Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
lol @ OP
I did the same thing but for a month, but what brought me back to GW2 is the Dodging. I just can’t play other MMOs without the ability to actively dodge attacks — combat is just never the same anymore.
Other aspects of a game like art, interface, etc are all subjective, but dodging is universal — it’s a must have in any combat…at least for me.
lol @ OP
I did the same thing but for a month, but what brought me back to GW2 is the Dodging. I just can’t play other MMOs without the ability to actively dodge attacks — combat is just never the same anymore.
Other aspects of a game like art, interface, etc are all subjective, but dodging is universal — it’s a must have in any combat…at least for me.
Even games like TF2 I try to dodge in and get frustrated when I can’t. So true, so true.
People complaining is actually a sign that they want the game to be even better, not that they think it’s bad. When people think a game is bad, they just leave.
One of the most elementary and accurate things ever said in these forums.
The financial model affects the game design. Games with cash shops have to have some sort of mechanics for things to sell in the those cash shops. Games with the VIP model have to have ways of distinguishing between those folks playing for free and the VIPs that are either paying a subscription fee or have purchased something else.
Here we go.. the famous “just because you think so doesn’t mean everyone else does” argument. Over-used and does not apply here.
The financial cost of a game does not determine if it is FUN.
I didn’t say anything about cost. I said the financial model affects the game design. Fun gameplay is only one aspect of what makes a game good. What makes a game good is subjective, so of course the argument that your opinion doesn’t apply to everyone is relevant.
You said you didn’t understand why some folks focused on the lack of a subscription as a desirable feature, so I tried to help with that. I can’t ignore a clunky UI even if the game mechanics are cool, but I can understand how someone else could.
Oh I almost forgot, GW2 is buy to play and not pay to play like wow which puts GW2 above, one again, IN MY OPINION.
And yet again, another post that points out the only real strenght GW2 has… The F2P model…
The financial model affects the game design. Games with cash shops have to have some sort of mechanics for things to sell in the those cash shops. Games with the VIP model have to have ways of distinguishing between those folks playing for free and the VIPs that are either paying a subscription fee or have purchased something else.
Here we go.. the famous “just because you think so doesn’t mean everyone else does” argument. Over-used and does not apply here.
The financial cost of a game does not determine if it is FUN.
I didn’t say anything about cost. I said the financial model affects the game design. Fun gameplay is only one aspect of what makes a game good. What makes a game good is subjective, so of course the argument that your opinion doesn’t apply to everyone is relevant.
You said you didn’t understand why some folks focused on the lack of a subscription as a desirable feature, so I tried to help with that. I can’t ignore a clunky UI even if the game mechanics are cool, but I can understand how someone else could.
Subscription fees drive game design in a myriad of insidious ways, most notably weekly lockouts. Weekly lockouts for a chance at a boss with a teensy tiny drop chance on the most desirable items.
Terrible feeling to buy a game then you can’t play it as often as you like.
(edited by Karizee.8076)
Well said, OP. GW2 isn’t perfect, but it’s a far cry from terrible and it’s a darn good game to look to. Did anyone mention the non subscription fee factor? Because that is also a huge reason why I love this game. I can put it down and come back whenever I like, without feeling obligated to play as much as possible since I’m trying to get the most out of my 30 days.
Why do people say they like a game because it has no subscription? The fact that a game is free does not make it any more fun or any less fun. Financial model does not factor into whether ot not the player will enjoy the game. One has nothing to do with the other. You may like the fact that its free to play, but when people say “I like GW2 because it is free to play”…puzzles me. The free aspect makes it fun? Please explain.
I will assume you like GW2. If GW2 was subscription based, would you then consider it not a fun game to play…or no longer like it?
This phenomena puzzles me
I like it (in part) because I can afford to play it! Whereas WoW is not fun because I had to stop playing it because I couldn’t afford to.
Did you find the gameplay, combat, content, etc of WoW fun?
Do you find the gameplay,combat,content of GW2 fun?
Yes, and yes.
I miss my WoW mounts and rated battlegrounds, but I prefer GW2’s graphics and the mobile gameplay. If GW2 adds mounts (non-flying) other than the broom, I’ll be happy, since I like to collect things and miss that from WoW.
