WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: HeidNu.1653


WvW has only a couple benefits to it: Karma, Experience, And badges. Karma is easily farmed in Orr, Experience is well… Experience, and badges can’t get you anything worth using. Why are there badges in this game? The only reason I would want to use my badges is for the legendary component. I think WvW should be a lot more rewarding than it is right now in it’s current state. These two things should be fixed:

1. Gear obtained from badges will have a more PvP aspect to it. Making it very effective in PvP, but not PvE. I.E. Choose whichever stats they have upon buying and giving them a little bit more resistance against players.

2. Upon every X amount of player kills, you will obtain an additional trait point to spend in (or something useful for that matter, something that will provide more strength in combat) this would make WvW something goal catching worth, rather than going out and taking bases 24/7 which can be very boring if done too long.

This game obviously needs more end game content, I think that some changes to WvW making it more interesting and worth doing would fix some things.

I miss the old DAoC Realm Rank system, it seems like GW2 implemented all the general ideas without the key ideas to this game.



WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


No to the trait point. We’re specifically trying to stay away from giving people huge stand advantages for grinds.

But gear that is more useful in PvP and less useful in PvE sounds decent. I’m 50/50 on it.

I do overall agree though. They do need to add rewards to WvW. Badges of Honor should at least be able to get you interesting things, different skins, titles, things like that.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


I agree op. A ranking system of some kind would give some meaning. This current system will get old fast. Nice thing is we aren’t paying a subscription.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: penatbater.4710


maybe leaderboards for server-wide stuff? Like

Most time spent in WvW
Most Kills (I’m sure people will go gaga over this)
Most supply camps taken
Best friend of Dolyak (most assistance)
Most deaths in wvw from player kill (yea =P)


must only be server-wide tho, and this might help encourage a bit of rivalry in getting to the leaderboards, which in turn, increases attendance for wvw

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: spacemayu.4817


Additional trait points?

That would break the game so hard.

WvW doesn’t need things that will make certain players godly overpowered. People already complain about the orb bonuses!

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Krighton.2138


They should have left WvW and PvP out completely like Blizzard did to Diablo until it’s ready. Unbalanced trash imo.

I often think companies nowadays have a hard time balancing a book on a table.

.0003 sec fights are no fun, whether killing or being killed. Zzzzz

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Man, how brainwashed are you guys that you can’t find fun in something unless you gets points or ranked?

Besides, WvW is zerg or be zerged. No amount of slight pvp stat boosts will help you unless you are a roamer ganking people wandering alone which is what the salad shooter thief class is for already anyways.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: willwill.9318


darkfall is nov 20th, get ready!

www.the-darkhand.com <DDH>

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: tom.7468


i made 3,7g yesterday just playing wvw and having fun no grinds at all the rewards are pretty good you get materials from loot bags you can sell on tp and badge of honor you get a lot of those i still think their a bit rare from player kills.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Kana.6793


1. Gear obtained from badges will have a more PvP aspect to it. Making it very effective in PvP, but not PvE. I.E. Choose whichever stats they have upon buying and giving them a little bit more resistance against players.

Are you talking about something like resilience in WoW? If so, absolutely not. It’s a horrible stat. I don’t like the extra traits idea either.

More unique skins for badges, sure. Titles, sure. Patterns for fancier looking siege equipment, sure.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Wyrdthane.6801


Dont worry so much, the game JUST came out. New Stuff will be implemented sooner or later,

Anet has no choice, and im sure that for 95% of the Dev’s it is BY CHOICE… to continue to update the game in ways that will keep their customers around longer. Endgame WvW – PvE – PvP content is going to happen, just be patient man.

look at the changes being made for sPvP already. They are making huge awesome changes for sPvP first it looks like. Then when that is done, they have plans for some really cool kitten for WvW and PvE..


this is Anet guys.. seriously now.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: mulch.2586


I think it’s very rewarding in the sense of you make a really decent bit of loot, the xp can’t be matched in pve, and the karma rolls in quite well, too.

As far as badges and wvw vendors, I could see some nice skins over and above what’s available now.

Stats advantages — no, that’s just counter to the fundamental design principles.

Bragging rights leader board – I like that idea. Make it based on karma earned in wvw would be pretty easy to tabulate.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Pustulio.8207


more of this crap?…great

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Taika.1347


darkfall is nov 20th, get ready!

Heh, it only happend in your dreams, but that is better that nothing.
It will never come out in this year, just use to google and u will see.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Khallis.5708


only thing i wish is that the exp was better, i was going to try and level a character just through PVP and good lord is it slow.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Yenkin.5410


Aside from the fact that the WvWvW I tried for the first time the other day was a giant zerg fest, until the other faction amassed a force that gave us a kicking, within about 30 minute of play I had gained two levels as we strategic points. The karma was good through I do find that money is a bit of a grind, the two levels were well worth the 30 minutes. The only comment I have is the Lag in that type of place was horrible and I play on a high end gaming machine. Now granted I had not tweaked anything but there may be some optimization needed from the server side.

WvW Should Be More Rewarding.

in WvW

Posted by: Spiders Spiders Spiders.8043

Spiders Spiders Spiders.8043

Gold income from wvw is as poor as hell compared with pve, and so is harvesting. Kind sucks for those of us who prefer to do wvw over pve because we keep getting pushed lower and lower in the economy.

[CIR] Crimson Imperium Reborn / Blacktide