Yay finally fun in low lvl areas !
Wait… PvE was buffed? I feel like I missed something…
Wait… PvE was buffed? I feel like I missed something…
Is it considered buffed or nerfed? Did monsters get buffed or did our damage output in lower areas got nerfed?
the fun factor got a huuuuuge buff, bcs player got nerfed. And also events r muuuuuuuuuuuch better adjused…its not a fight who hit the monster first bcs everything die after 1 hit. And also the monster per wave r much better..its a challange now..and not kindergarden stuff. I mean….if only 2 monster per wave comes per person its horrible easy..7 is a good nr. (at least these r my experience from events in a lvl 50 area)
The downscaling formula was, rightfully in my view, adjusted. It’s harder to one shot things now. lol
As long as the lower areas aren’t the same as Orr (or other high end zones) I’m happy with the change.
Not everything needs to be quite that tedious to kill.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
If only they buffed map completion rewards too so they scale to your level and not the level of the zone this would be awesome.
Not that the point of playing has to be chasing a carrot 100% of the time, but it sure would be nice to be able to get more than 40 pieces of copper and 2 green items worth 1s from spending 2 hours finishing a zone.
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
Did the super-downscaling return?
I haven’t had a chance to go anywhere low-level yesterday.
I still one shot things – in fact I’m one shotting everything – that’s my only chance to survive actually. Great patch, anet! It’s worse than before the ferocity-introduction.
This is good news. They overdid the downscale buffs and low level content had become way too easy. Downscaling was one of the best innovations of this game.
I actually can’t tell. Which is screwed up.
I know with full zerker gear and ascended trinkets, my crit chance is 9% in Queensdale and my crit damage buff is 151%. Which seems awfully low.
On the other hand, when the super-downscaling first snuck in, I remember having distinct difficulties with mobs I previously dominated. As in, a vet and two or three regulars utterly curb-stomped me (which doesn’t normally happen unless I’m asleep at the wheel). I couldn’t find a vet in Queensdale this morning, but I did find a dozen or so trash mobs (bandits near the farm that they attack), aggroed them all and wiped them without much trouble, though it seemed to take a bit longer than normal. Or not. I haven’t had my coffee yet.
I do have to say this to ANET… if super-downscaling has been reintroduced, that is one mother of a bad move. On the eve of a very pricy expansion, no less.
They should just balance all zones the same and scale new players up. In time remove the whole leveling aspect and do NPE through LS. If they are going to do the plan of rolling expansions and living world, they might as well build around it.
It’s already been posted yesterday, but I don’t have the link. Apparently there’s as much as a 66% decrease in DPS in low level areas. I.E. things take 3x longer to kill.
This is great news. Such a good change. Being overpowered was so boring.
Awesome! I couldn’t budget for (or justify) both Witcher 3 AND HoT, and this definitely helps with the decision. By the time this BS gets patched out (and I’m quite certain it will), the expansion price will probably drop to something more reasonable too!
do not know which game are you playing, but my low level PVE is as easy as aver – my zerker war is cutting through everything like hot knife through the butter (3veterans, 7normal mobs together – np)
It’s not about how easy it is, it’s about the fact that when I’m anywhere but top-level areas, I might as well be a lowbie in all greens. My exotic and ascended gear is suddenly meaningless as soon as I zone. That is opposite of fun.
Haven’t had a chance to try it yet, but very happy to hear it was done.
It’s not about how easy it is, it’s about the fact that when I’m anywhere but top-level areas, I might as well be a lowbie in all greens. My exotic and ascended gear is suddenly meaningless as soon as I zone. That is opposite of fun.
Actually most people like the downscaling, and IMO it’s one of the best innovative features of this game because it allows for forward-gating without back-gating. One-shotting everything into oblivion is the opposite of fun.
Actually most people like the downscaling, and IMO it’s one of the best innovative features of this game because it allows for forward-gating without back-gating. One-shotting everything into oblivion is the opposite of fun.
Hear ye, hear ye! The representative of Most People has arrived! Welcome, Your Excellency!
You really oughtta be more careful with sweeping statements, especially when “most people” consist of you and a vocal minority of “hardcore leets” on the forums. Super-downscaling caused a crapstorm last time it was introduced, so there’s that for “most people”.
No, seriously, all the people I’ve played with during the last 2 years loved the downscaling system. Most of them left since the low-zones turned into a zynga game.
William S. Burroughs
So… you played with the majority of the playerbase? Good for you. I’m legit jealous now.
20 out of 20 people, about half of which played the game since beta, is a pretty good sample.
