Yet another NPE/account restriction rant.
Do you have a personal/vanity guild with a vault?
I seem to remember someone saying that after the 3 day waiting period you could use the vault to move stuff freely between characters within the guild.
For the record restrictions on such a small amount does seem a bit extreme, so your rant may be justified. But the vanity guild thing might be a good solution between family members.
How is this an NPE issue? That safe guard has been in since the beginning to help stop RMT. After he plays for a while he’ll be able to send the gold back.
For the record restrictions on such a small amount does seem a bit extreme, so your rant may be justified. But the vanity guild thing might be a good solution between family members.
No vanity guild, and I’d rather not set one up. Although, if new players are allowed to transfer said amounts between guilds it makes you wonder why they can’t do the same player to player. And yes, a 10g transfer should not be some sort of indicator of a gold seller, especially when hundreds and thousands of G legitimately change hands on a daily basis.
How is this an NPE issue? That safe guard has been in since the beginning to help stop RMT. After he plays for a while he’ll be able to send the gold back.
Well, I never had any problems in the past personally. It seems to me like this is related to the NPE changes. I just came back to the game recently and while I like a lot of the changes, some of them also seem like total bullcrap.
If this isn’t NPE, then I still think it’s bullcrap. I mean…c’mon…10 gold…c’mon.
I know it’s asking too much but…just had to get this off my chest. :P
How is this an NPE issue? That safe guard has been in since the beginning to help stop RMT. After he plays for a while he’ll be able to send the gold back.
He has been playing about a month he said.
We have the same issue – got the game for each of our sons during the sale. I just wish I could find out the conditions for the restrictions being lifted. Story Progression? Time? Something else? One son constantly deletes and remakes his characters, will he be able to get the restrictions lifted? It is very frustrating. Hubby and I have had our accounts since Launch, and we sent 200 gold for them to get the achievement… poor things had to repay by putting the gold into the guild bank… 1 at a time…
1 gold at a time! Hahahaha! That must have sucked.
This is not a NPE thing, it’s been in place since launch.
You can’t send more money than you have looted at a time. (Not TP, not vender, not dungeons, straight up looted a few copper at a time)
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
This is not a NPE thing, it’s been in place since launch.
You can’t send more money than you have looted at a time. (Not TP, not vender, not dungeons, straight up looted a few copper at a time)
So I can’t send another player hundreds of gold unless I have gotten hundreds of gold from basic loot drops? That doesn’t sound quite right.
This is not a NPE thing, it’s been in place since launch.
You can’t send more money than you have looted at a time. (Not TP, not vender, not dungeons, straight up looted a few copper at a time)
That is absolutely ridiculous.
and thats why you make a guild for friends and family use that to transfer golds bettwen yourself.
Since you can be in 5 shouldent be a problem.
I got 3 personal storage guilds and a main guild.
One of my personal storage guilds got all my friends in it that dont play that much anymore sadly.
I just told him to keep it. I’m not waiting a year for him to send me 10 silver at a time or whatever the stupid cap is.
Well whoever said you have to earn enough money in game to cover what you send is completely wrong. That was a guess on their part, but it’s a bad one.
I had a bit of luck on a third account I bought cheap and ended up with a net profit of about 800 gold. It did lock me out of sending that for a while, but by the same token I was able to send it without having earned even 100 gold on that account.
There is a criteria, but it has nothing to do with how much you get.
I was expecting this thread to be a typical beating of the old dead horse, but it seems like a pretty reasonable complaint. A month seems like a long time not to be able to mail ten gold. I don’t know what kind of process goes into lifting that limit, but evidently it could be better.
If it’s actually a good system and this is just a weird situation that slipped through the cracks, that’s where more information about this system might come in handy.
Not sure why you are having this restriction. But there is an easy way around this. Just be a little inventive such as: Post a common item (of your choice) on the player auction, and charge 10g for it. Tell your kid what it is and instruct him to buy it!
Not sure why you are having this restriction. But there is an easy way around this. Just be a little inventive such as: Post a common item (of your choice) on the player auction, and charge 10g for it. Tell your kid what it is and instruct him to buy it!
I’m not sure you can do that.
The prices listed are for cheapest first. If someone tries to buy a higher priced item, I think the game sells you all the lower priced items also.
Well whoever said you have to earn enough money in game to cover what you send is completely wrong. That was a guess on their part, but it’s a bad one.
I had a bit of luck on a third account I bought cheap and ended up with a net profit of about 800 gold. It did lock me out of sending that for a while, but by the same token I was able to send it without having earned even 100 gold on that account.
There is a criteria, but it has nothing to do with how much you get.
Uh huh… Bad guess…
Edited for bad link (sorry copy/pasting from phone)…
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
(edited by Dasenthal.6520)
This is not a NPE thing, it’s been in place since launch.
You can’t send more money than you have looted at a time. (Not TP, not vender, not dungeons, straight up looted a few copper at a time)
That is absolutely ridiculous.
That would actually be quite a nice mechanic.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Got the same problem having sent too much to an alt account now can’t get it back..unless i slowly put it in to the guild bank at whatever rate it will let me.
This is not a NPE thing, it’s been in place since launch.
You can’t send more money than you have looted at a time. (Not TP, not vender, not dungeons, straight up looted a few copper at a time)
That is absolutely ridiculous.
And totally made up. It goes by a set time limit, at least 2-4 weeks, but its been so long since I had a new acc no idea what it is exactly.
It is stupid, but think of how much 10g was back at launch, when precursors were selling for 30g, and back then it probably was doing good at holding back gold sellers. It wouldnt be a bad idea to increase it especially if there are a lot of new+returning players in the expansion that might run into this problem.
