You never know what you had till you lose it
- They all have awkward camera’s that are not smooth, at all !
- character responsiveness is awful.
- reaction times are awful.These are all in GW2 as well. Try turning with A & D, and it’s like moving a truck on ice. Also, try jumping, and you’ll notice that your head hits a ceiling. The physics for GW2 characters needs to be adjusted.
Why are you controlling the camera with A & D?
Because certain gameplay requires it when standing still. For example, jumping puzzles; or being atop a keep in WvW, raining down AoE on players. The only way to effectively turn your character, is with the right-mouse button, but this can only happen while moving. Play any other MMO and try this out for yourself. Just about all of them allow us to turn our characters with right-mouse button. It gives the player more precision.
- They all have awkward camera’s that are not smooth, at all !
- character responsiveness is awful.
- reaction times are awful.These are all in GW2 as well. Try turning with A & D, and it’s like moving a truck on ice. Also, try jumping, and you’ll notice that your head hits a ceiling. The physics for GW2 characters needs to be adjusted.
Why are you controlling the camera with A & D?
Because certain gameplay requires it when standing still. For example, jumping puzzles; or being atop a keep in WvW, raining down AoE on players. The only way to effectively turn your character, is with the right-mouse button, but this can only happen while moving. Play any other MMO and try this out for yourself. Just about all of them allow us to turn our characters with right-mouse button. It gives the player more precision.
Move the camera to the direction you want your character facing using the right mouse button and tap a movement key once to have your character face that way. Quick and easy.
The only way to effectively turn your character, is with the right-mouse button, but this can only happen while moving.
ehm… no. I turn my character all the time with only using the mouse.
Left click hold + move the mouse turns camera but not you,
right click hold + move the mouse turns your whole character.
The only way to effectively turn your character, is with the right-mouse button, but this can only happen while moving.
ehm… no. I turn my character all the time with only using the mouse.
Left click hold + move the mouse turns camera but not you,
right click hold + move the mouse turns your whole character.
Totally. I can’t even imagine relying on just A & D for movement.
- In that week I played aion, STO, Rift, Neverwinter, Tera, Eden Eternal, Vindictus, Aura kingdom and so on you get the picture.
Yeah, nice try at Whiteknighting, but i’m calling BS on you.
You claim that in a week, you played all those game and even more? I say you’re liying.
And even if you did, there’s no way you played enough to really know what you where playing.
Wildstar better have a customizable UI or I won’t bother trying it out. The UI fills the entire screen, and I need to have my screen as clear as possible.
As much as I dislike the UI in GWII, at least you can actually see what’s going on, except for when there are spell effects.
Wildstar have indeed a customizable UI and support of addons, not only, the camera can be zoomed out a lot until you see everything around you.
- traditional RAIDS = fail
- extreme support for addons = fail ( certain add ons become a must, to the point you cannot play w/o them)
- P2P = fail. ( in this day and age, yes it is fail)
Final Fantasy XIV begs to differ.
I know you wish so hard that the incoming games fails… But it won’t likely be the case…
- I also thought Rift had good camera, until I played GW2 and it showed me a real smooth camera.
Yeah, no.
At least don’t lie… Everyone knows that GW2 camera is as bad as it gets, try to do Jumping Puzzle with a big sized Norn or Charr and then come back and let’s talk about smooth camera.
- Rift interface is nice and all but all the add ons and all the crap on the screen makes it a play the interface not the game itself thing, plus combat is boring as hell.
Yeah, standing in a corned and aoutoattacking it’s the real combat fun, right?
- GW2 doesn’t need add ons or any of that crap, it’s a play the game not the interface feeling which I love.
GW2 is deep as a paper sheet, of course it doesn’t need any addon… Even though an in game timer for world bosses and all that crap, whould be useful… Lol.
- no competition last year, hmm that might be true still doesn’t take away from the fact it is a great game dispite it’s issues.
Yeah, except that the game keeps losing players and sales are dropping from quarter to quarter… In a year where little to no competition showed off…
- if you have not noticed, the single most telling thing about gw2 success is how now all upcoming companies are trying to copy some parts of it to integrate into their own creations instead of trying to continue to copy wow.
Yeah, no.
All the big upcoming games are keeping way far from the GW2 way, from business model to the return at the trinity (followed by deep combat and fighting mechanics), dungeons, raids, good PVP… And most important… An actual end game.
even with it’s issues it’s a hell of a lot better than all the crap out there on the ether.
In your “very humble” opinion i assume?
The only way to effectively turn your character, is with the right-mouse button, but this can only happen while moving.
ehm… no. I turn my character all the time with only using the mouse.
Left click hold + move the mouse turns camera but not you,
right click hold + move the mouse turns your whole character.
You are wrong. Holding right mouse button down doesn’t turn your character. It never has. There have been countless threads on this subject in the suggestions forum since beta. Holding either left or right mouse button down function the same.
Read the last 2 words in my quote… it only works while moving.
- In that week I played aion, STO, Rift, Neverwinter, Tera, Eden Eternal, Vindictus, Aura kingdom and so on you get the picture.
What I found is that:
- They all have awkward camera’s that are not smooth, at all !
- character responsiveness is awful.
- reaction times are awful.
- Boring combat.
- quality of life is none existent, when compared to GW.
- messy, badly coded interfaces, and ugly as hell.
- GCD, this didn’t use to bother me at all now I can’t stand it.
- need target to cast anything, annoying much.
- No global Trading post, yeah I missed it.
- art style, I’m gonna censor myself here.
This is a very interesting list.
- is just funny, GW2 has one of the worst cameras in the MMO industry. People have been complaining about it since launch. You can’t even change the FOV, never mind the fact that the camera collision is just awful. This is one of the top 10 things that is wrong with the game. I doubt you actually played the games you said you did if this was #1 on your list.
Character responsiveness is different from game to game. if you played all those games in a one week period then you don’t have the muscle memory to make any comment on the responsiveness of the characters. Whenever you switch to a new MMO it takes 2 weeks on average of solely playing that game to develop the correct muscle memory to play it to its full responsiveness.
If your reaction time is awful I hardly think that is the fault of the game. Not really sure what you mean here.
Boring combat is completely subjective. Using combos and 20+ abilities with a trinity system with many many mechanics imo is more fun than standing in a zerg spamming 1 while people yell STACK over and over again at you.
QoL is interesting. Not sure what you mean as you didn’t give any examples. As far as I know all those games have much more control over the UI and thus different is not more QoL features than this game. You would need to make a pro and con list for each game to accurately judge this, but you may be right.
