WvW and Map Completion

WvW and Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Why is this still part of the game?

We are 2 years into the life-span of GW2. Is there any rational game-design reason why WvW is still part of map completion, even though it brings out so much frustration in the playerbase?

For PvErs, we’re tired of waiting 5-6 weeks just to get on the right colored “side” of WvW. And then another 5-6 weeks for another side in WvW. Then there is a frustration when griefers purposely camp a skillpoint.

And for WvWers, they’re annoyed us PvErs take up slots and don’t contribute.

How is it this flawed design is still part of the game, 2 years into its life-span?

WvW and Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I am WvW player and I wonder the same. Why is the PvE map part of world exploration when I don’t like to PvE and yet want 100% completion. I hope they would get rid of map completion from the PvE maps and make it only for WvW, so I can finish by just playing the content I want.

ps. I am not mocking you with this post. Just stating that Anet wants to make players, by froce if needed, to check other parts of the game. If you are interested of being fancy and having 100%, you can do it. If you are not, you don’t need to do it. You can’t really await the game to offer you everything for free. Sometimes, you have to work for it, by doing stuff that you don’t specifically love. At the end of the day though, you don’t HAVE to, but if you feelt he must to have 100% then give it a go, it won’t really hurt, even if it takes longer time.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

WvW and Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


when I did WvW for map completion I didn’t have much of a problem, but then I didn’t just go there for map completion. okay that was my main goal, but instead of focusing on that, I just played WvW. the map completion came naturally, and I actually enjoyed the experience. it made me try something different, and I’m glad that I did.

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

WvW and Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Veydar.5017


I had the same problem. Then I switched to Seafarers Rest. And to the people complaining about PvE being part of completion: you can do that on your own. You can’t take a tower on your own, at least it’s extremely unlikely. I tried. I even tagged up, asked in map chat or whispered commanders directly. I offered gold rewards, I brought my own siege, I asked friends.
At the end of the day it’s best to wait until you get a good color. That’s why WvW map completion should always be your number one priority. Everyday check if your missing objectives might have flipped.

WvW and Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


The WvW maps will be the hardest maps you will ever complete in this game. A bit of strategy and understanding how the maps work will go a long way into helping you complete these.

The biggest factor in completion is not how strong your server is or how outnumbered a match is or anything to that effect – the biggest factor is what color your server is that week.

It should be fairly easy to complete your server’s “third” of EBG and your Borderlands. Depending on how strong your server is playing that week, you may get most of the lower parts of the other server’s Borderland maps with possibly some good pushes into their 1/3 of EBG, especially around the edges of your third.

The hardest objectives to get will be the enemy’s keeps and garrisons. As a general rule, depending on how well your server is playing that week, you may see a coordinated push into enemy keeps at reset or later in the week when you’ve built up enough supply to push. But it’s far, far easier to just claim those objectives when your server rotates to that color.

So start your WvW mapping early in your completion journey, make sure to get as many of the more difficult objectives on as many characters as possible when your server changes colors.

WvW and Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gobble D Goop.4081

Gobble D Goop.4081

Guide for WvW map completion

Method 1: (only for active servers)
actively follow the commander around the map as they take things

Method 2: (any server)
transfer to an active server and follow method 1

Method 3: (most popular method for lower tier servers)
Run to objectives on reset night to get exploration quickly (before your server loses things). WvW matchup resets 1 hour and ~5 minutes after the daily reset on Friday night (currently 5:05 PM PST)
When the matchup resets, your server has a claim over all the keeps and towers in their Borderland and the keep and 4 towers for your corner in Eternal Battlegrounds.

When reset occurs go to your BL and run like crazy (bring swiftness!) to the 2 souternmost keeps (Bay and Hills) get all the POIs and vistas there. Then move north from them visiting towers, camps, and the garrison. You should have the 3 keeps and all the towers and camps north of Bay/Hills (dont worry if it takes more than 1 week). If your server still has stuff in EB, then go there and pick up your keep, 4 towers and the 2 camps on your side (will likely need more than one week for this and BL). to get the stuff in the south, you have to wait until your color is NOT the same as the BL (go to BLs that are “not your server name borderlands”)(unless you are really fast and can get to that southernmost tower before the enemy gets it). You will need 4 friends. You can activate the commander NPC (seigerazor/siegecrusher) if he is there. He will help you take the tower closest to your spawn. You can also take the 2 camps nearest to your spawn and get the south skill point/vistas.

Stonemist Castle will probably be your biggest issue if your world never takes it. The best way i can see to do it is to follow an enemy zerg into it (be careful they will see you as an easy target). Stealth is your best friend (if youre a mes or thief just equip your stealths and carefully fun around the perimiter picking up the POIs, otherwise bring a freind who can stealth you). You have to follow your enemy through the inner gate as well in order to get the skill point (this should be done after most of them leave).

*Be patient, this is a PvP map and it might take some time to do if your server has 0 presence
*Always avoid enemies when you can. Anyone that sees you will tell their 50 “freinds” in map chat and generally try to engage you
*Stealth, speed boosts, and even invulnerability skills are very helpful
*non-peak times can also be helpful if you are against servers where people actually get some sleep

Good Luck with your exploration

Habitual Warrior-Ranger
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!