Well said, OP. GW2 isn’t perfect, but it’s a far cry from terrible and it’s a darn good game to look to. Did anyone mention the non subscription fee factor? Because that is also a huge reason why I love this game. I can put it down and come back whenever I like, without feeling obligated to play as much as possible since I’m trying to get the most out of my 30 days.
Why do people say they like a game because it has no subscription? The fact that a game is free does not make it any more fun or any less fun. Financial model does not factor into whether ot not the player will enjoy the game. One has nothing to do with the other. You may like the fact that its free to play, but when people say “I like GW2 because it is free to play”…puzzles me. The free aspect makes it fun? Please explain.
I will assume you like GW2. If GW2 was subscription based, would you then consider it not a fun game to play…or no longer like it?
This phenomena puzzles me
Games with subscriptions put stuff in the game to slow down the game. Games without subscriptions don’t do the same thing. And I’m not talking about time gating on crafting, which is another type of slow down.
Take WoW as an example. Flight times from place to place are long and once you’ve done them 80 or 90 times, they’re just a waste of time. You can’t just TP to a waypoint and be where you want to be? So yeah 10/10 for immersion, but I don’t want to see and watch myself fly, or go make myself a cup of coffee. I want to be back playing.
If I’m crafting 100 of something to level a craft, I don’t want to be there for 20 minutes. I want to get it done. In Guild Wars 2, you craft faster the more you craft.
And you don’t actually have lockouts on dungeons or raids in Guild Wars 2 (not sure if they still have them in WoW or not, but they did). I can do any dungeon whenever I feel like it.
And since every pay to play game used variations on this strategy, it’s no real surprise that I like a buy to play game better.
Particularly because most free to play games are pay to win, which I don’t like.
Well said, OP. GW2 isn’t perfect, but it’s a far cry from terrible and it’s a darn good game to look to. Did anyone mention the non subscription fee factor? Because that is also a huge reason why I love this game. I can put it down and come back whenever I like, without feeling obligated to play as much as possible since I’m trying to get the most out of my 30 days.
Why do people say they like a game because it has no subscription? The fact that a game is free does not make it any more fun or any less fun. Financial model does not factor into whether ot not the player will enjoy the game. One has nothing to do with the other. You may like the fact that its free to play, but when people say “I like GW2 because it is free to play”…puzzles me. The free aspect makes it fun? Please explain.
I will assume you like GW2. If GW2 was subscription based, would you then consider it not a fun game to play…or no longer like it?
This phenomena puzzles me
Games with subscriptions put stuff in the game to slow down the game. Games without subscriptions don’t do the same thing. And I’m not talking about time gating on crafting, which is another type of slow down.
Take WoW as an example. Flight times from place to place are long and once you’ve done them 80 or 90 times, they’re just a waste of time. You can’t just TP to a waypoint and be where you want to be? So yeah 10/10 for immersion, but I don’t want to see and watch myself fly, or go make myself a cup of coffee. I want to be back playing.
Yeah, WoW not only slows you down, the game nickel and dimes you with slowdowns. Many mobs, you’d fight them, and they’d get down to about 5-10% of their health left. Then they would use a slowdown skill, like cripple or chill. The effect lasts for some time, long after the mob is dead. While the game might provide me with an interrupt or a cleanse, I would normally fight several such mobs before these counters would come off cool-down.
The slowdown skill had zero effect on the outcome of the battle. So why is it there? I saw no reason for the skill timing to be anything but an attempt to slow me down. it’s only a few seconds, but you kill an awful lot of mobs leveling in WoW, and a lot of them do this.
At least in GW2, mob slowdown skills normally get used early in the fight, when they might actually change the dynamics of the fight.
Well said, OP. GW2 isn’t perfect, but it’s a far cry from terrible and it’s a darn good game to look to. Did anyone mention the non subscription fee factor? Because that is also a huge reason why I love this game. I can put it down and come back whenever I like, without feeling obligated to play as much as possible since I’m trying to get the most out of my 30 days.
