You know what? I'm done

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Togashi Jack.9531

Togashi Jack.9531

I was brought up to believe, belief has failed me now
The bright glow of optimism abandoned me somehow
Oh belief has failed me now, life goes from bad to worse
No philosophy consoles me in a GuildWars universe…

I haven’t really played since Mid November. I’d played GW1 effectively since its launch back in 2005 and I wanted to love this game. My friends who started GW2 with me had abandoned the game back in September and October, and I just kept going. I was working on my second lv 80 character, and was trying to work towards Dungeon Master. Despite my friends having left the game, I had found a guild I was happy with and was still enjoying content. Then fractals came out.

A few of my guildmates went about requesting refunds or just straight up leaving the game. The guild fragmented. My core group was gone. I thought to myself. Well, I was having fun before, I can still have fun with the game despite my frustrations with Ascended tier gear. Except what happened to the game afterwards..

Some of the dungeons were difficult to find groups for as it was, now it was almost impossible. Bugged paths are still bugged, and the last few dungeons stay contested at almost all times because nobody is doing the dynamic events to reclaim them.

I haven’t logged in for about 3 weeks now, but I keep coming back to these boards because I’m hoping against hope that something will have changed, or that there would be at least news about things to come. Nothing. Such a shame. If nothing else I’ll have more time now for my reading..

Goodnight Guildwars. Goodnight.

Togashi Jack – GWAMM – May 2005 to December 2012.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Indoles.1467


Aww let me play a song for you on the world’s smallest violin.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Can I have your stuff? =D

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riel.2160


it’s actually fun how all of you just /lol all at him when he is right about bugs and dungeons

same happened with swtor year back … everyone who posted complain got dismissed by fanboys and then look swtor is pay 2 win game right now!

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


ya then they try to fix your personal gripes that causes someone else to quit, get over yourself and just leave

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


it’s actually fun how all of you just /lol all at him when he is right about bugs and dungeons

same happened with swtor year back … everyone who posted complain got dismissed by fanboys and then look swtor is pay 2 win game right now!

I’m not sure swtor failed ONLY because of buggy dungeons. It had plenty of things that made it a sub par MMO.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peetee.9406


See yah Tog. Hope you find what it is your looking for.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Great Samuel.5346

Great Samuel.5346

I mean really people this guy has viable gripes. He tells you how he feels and you come back with a childish smart@ss response. If you have noticed there are many others saying the same thing. He may leave then another so on so on. I bet more people are leaving everyday than buying this game.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Who are you? Reading up on your post you seems like an over all unhappy person not sure if leaving things in this way is going to work well for you. So what are you trying to do with this post?

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Great Samuel.5346

Great Samuel.5346

Who are you? Reading up on your post you seems like an over all unhappy person not sure if leaving things in this way is going to work well for you. So what are you trying to do with this post?

He seems like a person that has invested a lot of time in this game to me, and doesnt want it to fail.. WHO ARE YOU?

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warkupo.1025


I mean really people this guy has viable gripes. He tells you how he feels and you come back with a childish smart@ss response. If you have noticed there are many others saying the same thing. He may leave then another so on so on. I bet more people are leaving everyday than buying this game.

He started his post with a poem about his belief system based around a video game. Champion his defense all you want, but don’t act all surprised that people aren’t able to take this terribly seriously.

This is a game forum, after all.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


it’s actually fun how all of you just /lol all at him when he is right about bugs and dungeons

same happened with swtor year back … everyone who posted complain got dismissed by fanboys and then look swtor is pay 2 win game right now!

I noticed that as well, how many in SWTOR forums posted those same nonsense troll posts like “can i have your stuff” or “oh noes” and then bam no one could continue the game shrank to 1/8 the population despite the lies the PR department put out. The same can easily happen to GW2, without people playing the game how will they continue to try to force players to buy gold via gems with RL money?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riel.2160


it’s actually fun how all of you just /lol all at him when he is right about bugs and dungeons

same happened with swtor year back … everyone who posted complain got dismissed by fanboys and then look swtor is pay 2 win game right now!

