WvW Mistforged Hero Weapons

WvW Mistforged Hero Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barsimoprimo.2759


Though i appreciate the changes to WvW’s reward system, I am extremely disappointed with the fact that a weapon which may take 2 months to acquire only has exotic stats. Though I understand that you want to focus on a cosmetic form of rewards, are you seriously unwilling to create another avenue to aqcuiring ascended weapons. Two months of wvw, imho, is very deserving of an ascended weapon, if not a weapon that is easier to turn into ascended weaponry.

WvW Mistforged Hero Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

Look at them simply as skins to transmute onto your ascended weapon.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

WvW Mistforged Hero Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


The only way EVER you will get ascended weapon/armour in GW2 is via crafting.

Suck it up and deal with it.

Anyone not willing to level crafting to 500 and grind the mats…your locked out of ascended PERMENANTLY & FOREVER.

Anet value there economic model over players full stop, they don’t care if you leave, quit playing. You have no power/influence over them at all. Its there way or the highway.

WvW Mistforged Hero Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DJ Dovahkiin.5937

DJ Dovahkiin.5937

The only way EVER you will get ascended weapon/armour in GW2 is via crafting.

Suck it up and deal with it.

Anyone not willing to level crafting to 500 and grind the mats…your locked out of ascended PERMENANTLY & FOREVER.

Anet value there economic model over players full stop, they don’t care if you leave, quit playing. You have no power/influence over them at all. Its there way or the highway.

Except they drop from Teq, Wurm and fract. It does make sense to put ascended weapons as a reward for the end of a WvW season, especially if it takes 2 months.

WvW Mistforged Hero Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xarallei.4279


The only way EVER you will get ascended weapon/armour in GW2 is via crafting.

Suck it up and deal with it.

Anyone not willing to level crafting to 500 and grind the mats…your locked out of ascended PERMENANTLY & FOREVER.

Anet value there economic model over players full stop, they don’t care if you leave, quit playing. You have no power/influence over them at all. Its there way or the highway.

Since when did they ever say crafting would be the only way ever? Please cite your source. And as someone posted there are drops for ascended gear and weapons. Though it would be nice to have a more viable way other than RNG drops or crafting. These WvW weapons is the perfect opportunity to do this.

WvW Mistforged Hero Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


heres the problem:
you can get the meta complete or whatever and get your tickets without ever directly contributing to the success of your server. its designed to be able to be completed in eotm, or you can wander around on some kittened sentinel geared engi with a flamethrower in the middle of a zerg doing no damage but getting tons of tags, or you can afk kill yaks with any class, pushing 1 once every 5 mins. you know, the list goes on, where your server isnt actually gonna be any worse off without you.

so do you really think your potentially insignificant contribution is deserving of a weapon youd normally have to grind your kitten off for?

thats why its only exotic.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

WvW Mistforged Hero Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


The only way EVER you will get ascended weapon/armour in GW2 is via crafting.

Suck it up and deal with it.

Anyone not willing to level crafting to 500 and grind the mats…your locked out of ascended PERMENANTLY & FOREVER.

Anet value there economic model over players full stop, they don’t care if you leave, quit playing. You have no power/influence over them at all. Its there way or the highway.

It’s not their way or the highway.
Just dont get ascended. Easy. You need it for nothing.
I have a couple Ascended weapons I made from mats I have just been hoarding. I have a couple others I got as random drops.
I do not have any ascended armor nor am I even bothering to work on it. Its a shameless grind for the sake of being a grind. That’s its sole purpose. And know what? I am not being hindered by my choice to not jump on the grind bandwagon. I am doing everything I ever did before Ascended was introduced.
Unless they add other avenues, I’ll never join the bandwagon either.