You know what shouldn't happen?

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


A level 51 Guardian with 1k vit and 1k toughness getting absolutely rolled, and taking nearly an hour to run CM with a level 4X friend… I couldn’t give akittenabout the nerfed rewards, I used it for exp and some farm, yes, but I can easily go back to heart quests or WvW for that. What pisses me off, is that the ‘easy’ version, Story Mode, killed me more than when I ran it in Exploration mode for the first time.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Sorry, not following you.
You talking about story mode, right? Then you get downscaled to 40, lvl matters little , perhaps 60+ i would concede a bit more…

Also, werr you duoing or full party?

Im failing at understanding this rant.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


Full party, and even with the 40 drop down, I have considerable Hp, Toughness and Armor. I tanked the bosses just fine, even had to hold both the captain at the end, and the door guard solo while the team walked back from waypoints. And yet, for some reason, 1 bomber and some dogs can kill me 8 times, because the dogs chase me into the bomber with perpetual fear.

And to expand on it, I have done exploration mode for seals, and died a lot less than doing the new story mode. Last I checked, Exploration was supposed to be the harder one.

Also iirc you keep your direct stat bonuses from your gear no matter what, as well as trait stats. Which is way being a decent bit above the dungeons level does matter. 50 vit/tough is much higher than 40s.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven.8361


Actually, level shouldn’t matter considering you are suppose to do the dungeon at level 40. Tried the dungeon awhile ago and I was flying all over the room because of the knockbacks the enemy is doing, its not fun anymore considering its not giving me any chance to fight back ~_~

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


Actually, level shouldn’t matter considering you are suppose to do the dungeon at level 40. Tried the dungeon awhile ago and I was flying all over the room because of the knockbacks the enemy is doing, its not fun anymore considering its not giving me any chance to fight back ~_~

I too have this problem sir. It’s quite hard to heal when you are playing human pong. Also, as much as I’d like to agree that you are supposed to do the dungeon at 40, you cant even do exploration mode until 45, and people also like to run the dungeons with lower level friends, guildies and etc.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


I dont really see a problem imho. If you were aggroing so many mobs at one point while your entire team ran back, what happened? Why did they fail so hard?

And if you held the door and captain by yourself, that says a lot about it doesnt it?

Bombera have specials that in the mists of a fight can be hard to see.

Ya know what saves you? A mesmer with feedback and reflection.

There are other ways ofc. But untill people stop to try and brute force/outlvl/outgear dungeons or content, instead of adapting to each fight, there will always be people complaining.

Ive seen lvl80s die more in Ac story that lvl 27/30s. Not lying.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Actually, level shouldn’t matter considering you are suppose to do the dungeon at level 40. Tried the dungeon awhile ago and I was flying all over the room because of the knockbacks the enemy is doing, its not fun anymore considering its not giving me any chance to fight back ~_~

Funny, ran it twice so far and never had problems with knockbacks.

Guess stability and comboimg chaos armor is that awesome.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


Learn to use crowd control skills. Cripple, Immobilize, Chill, Stun, Daze and Knockback are all your friends.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zetsubou.8431


Welcome to GW2. Learn to dodge. You might as well just forget about stats like toughness and vitality because no matter how much you have you’ll still get 2 shotted. Just build glass cannon and roll spam. If you’re going to die like a squishy glass cannon you might as well do damage like a squishy glass cannon. Being “tanky” in this game means kiting enemies around like some sort of caster until cooldowns like endure pain are up, cause you can’t take a hit without them. Revolutionary design if you ask me. So glad the trinity is gone.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


Note, not brute forceing, we get our ranger or ele to single shot one group of mobs, pull them to a doorway or clutch point where I can lay down a healing mark and defense buff to tank while the others deal dps around me.

Since you are most likely familiar with CM, you can agree that after saving Sigart, killing the separatists and going outside, you should run up, aggro the first set of dogs and the lieutenant, drag them back and deal with the on their own. It’s normally the one separatist and a group of 5 dogs.

So of course, cue the new setup, we run up, we aggro them back, we do our thing I buff myself to the high heavens…. and then sit back, get a drink, make a sandwich, check what’s on netflix, solve a rubiks cube, discover the secrets of the universe, learn to commune with nature, and grow a beard while my guardian runs around in circles with a black/green skull above his head eventually leading me right to the bomber standing a solid mile away from where we started. Said bomber proceeds to wipe my party.

Wash rinse, repeat eight times as we very very slowly ended up picking off the dogs one by one as we died.

And then we got to do it again with the second set of dogs. Less death this time, since they are much farther away from the bombers, and luckily fear doesn’t run you up cliffs.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Yes we did that too, pick the patrol first, the the captain and whatnot.

Do you know what happened with us ? Booooonnnnsssss and conditions!:)

Youre a guardian. Ill at least agree with your thread title, it shouldnt happen.

I mean, perhaps focus less on tanky setup and use a boon spam setup there, wired to a cc breaker?

So far, there hasnt been one encounter that didnt had a way to beat it easily , no matter the group setup.