Messy badly colored interfaces that are ugly as hell is one of the other top complaints on this forum about GW2 so not sure what you are getting at… GW2 has one of the worst interfaces in MMO history since it can’t be customized or changed at all and there are giant boxes blocking 50% of your screen at all times.
GCD? GW2 has a ~1s GCD much much longer than other games on the market… so this seems to be something wrong with GW2 not with other games. I’m constantly annoyed that my moves don’t activate because the previous move hasn’t finished yet. GW2 only has a few instant moves with no animation global cd.
needing a target can be annoying, but not all the MMO’s on your list have that. It is something that I appreciate about GW2, especially with the new ground targeting options.
Global Trading Post is something I will miss if I ever leave GW2, hopefully more games use that in the future.
Art style is also superb in GW2, probably my favorite thing about the game.
I’ll gladly appreciate what I have in GW2, but most of the things on your list aren’t on it.
We are indeed spoiled, and it will be interesting to see how the new MMOs will do, since people these days don’t give new games a chance to grow. The game either has everything at launch, or it’s a terrible game.
Wildstar better have a customizable UI or I won’t bother trying it out. The UI fills the entire screen, and I need to have my screen as clear as possible.
As much as I dislike the UI in GWII, at least you can actually see what’s going on, except for when there are spell effects.
It does.
I have been playing other mmos before GW2, and then went back to play other mmos after getting bored to death by gw2. I think I have a very different opinion on some aspects:
- They all have awkward camera’s that are not smooth, at all !
- character responsiveness is awful.
- reaction times are awful.
- Boring combat.
You really think all the other mmos have awkward camera? really? I think the camera in GW2 is the worst I’ve seen in any mmo. Unresponsive, and takes the press of a button + mouse movement to control. Take Vindictus, for example, and you can see swift camera movement without the need to press any button. Also, I never saw the camera close in and out like crazy like it does in GW2. In SWTOR you can control the camera more or less like in GW2, but it is so much more responsive that I couldn’t go back to it after playing GW2. It felt like stepping on the brakes of a brand new car after you’ve been driving an old Chevy for years.
By character responsivenes I don’t know what you mean, but gw2 is the only game I’ve played where my spells don’t launch at all due to lag or whatever it is. In other games you get a delay, in GW2, the game just misses that you have hit a certain button.
As for the boring combat, I find other games more fun to play, but that’s a matter of opinion.
Then, you are correct about quality of life.
Interfaces… You are used to GW2 and cannot get used to 5 or 6 different interfaces in one week.
You don’t need a target for anything in vindictus.
As for your conclusion, I think that GW2 still doesn’t offer a challenging experience for the players, and instead of encouraging the players to seek more difficult challenges, it punishes them for doing so (for example, you have to play fractals 30 times before it starts being difficult?)
It’s true that, in many ways, it improves quality of life for the players, but still, as a PVE player (got into this game for the pvp, but i find it quite boring) I have a difficult time finding anything to do past level 80.
You are wrong. Holding right mouse button down doesn’t turn your character. It never has. There have been countless threads on this subject in the suggestions forum since beta. Holding either left or right mouse button down function the same.
Read the last 2 words in my quote… it only works while moving.
I can only assume that we both mean different things my friend. When I’m standing on the gates of our keep I constantly hold down the right mouse button and watch my surroundings that way. I can do the same with the left mouse button.
When I hold the left mouse button while running, I can watch behind me while running in the previous direction. If I do the same with the right mouse button, my character runs in the direction I’m looking.
Edit: I think I begin to understand what you mean. Yes, your character doesn’t turn around while holding right, still the camera turns and you can see everything in front and behind you.
I agree with the title of the thread. I definitely feel like I lost a lot transitioning from GW1 to GW2.
That being said; I must be one of the few that thinks GW2 combat isn’t that great. It’s a weird hybrid between traditional and action combat, the #1 skill is a glorified auto attack that takes up a skill slot, most of your attacks are aimed for you thus lowering the skill ceiling, and being able to cast skills/attack while on the run removes any importance of positioning (sidestepping attacks while lolspamming skills).
I don’t think the combat system in GW2 is bad, it’s just nowhere near as good as some people think. IMO
(edited by Tru Reptile.6058)
@SweetFX question: nevermind, just read that I can’t use Teamspeak and SweetFX at the same time —> not interested anymore
huh, where did you read that crap ? hahahahaha
I use sweetFX and I use teamspeak all the time mate, no problem what so ever.
my guild requires team speak for any multi player activity so.
A lot of people say Guild Wars 2 lacks this and that and whatever.
But I say to you, all those other games are missing a hell of a lot more
that we as GW2 players take for granted everyday.
I believe we have been spoiled so much by all the nice good features of GW2 that now we expect an even higher level of quality and polish
I have to agree that GW2 fixed a lot of things I really hated about MMOs.
(Edited to remove my impressions of Wildstar)
It made me appreciate a few things about GW2
The quest where a new character gets initiated into the world of Tyria is 1) fairly short and 2) action packed. You get to kill some boss-like enemies right off the bat – I love the robot in the Asura intro.
There is no quest log with objectives in different locations or quest givers to keep track of – you just wander around and get XP for pretty much anything you do – hearts, events, killing creatures, harvesting, exploring. You don’t have to finish the hearts if you want to go do something else – your progress will be there when you get back to it, and they don’t unlock other quests.
Teaming is so easy. You don’t have to worry about who gets the loot, or the harvesting node, or the kill credit. It just works.
You have lots of choices of where to go adventuring regardless of your level. All the capital cities are two portals away. No zepplins. No hair raising runs through higher level areas.
Deposit all collectibles(!) Mail available without having to be at a mailbox. I could go on an on but I’ll spare you
I do have some things I don’t like about GW2, but I have some faith that they will eventually get fixed or improved. I’ve seen so many changes over the past year that seem directly related to the feedback on the forums that I’m confident if enough folks are bugged by something, it will get reworked somehow.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
(edited by Pandemoniac.4739)
- For the particle effects issue, there is actually something that does wonders atm.
SweetFX, has reduced my particle effects problem to the point I can actually see the Boss telegraphs and all, and I’m a melee warrior so.what settings do you use for making SweetFX reduce the particle effects? I wonder if it’s worth downloading it.
I played around with the bloom settings got them down drastically and it impacted my particle effects in a big way, that said every system is different just tinker around with it lowering it more and more till you see noticeable results.
I know the camera in gw2 is not perfect !
but you guys are talking about nit pick issues like, oh i have camera issues when playing a norn or oh i have camera issues while doing JP’s, which yes they do suck but in general other mmo’s have even worse camera issues when you can’t even run and turn properly.
I on the other hand am talking about something much more fundamental than that.
just strolling around running to a mob and the likes shows a smooth camera that when turning doesn’t look like a choppy frame by frame turn, doesn’t make the view of the world go haywire.
