(edited by Adry.7512)
You complain cause you dont see the pattern
2 years is not just getting started. We all see the pattern and that is that all they want is to milk it as much as they can. The only new stuff that is coming is more holiday events because that is all that the living story is. Those are nice little snacks but there is no meat and potatoes to fill you up. Maybe there is some out there that just want appetizers all day but for me it gets old and I want something savory and filling. If the chef never brings out anyone’s food then people will leave the restaurant. Promising that the chef has something big planned and then bringing out another appetizer is not going to satisfy people and they will leave the restaurant and never come back.
This and your last post, I’m not sure if you are saying good or bad thing about GW2.
I haven’t done any PvP since launch. I remember at launch, almost 2 years ago now, they only had Point Capture PvP. Do they still only have that or have they added Death Match, GvG, or other types of PvP yet?
If they haven’t added any new styles in 2 years that seems like a long time to me and PvP would be awfully stale if it was the same thing for so long.
im about to get started on you buddy, your OP makes no sense. kitten
Thing is, it’s been almost two years, way too much time. Of course people will ask for new stuff, it’s not crying, it’s common sense.
lol i understand. well as long as you know what im saying then all good. it has been two years and thats why i dont play much at all, also cause not enough free time. anyways what i say isnt “good” or “bad” its what it is. i believe GW2 will either step up or end up with players like me; people who rarely play…or people who just quit. im not saying the game is bad and im not saying the game is good, but if they want to “milk” their game, then lol they are no where near as smart as i thought they were….just look at all the other free mmorpgs that “milked” their games….dead….very very dead. and yes i played plenty of them….they are dead and the future games they make….get less and less players simply due to the fact that they messed up before. EITHER WAY, i still think they will do MUCH better this season. it might be TWO YEARS, but its only season two, you are too negative due to a biased standpoint. all i am saying is “give it time” dont throw 200bucks into the game lol just farm a bit and pvp for fun and get good….play ONCE in a while.
IF season two is a let down, hahahahahah ohhhh this game is done. like i said just wait.
on top of what i said….arenanet isnt a random company like many other companies that make mmorpgs….look at the other games, they HAVE a reputation. if they fail, dude, they are done, simply put, they will sink harder than a rock.
EDIT: just stop throwing your money unwisely and wait, wait and see. if they fail, we all leave. agreed? too soon to say they failed or “i will never come back”.
This argument breaks apart on its own. Starting with this: during the time ANet had to finish their unfinished game, other games out there have been released, finished games that are appearing in a moment in which GW2 has nothing appealing to offer, for one more whole long month. (Assuming that LS2 will be considered appealing by most of players who despised part 1 so badly).
Take my case: played since Beta weekends, tryed everything this game as to offer, and played every content literally hundreds of times. I played for almost two whole years, logging in every day, never taking a break from the game. I played even too much if you want, I ranked up in PvP to the point I’ve become bored of it. I’ve ranked up in Wvw and became bored of it as well. Know maps by heart, every single event, nothing new for me out there to discover. Did jumping puzzles despite I hate them from the depth of my soul. What should keep me interested in the game right now? To know what wonderous items they will add on gem store next Tuesday? Aha.
This argument breaks apart on its own. Starting with this: during the time ANet had to finish their unfinished game, other games out there have been released, finished games that are appearing in a moment in which GW2 has nothing appealing to offer, for one more whole long month. (Assuming that LS2 will be considered appealing by most of players who despised part 1 so badly).
Take my case: played since Beta weekends, tryed everything this game as to offer, and played every content literally hundreds of times. I played for almost two whole years, logging in every day, never taking a break from the game. I played even too much if you want, I ranked up in PvP to the point I’ve become bored of it. I’ve ranked up in Wvw and became bored of it as well. Know maps by heart, every single event, nothing new for me out there to discover. Did jumping puzzles despite I hate them from the depth of my soul. What should keep me interested in the game right now? To know what wonderous items they will add on gem store next Tuesday? Aha.
u went in too deep on a game that had little to offer, i never did and thats why i feel this way. its a game, its suppose to be taken lightly…..=/. sorry that happened to you. im sure many people feel that way.
I must be dense. Please explain explicitly what this ‘pattern’ I am not seeing consists of.
Thank you in advance.
Oh I’m not throwing my money, at all, don’t you worry about that :P
Still, you do have a valid point, this game has a lot of potential, no argument there, but it all comes down on how they transform that potential into actual stuff people like.
I’m already doing what you said nonetheless, stopped playing as frequently as I used to and, for better or worse, waiting for the Living Story Season 2. At least for me, whether I stop playing altogether comes to how well executed this new season is.
Oh I’m not throwing my money, at all, don’t you worry about that :P
Still, you do have a valid point, this game has a lot of potential, no argument there, but it all comes down on how they transform that potential into actual stuff people like.
I’m already doing what you said nonetheless, stopped playing as frequently as I used to and, for better or worse, waiting for the Living Story Season 2. At least for me, whether I stop playing altogether comes to how well executed this new season is.
well said.