Most of the times people just dont want to change their builds between fights.
People are just lazy ( not calling you lazy.), but you have to concede that ir you were he only one alive and 4 others were running their corpses back to the fight, they screwed up majorly.
And in most games that wouldve been a wipe and restart.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


Also now that I think about it, no, you are not correct in how you think dungeons should be handled. This games goes against the holy trinity, remember? It was a big selling point. If I want to set up a team of 4 dpsers and a super tank, I shouldkittenwell be able to do it. It’s a legitimate strategy. But apparently, there is no meta in this game for anyone who wants to play a low-to-no damage survivor. My power is literally less than 30% of my vit or toughness. Compared to anyone else I’ve asked about it I have a VERY high Tough/Vit for my level. This is in comparison to other guards builds, guildies, friends etc. And even when I go to TA, where I can utilize my entire levels stats, with nearly 12k hp, I have to CONSTANTLY run back and dodge behind other players to keep from dieing while my 4 healing skills CD.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


My skills are (Save Yourselves), (That buff that gives Regen and Protector), and Either Purging Flames, or the Sigil that reduces all inc damage by 10%. I have the condition breaking heal, and my elite skill is normally Take Root for the 3 seconds of invulnerability. (Sylvari) My boons bar looks like a 4 year old got ahold of a sticker book on the screen. But the issue was that every dog could fear me, so the instant I break the fear with my 20 sec cd skill, boom feared again.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


Now luckily, in TA I have no issues with it’s balance. I like the challenge it provides at my level, I can run it entirely without going down, and while typically keeping my team from getting wiped. But that’s even worse, since the next level up dungeon doesn’t even give me as much problem as the one before it.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


Funny part is, the point was never that players had to focus completely on survivability to be able to survive hits. All you need was to balance it with offense, as the smart ones already figured out,and spread the word out. 1 part survival stat, 2 parts offense; or 2 parts survival, 1 part offense.

Let me give another hint: please snare the patrol and kite them around. If they can’t get in range, they can’t do anything.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Also now that I think about it, no, you are not correct in how you think dungeons should be handled. This games goes against the holy trinity, remember? It was a big selling point. If I want to set up a team of 4 dpsers and a super tank, I shouldkittenwell be able to do it. It’s a legitimate strategy. But apparently, there is no meta in this game for anyone who wants to play a low-to-no damage survivor. My power is literally less than 30% of my vit or toughness. Compared to anyone else I’ve asked about it I have a VERY high Tough/Vit for my level. This is in comparison to other guards builds, guildies, friends etc. And even when I go to TA, where I can utilize my entire levels stats, with nearly 12k hp, I have to CONSTANTLY run back and dodge behind other players to keep from dieing while my 4 healing skills CD.

True enough, the play as you want is a tagline from anet.

But you can still succeed , cant you?

Its just not the best way to do it, but eventually you can do it.

I mean, you can sit there and take the red circle damage, because thats the way you want to play, but that doesnt mean you should does it.

Dungeons are very specific and meant to be Challenging. Many argue they are hard due to one shot skills, but they forget that dungeons is the closest to gw1 as you get.

Just like in gw1 you had to take a specific build to an area or mission ( not 100% accurate, i know). Its a puzzle. You should bring yhr right pieces to it, but it doesnt mean a lil glue and scissors wont work.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


Pounce. I kite the second champion in TA all day long because of his poison, I can draw all the nightmare creatures, sweep across while dropping a symbol underneath him with my team DPSs all day. The dogs however, have essentially buffed movespeed, and the ability to leap on you from a fairly sizeable distance.

Also I WANT to play a walking steel plated box. The entire point of rolling my guardian was so that I could stack buffs armor and hp and become nearly unkillable.

Yes, players don’t HAVE to do it, but I wanted to. I was capable of making that choice because of the freedom to build my character how I pleased.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LastDay.3524


Just so you know Elementalists and Guardians have the same amount of base health.
So, really you have no more health than a “tanky” Elementalist.
What keeps Guardians alive are their defensive skills and Armor.

I feel sympathy for anyone who needs to go melee with dungeons mobs, though.


You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


Pounce. I kite the second champion in TA all day long because of his poison, I can draw all the nightmare creatures, sweep across while dropping a symbol underneath him with my team DPSs all day. The dogs however, have essentially buffed movespeed, and the ability to leap on you from a fairly sizeable distance.

Also I WANT to play a walking steel plated box. The entire point of rolling my guardian was so that I could stack buffs armor and hp and become nearly unkillable.

Yes, players don’t HAVE to do it, but I wanted to. I was capable of making that choice because of the freedom to build my character how I pleased.

If you place slows on those dogs, you would realize they pounce for a significantly lesser distance.

But then again, you are so full of yourself that you refuse to listen any valid suggestions, and thus devolved your thread into “I have problems so others must suffer from them too”.

Too bad, reality states that the smarter players don’t have problems with that dungeon. Only you, and a small handful of obstinate players, stand by what seems to be the absolute way to fail at that dungeon.