I’m not sure swtor failed ONLY because of buggy dungeons. It had plenty of things that made it a sub par MMO.

I did not say ONLY ! point still stands fanboys here dismiss even most constructive feedback (not that this is one of them but) anet refuse to communicate even on largest topics here and I know that everyone who got game with me already stopped playing and I even log casually

now you may think so what? you already paid and that is not true many of us were spending 20 to 50 euro monthly on gems and if Anet will do nothing about current situation more people are going to leave that are going to buy game …

for me there is only 1 gamebreaking bug that anet refuse to acknowledge
but what I gather here or in game its all those small things that adds up …

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Who are you? Reading up on your post you seems like an over all unhappy person not sure if leaving things in this way is going to work well for you. So what are you trying to do with this post?

He seems like a person that has invested a lot of time in this game to me, and doesnt want it to fail.. WHO ARE YOU?

You are some one who gets more fun from the forms then the game so i think your views are not the best. I try to be some type of reason.

This is just a simple way of saying i hate this game it must go the way I think it is or its over but there no teeth behind this because you pay nothing for it so you cant kill there business this way so your only chose is to make hate filled post on there forms hoping for some type of feeling of retribution.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


have no problems with anyone who comes on and expresses their opinion or frustrations with the games. just put off by the ones that come on here like they need to make some sort of grand exit. pathetic

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


it’s actually fun how all of you just /lol all at him when he is right about bugs and dungeons

same happened with swtor year back … everyone who posted complain got dismissed by fanboys and then look swtor is pay 2 win game right now!

I’m not sure swtor failed ONLY because of buggy dungeons. It had plenty of things that made it a sub par MMO.

I did not say ONLY ! point still stands fanboys here dismiss even most constructive feedback (not that this is one of them but) anet refuse to communicate even on largest topics here and I know that everyone who got game with me already stopped playing and I even log casually

now you may think so what? you already paid and that is not true many of us were spending 20 to 50 euro monthly on gems and if Anet will do nothing about current situation more people are going to leave that are going to buy game …

for me there is only 1 gamebreaking bug that anet refuse to acknowledge
but what I gather here or in game its all those small things that adds up …

You’re correlating his complaints with different problems that another game has. ANet has addressed the problem with dungeons. They’re working on an LFG system, they’re looking to change how we group for fractals in terms of how the different levels will be accessible, and they’re revamping ALL of the previous dungeons. All of these fixes address his complaints. This thread isn’t going to make these problems get fixed faster which is why the OP is getting flamed.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syktek.7912


You won’t be missed.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


Who are you? Reading up on your post you seems like an over all unhappy person not sure if leaving things in this way is going to work well for you. So what are you trying to do with this post?

He seems like a person that has invested a lot of time in this game to me, and doesnt want it to fail.. WHO ARE YOU?

You are some one who gets more fun from the forms then the game so i think your views are not the best. I try to be some type of reason.

This is just a simple way of saying i hate this game it must go the way I think it is or its over but there no teeth behind this because you pay nothing for it so you cant kill there business this way so your only chose is to make hate filled post on there forms hoping for some type of feeling of retribution.

I don’t see any “hate” in his post at all, more like sadness.
Granted, posts like this do no real good, but for every “I’m leaving” post you see, there are probably far more players leaving who do not post anything at all.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Togashi Jack.9531

Togashi Jack.9531

It was so much that I was starting off with a poem as paraphrasing a song from Rush’s much recent album. I played the game and I sang it praises. I tried to get my friends that were not already playing the game to pick it up. Bit by bit though the frustrations crept up, though I wanted to believe that they’d be dealt with in upcoming patches. My friends that I’d started with had already gone, but I was hanging on. Ascended and fractals hit, and like many other forum goers I felt frustrated by it, though it broke my community. Still, I wanted to believe that things would get better..

