X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I have been fishing around for ages for a solution to opening stacks (e.g; 250 Luck Essence) that does not entail intense physical clicking of the mouse buttons (it unbearably hurts after a while).

Various forums, including topics posted on the official GW2 forums by players indicate that you can key-bind your mouse scroll wheel to initiate a double click.

Unfortunately I’m a noob at computer software, apparently Windows 7 can do this but I haven’t been able to find it, so I downloaded a program called X-Mouse Button Control which allowed me to bind my scroll wheel to equal a double click.

My prime question is this:

With the sole intention of just being able to open stacks of items/bags am I allowed to use this feature on my mouse due to this program?

I am concerned that it is classed as 3rd party macro software but it’s just the mouse wheel that has been key-binded to perform the exact same action as the mouse button would.

Is this okay to do?

X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silmar Alech.4305

Silmar Alech.4305

Nobody can and will officially say if it is ok or not ok.

If you read forums and player feedback carefully (not only the official forum, in which this topic is tabu) you see that players actually use this kind of automatism for years and get away with it. And that such usage is somewhat widespread. It’s only that many players simply do it silently and don’t tell anyone.

X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Remember to upgrade your luck through artificing as well. It helps a ton. Oh, and the Windows feature you want is called Mouse Keys. I use it occasionally. Not sure I’d recommend the other program, but you’re probably okay if you’re just using wheel = double-click.

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X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electro.4173


As long as you bind the mouse wheel to a single click (not double click) its fine. The rule of thumb is one action for one key press (or in this case, one scroll of the mouse wheel). One scroll = one click, so yah.

If you set it to double click then I suppose you’d technically be breaking it, but I honestly doubt they’d care much about that either. The rule is more applicable to macros which would use a sequence of skills automatically and thus give people an actual advantage.

That said, you shouldn’t even need to set it to double click anyway. I have mine set to mouse wheel up and down as single click, and I can just roll the mouse wheel up and down and open things at turbo speed. I don’t even bother combining essences of luck with Artificer any more because I can use them up faster manually than I could waiting for them to craft together.

X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Remember to upgrade your luck through artificing as well. It helps a ton. Oh, and the Windows feature you want is called Mouse Keys. I use it occasionally. Not sure I’d recommend the other program, but you’re probably okay if you’re just using wheel = double-click.

Oh I never knew you can make luck into higher tiers? I’ll have to try that out. Thank you!

If Mouse Keys is already implemented into Windows 7 I will try and find it, cheers.

X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


As long as you bind the mouse wheel to a single click (not double click) its fine. The rule of thumb is one action for one key press (or in this case, one scroll of the mouse wheel). One scroll = one click, so yah.

If you set it to double click then I suppose you’d technically be breaking it, but I honestly doubt they’d care much about that either. The rule is more applicable to macros which would use a sequence of skills automatically and thus give people an actual advantage.

That said, you shouldn’t even need to set it to double click anyway. I have mine set to mouse wheel up and down as single click, and I can just roll the mouse wheel up and down and open things at turbo speed. I don’t even bother combining essences of luck with Artificer any more because I can use them up faster manually than I could waiting for them to craft together.

I have tested out this X-Mouse Program on a different game and I need to do 2 scroll down ‘click’ things on my mouse wheel to initiate a double-click so I think I have set it up correctly.

I’ve never tried out combining the luck via articifying so I’ll have to check that out too and see if it helps speed things up.

Thank you for the response.

X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dave.2536


Get a mouse with frictionless wheel mode too

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

X-Mouse Program & Mouse Wheel Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nutjob.9021


I don’t know if GW2 does it this way, but one way that various video games use to check for botting and macros is to look for a repetitive sequence of commands coming through with robotic precision over and over. Also, if commands are coming through far more quickly than a human being could possibly click, such as 10 mouse clicks per 1 thousandth of a second, that’s also the kind of thing that can set off alarms.

That being said, I haven’t heard of anyone getting in trouble for automating mouse clicking on stacks of luck and bags, etc. You would be doing it at your own risk. If you do it, I’d only do it in non-combat zones such as Lion’s Arch. That way if you get in trouble for it, at least you can rightfully claim that you didn’t do anything that would give you an advantage in combat. I don’t know how much information the people that enforce such policies have at their disposal. It’s possible that some automated system would detect you and punish you without a GM ever being aware of it.

Combining luck with artificing is a life saver. DO IT!