- In that week I played aion, STO, Rift, Neverwinter, Tera, Eden Eternal, Vindictus, Aura kingdom and so on you get the picture.
Yeah, nice try at Whiteknighting, but i’m calling BS on you.
You claim that in a week, you played all those game and even more? I say you’re liying.
And even if you did, there’s no way you played enough to really know what you where assume I would be a 1st time player not a returning player
- traditional RAIDS = fail
- extreme support for addons = fail ( certain add ons become a must, to the point you cannot play w/o them)
- P2P = fail. ( in this day and age, yes it is fail)Final Fantasy XIV begs to differ.
I know you wish so hard that the incoming games fails… But it won’t likely be the case…
i know you wish gw2 was a failure but that ain’t happening either good luck with thatwe can agree to disagree on this one, to me any game that needs to have addons to have a functional UI is fail simply because at some point some add ons become a must and you cannot compete without them which is fail to me
- I also thought Rift had good camera, until I played GW2 and it showed me a real smooth camera.
Yeah, no.
At least don’t lie… Everyone knows that GW2 camera is as bad as it gets, try to do Jumping Puzzle with a big sized Norn or Charr and then come back and let’s talk about smooth camera.again we can agree to disagree here as well, true there are some camera issues here and there as you have pointed out but the overall experience is a much smoother camera than any other game out there
- Rift interface is nice and all but all the add ons and all the crap on the screen makes it a play the interface not the game itself thing, plus combat is boring as hell.
Yeah, standing in a corned and aoutoattacking it’s the real combat fun, right?
many parties wipe even standing in that corner I wonder why ?
oh right they thought like you only auto attacking, that’s why they wiped lol, the know how has to be there or you will fail even if stacking- GW2 doesn’t need add ons or any of that crap, it’s a play the game not the interface feeling which I love.
GW2 is deep as a paper sheet, of course it doesn’t need any addon… Even though an in game timer for world bosses and all that crap, whould be useful… Lol.
I agree that gw2 needs more depth (see my post in the latest CDI) but, what does clugging up the interface with a bunch of crap have to do with deep gameplay at all? you seem to think that just because some games require a lot of crap on the screen that it somehow makes them deep, you couldn’t be more wrong sir
- no competition last year, hmm that might be true still doesn’t take away from the fact it is a great game dispite it’s issues.
Yeah, except that the game keeps losing players and sales are dropping from quarter to quarter… In a year where little to no competition showed off…
for this we have no official numbers at all but, look at the server status most are full or on high 80% of the time, look at reddit and how active the gw2 sub reddit is i see multiple new players asking questions every day on a very regular basis.
- if you have not noticed, the single most telling thing about gw2 success is how now all upcoming companies are trying to copy some parts of it to integrate into their own creations instead of trying to continue to copy wow.
Yeah, no.
All the big upcoming games are keeping way far from the GW2 way, from business model to the return at the trinity (followed by deep combat and fighting mechanics), dungeons, raids, good PVP… And most important… An actual end game.uhu, I’m sure you’re right (sarcasm) cough teso cough wildstar cough EQN
these games all have taking some queues from gw2 and are adapting systems which were either 1st implemented by or refined by gw2 in a big way, if you deny this well good luck convincing anyone that actually knows anything about mmo gaming at all.even with it’s issues it’s a hell of a lot better than all the crap out there on the ether.
In your “very humble” opinion i assume?
sure it is my very humble opinion, it just so happens to be also very very true
@SweetFX question: nevermind, just read that I can’t use Teamspeak and SweetFX at the same time —> not interested anymore
huh, where did you read that crap ?
I use sweetFX and I use teamspeak all the time mate, no problem what so ever.
my guild requires team speak for any multi player activity so.
Thanks, seems it was a very old comment. Tried it and it’s awesome. Haven’t experienced any zerg battles with it, but I’ll see
I also agree with Latinkuro about the addon statement. I played WoW for years and used tons of addons which all seemed to be too good to be true. Well, you surely can understand the frustration when suddenly addons won’t get supported anymore and WoW brings the next big update.
And seriously, if you played WoW with fully configured keys (and you need more keys in WoW than you have fingers on 3 hands) and then go back to the standard settings… no way!!
I also agree with Latinkuro about the addon statement. I played WoW for years and used tons of addons which all seemed to be too good to be true. Well, you surely can understand the frustration when suddenly addons won’t get supported anymore and WoW brings the next big update.
And seriously, if you played WoW with fully configured keys (and you need more keys in WoW than you have fingers on 3 hands) and then go back to the standard settings… no way!!
All of the major addons get updated within a few days after a patch release.
Play a necromancer and use anything other than staff and you will see that you have to target to do damage. No weapon other than the staff has a cleave, you have to target to get your scepter number 1 and number 3 to hit as well as dagger 1 to hit what you want in a fight instead of random enemies in a fight, dagger 2 and dagger 3, focus 4 and 5 you also have to have a target. You need a target for your pull, you have to have a target for your death shroud 2 and 3. This is all to do with how horrible class balance is and how flawed condition and support builds are.
If your a condition build have fun with poor damage if you want to seige, support builds just arent useful enough to your team that going zerker has a greater advantage.
Unless you roll a guardian warrior ele or mesmer from the beginning your not going to have much fun. Case in point my experience since everyone wants a zerker of one of those classes for fractals or even regular dungeons. Im not going to farm for the mats to get 2-3 professions up to get full ascended gear on another character because necros are horrible at the moment.
The only good thing about gw2 i have really seen is everyone can mine herb and log, and thats only because everyone can do all crafting. The “hard” content like teq isnt done anymore and all that was is a zerker fest since conditions hurt there as well.
There are a lot of things that are wrong with this game that saying its a good game isnt really accurate if your going to look at everything and not just your experience on your zerker warrior. Heck people are just running champ trains anymore Once you do all the dungeons and get all the skins which isnt that hard, your done with the game. If you dont want to do fractals or wvw theres no need for ascended gear so theres no need to play the game. There hasnt been any new skins to work towards and until they make the classes more balanced, bring out more in the end game besides temp living story theres really nothing to do, im bored in this game to the max. I have what i want me necro lowbie guard and mesmer to look like so what else is there to do? Nothing…
All of the major addons get updated within a few days after a patch release.
a lot of minor but still very good ones… not so much
Also a lot of major ones aren’t polished, something Blizzard never would have released.