I can’t hold on to that hope any longer, coming back to these forums every couple of days to see if things have changed. This topic was meant more as my goodbye to the game and these forums. Once I close this window I’m not coming back. This was as much for me as anything else, as I’m sure everyone has already heard my personal gripes before.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warkupo.1025


There’s a new game balance patch in 2 days, btw.

Everyone has already heard your personal gripes a thousand times before on every internet forum for every MMO ever. Just stop playing games, I guess; you will never find one and be happy with it when you keep picking apart the one or two aspects you don’t like and promoting it to the status of some insurmountable insult to your persona.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowy.9580


Judging by the 1st 3 replies, we are official now in WoW mode!

Grind, and now rude kiddie fanboys, all thats needed is large shoulder armor & flying mounts and the path to the wow side is complete!

We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be.
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Who kittenen cares.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riel.2160


Who kittenen cares.

Anet / ncsosft money department should

and that means all of you fanboys too …
you know less money less content even less bug fixes?

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Auesis.7301


If you haven’t given away your gold yet, I’ll have it.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


This “I quit” post reads like a suicide note. The anguish, the self-loathing at the travesty of waste. I can hear My Chemical Romance in the background.

Go gently, Togashi Jack.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

—typical defensive insult by person who is still playing, akin to ‘you can’t fire me, i quit’…. goes here—

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syktek.7912


Who kittenen cares.

Anet / ncsosft money department should

and that means all of you fanboys too …
you know less money less content even less bug fixes?

No, no they shouldn’t. They already made money off him and if he doesn’t get a refund ,Which most people will not, they made their money off him.

This game will stay healthy for quite some time and probably has already met its marketing needs to the point where they have made money off of it. They will continue to do so regardless of players like this leaving as more will always join.

Just look at EVE Online. The great freak out of September 2011 (Oh the drama was delicious), nearly ten thousand players left or even more. CCP shrugged it off and guess what? Most of them came back and they have many new players now.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Who kittenen cares.

Anet / ncsosft money department should

and that means all of you fanboys too …
you know less money less content even less bug fixes?

They stopped playing already. OP just wanted a look at me kind of post. All the posters that want to post a “I quit” are a bunch of primadonnas.

I have no problem with fractals which OP mentions. Implies that it is a bad thing but I don’t have a problem with it. I don’t have any problem with ascended that came with fractals.

Bugs, yea they suck. Bugs exist in all games. Some games have had more time to smooth things out so they are less buggy. Reality for fixing bugs though is it takes time and sometimes it may take longer than what we wish. Code may interact weird with another line and it takes a while to figure out why. It isn’t simple. People however think that it will happen in a matter of weeks. Sure, people will suggest that ANet stops releasing content but then you will upset others that would like more content.

Why should the buggs OP is concerned about trump some other players desire for new content? OP isn’t any better person than the next player that also bought this game.

So again, I don’t care, I don’t think ANet is going to be upset. ANet is working on buggs, OP just isn’t willing to give more time.

Some things take time to fix, possibly a year or more. Sure as hell isn’t going to get fixed in the 3 weeks OP stopped playing.

Want to see some real bugs, go play DDO. Some of them are 6 years old and require a engine redesign to fix.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raideen.5973


I support the OP. I am done as well. Games broken when a thief can come out of stealth and 1 shot a light armor class that is full toughness and vitality exotic geared..and a full toughness vitality spec…I cant possibly mitigate any more damage…and I get 1 shot.

I have never played an mmo with class imbalances as bad as this one and that have gone on this long.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoenixfudge.5290


People who post these type of posts actually care about the game and want to see it flourish.

Obviously, looking at where the game is headed, loyal fans know it is not the right direction.

I know that feel, before lurking around these forums I played mostly BF3.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sollith.3502


There are definitely some things I must say I agree with in some quitting threads. There is quite a bit of work needing to be done in many of the current areas of the game, and I have not a clue as to why they introduced new content so soon.