Btw if you really want to get around it have him buy 10g worth of crafting mats or food or whatever (ideally stuff you will need in the future so you dont pay the TP fee reselling them) and transfer them to you through a guild vault.
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
This is not a NPE thing, it’s been in place since launch.
You can’t send more money than you have looted at a time. (Not TP, not vender, not dungeons, straight up looted a few copper at a time)
That is absolutely ridiculous.
And totally made up. It goes by a set time limit, at least 2-4 weeks, but its been so long since I had a new acc no idea what it is exactly.
It is stupid, but think of how much 10g was back at launch, when precursors were selling for 30g, and back then it probably was doing good at holding back gold sellers. It wouldnt be a bad idea to increase it especially if there are a lot of new+returning players in the expansion that might run into this problem.
Btw if you really want to get around it have him buy 10g worth of crafting mats or food or whatever (ideally stuff you will need in the future so you dont pay the TP fee reselling them) and transfer them to you through a guild vault.
Not totally made up… However you’re right about the time schedule (I left it out of my original post because I was in a hurry) however I don’t know what the time was so in no way could I help. The rest of what I said is not wrong.
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
This is not a NPE thing, it’s been in place since launch.
You can’t send more money than you have looted at a time. (Not TP, not vender, not dungeons, straight up looted a few copper at a time)
That is absolutely ridiculous.
And totally made up. It goes by a set time limit, at least 2-4 weeks, but its been so long since I had a new acc no idea what it is exactly.
It is stupid, but think of how much 10g was back at launch, when precursors were selling for 30g, and back then it probably was doing good at holding back gold sellers. It wouldnt be a bad idea to increase it especially if there are a lot of new+returning players in the expansion that might run into this problem.
Btw if you really want to get around it have him buy 10g worth of crafting mats or food or whatever (ideally stuff you will need in the future so you dont pay the TP fee reselling them) and transfer them to you through a guild vault.
Not totally made up… However you’re right about the time schedule (I left it out of my original post because I was in a hurry) however I don’t know what the time was so in no way could I help. The rest of what I said is not wrong.
This is what you said in your original post:
“You can’t send more money than you have looted at a time. (Not TP, not vender, not dungeons, straight up looted a few copper at a time)”
This is absolutely not true. Period. Because I’ve sent more money by far from an alt account to my main than I EVER earned on that account in any way.
This is not a NPE thing, it’s been in place since launch.
You can’t send more money than you have looted at a time. (Not TP, not vender, not dungeons, straight up looted a few copper at a time)
That is absolutely ridiculous.
And totally made up. It goes by a set time limit, at least 2-4 weeks, but its been so long since I had a new acc no idea what it is exactly.
It is stupid, but think of how much 10g was back at launch, when precursors were selling for 30g, and back then it probably was doing good at holding back gold sellers. It wouldnt be a bad idea to increase it especially if there are a lot of new+returning players in the expansion that might run into this problem.
Btw if you really want to get around it have him buy 10g worth of crafting mats or food or whatever (ideally stuff you will need in the future so you dont pay the TP fee reselling them) and transfer them to you through a guild vault.
Not totally made up… However you’re right about the time schedule (I left it out of my original post because I was in a hurry) however I don’t know what the time was so in no way could I help. The rest of what I said is not wrong.
This is what you said in your original post:
“You can’t send more money than you have looted at a time. (Not TP, not vender, not dungeons, straight up looted a few copper at a time)”
This is absolutely not true. Period. Because I’ve sent more money by far from an alt account to my main than I EVER earned on that account in any way.
Like I said (now bolded). It only applies for a set time, what that time is I don’t know but that is how the limit is set.
I apologize for not getting all the information in one post for you, but when put in proper context I’m not wrong.
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
Now to me, 10 gold sounds like a lot, something that isn’t trivial. I know it’s chump change for those who can buy and sell legendaries, but since most usual items are only valued in silver, I think you all are trivializing the value of money.
That said, I think you can use the TP to your advantage here. Take some junk item (say a level 30 axe, or any vendor trash that’s not soulbound), throw it up on the TP for 10 gold. Now, NeedsFoodBadlyJr goes looking for that exact item, the one worth 10 g, and buys it. Sure, you’ll lose transfer fees for doing it that way, and it could be significant at that price, but at least it could be done.
Now to me, 10 gold sounds like a lot, something that isn’t trivial. I know it’s chump change for those who can buy and sell legendaries, but since most usual items are only valued in silver, I think you all are trivializing the value of money.
That said, I think you can use the TP to your advantage here. Take some junk item (say a level 30 axe, or any vendor trash that’s not soulbound), throw it up on the TP for 10 gold. Now, NeedsFoodBadlyJr goes looking for that exact item, the one worth 10 g, and buys it. Sure, you’ll lose transfer fees for doing it that way, and it could be significant at that price, but at least it could be done.
I don’t think it works that way. If there are other of the same item for a lower price, you can’t select the higher priced item without buying the lower priced ones also. When you click on the higher priced one, all the lower priced ones are also filled in to be bought.
I pulled up an item, clicked on a high priced one and it was going to sell that one to me and all the ones under it with a lower price.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
I know you can deselect the lower ones, but maybe you can’t quite access higher value ones beyond a certain point. Darn. Well, there goes that theory. Too bad, as it would’ve been a great way to trade gold.
I assume that “about a month” means “a little under a month”, because according to Gaile Gray the actual period is 30 days.
These restrictions prevent someone from transferring gold in an account that exceeds what the account holder has earned. So if your wife earns 10 gold, she will be able to transfer 10 gold to you. After 30 days, the restrictions will lift and she will be able to transfer the entire amount back to you.
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