- if you have not noticed, the single most telling thing about gw2 success is how now all upcoming companies are trying to copy some parts of it to integrate into their own creations instead of trying to continue to copy wow.
uhu, I’m sure you’re right (sarcasm) cough teso cough wildstar cough EQN
these games all have taking some queues from gw2 and are adapting systems which were either 1st implemented by or refined by gw2 in a big way, if you deny this well good luck convincing anyone that actually knows anything about mmo gaming at all.even with it’s issues it’s a hell of a lot better than all the crap out there on the ether.
What is Teso copying from gw2? Not this
As far as Wild star, hay genius guess who is making that, scroll down to the bottom of your screen, what do you see there, ya the NCsoft logo, so there taking stuff from there own games somehow means what?
hahahahahahahhaha lol I can’t stop laughing
Carbine is making the game NOT Ncsoft
they are mearly the publisher lol.
I’m not saying it’s a bad thing for games to implement good features from other games.
if the feature it great and you want your game to include it I say go ahead.
for a long time wow features were considered the norm and countless games tried to copy them, problem is they never got the mix right and failed.
will wildstar fail ?
I have no idea tbh, I see a lot of good features in it for sure some from gw and some from other games which is good.
people still believe that NCsoft is the developer? O_o
I do wonder why so many people have an issue playing a game for what it is, and not always comparing it to other related games. “Related” being used in the most vague sense of the world.
I myself came from a rather… diversified online gaming profile. First MMO I ever played was Runescape. This was followed by Phantasy Star Universe, which was followed by City of Heroes, which was followed by Monster Hunter, which was followed by GW2.
A lot of the differences in these games, what many here would consider negatives (camera control, rooting, additional resource management, pacing, graphics, targeting system, quests) when compared to GW2, I just understood as a different experience. Having different mechanics just made the gameplay unique, and not necessarily better or worse than another game.
My favorite of the bunch above is City of Heroes, which was one of my most favorite games ever. Give me unlimited free time and a racing mind, and I could just ramble all day about the things I like in City of Heroes that are better than GW2. But, I bought and played GW2 on the release date months before CoH shut down, and I enjoyed it because GW2 is a different game that has different advantages to it.
People really need to clear their frame of reference when playing a new game. Yes, even if they are all called “MMOs”, the entire world isn’t made up of WoW, slightly different WoW, backwards WoW, upside down WoW or MoM, WoW ripoff, WoW rip-on, and WoW redacted. The sooner someone stops thinking of MMOs like this, the better off everyone will be.
Granted, it is harder to do this with MMOs than say, GW2 and chess (WTH no dodge in chess lol boring!), and in part I blame how ubiquitous the trinity system is.
I tried out Aion 4.0 a couple of days ago. While the general storyline is fun and the graphics are very pretty, the combat is just awful. Stand in one spot while you cast a skill and get beat up by an AI with an attack that could be easily sidestepped… if you broke your casting… except that you can’t dodge at all and all attacks will hit even if the animation is no where near your character.
Having to run back every few minutes to a merchant to unload my bags also really bugged me.
I don’t really see the camera issue though. If you want a bad camera, try FlyFF. Lol.
Will be trying out TERA soon.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
I went back to WoW for a few days when they were offering free play time and the one thing i missed more then anything was dodging, that and moving while casting.
Also the graphics in GW2 are superior to any other mmo.
Every class can cast something while moving. I don’t know why some of the people here insist on being dishonest when describing other games.
umm im not being dishonest, unless they have changed every single caster in WoW to cast while moving in the last few months what i said is 100% true.
WoW is incredibly outdated these days in every aspect, they are desperately playing catch up, look at there new expansion, they have copied paste things from more modern mmos.
Yes, you are. While you can’t cast everything while moving, you can cast some things and you certainly aren’t rooted in one place for a duration of the fight.
It’s more like evolving rather than desperately playing catch up, while GW2 devolved by introducing an obvious, flat out gigantic grind with the introduction of ascended gear.
Warlock 2.5 sec rooted Shadow Bolt fillers and 3 sec rooted Chaos Bolts ftl.
I went back and watched our Heroic kill of Deathwing and it was just awful, sitting there, rocking back and forth casting shadowbolt fillers. Ugh, never again.
Cataclysm ended over a year ago. You obviously don’t even play any more, like most of the others here, and therefore have no idea what you’re talking about.
I will say this, however. Roleplaying a zergling and spamming 1 doesn’t sound like much fun.
Just looked it up on WoWhead, buddy. Nothing has changed, those spells root you like a turret making for the most BORING combat mechanics ever created.
The spec that casts chaos bolt, doesn’t have access to shadow bolt. And each spec has the ability to cast their main spell while moving, if they so choose. Stop being dishonest.
What makes the combat here so great? Dodge? I tried this game and found it to be awful. What strategy is there? What optimization? You just run up and spam your tiny number of buttons because it doesn’t matter. And dodge once in a while, randomly, because you can’t see past the particle spam.
Solo PvE isn’t a challenge, in dungeons you pull to a wall and stack, and in WvW/world champ farming, you roleplay a zergling and spam 1.
Because plugging in macros and boss mods make a game challenging?
WoW is such a borefest spreadsheet game, it got completely ridiculous when we could predict down to the hour when we would take a boss down because a tank got a shield drop or a healer got a trinket. It’s no wonder they lost 3 million subs since GW2 launched.
And yet only a small percentage of people manage to complete heroic raids.
Your oversimplification is dishonest.
And you claiming that GW2 is all about spamming 1 isn’t?
Sorry, just had to.
We can all exaggerate when there is something we don’t like but the claim is still that is too much of that for the person to like the game.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
The only way to effectively turn your character, is with the right-mouse button, but this can only happen while moving.
ehm… no. I turn my character all the time with only using the mouse.
Left click hold + move the mouse turns camera but not you,
right click hold + move the mouse turns your whole character.You are wrong. Holding right mouse button down doesn’t turn your character. It never has. There have been countless threads on this subject in the suggestions forum since beta. Holding either left or right mouse button down function the same.
Read the last 2 words in my quote… it only works while moving.