In my honest opinion of the game: it’s a good game overall. They need to work on fixing many of the bugs and class balancing and other stuff in a timely manner or else it could go down hill quickly (I mean like a sheer cliff quick; free fall quickly if they don’t make good headway on stuff the players can feel).

Fractals was a decent go at new content, but was one step forward and two steps back. They shouldn’t have introduced a new gear tier; instead, they should have introduced a useable item that could infuse the original gear tiers and each time you infused you would get a certain amount of agony resistance (and can keep infusing as much as a player see’s fit).

The actual Fractals of the Mists dungeon is really good and a ton of fun; being able to progress in difficulty is great. It lets players have a number to see how far they have gone and “feel” a sense of progression. However, the one part of it that could have been handled better would be the fact that it splits the community up and they should have had some kind of mechanic that would entice veterans of the dungeon to play with those working through the lower levels of it (maybe some sort of daily “Help a new recruit through the Fractals of the Mists” and just have it need to be someone x fractal levels lower than you…. or something that entices, but doesn’t feel too forceful).

As for the rest of the game, they really need to focus on the horizontal progression and work on changing all the areas to be worthwhile to play in (if you are level 80, you should still be able to have a worthwhile reason to play in the starter zones. Whether it be for crafting mats that can only be found there, adding a decent chance for chests to provide rare mats and items so that players go back for those, etc.; something needs to be done to get players circulating again).

Major events should be revamped a bit to provide for better scaling (sub events that split up larger groups into smaller units) and I think they need to not toss away Orr so quickly either; change it slowly over time if you have to. Players seem to like the idea of having Orr be a more WvW-esque area where there are siege events and maybe even supply caravans to protect from Risen and I have no doubt that setting up events to more accurately reflect this would make Orr a much bigger success other than for farmer due to it being one of the level 80 areas… Right now it’s just a place of seemingly ragtag events that just don’t really feel connected; players were expecting a lot more from this area considering how many of the lower level areas had much more entertaining events (I mean what happened to that Risen ship event with the siege weapons? They could have done a lot more events like it, but actually in Orr…)

I could go into more detail about the rest of the game, but I won’t say much else in this thread lol.

(edited by Sollith.3502)

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I support the OP as well, and if they keep in this herding to the gem store for gold/dungeon only progression nonsense we’ll see a stark decline in the number of players it’s only a matter of time before everyone else gets tired of it. It’s a very slippery slope.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


In my honest objective opinion of the game: it’s a good game overall. They need to work on fixing many of the bugs and class balancing and other stuff in a timely manner or else it could go down hill quickly (I mean like a sheer cliff quick; free fall quickly if they don’t make good headway on stuff the players can feel).

Your right on that, I’m actually quite surprised at how a game that was in development for 4+ years had ended in such a sad state it is in within 3 1/2 Months. It is just plain tragic. I’m lingering around on the forums to see if they will actually have fixed any of the major issues on the 14th, if not I’ll just have to give up myself and move on. Gambled $60 on a game I might be part of for years and got burned, might need to just call the fire department in on this one.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


it’s actually fun how all of you just /lol all at him when he is right about bugs and dungeons

same happened with swtor year back … everyone who posted complain got dismissed by fanboys and then look swtor is pay 2 win game right now!


I’ve already seen quite a lot of " I’m quitting " threads, not only that but I have 3 guilds I am in. 95% of all 3 of those rosters are NEVER online, ever. Even my friends from GW1 that all had GWAMM have moved on.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


You know what? I’m done


My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Groovy.6749


it’s actually fun how all of you just /lol all at him when he is right about bugs and dungeons

same happened with swtor year back … everyone who posted complain got dismissed by fanboys and then look swtor is pay 2 win game right now!


