Yet another topic about DR/RNG

Yet another topic about DR/RNG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RakaNishoo.6071


I noticed a lot of topics throughout entire forum about RNG, drop chances, DR system and MF gear, and how certain players have permanent luck while some are having permanent bad luck.

Entire time, the Arena Net stuff answered that there are no issues/bugs in the system, everything works and RNG is just RNG.

Purpose of my topic is to persuade the developers to re-think the current loot system.
Here are my thoughts:

  • For a casual player the existence of something like DR system is a nightmare. Every time I get poor loot I WILL ask myself a question: “Hmm.. is it the bad luck, or maybe it is the DR system bug/feature?” This is because I don’t know how DR system works and it was not explained enough and I understand why and can even agree with it. But it does not change the fact that after my friend gets the second exotic in one day, and I got two during my 1000 hours gameplay, I am asking myself, what am I doing wrong? Maybe my toon was “marked” somehow? Maybe I should start a new character or buy a new account? Then my friend that alwayssy had a bad luck (> 300 fractals without any fractal skin) creates a new character and gets 2 skins after 8 runs. Maybe I should do it too? Or maybe it is the warrior that has a “better chances” at obtaining good loot?
  • Magic Find stat and DR system. I heard a reports that you are marked by DR more quickly when you have high magic find? I don’t even know if that is true, but that makes me afraid of putting on MF gear. Now I hear that when I achieve certain amount of arena net points for achievment I’ll get permanent account magic find bonus. OMG, means perma DR for me! I don’t want that “reward”! Maybe what I’m writing here is not true. My fears are not based on any “facts”, just observations that might not be correct. But the thing is -> I have absolutely NO way of finding that out for sure.
  • And that is the point -> Gw2 is having a “mythical” DR system that can potentialy do something you don’t know when to your character and alter your drop rates.
  • I am defenceless because I don’t even know when it hit me. I’d change toon if it hits me. But I can’t because I don’t know when it did.
  • Developers can assure me 1000 times that there are no bugs, but I’m a software developer myself and I know there ARE bugs everywhere. If the code has more than 1 line of code it also has some bugs. I have never heard of any system that has no bugs. Especially that we see the bugs every day even after almost year from release. And especially that there are some bugs with random generators like I recently discovered with elementalist “Burning Precision” trait. 30% for burn on crit. No cooldown. I get more burns with 60% crit chance than I do with 100% consistently. Doing 3 crits per second I get 1 burn per 3 seconds. It was not noticed by developers. If your DR system is checked in the same way you test your traits. Well…. my fears have a background.

So by introducing DR system to save the economy from farmers you introduced a beast that is a nightmare for me (and others too when I look at the forum posts).

And I honestly don’t know what I would prefer. Living with the broken economy by the farmers or living with current DR system.

I don’t know how to solve this issue. I can throw some ideas, but I feel something should be done about this.

1) make DR visible/transparent. This way players can actually test and help you find bugs in it. It also allows players to avoid DR by logging into another toon if theirs was marked by DR.
2) Remove DR. Make farming not worth it by building good reward systems. (Laurels – good. Lodestones – bad)

Maybe others can help me and throw in some ideas/suggestions?
Are others happy with current DR system? Is it only me?