(edited by Amsterdammer.3862)
You know you're addicted to GW2 when..
*…You cut yourself (accidently) and shout “Shake it off!” to stop the bleeding.
*…You wish you had a speed boost when taking a walk.
*…You compare paying bills to using the Mystic Forge.
*…You look at cliffs, tall buildings, etc and search for a Vista point.
*…You calculate how much karma you’ve earned when helping your wife bring in the groceries.
*…You think of Magic Find when you find a Quarter on the ground.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
When everytime you buy a lottery ticket, you think that the odds of winning it are slightly higher than getting a precursor.
- You see a single small tree on a mostly treeless area and start looking for your logging axe
- You see a bird passing by over someone, you think “he got mail”
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
- You keep playing it even when it no longer has the same buzz when you first started it.
- You keep playing it even when treated like scum by the distributors.
- You keep playing it even when its only adding stress to your life.
I’m aware that I didn’t go down the happy go lucky route of your initial post. However addiction is addiction, in all its ugly forms.
My name is Azhure and I’m a GW2 addict.
When you are having a shower and go use maintenance oils then condition(er) to wash your hair.
When you go shopping and see the special offers.. ‘’By Ogdens Hammer!’’
(edited by etb.2703)
When you are out walking with your friends, and you see a group of people and yell, “Stack!”
-You think you should look into the stock market because you made 10g flipping stuff
-You get an ascended chest and think that you should buy a lottery ticket
-All your minecraft builds are based off of gw2 locations (for those that play it)
-You try to apply wvw tactics to other games (notably, stacking)
-this website is one of the ones you check as soon as you turn your pc on
You’re fighting with your boss and suddenly shout. “For Great Justice!”
• when you walk into a bar and kneel next to a chair instead of sitting on it.
• when you jump the queue in the bank.
• when you’re at the railway station and someone looks at their watch and asks “Where’s the train?” and you explain it got nerfed…
You’re fighting with your boss and suddenly shout. “For Great Justice!”
Should be “HAMMER STUN!”
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
*…you look at your baby and think “awww its a cute little Asura!”
*…you spend time on the forums making and responding to threads like this.
*…you look at the people at work and visualize them as a mesmer/elementalist/warrior etc.
*…you actually think that people outside the game care about your legendary weapon.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Real one
I tried to link my bag of chips to my friend so he could see what I was eating.
Took me a sec to realize what I was doing…
When everything looks like a jumping puzzle…and on that note, it’s unlikely I’ll be allowed back into Kmart.
Real one
I tried to link my bag of chips to my friend so he could see what I was eating.
Took me a sec to realize what I was doing…
Real one: my friend touch me back and instead to turn around I tried to use mine mouse to look at him.
Mine is actually real and from playing too much WvW…
You know you play too much WvW when there’s a storm outside and your storm door is banging loudly against the frame and your first thoughts are “zerg inc.” -Facepalm-
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
When, almost after two years, you are still playing to see if the game would go back to its roots (i.e. GW1) and become fun again.
When, almost after two years, you are still playing to see if the game would go back to its roots (i.e. GW1) and become fun again.
No offence sir, but that makes you an addict in denial
When you jump on the rooves just to skip Path 1.
When you start killing your neighboours cat just to finish daily killer.
When you see someone running and you check for your warhorn in your bag.
When your teacher ask where are your homeworks and you justify saying “Lupicus ate them”.
A real one from me:
Walking down a street and wanting to use Ride the Lightning to get to the end faster.
When you see a crowd of people and think its a zerg at a meta event.
When you see your neighbor’s garden patch and go harvest everything, as all nodes are shared.
When you complain about cars and bikes because mounts are against lore.
When you try to pay for items in a shop with gold earned by playing inside there.
You look off a building or a cliff and think ok this jump wont kill me its safe to do it
When you go to sit on a chair and fall through it.