Wurm/tequatl weapon and armour bug
What bug? I was able to change my two sunless weapons to zerk just fine.
did you chose the stats? and then change them? cause my wurm armour doesnt even apear in my inventory when i try to put it in the forge. and its not the only issue. i know a couple of ppl who couldnt do it.
Yeah, I changed both my sunless greatsword and staff to zerk stats. Worked just fine and changed them into the Zojja GS and staff, which I then transmuted back into sunless.
I don’t have wurm armor, only other ascended armor pieces which I also changed to zerk just fine. So you walked up to the forge and hit “F” and it does not show your armor that’s in your bags? And you have all the mats necessary to change them in your bags too?
I had no problems with my Wurm armor.
It has to be an actual piece of armor/weapon. Not the boxes they come in.
Yup, no idea why but it doesnt. After pressing f at forge, i dont have the item listed.
I know btw, i have the head gear piece, and putting it in isnt an option. No item in the selection tab to the left once i open the mistic forge. its there in my inventory, as are all the other items, but not my head gear piece
I had no problems with my Wurm armor.
It has to be an actual piece of armor/weapon. Not the boxes they come in.
yeah im trying to put the wurmslayers Visor in, its the actual piece of armor, in Carrion stats. i open the forge, and the item does NOT show up.
btw haleydawn u did have stats selected right?, or no stats yet?
Yes stats selected also.
as far as i see, its possible that the bug is only present with either the items received after patch, or opened after the patch. cant tell for sure though. hope they at least give some notice to this
as far as i see, its possible that the bug is only present with either the items received after patch, or opened after the patch. cant tell for sure though. hope they at least give some notice to this
I recieved mine shortly after triple wurm came out, so it’s not that.
Did you try dragging it in from the inventory? Maybe try moving it to another character.
ok so its not that. Andraus, tried, doesnt work. tried 3 different characters, same thing
This is a post in the bug forums, it seems Wurm head and hands don’t go in right now. Wurm Shoulders and teq weapons should be appearing in the forge window.