I’ve already seen quite a lot of " I’m quitting " threads, not only that but I have 3 guilds I am in. 95% of all 3 of those rosters are NEVER online, ever. Even my friends from GW1 that all had GWAMM have moved on.

SWTOR had a gazillion servers, most of them with a miserable population. Their refusal to do anything about for months drove the majority of players away. It is kinda hard to play an MMO by yourself.
Most of GW2’s servers are full or high/very high. Right now the game is in a good place so the doom sayers have arrived a bit early for my taste.

Also SWTOR had about one the vilest communities I ever came across…flaming and trolling wars of the likes I’ve never seen before. But I guess it was inevitable when EA/Bioware crossbred Stars Wars with an MMO…

Just to say the comparison doesn’t hold.

Back on track, sure the game has got some issues, but which game hasn’t ? The elder scrolls are about the buggiest games I know and they are still the best at what they do. Not saying GW2 is the best MMO ever, but it does what it does pretty well. To me, ironing some bugs and helping to stabilize the economy/DR will be enough to accomodate most players’ needs.

However, I do feel sympathetic for the guy if he feels a game he was really looking forward to has let him down, but c’est la vie. Happens to every gamer. I’m sure he’ll find his happy niche eventually. Peace and Love man.

(edited by Groovy.6749)

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordozone.9167


I am sick of seeing crap like this.

I dont care what Anet does with the game. For me, it is a way to escape my reality, and here is why.

I have been unemployed 2 and a half years now because of Diabetes. No one wants to hire someone who can see for a day or two and then is almost blind the next. Doctors fear they may have to take my feet and my vision will soon be gone. My blood sugars get to the point where I have had to go to the hospital on many occasions. We all need to eat to live but eating is the very thing thats killing me.

My wife works as a part time waitress and is in pain every bit of it. She has Rhumatory and Seratic (sp?) arthritus but suffers through it. Disabilty was denied to her because she was, and I quote, “Too young to be disabled.” Her veteran benefits have been cut because of a GI Bill over-payment, the measly $530 a month we rely on to live.

We went from $850 behind on rent to $500 behind on rent because the only money we had went to the land lord to prevent our 3rd eviction this year. It is a crappy 1BR house for me, my wife and out 2 kids. We didnt have the money to get my wifes kids for her christmas visitation. We have disconnect notices from electric, gas and water companies for middle of next week.

And now I have to explain to my 3yo and 6yo why santa didnt bring them any presents but hey, you got a roof over your head, despite it being a cold, dry and dark one!

Your petty proplem of fractals and your guildies leaving are just that, petty. For me, GW2 is the ONLY light in my life. All I can say is thank god for neighbors and unsecured networks and thank god for the people at Anet for giving me the escape I need!

So, quit your QQing and find a reason to make this game a happy thing for you or just leave.

Commander Yvette Doombringer – 80 Thief
Sea of Sorrows
Event Farming Guide —>

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


Valid points are valid points but declaring that you quit from a game with no monthly fee is not really a huge deal, or any deal at all.

I’ve never understood these types of posts.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FLFW.3105


As one smart cartoon character once said ’ who the h.ell cares ?? ’

GuildWars 2 is good game with bad management.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horheristo.3607



You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I’m sick of people who use “QQing”.

Strangely I never see anyone express this kind of sentiment to another person’s face.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sender.7958


I usually have ZERO sympathy for goodbye posts, which I promptly stereotype as whiney QQ upon reading the thread title.

But the poem was pretty cute

Sad to hear it didn’t turn out to be the game for you. Suggestion is to go take a break, no sub fee means you can come back any time and see if anything’s changed. Hopefully by then the dungeon paths will be fixed ;p Might also consider switching to a new server when you do come back for a peek, new leaf and all that.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079



“im a guardian we’ll be fine "

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Groovy.6749



“im a guardian we’ll be fine "

“brb biobreak”

and +1 for thread highjacking :p

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordozone.9167


I’m sick of people who use “QQing”.

