Yellow to Red to... Purple?

Yellow to Red to... Purple?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaymee.1560



Whatcha think?



I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

Yellow to Red to... Purple?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


If you want them to add a purple flower back skin to match your weapons, it’s probably best to just say so in the thread title.

That applies to feedback in general. Get straight to the point, makes it easier.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Yellow to Red to... Purple?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


You mean you would like anet to implement the rose in a purple colour ? Guess so..why’s not that i’d wear it but i think there’s alot of people out there that would like it.

Yellow to Red to... Purple?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaymee.1560


Definitely, I been hoping for a Purple back flower for months… and… well, that picture to show you, I just believe what a pain that was to do, but I hope it looks alright, even thought the rest if black and white

I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

Yellow to Red to... Purple?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I think the petals on fervid censor and desert rose is slightly different so not 100% the same with new color. Might just be me, still like 90% the same minus the color.

Anyways yes. Purple flower would be cool… while at it give me a blue and a more pale pink. Maybe some slightly different flower design…. even if it is as little as a vaguely different shape of the petals (which I think is the case of fervid censor/desert rose)

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Yellow to Red to... Purple?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Nukem.6783

Duke Nukem.6783

HAH clearly the OP has not looked at the right side of her own picture, there is clearly a purple flower on that chick’s back, i know i saw it, i dont see it right now because iv scrolled down to write this message but i know what i saw! i coudl scroll back up to see it again, or i could just tell u i scrolled back up to see it again and you woudlnt know the difference because these are just words!…….ok there i did it (snicker) and it was definatley a purple flower. so there are only 2 possibilities

1. theirs a purple flower in the game
2. anet leaked this picture in advance of an update that lets us dye ALL of our gear, which would be nice cuz then there would already BE a pruple flower i the game….and a pink one….and a glacial sky and a deep glacial sky and a prosperity, which would be alot uglier then the yellow one which already exists and a deep glacial teal and a (say whats this guys hang up on deep glacial…SHUT UP ITS ALL I CAN REMEMBER). oh no it isnt, tungsten! but tequatl is gana spawn soon and we are getting off topic so lets get back on topic to the original point, i know what i saw! that flower was purple! i mean it would be a wasit for anet to release a seperate flower in every color rather than just let us dye the one single back peice every color under the bridge (doesnt he mean sun) no i like bridges they dont burn my skin!

Yellow to Red to... Purple?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Seriously, Duke, you’ve made my day with your rantings!

I have been wishing and hoping (great now that song is in my head) for a purple flower back skin since the Fervid Censer was made!

I still wish the Desert Rose had a red glow like the Fervid Censer has a yellow glow. Hopefully it will get its red glow added and any new flower back skins will glow in their respective colors as well.

ArenaNet: I’d buy (or earn) the purple flower back skin if you released it. There is a demand for more colors (especially if they glow a little bit)! We really need an alternative to the Lightning Catcher back skin to get our purple on.

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Yellow to Red to... Purple?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Make the back piece item dyeable, period.

Yellow to Red to... Purple?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A Massive Headache.1879

A Massive Headache.1879

when I read the title I thought this was going to be a SAB post.

Yellow to Red to... Purple?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


Rather than introduce another recolored version of the same model, I would like to see back pieces have dye options.