You have joined too many parties recently!

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I joined ONE taxi to Tarir, turned out to be a dead instance so I left and now I can’t join any other party! WTF? Is this a new bug or a bad change?

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Other MMOs complained that there were too much parties going on in GW2.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abdel Muhti.6431

Abdel Muhti.6431

…now i can look at the shades of grey of the non clickable join-button… sitting there… getting bored… zzzZZzzzZzz dreaming of full maps i cant get to anymore…

dear lfg-god… i will sing a song for every full map i clicked on to get above mentioned penalty.

lalalalaaaaa sorry i didnt ment to click you lalalalaaaa

…starting to cry… on my knees… please!!! only one more try … x_x


You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Abdel Muhti.6431

Abdel Muhti.6431

after 3 hours i tried to join a group on a full map… now i cant enter another group again -.-

(edited by Abdel Muhti.6431)

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ubi.4136


Close the game and log back in. I got the same error, and I didn’t even try to join a group, just hit refresh a couple times. Logging out made it os I could join a group.

Lost in the Maguuma [TC]
Te Nosce [TC]

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kerin.9125


Can we LOSE this fatuous roadblock?

Take DS, given the stupid way the map kicks you out so people can’t organise before this happens as they usually end up on different maps afterwards, the moment the new maps open a flood of taxis appear .. BUT, it’s very common to get the “MAP IS FULL” even 30 seconds after the map opens.

So, you have to leave party and try again, and if you hit the same party of one on the same of different map you end up after only a handful of attempts LOCKED OUT for umpteen minutes which usually means you’ll not get on a map with any chance of success.

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deedrick.4372


As much as I agree, I think the whole LFG needs redone. I don’t think little adjustments are easy to make if I remember old dev comments. I wouldn’t hold your breath on this one.

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mea.5491


I agree, this has to go, it’s annoying. So what if I joined too many parties? How does that hurt the game? -facepalm-

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wander.5780


There are so many draconian systems in place for this game since the release of HoT it really makes me question ever putting another dollar into this game for the sake of a poor investment. The Devs communication is almost non-existent and the LFG system in place in this game is absolute garbage. I’m waiting to hear back on initial reviews for Black Desert Online to switch to that game, its the only modern MMO with a B2P system in place like GW2 has.

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


While your at it, remove the mail limit/restriction to players. Or at least raise it high enough for me to mail everyone in my party potions/food/stones in one go. No one thought about players QoL when they put in these restrictions to prevent botters.

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electro.4173


I agree, this has to go, it’s annoying. So what if I joined too many parties? How does that hurt the game? -facepalm-

If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say that the reason for this message / limitation is to prevent trolls from going into LFG and just joining and leaving every party they see, possibly insulting the party before leaving as well. Particularly groups of trolls who could potentially join en masse and kick the actual party, even though that would be harder to accomplish nowadays (would have been more of an issue back when you only needed 2 votes to kick). Or even people who just join a party, wait until it fills, then leave, which would cause the group to relist in LFG to fill again.

That said, I’m always in favor of not screwing over legit players in an attempt to stop trolls, so I don’t think this is the best method to prevent potential abuse. I’d gladly see it changed.

You have joined too many parties recently!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wander.5780


I agree, this has to go, it’s annoying. So what if I joined too many parties? How does that hurt the game? -facepalm-

If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say that the reason for this message / limitation is to prevent trolls from going into LFG and just joining and leaving every party they see, possibly insulting the party before leaving as well. Particularly groups of trolls who could potentially join en masse and kick the actual party, even though that would be harder to accomplish nowadays (would have been more of an issue back when you only needed 2 votes to kick). Or even people who just join a party, wait until it fills, then leave, which would cause the group to relist in LFG to fill again.

That said, I’m always in favor of not screwing over legit players in an attempt to stop trolls, so I don’t think this is the best method to prevent potential abuse. I’d gladly see it changed.

People don’t quit MMO’s out of frustration because of trolls or even necessarily a bad community, they leave games because they feel they either a) aren’t getting their money’s worth or b) are fed up with the game due to personal grievances… albeit justified or not. People are quitting this game primarily due to the latter reasoning.

If Anet had a clue about how to please their player base they would’ve done it by now. Having a system in place that prevents you from switching groups more than once quickly in succession due to the existential threat of trolls is ridiculous, and just one of the many inherent problems that have gone completely unaddressed in this game… the map timers, the resets, the megaserver and getting locked out of maps, game client performance issues, class imbalance, the shameless persistent gem store offerings… the list goes on and on.