Strangely I never see anyone express this kind of sentiment to another person’s face.

I actually tell that to a lot of people to their faces. A good example is a former roommate. I told it to him when he lived with us and I still tell it to him today cuz all he ever does is complain about crap

Commander Yvette Doombringer – 80 Thief
Sea of Sorrows
Event Farming Guide —>

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valtameri.2075


Spoken like a true self entitled ‘gamer’. You shall not be missed.

And don’t give me a “he’s got some valid points!”, because it’s different to give constructive critique than it is for these kind of entitled ragequit posts.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snores.7806


Who kittenen cares.

Anet / ncsosft money department should

and that means all of you fanboys too …
you know less money less content even less bug fixes?

No, no they shouldn’t. They already made money off him and if he doesn’t get a refund ,Which most people will not, they made their money off him.

This game will stay healthy for quite some time and probably has already met its marketing needs to the point where they have made money off of it. They will continue to do so regardless of players like this leaving as more will always join.

Just look at EVE Online. The great freak out of September 2011 (Oh the drama was delicious), nearly ten thousand players left or even more. CCP shrugged it off and guess what? Most of them came back and they have many new players now.

CCP didnt “Shrug it off”. The CEO wrote a public apology, they changed the direction of their game and a few people lost their jobs over it.. or so the Internet scuttlebutt goes.
But then again, CCPs one of the smarter MMO devs out there. They KNOW how to monetize their product. Anet should be going to CCP for advice, not the bottom-feeders from Nexon

Oh yeah, and GL to the OP, I hope you find what you’re looking for. I’m in the market for a new mmo myself.. any suggestions ?

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


I mean really people this guy has viable gripes. He tells you how he feels and you come back with a childish smart@ss response. If you have noticed there are many others saying the same thing. He may leave then another so on so on. I bet more people are leaving everyday than buying this game.

How he starts his thread and how he titles it is just quite over the top. “I am leaving” threads are not really allowed anyway and the thread & the trolls will be infracted as soon as the GM drank his first coffee and opened his eyes.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


When did gamers become self-entitled because they expect to get enjoyment out of a product? That is why they are buying a game no? Also because it is a game he most likely cannot get a refund of his money, this is not the case with almost anything else you buy!

Would you be self-entitled because you were upset because something wasn’t quite as good as it was advertised then told you cannot return the product because it was opened but couldn’t have know it was as bad as it was UNTIL you opened it? Because that’s how it is with games, you buy a big hyped up pile of cow feces your just SOL.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phlemhacker.1372


I was brought up to believe, belief has failed me now
The bright glow of optimism abandoned me somehow
Oh belief has failed me now, life goes from bad to worse
No philosophy consoles me in a GuildWars universe…

I haven’t really played since Mid November. I’d played GW1 effectively since its launch back in 2005 and I wanted to love this game. My friends who started GW2 with me had abandoned the game back in September and October, and I just kept going. I was working on my second lv 80 character, and was trying to work towards Dungeon Master. Despite my friends having left the game, I had found a guild I was happy with and was still enjoying content. Then fractals came out.

A few of my guildmates went about requesting refunds or just straight up leaving the game. The guild fragmented. My core group was gone. I thought to myself. Well, I was having fun before, I can still have fun with the game despite my frustrations with Ascended tier gear. Except what happened to the game afterwards..

Some of the dungeons were difficult to find groups for as it was, now it was almost impossible. Bugged paths are still bugged, and the last few dungeons stay contested at almost all times because nobody is doing the dynamic events to reclaim them.

I haven’t logged in for about 3 weeks now, but I keep coming back to these boards because I’m hoping against hope that something will have changed, or that there would be at least news about things to come. Nothing. Such a shame. If nothing else I’ll have more time now for my reading..

Goodnight Guildwars. Goodnight.

Togashi Jack – GWAMM – May 2005 to December 2012.

Noted. Now get out.