You are quite right but I wan’t to add that instead of pushing once A or D press S or W while keeping right-mouse button pressed and you will notice you character aligning with the camera. I do this all the time while doing JP’s though it feels like I am always keeping the right-mouse button down XD
It is funny how some have compaired the camera in GW2 with other games by saying try doing a JP in GW2 without the camera to flip out. I say try doing a JP in any other MMO. SWTOR has some and LotRO has one and they all stink compaired to GW2 JP’s.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Agree with what’s being said for the most part by OP; since GW2 launched, I’ve only had small breaks playing TSW (for the fantastic lore+story and interesting char progression, but horribly clunky combat), TERA (for a dose of the good ol’ trinity with “proper” tanking) and just lately even returning to Age of Conan to check out those newly introduced world bosses, which are just lol… that game has maybe the best fantasy setting (Conan/RE Howard) and awesome graphics (but the game is soooo badly optimized) and is still so riddled with bugs and lack of development (when I quit 1.5 years ago they were anticipating crafting revamp, etc. and they still are…) and this “quick win” was done so kitten by FC you’d think they hadn’t researched GW2 on how to do world bosses properly. I’ve tried Rift, Neverwinter and they completely failed to involve me… just a bunch of clickety click on every godkitten quest marker NPC and blah, plasticky characters… TERA nearly failed in that same respect, but I got past it due to the combat and again graphics are quite remarkable. I even tried Age of Wushu/Wulin for its sandbox, oriental theme, and the atmosphere and graphics were really nice but the game is just “unplayable”. I want companies to make me a long-lasting theme park, sandbox = boring! (ok, I know that is very generalising but it’s not far from the truth of my feelings towards this community yearning for sandbox MMOs)
GW2 is far superior in smooth combat, graphics, camera and angle/perspective and yea, it has its short-comings and areas with room for improvement, which actually is important otherwise Anet would have nothing to stretch for.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
I know that feel OP.
Today, for whatever reason, I decided to try WoW and it was awful. I quit in like 15-20 mins.
The static combat (and the slow/simple animations attached to it), the hideous-cartoonish graphics, the weird slow-motion jump, the massive amount of crap on-screen, the lack of dodge and many other things make it unplayable for me.
Some people complaint about hearts in GW2 but the traditional “exclamation over-the-head” quests are just so outdated and statics (hearts can be completed by doing so many things).
Also, the “oh no, that guy pick up that quest item first, now I have to wait or look somewhere else” was a total WTF! I totally forgot about that “feature” and that’s when I closed the game a proceeded to uninstall it.
There is only 2 things WoW is infinitely superior to GW2:
1) The game is so old you can run it very smoothly at the highest setting (still, the game looks like crap but not having a FPS drop is always nice).
2) The camera. Is so good you feel inside the game when you’re playing, unlike GW2 which not only have one of the worst camera in the industry, when playing you feel like playing with a miniature model.
So yes, if you ignore the obsession of ArenaNet with lame NPC’s, RNG and Grinding, there is not other game (at least as far as I’m aware) that can compete with GW2.
you assume I would be a 1st time player not a returning player
And that changes nothing.
You took a bunch of names from a list and threw there just to point out that “GW2 is better”… Wich is more than debatable.
we can agree to disagree on this one, to me any game that needs to have addons to have a functional UI is fail simply because at some point some add ons become a must and you cannot compete without them which is fail to me
And yet you keep praising a game that rely on third party sites for world bosses timers and tp flipping… Wich is even worse than having addons.
again we can agree to disagree here as well, true there are some camera issues here and there as you have pointed out but the overall experience is a much smoother camera than any other game out there
Not “here and there”, but big time, gamebreaking issues wich still wait to be addressed one year after release.
And you pointed out nothing because i still have to see you providing any good evidence about that so called “smoother camera” in GW2.
many parties wipe even standing in that corner I wonder why ?
oh right they thought like you only auto attacking, that’s why they wiped lol, the know how has to be there or you will fail even if stacking
Many what? Are you telling me that you’ve seen party wipes during champ trains or world bosses (before the Tequatl fail of course)?
Because in that case i may really question your “skill” (if there may ever be such thing in GW2) and the server you play.
I agree that gw2 needs more depth (see my post in the latest CDI) but, what does clugging up the interface with a bunch of crap have to do with deep gameplay at all? you seem to think that just because some games require a lot of crap on the screen that it somehow makes them deep, you couldn’t be more wrong sir
I yet have to see a game that “requires” addons, not even in WoW they are mandatory.
The fact that they may be quite useful, it’s just a nice addition… Wich GW2 haven’t.
for this we have no official numbers at all but, look at the server status most are full or on high 80% of the time, look at reddit and how active the gw2 sub reddit is i see multiple new players asking questions every day on a very regular basis.
Servers are marked “high” or “very high” because they keep track of the accounts created in that server, not the actual community.
That’s why “my server is dead” threads pops up on regular basis.
uhu, I’m sure you’re right (sarcasm) cough teso cough wildstar cough EQN
these games all have taking some queues from gw2 and are adapting systems which were either 1st implemented by or refined by gw2 in a big way, if you deny this well good luck convincing anyone that actually knows anything about mmo gaming at all.
And what exactly they’d copied from GW2 that wasn’t already implemented in other MMOs?
I mean, the only “original” features GW2 have to offer are the abesnce of trinity and the Free 2 Play business model…
Both Wildstar and TESO got trinity and subscription fee… Yeah, they totally copied GW2, lol.
sure it is my very humble opinion
, it just so happens to be also very very true
Nope, but you make up some really cute BSs
The only way to effectively turn your character, is with the right-mouse button, but this can only happen while moving.
ehm… no. I turn my character all the time with only using the mouse.
Left click hold + move the mouse turns camera but not you,
right click hold + move the mouse turns your whole character.You are wrong. Holding right mouse button down doesn’t turn your character. It never has. There have been countless threads on this subject in the suggestions forum since beta. Holding either left or right mouse button down function the same.
Read the last 2 words in my quote… it only works while moving.You are quite right but I wan’t to add that instead of pushing once A or D press S or W while keeping right-mouse button pressed and you will notice you character aligning with the camera. I do this all the time while doing JP’s though it feels like I am always keeping the right-mouse button down XD
It is funny how some have compaired the camera in GW2 with other games by saying try doing a JP in GW2 without the camera to flip out. I say try doing a JP in any other MMO. SWTOR has some and LotRO has one and they all stink compaired to GW2 JP’s.
you can also just tap the left mouse button after you have turned the camera with the right button, you spin in spot and are now facing where you want.
I purposely didn’t log in to Guild Wars 2 for a week for 2 reasons:
- 1 to prevent burn out.
- 2 to see how I would view the game after a week of playing other mmo’s.The result is well read on:
- In that week I played aion, STO, Rift, Neverwinter, Tera, Eden Eternal, Vindictus, Aura kingdom and so on you get the picture.
I stopped reading here.
Aion? STO? Tera?
You are comparing Guild Wars 2 to these games? Some of these games fell off their high horse and high rating long, long, LONG ago.
If you wanted a good comparison, compare GW2 to a game like WoW. Or wait a few months, and compare GW2 to Wildstar or TESO. Other than WoW, there isnt a more popular MMO right now than GW2. So comparing the second most popular and second most played MMO in the genre, to games that have only a few hundred thousand(just a guess) subscribers/active players each isnt much of a comparison.