Please, kindly continue setting yourself up for failure, in the meantime, your betters are all moving on to clear harder dungeons than the joke of an instance which you call hard, impossible or whatever term these days people use to exaggerate the difficulty of content.

Some people are just so masochistic and choose to wallow in self-pity and misery instead of picking the better way out for success and happiness. There’s nothing anybody can do to help people like that.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


Also now that I think about it, no, you are not correct in how you think dungeons should be handled. This games goes against the holy trinity, remember? It was a big selling point. If I want to set up a team of 4 dpsers and a super tank, I shouldkittenwell be able to do it. It’s a legitimate strategy. But apparently, there is no meta in this game for anyone who wants to play a low-to-no damage survivor. My power is literally less than 30% of my vit or toughness. Compared to anyone else I’ve asked about it I have a VERY high Tough/Vit for my level. This is in comparison to other guards builds, guildies, friends etc. And even when I go to TA, where I can utilize my entire levels stats, with nearly 12k hp, I have to CONSTANTLY run back and dodge behind other players to keep from dieing while my 4 healing skills CD.

True enough, the play as you want is a tagline from anet.

But you can still succeed , cant you?

Its just not the best way to do it, but eventually you can do it.

I mean, you can sit there and take the red circle damage, because thats the way you want to play, but that doesnt mean you should does it.

Dungeons are very specific and meant to be Challenging. Many argue they are hard due to one shot skills, but they forget that dungeons is the closest to gw1 as you get.

Just like in gw1 you had to take a specific build to an area or mission ( not 100% accurate, i know). Its a puzzle. You should bring yhr right pieces to it, but it doesnt mean a lil glue and scissors wont work.

I could care less about one shot skills, I thought it was hilarious when people got angry about the big fire elemental destroying hordes of players who couldn’t watch and dodge the marked AoEs.

I don’t even necessarily mind the difficulty of dungeons, or that it takes certain builds to do things the most efficient way (also, I played GW1, starting pre-expansions and beyond)

My ONLY complaint, is that they up and shifted the difficulty on this one dungeon, so drastically, that it became a completely terrible experience to run. I have a friend that plays a ranger, he’s still playing right now and all I hear on vent is him hard raging about dieing in CM (hes level 42, this was his first, and probably last run in CM ever).

He has 2 80s, another 40, and a level 68 helping him, Guard, Mesmer, Ranger, Ele.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


Pounce. I kite the second champion in TA all day long because of his poison, I can draw all the nightmare creatures, sweep across while dropping a symbol underneath him with my team DPSs all day. The dogs however, have essentially buffed movespeed, and the ability to leap on you from a fairly sizeable distance.

Also I WANT to play a walking steel plated box. The entire point of rolling my guardian was so that I could stack buffs armor and hp and become nearly unkillable.

Yes, players don’t HAVE to do it, but I wanted to. I was capable of making that choice because of the freedom to build my character how I pleased.

If you place slows on those dogs, you would realize they pounce for a significantly lesser distance.

But then again, you are so full of yourself that you refuse to listen any valid suggestions, and thus devolved your thread into “I have problems so others must suffer from them too”.

Too bad, reality states that the smarter players don’t have problems with that dungeon. Only you, and a small handful of obstinate players, stand by what seems to be the absolute way to fail at that dungeon.

Please, kindly continue set yourself up for failure, in the meantime, your betters are all moving on to clear harder dungeons than the joke of which you call CM.

Some people are just so masochistic and choose to wallow in self-pity and misery instead of picking the better way out for success and happiness. There’s nothing anybody can do to help people like that.

And some people abandon the typical constraints of a debate by allowing themselves to be discredited by using ad hominem attacks and cyclical logic, simply because of a self evolved notion of immediate correctness.

I run other dungeons, world bosses, group events, and WvW constantly. Have no issues with… any of them, actually. I quite enjoy 95% of it (with my only other complaints about the game solely involving a dislike of underwater combat, not for any difficulty reasons, but because of camera issues and a hate for my accursed spear)

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


I can only repeat: People, even PUGS without planning of party builds, do these dungeons all the time and succeed. But you bringing up your toughness and hp score so prominently clearly demonstrates you are still thinking traditional mmorpg and hence fail.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythic.5187


Not sure if same guy different account… Or just another person failing to read every post…

Also now that I think about it, have either of the two people vehemently denying the problem even run the new CM?

You both have said ‘People do this ALL THE TIME’. But this patch has been live for 5 hours.

If 5 hours is all the time, then I’m an ancient immortal with the knowledge of a million lifetimes…

Before the patch, I had 0 issues. Ran the dungeon with no problems too! As you have said, anyone could.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


yes, we are the same person on different accounts cause god forbid there may be two people in the world not agreeing with you. As I am at work, I can only judge from patch notes and they do not mention CM. You may be correct, but telling from your various misconceptions, not the least bringing up soaking strategies that do not really work well in this game, I wouldn´t neglect the possibility of you imagining the issue.