Why do people say they like a game because it has no subscription? The fact that a game is free does not make it any more fun or any less fun. Financial model does not factor into whether ot not the player will enjoy the game. One has nothing to do with the other. You may like the fact that its free to play, but when people say “I like GW2 because it is free to play”…puzzles me. The free aspect makes it fun? Please explain.
I will assume you like GW2. If GW2 was subscription based, would you then consider it not a fun game to play…or no longer like it?
This phenomena puzzles me
Games with subscriptions put stuff in the game to slow down the game. Games without subscriptions don’t do the same thing. And I’m not talking about time gating on crafting, which is another type of slow down.
Take WoW as an example. Flight times from place to place are long and once you’ve done them 80 or 90 times, they’re just a waste of time. You can’t just TP to a waypoint and be where you want to be? So yeah 10/10 for immersion, but I don’t want to see and watch myself fly, or go make myself a cup of coffee. I want to be back playing.
Yeah, WoW not only slows you down, the game nickel and dimes you with slowdowns. Many mobs, you’d fight them, and they’d get down to about 5-10% of their health left. Then they would use a slowdown skill, like cripple or chill. The effect lasts for some time, long after the mob is dead. While the game might provide me with an interrupt or a cleanse, I would normally fight several such mobs before these counters would come off cool-down.
The slowdown skill had zero effect on the outcome of the battle. So why is it there? I saw no reason for the skill timing to be anything but an attempt to slow me down. it’s only a few seconds, but you kill an awful lot of mobs leveling in WoW, and a lot of them do this.
At least in GW2, mob slowdown skills normally get used early in the fight, when they might actually change the dynamics of the fight.
It’s to teach players the mechanics of their class, and to acclimate players to later battles in dungeons/raids where these mechanics are much more prevalent.
To many long time MMO players these kind of encounters are old hat, but WoW introduced many players to the genre and it was important to have a tutorial without a tutorial.
Oh I almost forgot, GW2 is buy to play and not pay to play like wow which puts GW2 above, one again, IN MY OPINION.
And yet again, another post that points out the only real strenght GW2 has… The F2P model…
I doubt this game would be doing as well as it is just because it is BUY TO PLAY. The buy to play is an addition to the greatness of the game, not its only strength.
@Latinkuro.9420 -
Shared loot is nothing new.. shared banks, guild banks etc all provide shared loot access.. GW2 is nothing revolutionary there I’m afraid its just collated in different mechanics to how others do it, that’s just to make it look different and avoid the “its a copy”… I do like the ability to deposit collectables straight to shared bank though.. +1 ANET
GW2 has only just introduced an LFG system x-server that’s in no way comparable to other systems that have been around as long as the arc in my opinion.
Kill stealing – I will give you that if you mean stealing as in thief steels/ sigil procs. otherwise not sure what it is your getting at.
Dodge – sorry but DDO has had dodge and block mechanics in it right from original beta must be 9 yrs now, I believe Tera has it and so do others I would hazard a guess…. nothing new at all in GW2
Trinity isn’t non existent in GW2 only the way you visualise it being in your head .. only last night there was a muster in WvW to see how many guardian heals etc were available before setting off.. even dedicated heal trinity has its own offense/defence in other games and has done for years, it just comes down to playstyle.. what GW2 does is what other MMO’s started doing a long time back.. making heal classes more effective in in different environments/situation.. look at swtor healing capabilities on all classes or DDO clerics/favour souls even Mages can do it using UMD.. trinity was diversely altered long before GW2 got in on the act.
Grind – Every MMO has a grind attached and GW2 is no different – Leveling is a grind to some, gathering resources, loot etc is a grind to others.. it all comes down to playstyle and preference. Tell me gathering all those silk scraps isn’t a grind for your ascended armours or salvaging all those blues, greens or ectos isn’t a grind for players to get some waste of time Magic Find %… getting your pre-cursors or crafting legendary.