So, while I agree GW2 can be hard to put down for any length of time, your comparison is nearly pointless because you are comparing a Ford Mustang with a Pontiac Bonneville.
Well said, OP. GW2 isn’t perfect, but it’s a far cry from terrible and it’s a darn good game to look to. Did anyone mention the non subscription fee factor? Because that is also a huge reason why I love this game. I can put it down and come back whenever I like, without feeling obligated to play as much as possible since I’m trying to get the most out of my 30 days.
What makes the combat here so great? Dodge? I tried this game and found it to be awful. What strategy is there? What optimization? You just run up and spam your tiny number of buttons because it doesn’t matter. And dodge once in a while, randomly, because you can’t see past the particle spam.
Solo PvE isn’t a challenge, in dungeons you pull to a wall and stack, and in WvW/world champ farming, you roleplay a zergling and spam 1.
What makes the combat so great, in my opinion at least, is the fact that, without the archaic trinity, you have skills with various facets and by knowing all the effects of the skills you can be a lot more effective in combat. As you know, instead of the hard roles of the trinity we have three different aspects of combat – damage, control and support. Now if you take a bit and look at your skills you’ll see they often have at least two of these aspects associated with them. What this means is that a more tactical use of the skills will almost always be more effective than the typical spamming. That, plus the altering effects of whether or not you have a target when casting, adds quite a bit of depth in combat.
I primarily use a mesmer, so let me use that as an example of what I mean. One utility that I personally always carry is Feedback. It creates a bubble around your target that reflects projectiles back to their source. On the surface, this sounds like a simple skill, almost spammable off cooldown. But let’s look at the depth of it. First of all, I have traits that affect my glamour skills to do a couple things… cripple foes and blind foes. Now Feedback becomes even more versatile… I can toss it over a melee group that isn’t using any projectiles and it becomes effective for a completely different reason, supporting allies with the blind and controlling foes with the cripple. Now for targeting. By definition the skill places the bubble around your target (if in range). However, if you don’t have a target and cast it will place the bubble on the ground directly ahead of you at a fixed distance. Think about that… you can now place this blinding, crippling bubble of reflective goodness at specific spots on the battlefield even if there are no foes there… yet. So, in WvW if the enemy group is about to pass a choke point I can position myself to place the bubble in the choke, reflecting projectiles passing through the choke, crippling foes passing through and negating an attack of theirs with blindness.
That’s the type of inherent versatility in GW2 combat that, to me, places this well above the more archaic rotation based trinity role systems.
What makes the combat so great, in my opinion at least, is the fact that, without the archaic trinity, you have skills with various facets and by knowing all the effects of the skills you can be a lot more effective in combat. As you know, instead of the hard roles of the trinity we have three different aspects of combat – damage, control and support. Now if you take a bit and look at your skills you’ll see they often have at least two of these aspects associated with them. What this means is that a more tactical use of the skills will almost always be more effective than the typical spamming. That, plus the altering effects of whether or not you have a target when casting, adds quite a bit of depth in combat.
I primarily use a mesmer, so let me use that as an example of what I mean. One utility that I personally always carry is Feedback. It creates a bubble around your target that reflects projectiles back to their source. On the surface, this sounds like a simple skill, almost spammable off cooldown. But let’s look at the depth of it. First of all, I have traits that affect my glamour skills to do a couple things… cripple foes and blind foes. Now Feedback becomes even more versatile… I can toss it over a melee group that isn’t using any projectiles and it becomes effective for a completely different reason, supporting allies with the blind and controlling foes with the cripple. Now for targeting. By definition the skill places the bubble around your target (if in range). However, if you don’t have a target and cast it will place the bubble on the ground directly ahead of you at a fixed distance. Think about that… you can now place this blinding, crippling bubble of reflective goodness at specific spots on the battlefield even if there are no foes there… yet. So, in WvW if the enemy group is about to pass a choke point I can position myself to place the bubble in the choke, reflecting projectiles passing through the choke, crippling foes passing through and negating an attack of theirs with blindness.
That’s the type of inherent versatility in GW2 combat that, to me, places this well above the more archaic rotation based trinity role systems.
Lots of nice words to say that combat is just stacking and autoattacking, with no roles other than DPS…
Well said, OP. GW2 isn’t perfect, but it’s a far cry from terrible and it’s a darn good game to look to. Did anyone mention the non subscription fee factor? Because that is also a huge reason why I love this game. I can put it down and come back whenever I like, without feeling obligated to play as much as possible since I’m trying to get the most out of my 30 days.
Why do people say they like a game because it has no subscription? The fact that a game is free does not make it any more fun or any less fun. Financial model does not factor into whether ot not the player will enjoy the game. One has nothing to do with the other. You may like the fact that its free to play, but when people say “I like GW2 because it is free to play”…puzzles me. The free aspect makes it fun? Please explain.
I will assume you like GW2. If GW2 was subscription based, would you then consider it not a fun game to play…or no longer like it?
This phenomena puzzles me
What makes the combat so great, in my opinion at least, is the fact that, without the archaic trinity, you have skills with various facets and by knowing all the effects of the skills you can be a lot more effective in combat. As you know, instead of the hard roles of the trinity we have three different aspects of combat – damage, control and support. Now if you take a bit and look at your skills you’ll see they often have at least two of these aspects associated with them. What this means is that a more tactical use of the skills will almost always be more effective than the typical spamming. That, plus the altering effects of whether or not you have a target when casting, adds quite a bit of depth in combat.
I primarily use a mesmer, so let me use that as an example of what I mean. One utility that I personally always carry is Feedback. It creates a bubble around your target that reflects projectiles back to their source. On the surface, this sounds like a simple skill, almost spammable off cooldown. But let’s look at the depth of it. First of all, I have traits that affect my glamour skills to do a couple things… cripple foes and blind foes. Now Feedback becomes even more versatile… I can toss it over a melee group that isn’t using any projectiles and it becomes effective for a completely different reason, supporting allies with the blind and controlling foes with the cripple. Now for targeting. By definition the skill places the bubble around your target (if in range). However, if you don’t have a target and cast it will place the bubble on the ground directly ahead of you at a fixed distance. Think about that… you can now place this blinding, crippling bubble of reflective goodness at specific spots on the battlefield even if there are no foes there… yet. So, in WvW if the enemy group is about to pass a choke point I can position myself to place the bubble in the choke, reflecting projectiles passing through the choke, crippling foes passing through and negating an attack of theirs with blindness.
That’s the type of inherent versatility in GW2 combat that, to me, places this well above the more archaic rotation based trinity role systems.
