You got me once (ncsoft?)

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valeria Mudgarden.3054

Valeria Mudgarden.3054

Just like to say this will most likely be my first, last and only post on these particular forums. I am/was a long time fan, logging 6k+ hours in GW1 and 300+ hours in GW2.

I have been in the anet family for quite some time now, and I can see where GW2’s heart and soul is going to be.

I made my “Main” and any MMO’er knows you will always be starving for storage space, so accordingly, I made my alts better known as mules. I’m not affraid to dump some money back into the family after they have given me so many hours of entertainment….

moving on.

I had bought some individual storage space for one of the alts. I deleted that alt because, well just because I FELT like it.

Here is the jist of it. I now know that the game is purely about the GEMS and their SALES. How did I come to this conclusion? Individual storage purchased via gems is considered “unlocks”. You delete a character and you lose those unlocks.

As stated I am not afraid to throw some money at the anet family, but I can see that ncsoft is pushing the buttons from here on out. I know if it were up to you Anet, you’d either refund the gems, bind the unlocks to that slot….or just something other than throw the money down the toilet.

I have put some money back towards what I’d like to hope ANETS’ pockets. It is going to start to become more clear over time that you guys did a great job and will continue to do a great job but the Trading Post/Gems creators are what this game is really about.

With that said, I’ve spent all that I will on this game for the sole reason of having a feeling that it is a pure, straight up money grab.


You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


Although I really do think that it’s your own fault (seriously, you should have known that buying bag space for a character and then deleting him would delete that bag space unlock as well, it’s kinda common sense) I have to agree about that bag space unlocking system. I can’t help but think that it would be better served for many if it cost 800 gems and unlocked an additional bag slot across all characters. That would kinda screw over guys like myself though, who only play one character, so maybe an either-or option would be good. I’d post any suggestions you have for that in the Suggestions sub-forum if I were you.

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You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


woah wait wait wait..

you’re telling me that the goal of selling a product, is to make money?

it tells you when you buy the unlock that it is for that character. now it would be nice of anet to give you the slot on a diff char or give you gems in the amount (i think its 300) you spent, but thats would just be pure kindness/goodwill, not something they owe you. you were given a warning. if that warning didn’t come up it would be another story, but it does.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valeria Mudgarden.3054

Valeria Mudgarden.3054

Last post. Because I know how people will try to reason it as my “fault”

I KNEW it would destroy the unlocks. re-read. again and again.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schakal.6091


Well, you’re probably not gonna read this, but as you yourself say, you made a purchase for an individual character. THAT individual character. Character specific things go away when you delete that character. I’m sure the connection was not lost on you.

Wasting money, time, resources in the widest sense is never fun. But I feel that your outrage at a turn you took having an outcome that anyone could have seen from a mile away is mis-directed. You made a hasty purchase followed by another hasty move, the deletion. The way the purchase of an extra bag slot or bank space happens, it’s pretty clear that the unlock happens in the system, then and there, for that character.

Chances are, even if ANet wanted to, they might not have the means to just grant you the ability to transfer the deleted bag slot to another character.

But really. If you buy something, then throw it away and then complain that it’s gone… neither the maker nor the vendor are at fault here. It’s not like the tooltip for an extra bag slot is misleading in that way… or if you’d been in doubt you could have asked support.

I have a lot of sympathy for people who have bigger issues. Who bought things several times due to lag and ended up with useless multiples and wasted gold/gems for example. You’re just looking to find someone else to blame for your mistakes.

The internet is for Norn

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schakal.6091


Last post. Because I know how people will try to reason it as my “fault”

I KNEW it would destroy the unlocks. re-read. again and again.

I re-read. You’re not stating it outright, but not feigning ignorance either. But if you knew that…

…what is your problem?

You knew what you were doing. You did it. Nobody made you do it. And yet you are bitter,

The internet is for Norn

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Moment Ends.1635

The Moment Ends.1635

If you knew that then how did they “get” you?

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brunhel.7580


I understand the dark, dirty feeling of greed can be a turn off but it’s really not that bad. The gem store is what will keep this game from having a subscription. If you REALLY want to see what a game that revolves around real-money exchange looks like, I encourage you to look at Diablo 3 or any of Zynga’s games. I believe the term “pay-2-win” is what applies there.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valeria Mudgarden.3054

Valeria Mudgarden.3054

I know I said last post and all of that but I feel I need to address this question:

“If you knew that then how did they “get” you?”

When you make the purchase, it is a simple and painless one. It simply asks “do you want to purchase this unlock” or something along those lines. you confirm the purchase and, it’s that simple. What the system doesn’t inform you upon purchase is that the unlock can and will be lost if one so chooses to delete a character that the purchase was made on. it’s just a simple one way transaction lacking information during the purchase process.