GW2 has always included its own grind.. you just only choose to call things grindy based on your own likes/dislikes… what you fail to understand it seems is that without grind and MMO runs the risk of running out of content way faster than they can churn out and players grow bored and move on regardless.. timegating is there for reasons to enable the devs to keep bringing content out and also to retain players in game as long as possible.. both result in $$$ which in turn keeps the game open to us, so please quit with your grind whines… don’t like it then don’t do it, it cant be any simpler… or throw your credit card into the pot and buy it off the TP and support the game via an alternative route.
As for your smooth camera stuff.. GW2 (by the devs own admission) has a fail camera system.. jump puzzles area clear indicator of that.. so much camera collision, poor zoom capability and poor model scaling . a la Norn Guardians in jump puzzles.
UI.. simple yes but imo far to simple. When I want to take something from my inventory like a spikey fruit to throw in combat or down some food etc etc, all I got to do is stop , open inventory find it and double click it – but then I realise I cant cos.. I is dead!.. quickslots are there to be utilised but of course GW2 was planned for console junkies rather than PC’ers I guess.
GW2 is visually good I will give them that, but all that comes at a price and they have been in reactive mode since beta to try and reduce the demands both server side and our side to bring the game into playable performance.. culling, particle reduction etc and the ability to have all those nice things on screen with hundreds of players at the same time, like other games, it has found it to be a problem for many. Personally I don’t suffer too much in GW2 compared to say SWTOR but many others do on a regular basis.
Don’t get me wrong I think GW2 has some impressive points, had some good idea and still has potential, but it isn’t amy better than other games out there already, at least not in my opinion – we all have our opinions on what’s right wrong, liked not liked ya see.
Agree 100%. Great game !
We’re still playing the game. I think that’s already enough credit.
People complaining is actually a sign that they want the game to be even better, not that they think it’s bad. When people think a game is bad, they just leave.
All said here.
Also, ofc GW2 have lot of nice things, but there is also, a LOT of quite bad one that need to be solve, and saddly they are way toooooo slow to work on a lot of thing and really improove their game.
IMHO, they waste too many time and resource on their “living world” that finaly bring nothing since somes nice activities are just temporary. ( and gameplay side, that nearly only bring grinding activities for success point, and 98% of the time pointless reward… )
@Latinkuro.9420 -
Shared loot is nothing new.. shared banks, guild banks etc all provide shared loot access.. GW2 is nothing revolutionary there I’m afraid its just collated in different mechanics to how others do it, that’s just to make it look different and avoid the “its a copy”… I do like the ability to deposit collectables straight to shared bank though.. +1 ANET
GW2 has only just introduced an LFG system x-server that’s in no way comparable to other systems that have been around as long as the arc in my opinion.
Kill stealing – I will give you that if you mean stealing as in thief steels/ sigil procs. otherwise not sure what it is your getting at.
Dodge – sorry but DDO has had dodge and block mechanics in it right from original beta must be 9 yrs now, I believe Tera has it and so do others I would hazard a guess…. nothing new at all in GW2
Grind – Every MMO has a grind attached and GW2 is no different – Leveling is a grind to some, gathering resources, loot etc is a grind to others.. it all comes down to playstyle and preference. Tell me gathering all those silk scraps isn’t a grind for your ascended armours or salvaging all those blues, greens or ectos isn’t a grind for players to get some waste of time Magic Find %… getting your pre-cursors or crafting legendary.
As for your smooth camera stuff.. GW2 (by the devs own admission) has a fail camera system.. jump puzzles area clear indicator of that.. so much camera collision, poor zoom capability and poor model scaling . a la Norn Guardians in jump puzzles.
UI.. simple yes but imo far to simple. When I want to take something from my inventory like a spikey fruit to throw in combat or down some food etc etc, all I got to do is stop , open inventory find it and double click it – but then I realise I cant cos.. I is dead!.. quickslots are there to be utilised but of course GW2 was planned for console junkies rather than PC’ers I guess.
GW2 is visually good I will give them that, but all that comes at a price and they have been in reactive mode since beta to try and reduce the demands both server side and our side to bring the game into playable performance.. culling, particle reduction etc and the ability to have all those nice things on screen with hundreds of players at the same time, like other games, it has found it to be a problem for many. Personally I don’t suffer too much in GW2 compared to say SWTOR but many others do on a regular basis.