We should all stop playing and spending money on the gem store untill the game get to the ceiling.
I always know they won’t have an expansion till the game is released in China, that being said I still dont’ know if they going to have one soon. Besides, what next, wait 1 more year for GW2 in Brazil before some change is being made?
(edited by laokoko.7403)
@Adry, the OP.
Did you have to start another thread like this? Was THIS not good enough or do you just like being in the limelight when creating new threads?
@Adry, the OP.
Did you have to start another thread like this? Was THIS not good enough or do you just like being in the limelight when creating new threads?
irrelevant and pointless question. its merely a topic of discussion is all this is. what you asked holds no value and and deserves no real attention.
@Adry, the OP.
Did you have to start another thread like this? Was THIS not good enough or do you just like being in the limelight when creating new threads?
irrelevant and pointless question. its merely a topic of discussion is all this is. what you asked holds no value and and deserves no real attention.
No really, a recent interview says, the next step after China is another region I believe Brazil.
So should I stop playing, since I probably going to beta another year for the Spanish community till the game become good.
Please just stop. You are not helping.
GW2 has been laying ground floor
Surely you meant groundwork…or foundation?
TBH, I don’t understand threads like these, even those that actually make sense, because aren’t you just shaking your fists at people…who are shaking theirs?
It’s the only pointless pattern I ever see.
GW2 has been laying ground floor
Surely you meant groundwork…or foundation?
TBH, I don’t understand threads like these, even those that actually make sense, because aren’t you just shaking your fists at people…who are shaking theirs?
It’s the only pointless pattern I ever see.
no. its all actually very neutral and unbiased if you continue to read. a few people got the idea….other people, like you…didn’t. oh and yes a foundation was what i was implying.
Face it, thanks to the total absence of any vertical progression, GW2 is only ever going to be foundation – it’s the MMO equivalent of a bungalow.
You wonder why people complain but if you had, say, a builder spend 2 years on foundations alone, you’d be well within your rights to complain about the lack of progress and demand more, wouldn’t you?
That’s just what players are doing, exercising their rights as customers, to complain.
The only thing that I’ve noticed that most don’t seem to is that the first LS was all about testing to see what works and what doesn’t. Sure it means there’s bad experiences along with good but there’s only some much QnA and betas can test.
Part-time Kittenposter
@Adry, the OP.
Did you have to start another thread like this? Was THIS not good enough or do you just like being in the limelight when creating new threads?
irrelevant and pointless question. its merely a topic of discussion is all this is. what you asked holds no value and and deserves no real attention.
It’s very relevant actually. You made another thread saying almost the same things 4 days ago. Why is what they asked any more pointless than you making new threads about the same thing?
I think you should bump your old thread instead Adry.
Telling people the game isnt’ going anywhere for 2 years because we were beta testing for China, isn’t exactly helping.
2 years is not just getting started.
^ This. This is pretty much all that needs to be said.
Sure, they’re “getting started” but it’s still been 2 years. If they are legitimately that slow at releasing content, that calls for a serious evaluation of their infrastructure. I’m not claiming to understand how development works but I, and I assume many people on this forum, have held a job before and something was expected of them. Think back on that job and ask yourself, what would happen if you worked as slowly as ANet seems to? You would’ve likely been fired.
2 years is not just getting started. We all see the pattern and that is that all they want is to milk it as much as they can. The only new stuff that is coming is more holiday events because that is all that the living story is. Those are nice little snacks but there is no meat and potatoes to fill you up. Maybe there is some out there that just want appetizers all day but for me it gets old and I want something savory and filling. If the chef never brings out anyone’s food then people will leave the restaurant. Promising that the chef has something big planned and then bringing out another appetizer is not going to satisfy people and they will leave the restaurant and never come back.
The game’s been out for less than 20months not 2 years and living story has only been out for 1 year (and during that one year, they’ve been testing out different methods of delivering it). And did you read the latest blog post?
I’m not sure where people get the idea of “Anet does not listen.” Anyone read the latest blog post? Anet’s completely changing how they deliver the living story based on players feedback (from temporary content to permanent content) https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-story-journal/. And reorganizing the living story tracker according to many of players feedback….so how are those changes “NOT” listening to players?
It’s a buy to play game, no monthly fees. Any other buy to play games that kept you interested and play for 2 whole years?
GW2 is meant to be played until you are bored, go play another game, and come back and play gw2 again when they add something new (if you want because there’s not subscriptions). So tbh, I don’t get why many players are angry at this.
Ok so I see what the OP is saying kinda. The game still have loads of potential and even Living Story. But I also see what everyone else is saying…. for all we got most was temporary and what little permanent there was (there is some, so saying there is nothing at all added is bs) got exhausted. I have been bored too honestly.
Throughout season 1 of Living Story I still believed that we would eventually get an expansion, which I think would have been more safe for them to do… if only because people know what it is, rather than the this Living World.