Meaning, you will not know that you will lose it until character deletion. Hence my “money grab” comment. The system will take those gems sure enough, but I doubt it would give them back as quick.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Null Unit.4375

Null Unit.4375

I’m not going to disagree that there are money grabs in the game, but you are not a victim. You said it yourself, “I KNEW it would destroy the unlocks.” Yet you still deleted the character, because , “I FELT like it.” Okay!

It sounds like you got exactly what you wanted.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysico.4906


waiting for another last post from the op…. lol

you deleted the toon.. End of story..

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


I’m having fun playing GW2, but I feel the same way about all of their cash shop offerings that aren’t account wide. I’ve approached GW2 the same way I approach any non-MMO videogame — that is, I paid $60 and I’ll enjoy it while it lasts. I have no intention of spending any extra money in their cash shop on anything other than character slots or bank space, and even with those it’s more likely I’ll have stopped logging in regularly before I decide that stuff is worth buying.

I really do think that the gameplay, content and polish level of GW2 is a major achievement in subscription-free MMO design, and for that I hope that there are plenty of players out there who blow tons on gems and show the industry that subs aren’t the only way to offer a complete MMO experience and still make a large profit. I just have a tough time justifying the cost of extra microtransactions for small convenience upgrades.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cik.6479


OP, this is a buy-to-play game.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


“Do you want to unlock an additional bag slot for this character?

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxe.6142


So wait, 300+ hours logged (Oh My God) and you spent real money on gems?

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alexander Quess.1932

Alexander Quess.1932

Thanks for the funny story bro!

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


another character slot is pretty cheap relative to the cost of bag slots

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lionhearted.7169


Thanks for the funny story bro!

It may sound funny but it isn’t really.. i also deleted a low level character i hadn’t started playing yet (wanting to reserve the name) and when i did start playing it i realised i didn’t like the look of it so i deleted it and re-designed its look under the same name. And then it occurred to me, i had 2 extra unlock bag unlocks on that ranger.

Common decency would see the bag unlocks refunded, it’s just plain rude. Also i was under the impression that it unlocks 1 extra bag slot for all characters each time a bag slot is unlocked.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: teemoor.4397


ERMAHGERD you lost a bag slot unlock! It costs 1g! Why would I pay real money for something I can buy with game money? O.o

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Null Unit.4375

Null Unit.4375

I am curious why someone would buy character-bound bag slots, instead of account-bound bank tabs? This is a serious question.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lionhearted.7169


I realised this mistake after purchase Null Unit also, it makes more sense and didn’t know you could earn extra bag slots in game. Ever way a in app purchase that is a permanent addition to a character should be permanent.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


I only stick to buying account wide items. I think it is dumb to buy bag spaces for a single character for something like 5 bucks a piece.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DirtyHoudini.2917


No what he is saying is that the game prioritizes the monetary system over the player’s entertainment. They’re going to push their gem system hard, I know that, and that’s fine – it’s an understandable decision from a business but what can go horribly wrong is when the equation is unbalanced, and all priority goes towards the gems.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lionhearted.7169


^ i know what you mean Houdini i’m dead against buying gold, exps in game. It takes away from the players but unfortunately alot of gaming studios are doing this now. I believe one day this universal system will fold once the players speak with their wallets. Until then we need to suck it in -_-

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Here is the jist of it. I now know that the game is purely about the GEMS and their SALES. How did I come to this conclusion? Individual storage purchased via gems is considered “unlocks”. You delete a character and you lose those unlocks.

I bought a 3rd storage slot over a week ago, because I needed spaces as I was remaking my character. I didn’t lose my storage slot..

And you mention via gems.. Is there any other way to buy storage slots? All I know is the 600 gem ones..

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sixfeetunder.6508


woah wait wait wait..

you’re telling me that the goal of selling a product, is to make money?

it tells you when you buy the unlock that it is for that character. now it would be nice of anet to give you the slot on a diff char or give you gems in the amount (i think its 300) you spent, but thats would just be pure kindness/goodwill, not something they owe you. you were given a warning. if that warning didn’t come up it would be another story, but it does.

No what he is saying is this. You fork out the money for a service..once the service starts they begin to upsale the product as it go’s along. Alot like a hooker does. Get you in the door all worked up then add extra charges because you are allready there and want more action.

Bottom line here folks…never pay more then what the product cost in the first transaction. Pay more then feel like you lost out…thats your problem.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: evilbottom.2186


Firstly, I can’t even understand how you would need more ‘bag’ slots. 12/15 slots in all slots is more than enough space for me, especially with the amount of options they give you like deposit all collectibles and sell junk.

Secondly, you can buy gems with in-game money. You can buy character slots, bank space and bag space without ever spending a single penny real money. Hardly a ‘money grab’.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GenericName.5046


So you spent what 600 gems on more bank space? Wow almost what $8-$10? Crazy. Oh wait you bought the gems with in-game gold for about 2 gold total? Even crazier. It would be so much better to pay $15 every month!!
Sarcasm Off.

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MaKiLoK.6734


Maybe just use your in game currency to purchase gems?

I have purchased 800 gems and never used real world currency, just in game gold.