Don’t get me wrong I think GW2 has some impressive points, had some good idea and still has potential, but it isn’t amy better than other games out there already, at least not in my opinion – we all have our opinions on what’s right wrong, liked not liked ya see.
Shakespeare’s plays…theyr’e nothing but words. That’s all they are. There isn’t a new word in any of it.
I think you missed the point here. It’s not one feature or one thing that makes this game better than other MMOs for some of us…it’s the specific combination of features.
Pretend you’re a friendly social casual for a second. In most games, someone can tag your guy before you do and kill steal your boss, so you have to wait five minutes for a respawn. I’m sure other games have done this in the past. And rewarding me loot and experience for participating in the fight even if I come in late….that’s just..well…rewarding. But how many games that do that also don’t allow node stealing. I remember being in Rift and knocking back people I’m fighting, so I could mine during a fight, before some idiot took my node.
And how many of those games that had no kill stealing and no node stealing also allowed everyone to rez everyone else without using a skill slot? I don’t remember many games that do that.
How many allow you to have combo fields with people not in your party or buff people not in your party? Not too many. How many don’t make you go to a quest giver to get a quest or a reward? Not too many.
And none of the games I’ve played had all or even most of these features.
What Anet had was a vision of cooperative PvE and they aimed every feature of the game, from no killing stealing to down leveling to separating PvE and PvP, all with this singular vision in mind of creating something that no other game has come close to creating.
You’re so busy looking at trees, you forgot to notice the forest.
Agree with OP, GW2 could use a bit of polish is some areas but that doesn’t detract from the fact that its a good game.
Yeah, WoW not only slows you down, the game nickel and dimes you with slowdowns. Many mobs, you’d fight them, and they’d get down to about 5-10% of their health left. Then they would use a slowdown skill, like cripple or chill. The effect lasts for some time, long after the mob is dead. While the game might provide me with an interrupt or a cleanse, I would normally fight several such mobs before these counters would come off cool-down.
The slowdown skill had zero effect on the outcome of the battle. So why is it there? I saw no reason for the skill timing to be anything but an attempt to slow me down. it’s only a few seconds, but you kill an awful lot of mobs leveling in WoW, and a lot of them do this.
At least in GW2, mob slowdown skills normally get used early in the fight, when they might actually change the dynamics of the fight.
It’s to teach players the mechanics of their class, and to acclimate players to later battles in dungeons/raids where these mechanics are much more prevalent.
To many long time MMO players these kind of encounters are old hat, but WoW introduced many players to the genre and it was important to have a tutorial without a tutorial.
If true, that would be bad design. If you’re trying to teach something, you put in a mechanic that matters, and allow the player to discover and use a counter-play mechanic. You don’t put a mechanic that does not matter on an entire class of enemies where the player will encounter it ad nauseam. Well, you might if you also want to slow people down, and if you don’t care if your game is boring as all kitten.
Yeah, WoW not only slows you down, the game nickel and dimes you with slowdowns. Many mobs, you’d fight them, and they’d get down to about 5-10% of their health left. Then they would use a slowdown skill, like cripple or chill. The effect lasts for some time, long after the mob is dead. While the game might provide me with an interrupt or a cleanse, I would normally fight several such mobs before these counters would come off cool-down.
The slowdown skill had zero effect on the outcome of the battle. So why is it there? I saw no reason for the skill timing to be anything but an attempt to slow me down. it’s only a few seconds, but you kill an awful lot of mobs leveling in WoW, and a lot of them do this.
At least in GW2, mob slowdown skills normally get used early in the fight, when they might actually change the dynamics of the fight.
It’s to teach players the mechanics of their class, and to acclimate players to later battles in dungeons/raids where these mechanics are much more prevalent.
To many long time MMO players these kind of encounters are old hat, but WoW introduced many players to the genre and it was important to have a tutorial without a tutorial.
If true, that would be bad design. If you’re trying to teach something, you put in a mechanic that matters, and allow the player to discover and use a counter-play mechanic. You don’t put a mechanic that does not matter on an entire class of enemies where the player will encounter it ad nauseam. Well, you might if you also want to slow people down, and if you don’t care if your game is boring as all kitten.