I lost hope for such an expansion about the time they announced season 2 and as such I felt more anger and sadness about it than the excitement that some of my friends had.
But then I read about the changes they are planning to make for Living Story and I allow myself to be just a little bit optimistic about how it’ll pan out. I still don’t believe Living Story is a good replacement for a good old fashioned expansion…. but I think it might be able to get there.
All in all I still love the game, and I wont be quitting it anytime soon… I might spend a little money here and there on some gemstore items… but mostly I wont for the time being, despite having done so before. I have accepted that this game if for moderation… it is not one I can spend all day and all week in, but rather some hours in the evening and perhaps not quite every day… which honestly is fine… maybe even healthy in the sense that, that way the game does not consume my life.
Think about it, what has GW2 BEEN doing up until now? you guys dont see a pattern, since you still complain. Its simple, GW2 has been laying ground floor on their unfinished game. what have we been seeing? all we seen is ground floor guys, i dont see how you all dont see this.
What else? they are spreading their game overseas and evaluating how their plans can mix well with player feedback (and i know you guys know they READ about what we think).
Why would they start off so strong if they STILL needed to finish the ground floor AND spread overseas….this is not JUST art, its business. the problem is when the business overshadows the art….so thats why i KEEP saying, give it time….just time, no big deal. stop crying and just wait and see….
trying getting good at PVP and other stuff while you wait
. see ya there
Lot’s of people including me hate PvP.
There is nothing entertaining for us to find or to experience.
Thankfully A-Net figured this out and deconnects PvP and PvE July 1st…..
Beside that it’s people like you that poison this forum.
Leave people to their opinions and likings.
Guys like you act like a stubborn house wife
where husbands say “i hate stew for supper” and the house wife answers “No, you like stew”
GW2 will go back to the roots and hopefully very close to GW1
and we finally experience epic storys and lots of heros
There’s nothing to understand and no hidden pattern. There is only a stagnant and boring game . In addition, there is no hope that things will change, ANet will release only small things, nothing worth as an expansion. So let’s face it.
I continue to do pvp, as long as I do not get tired or will not come out a better game.
A couple of interesting things I’m seeing in this thread.
2 years, for most MMOs, is just getting started. Every MMO has to find its footing and what makes it unique. Every MMO launches with a plan, the fans tell the devs where they went wrong and they change the plan, which takes a couple of years. That’s pretty much what happened here. Business as usual. Many MMOs go 2 years between updates, anyway, and don’t have a living story in between.
The game wasn’t designed for people who just like vertical progression or even people who just like PvP. It was designed to have a bunch of stuff to do. That’s it. If you’ve done everything you want to do, there’s no subscription, you can wait until there’s more to do. This is by design.
Saying nothing has happened the first two years trivilizes a whole lot of stuff that did happen. However, the Living Story season 2 is going to be the real test.
If it resonates with the playerbase and just needs some tweaks, I believe Anet will have found a winning formula for players like me. If it doesn’t resonate with the bulk of the playerbase the game will be in trouble.
I believe there are enough players like me where that won’t happen. If you don’t like the game, there are certainly others.
What I don’t want is vertical progression and gear grind. I’d rather just have a bunch of stuff to do that’s varied enough to keep me entertained.
2 years is not just getting started. We all see the pattern and that is that all they want is to milk it as much as they can. The only new stuff that is coming is more holiday events because that is all that the living story is.
Yes, they are running it the cheap way. Why take the cost to make an expansion if they can sell the old stuff to the Chinese without taking much risk? Are there even any devs left at all? How much meaningfull balancing did we see this year so far?
The game urgently needs an expansion, new areas full of life to explore, new weapons, new free sets of armor, new dungeons, new skills, new usefull traits (not that over-cautious and widely useless additions from “feature patch” where they slapped +10% duration to a rune or sigill and called it “competitive”) – and new players brought to the game with it.
And don´t be blueeyed, LS 2 will be not much different than LS 1, only with a permanent Personal Story 2.0 on top of it – we wouldn´t get the permanent Marionette-fight, we would only receive the permanent solo-instance with that red-haired Sylvari.
They don´t take the effort to make the game richer, they just want to lure people to log in daily to see their adds for the new shiny gem-shop items.
Why are jewel-crafting and cooking 500 not in the game already although we have Xunlai in the crafting-bank since September? Because they keep it back until they see a hole to fill in summer?
(edited by hydeaut.1758)
It feels more like one of those shady businesses that has duped village one dry and then moved to village two and a new target audience before village one riots.
It feels more like one of those shady businesses that has duped village one dry and then moved to village two and a new target audience before village one riots.
If you believe that, are you one of the duped? Why are you here if you feel duped?
I don’t feel that way. They never said they were going to do any expansions. They were going make sure GW2 grew but they were looking into it.
People read the blog posts, interviews, etc. and read into what they wanted, not what it actually said. That is the problem, nothing more.