about the combat system perhaps.

I find it weird that people repeat vertical progression without knowing the meaning of it. Do you need rares to get exotics? No. Well then it’s not vertical progression.

I find it weird that people don’t understand that vertical progression is about the increase in power level. You “progress” by acquiring the new tier of gear with the higher stats. No, you don’t need rares to get exotics, but no one is talking about that, we are talking about vertical progression.

so essentially you’re kittening about there being gear with different stats even though the difference is minimal? Okay. Get out of MMOs then. I’m sorry that it’s not communism where there’s only one type of gear and everybody gets the same stats.

Please get out from anywhere where intelligent, cultural people are having a conversation.
I find it funny how people like you actually argued the exact same thing about healers and tanks – because every other MMO has them! You can’t have an MMo without healers and tanks! or without quests! oh wait..!

It’s actually quite saddening to watch how people can’t think out of the box.
MMOs are not about gear and it’s depressing that the whole genre made you think there’s no other way.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dirtyoldgoat.5496


Yes i would easily and highly recommend this game to friends, and to those of you who are leaving…..

can he have your stuffs?

Fallendruid, White Lighter, The Native Sun
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912


I was in the SWTOR beta and I started playing during pre-order access. The framerate spiked all over the place even on high end systems, there were huge threads about the strange drops in FPS when entering warzones. There was an issue with the game rendering stuttering (easily demonstrated by jumping and opening your bags – this caused you to hang in mid air momentarily). There were memory leak issues after playing for long sessions, many threads about BSOD’s. There were gamebreaking bugs in the operations – for example, the pylons becoming unlickable resulting in that boss sometimes being impossible to complete, the Soa fight had many bugs most notably the one where the floor didn’t appear meaning you couldn’t fight him. There was a bug at Gharj which randomly killed everyone in the operation. They also had long maintenance downtime, sometimes multiple times a week. There were broken Ilum dailies. Some of the class quests couldn’t be completed. As for class balance, they had entire warzones containing only sorcerers.

And here is a screenshot of Soa with his floor missing, taken in January.

I have had any kind of spikes sorry. I have a high end machine and was using an overclocked gtx 480 card. Also you are showing a picture of a bug on end game. Not many hit end game at launch so not sure how that has anything to do with it.

I am not saying there weren’t bugs and yes EV was buggy, but that content isn’t considered “launch”.

These memory leaks I never experienced any and played hours on end because I had off work so never ran into any of that nor did anyone in the guild I was in which had about 50 in it. I know 50 is a small number but I am sure there were a lot more of us too who had no memory leaks.

I NEVER saw any warzones with only sorc. I am pretty sure you are lying about that one. If you did what does that have to do with class balance? You do know what class balance is right? I am not talking about the number of characters used by people but by a class basically facerolling all other classes. Sorc. was a character made by a lot because it was cool and shot lightning and was sith and looked cool. It was the FotM. But the class balances were very good for a launch compared to most.

You likely weren’t around for launches like SWG, WoW, Tera, Warhammer, Aion and AoC. Those were horrible launches. Yes even WoW. All of these launches were game breaking issues which is why AoC, Warhammer, Aion and Tera are all where they are at now. Heck, AoC didn’t even have content ready for after the starter zone. Tera had huge account issues, servers crashing, servers down for hours the first day because of some error (forgot exactly what it was) but it kept the servers down.

So ToR had a great launch. Like I said, there were bugs but nothing that was big. And yes GW2 and Rift had great launches also. Didn’t notice anything big except GW2 class balancing was horrible.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

No I wouldn’t, gets too boring too quick.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I’ve played through several MMO’s, arpg’s, and other games with friends and family. Everyone has different preferences around games but most know a good game when they play it. Everyone thought GW2 was a good game. The greatest thing about it was that they were blazing a new path and correcting glaring problems in the genre. Principally, this was around players playing cooperatively with other players as everyone was sick of the culture of WoW. But, it was also around jettisoning the gear grind and vertical progression. Vertical progression actually tends to produce a lot of the behavior and culture problems you see in other MMO’s. Long story short, I would have recommended it heartily to others before the last patch but will no longer recommend it above any other MMO. Now, it’s just another MMO after all, so it would come down to visual aesthetic or something about the combat system perhaps.

I find it weird that people repeat vertical progression without knowing the meaning of it. Do you need rares to get exotics? No. Well then it’s not vertical progression.

I find it weird that people don’t understand that vertical progression is about the increase in power level. You “progress” by acquiring the new tier of gear with the higher stats. No, you don’t need rares to get exotics, but no one is talking about that, we are talking about vertical progression.

so essentially you’re kittening about there being gear with different stats even though the difference is minimal? Okay. Get out of MMOs then. I’m sorry that it’s not communism where there’s only one type of gear and everybody gets the same stats.

Please get out from anywhere where intelligent, cultural people are having a conversation.
I find it funny how people like you actually argued the exact same thing about healers and tanks – because every other MMO has them! You can’t have an MMo without healers and tanks! or without quests! oh wait..!

It’s actually quite saddening to watch how people can’t think out of the box.
MMOs are not about gear and it’s depressing that the whole genre made you think there’s no other way.

Any game has gear. On this game the difference between the gear is so small that I perform as well on greens as I do on exotics. I doubt you will find a single game that has no gear. Heck even planetside have different weapons, but the weapon upgrades do not help you much. The same is here. You will not find a single game that’s RPG, MMO, FPS, RTS thatdoes not have units/ gear/ guns that are different and different in stats and abilities. Not a single one. What you’re asking would make the game obsolete and was never done before. Imagine this – there’s no gear difference, no levels, no numbers. Do you have any initiative to do quests and events? Do you have any reason to play in the world and not in the story or WvW mode?
I find this hilarious. Complaining that there’s stuff to do even though you do just as fine without it and making it a big deal, asking them to do what no game has done before, what would make a lot of the content pointless and not visited and would cut a lot of the game out and calling it an intelligent debate. I would suggest you to play something else, but there’s literally no multiplayer game that I can suggest. I’m going trough all the games that I know and ALL have a variety of weapons and upgrades. Mount and Blade – have the option to get better armor and weapons, Chivalry – you can unlock better weapons, CoD – unlock better weapons, Battlefield – unlock better weapons, WoW – get gear in order to get a higher level gear, Runescape – get better armor, Perfect World – buy better gear with money… If I remember correctly Solder of Fortune 2 in its multiplayer had no unlocks and was as basic as it gets. Play that one maybe?