Lots of nice words to say that combat is just stacking and autoattacking, with no roles other than DPS…
Try actually reading the post, you’ll see I said the exact opposite. I was talking about GW2 combat, not the WoW style of stationary, static rotation based combat.
Hell… the last time I did nothing but auto attack was when I first created a character and had only one skill. That only lasted until… well, the second and subsequent skill unlocks from there.
Now… it’s possible that you’re a bit confused because my combat experiences are primarily in WvW. That may make a difference… like every game out there it’s a different experience going against live players than going against NPC mobs. However if you choose to auto attack only against NPC mobs well… just because you can doesn’t mean you should or you’re doing it right. I know my skills. I know their secondary and tertiary effects, the target-no target effects on casting, etc. I change my utilities to suit the situations at hand (or soon to be). Auto attacking? Nah, I outgrew that by level 2.
Why do people say they like a game because it has no subscription? The fact that a game is free does not make it any more fun or any less fun. Financial model does not factor into whether ot not the player will enjoy the game.
Just because it doesn’t impact your enjoyment doesn’t mean that it’s not a factor for other folks. I like no subscription because I’m a game hopper and it frees me from having to pay for a whole month when I just want to play a weekend. Some folks can’t stand free to play games with a cash shop model because they feel like they’re getting nickeled and dimed.
The financial model affects the game design. Games with cash shops have to have some sort of mechanics for things to sell in the those cash shops. Games with the VIP model have to have ways of distinguishing between those folks playing for free and the VIPs that are either paying a subscription fee or have purchased something else.
The financial model may affect the game in ways that are unimportant to you, but it still affects the game and some of the folks playing it.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
Why do people say they like a game because it has no subscription? The fact that a game is free does not make it any more fun or any less fun. Financial model does not factor into whether ot not the player will enjoy the game.
Just because it doesn’t impact your enjoyment doesn’t mean that it’s not a factor for other folks. I like no subscription because I’m a game hopper and it frees me from having to pay for a whole month when I just want to play a weekend. Some folks can’t stand free to play games with a cash shop model because they feel like they’re getting nickeled and dimed.
The financial model affects the game design. Games with cash shops have to have some sort of mechanics for things to sell in the those cash shops. Games with the VIP model have to have ways of distinguishing between those folks playing for free and the VIPs that are either paying a subscription fee or have purchased something else.
The financial model may affect the game in ways that are unimportant to you, but it still affects the game and some of the folks playing it.
Here we go.. the famous “just because you think so doesn’t mean everyone else does” argument. Over-used and does not apply here.
The financial cost of a game does not determine if it is FUN. The GAME determines that, not the dollars and cents you pay(or don’t). A 5 dollar application on my droid could be just as fun as the $65 dollar GW2 or WoW box price. The money amount does not matter. The content and the game itself does.
Whether or not the game is monterarily supported via a cash shop or a sub, means little if you do not find the content fun. If you don’t like raiding in WoW, you simply won’t play WoW becuse you don’t like it regardless if it is 15/per month. If you don’t like (picking a part of the game here) materials gathering for ascended gear in GW2, you very well may not play the game regardless if it is free to play and supported by a cash shop or not.
Think how silly it sounds… “WoW is not a fun game to play because they make us pay 15 dollars per month.”
I went back to WoW for a few days when they were offering free play time and the one thing i missed more then anything was dodging, that and moving while casting.
Also the graphics in GW2 are superior to any other mmo.
Every class can cast something while moving. I don’t know why some of the people here insist on being dishonest when describing other games.
Priest is mostly locked in place, especially under heavy pressure. Or it was as of Cata, I haven’t played since then. I was a kitten good disc priest, but being forced into turret mode, instead of being able to move, was aggravating.
Tarnished Coast
Well said, OP. GW2 isn’t perfect, but it’s a far cry from terrible and it’s a darn good game to look to. Did anyone mention the non subscription fee factor? Because that is also a huge reason why I love this game. I can put it down and come back whenever I like, without feeling obligated to play as much as possible since I’m trying to get the most out of my 30 days.
Why do people say they like a game because it has no subscription? The fact that a game is free does not make it any more fun or any less fun. Financial model does not factor into whether ot not the player will enjoy the game. One has nothing to do with the other. You may like the fact that its free to play, but when people say “I like GW2 because it is free to play”…puzzles me. The free aspect makes it fun? Please explain.
I will assume you like GW2. If GW2 was subscription based, would you then consider it not a fun game to play…or no longer like it?
This phenomena puzzles me
I like it (in part) because I can afford to play it! Whereas WoW is not fun because I had to stop playing it because I couldn’t afford to.
Tarnished Coast
Well said, OP. GW2 isn’t perfect, but it’s a far cry from terrible and it’s a darn good game to look to. Did anyone mention the non subscription fee factor? Because that is also a huge reason why I love this game. I can put it down and come back whenever I like, without feeling obligated to play as much as possible since I’m trying to get the most out of my 30 days.
Why do people say they like a game because it has no subscription? The fact that a game is free does not make it any more fun or any less fun. Financial model does not factor into whether ot not the player will enjoy the game. One has nothing to do with the other. You may like the fact that its free to play, but when people say “I like GW2 because it is free to play”…puzzles me. The free aspect makes it fun? Please explain.
I will assume you like GW2. If GW2 was subscription based, would you then consider it not a fun game to play…or no longer like it?
This phenomena puzzles me
I like it (in part) because I can afford to play it! Whereas WoW is not fun because I had to stop playing it because I couldn’t afford to.
Did you find the gameplay, combat, content, etc of WoW fun?
Do you find the gameplay,combat,content of GW2 fun?
Try actually reading the post, you’ll see I said the exact opposite. I was talking about GW2 combat, not the WoW style of stationary, static rotation based combat.
Hell… the last time I did nothing but auto attack was when I first created a character and had only one skill. That only lasted until… well, the second and subsequent skill unlocks from there.
Now… it’s possible that you’re a bit confused because my combat experiences are primarily in WvW. That may make a difference… like every game out there it’s a different experience going against live players than going against NPC mobs. However if you choose to auto attack only against NPC mobs well… just because you can doesn’t mean you should or you’re doing it right. I know my skills. I know their secondary and tertiary effects, the target-no target effects on casting, etc. I change my utilities to suit the situations at hand (or soon to be). Auto attacking? Nah, I outgrew that by level 2.
Yeah, i’m sure Doors in WvW reacts quite differently if you tries other skill than autoattack… And in the middle of a zerg vs zerg even better…
And funny enough, in PvE it’s the normal mobs who one should use the different skills, because, you know, bigger mobs are immune to CC… “Oh look, this skill stuns, let me use it on that champion… Oh, wait.”