William S. Burroughs
lvling up to 80 is pretty fast…and there r just very lil lvl 80 regions….so..downscaling the not lvl 80 regions in a way that everything die in 1 hit is just bad..bcs its boring to run only in the lvl 80 regions..while the other i usually just rushed them fast and they look much more pretty..
and its not like veeery much changed…u dont 1 hit them but 2 or 3 hit them
and what is great that the events r really events now..not 1 or 2 lonely monster running to u dieing just when they see u and often where they spawn
and Xdmatt…try not to be so agressive u use normal words but in a harsh way..nobody ever insulted u or something
(edited by moony.5780)
Actually most people like the downscaling, and IMO it’s one of the best innovative features of this game because it allows for forward-gating without back-gating. One-shotting everything into oblivion is the opposite of fun.
Hear ye, hear ye! The representative of Most People has arrived! Welcome, Your Excellency!
You really oughtta be more careful with sweeping statements, especially when “most people” consist of you and a vocal minority of “hardcore leets” on the forums. Super-downscaling caused a crapstorm last time it was introduced, so there’s that for “most people”.
Sorry, but not only is it well known that the majority of the player base likes downscaling, there’s not even a single good rational argument against it.
Just go to a lvl 50 area and tell me if the monster r too strong..i can easily fight 10-15 of them at the same time (on a DD zerker ele)
…in dungeons..yes..dungeons got really much more difficult..but what is so good about killing every monster in the normal map in 1 hit?
(and i just wanted to help u for a happier life bcs beeing friendly brings more than beeing agressive…but ok i will not say anything anymore^^)
(edited by moony.5780)
I would guess that the reason for this is the scaling system taking extra stats into account now. Previously a Berserker-geared level 80 character going to Queensdale would retain his Power, Precision and Ferocity at lower levels, but the level 10 character also adventuring in Queensdale only has a single stat on his gear (we’ll say Power). So the downscaled level 80 is much more effective.
Now, the game recognises that Queensdale’s levels cannot allow for any equipment with more than one stat on it. As a result, the level 80 Berserker gets downgraded to a single stat on his gear in Queensdale, which would be his gear’s primary stat, Power. Thus, his crit chance and crit damage go the way of the dodo, and suddenly things take a bit longer to kill. He’s now more equivalent to the actual level 10 characters. Not fully equivalent, he still retains all his traits and utility skills. But it’s closer.
This is supposed to operate the other way now, too. A level 10 character with Mighty gear going into World vs. World should now be upscaled better. I would imagine that he’d get Precision and Ferocity added to his upscaled stats, or maybe Toughness and Vitality, with his Mighty gear being turned into the equivalent three-statted gear. Soldier’s, Berserker’s, whichever. That should help low level players contribute a bit more in World vs. World and in festival events with upscaling, while simultaneously preventing mobs of high level players from trivializing low level content during Daily Caledon Forest Events day. It’s a win/win.
20 out of 20 people, about half of which played the game since beta, is a pretty good sample.
No. No it isn’t.
Just go to a lvl 50 area and tell me if the monster r too strong..i can easily fight 10-15 of them at the same time (on a DD zerker ele)
…in dungeons..yes..dungeons got really much more difficult..but what is so good about killing every monster in the normal map in 1 hit?(and i just wanted to help u for a happier life
bcs beeing friendly brings more than beeing agressive…but ok i will not say anything anymore^^)
Actually, 50 zone is not the best example, as 50~60 area is where the scaling seem to break even with the old system, 60+ area onward I actually feel stronger than before.(so essentially you are saying the old scaling was fine.)
Tried out some of the newbie zones, and you will notice where the super downscaling has the most impact.
It always was fun because of down scaling, im not sure if the OP is serious.
It has been my experience that now I can wipe out entire armies of down scaled mobs with a single rotation of skills, it is the opposite of the OP’s experience.
@ Greymelken
Im serious….i played all the maps in the first 5 months of gw2…and it was really nice..then when i came back after 1-2 years to run around (with my 1 and only main character) the lower maps …i suddenly found everything boring..i extra lured out 20 of monster to have a lil fun (beeing forced to use my brain and a good rotation)….and what was the worst were the events….i really experienced a horrible group event…we were 4 player….and guess how many monster came per wave?..5 !! not even 1 vetran or higher lvl monster..these poor monster died after 2 seconds …and this was a groupeven which should be challanging ….i know there r some groupevents which r really difficult..but..i went to the same map..and i alone got 7 monster per wave..was not easy but very good makeable..and this is how it should be
Finally, I can do hearts, events in peace, without worrying an 80 coming and 1 shot things before I can even tag it.