Agreed. As of right now GW2 is unchallenged in the mmo market ( IMO )
I too have played those mmo’s you’ve mentioned and more. Since playing GW2 i have uninstalled them all.
Try actually reading the post, you’ll see I said the exact opposite. I was talking about GW2 combat, not the WoW style of stationary, static rotation based combat.
Hell… the last time I did nothing but auto attack was when I first created a character and had only one skill. That only lasted until… well, the second and subsequent skill unlocks from there.
Now… it’s possible that you’re a bit confused because my combat experiences are primarily in WvW. That may make a difference… like every game out there it’s a different experience going against live players than going against NPC mobs. However if you choose to auto attack only against NPC mobs well… just because you can doesn’t mean you should or you’re doing it right. I know my skills. I know their secondary and tertiary effects, the target-no target effects on casting, etc. I change my utilities to suit the situations at hand (or soon to be). Auto attacking? Nah, I outgrew that by level 2.
Yeah, i’m sure Doors in WvW reacts quite differently if you tries other skill than autoattack… And in the middle of a zerg vs zerg even better…
And funny enough, in PvE it’s the normal mobs who one should use the different skills, because, you know, bigger mobs are immune to CC… “Oh look, this skill stuns, let me use it on that champion… Oh, wait.”
I’m talking about people. You counter with inanimate objects. OK. If all you’re doing is attacking inanimate objects… well… you’re doing it wrong. You can’t blame the game for that.
Agreed. As of right now GW2 is unchallenged in the mmo market ( IMO )
I too have played those mmo’s you’ve mentioned and more. Since playing GW2 i have uninstalled them all.
First, Blizzard/World of Warcraft would disagree that GW2 is unchallenged in the MMO market…as well as Eve online will has been around longer than any of the games mentioned, and still pumps out expansions.
Second, popular titles like Wildstar and TESO have yet to enter the market.
Third, The MMOs he mentioned, aside from maybe Neverwinter and Rift, are garbage not just by my standards, but majority of people as well. It is why they have shrunk servers, changed pricing models, and why if you ask anyone that plays MMOs or knows anything about MMOs, games like aion and swtor are associated with failure. So if you compare a relative successful game like GW2 with a relative failure of a game like Aion, you’re not proving anything. You have to compare against legit games like WoW.
Agreed. As of right now GW2 is unchallenged in the mmo market ( IMO )
I too have played those mmo’s you’ve mentioned and more. Since playing GW2 i have uninstalled them all.
First, Blizzard/World of Warcraft would disagree that GW2 is unchallenged in the MMO market…as well as Eve online will has been around longer than any of the games mentioned, and still pumps out expansions.
Second, popular titles like Wildstar and TESO have yet to enter the market.
Third, The MMOs he mentioned, aside from maybe Neverwinter and Rift, are garbage not just by my standards, but majority of people as well. It is why they have shrunk servers, changed pricing models, and why if you ask anyone that plays MMOs or knows anything about MMOs, games like aion and swtor are associated with failure. So if you compare a relative successful game like GW2 with a relative failure of a game like Aion, you’re not proving anything. You have to compare against legit games like WoW.
I said " IN MY OPINION". As far as wow goes, that was the first successful mmo out on the market, so with being out that long of course they will have the largest population, which is slowly declining thanks to alternatives like GW2.
Oh I almost forgot, GW2 is buy to play and not pay to play like wow which puts GW2 above, one again, IN MY OPINION.
(edited by GuildWarsPlayer.5608)
Agreed. As of right now GW2 is unchallenged in the mmo market ( IMO )
I too have played those mmo’s you’ve mentioned and more. Since playing GW2 i have uninstalled them all.
First, Blizzard/World of Warcraft would disagree that GW2 is unchallenged in the MMO market…as well as Eve online will has been around longer than any of the games mentioned, and still pumps out expansions.
Second, popular titles like Wildstar and TESO have yet to enter the market.
Third, The MMOs he mentioned, aside from maybe Neverwinter and Rift, are garbage not just by my standards, but majority of people as well. It is why they have shrunk servers, changed pricing models, and why if you ask anyone that plays MMOs or knows anything about MMOs, games like aion and swtor are associated with failure. So if you compare a relative successful game like GW2 with a relative failure of a game like Aion, you’re not proving anything. You have to compare against legit games like WoW.
I said " IN MY OPINION". As far as wow goes, that was the first successful mmo out on the market, so with being out that long of course they will have the largest population, which is slowly declining thanks to alternatives like GW2.
Again, sort of incorrect. The first “successful” MMO was EQ. It didnt have 10 million players at one point, but it was still successful, and with help from games like Ultima Online, it re-shaped MMOs and laid the ground work. Even if it has/had less players than GW2, it gave the ground work for a game like WoW to emerge which definately put the genre on the map. So Id say EQ was the first successful MMO. Not the first MMO altogether, but first successful. BTW, SOE looks to be re-shaping MMOs again with EQN in 2015. Curious to see how this sort of discussion will play out on WoW’s forums and GW2’s forums when EQN hits the market .
You are correct that GW2 is a solid,(and the most solid) alternative to WoW in recent years. I think they are the two top MMOs. I think GW2 has rooted itself firmly in a good place in terms of popularity, unlike the other MMOs listed which faded off in 3-6 months (aside from Rift and Neverwinter which are going pretty well right now in terms of production…)
Tera had a dodge mechanic before gw2 did so your wrong about that too, swotor graphics and gw2 are pretty close , the story line is swotor is awsome, the garbage personal story in this game looks like it was put together by middle school kids on a class project, i have yet to finish one, because its one long slide show of yawn and boor.
Less grindy? Do i need to even comment on that. I guess if your happy with exoctics then ya, but if you want full ascended and legendary, i think not. Lets not mention how meaningless pretty much everything you do in this game is, loot wise, oh hey i just spent my time killing that dragon and got 2 silver and a worthless yellow to de (golf clap) i have never played a game before were you literally get bags full of worthless garbage, no matter what you are doing.
I don’t think GW2 really was that original about anything but it either improved upon what other people have done or brought back things from the past which has long died from MMORPGs.
The dodge mechanic isn’t new. Most action MMOs and semi-action MMOs like TSW (sorrrt of) has it. It just that dodging in GW2 feels fluid and part of the combat, as opposed to being this jerky mechanic or a big panic button you push when you really screwed up your positioning.
Loot is quite a relative thing. Now imagine if every event gave you an exotic. Then exotics would become the new rares and everyone would want Ascended drops instead. I don’t feel that everything is meaningless, but more so that some things are too meaningful: why does mindlessly farming champs give you more gold than doing the hardest dungeon in the game?
I agree with the storyline though, its pretty garbage.