Not sure what you are speaking specifically about, but there were plenty of counters, blocks, redirects and cleanses that players had to work with. Not sure which class of enemy you encountered ad nauseum that slowed you down constantly.
Just because other games lack things or don’t have things doesn’t mean the opinions of what GW2 lacks is not valid. The whole point of games is to enjoy them, and for MMO’s that is also to listen and develop your game to make it better. Many people prefer the things you wrote, as they are used to games with these kinds of interfaces and systems. Guild Wars 2 is so far from perfect.
I agree with the OP. I miss GW2 staples when I go to other games now. When I all knew of was WoW systems, I could do other wow clones and still be happy. Now I’m spoiled
That being said… I miss the trinity. I love healing and tanking. GW2 has a different system of DPS and Utility. Its a duality instead of a trinity. It can be messy, hard to track and includes a lot of player skill and reaction timing. While I’m not necessarily complaining about that, they haven’t balanced the classes to be good at both damage and utility, opting to make the damage weapon specific and the utility class specific. So we are still not “bringing the player, not the class” when optimizing gains are based on one class having the utility we need or one class being able to deal more damage.
That being said, GW2 is a step in the right direction when so many other MMOs are still climbing up on the shoulders of others.
Just fix some “anti-human nature” measures to keep the market equitable would be nice. Adopting a bit more “choose your own adventure” appeal couldn’t hurt either… The living story, after having a few choice paths in the personal story, feels like a step in the wrong direction. There are plenty of ways to write good story that brings your choices back around to a similar place to rejoin the main storyline with everyone else.
That, and the ability to actually create your own story and surroundings in the world make for incredible endgame content.. Not much can top Improbable Island for that.
Omg, thank you for that link. Best story ever! Seriously, I’ve been sucked right in.
Yeah, WoW not only slows you down, the game nickel and dimes you with slowdowns. Many mobs, you’d fight them, and they’d get down to about 5-10% of their health left. Then they would use a slowdown skill, like cripple or chill. The effect lasts for some time, long after the mob is dead. While the game might provide me with an interrupt or a cleanse, I would normally fight several such mobs before these counters would come off cool-down.
The slowdown skill had zero effect on the outcome of the battle. So why is it there? I saw no reason for the skill timing to be anything but an attempt to slow me down. it’s only a few seconds, but you kill an awful lot of mobs leveling in WoW, and a lot of them do this.
At least in GW2, mob slowdown skills normally get used early in the fight, when they might actually change the dynamics of the fight.
It’s to teach players the mechanics of their class, and to acclimate players to later battles in dungeons/raids where these mechanics are much more prevalent.
To many long time MMO players these kind of encounters are old hat, but WoW introduced many players to the genre and it was important to have a tutorial without a tutorial.
If true, that would be bad design. If you’re trying to teach something, you put in a mechanic that matters, and allow the player to discover and use a counter-play mechanic. You don’t put a mechanic that does not matter on an entire class of enemies where the player will encounter it ad nauseam. Well, you might if you also want to slow people down, and if you don’t care if your game is boring as all kitten.
Not sure what you are speaking specifically about, but there were plenty of counters, blocks, redirects and cleanses that players had to work with. Not sure which class of enemy you encountered ad nauseum that slowed you down constantly.
It’s been years, so specifics are beyond me. It’s a lot easier to remember the frustration and the general circumstances than the details. As to “plenty of counters and cleanses,” I remember having — at best — one of each on CD’s that were longer than the times between fighting those mob types.
I’m sure my reaction — like those of many people — was at least in part due to unfavorable comparisons with my first online game, GW. There, mob control abilities made more sense because they actually impacted the fights. Also, the counters and cleanses refreshed fast enough that I did not have to sit around between encounters and I could alter my build for counter-play if I wanted to.
I purposely didn’t log in to Guild Wars 2 for a week for 2 reasons:
- 1 to prevent burn out.
- 2 to see how I would view the game after a week of playing other mmo’s.
- When I opened this thread I thought I’d see story like person giving up a drug habit. Discovering the joys of life and looking at the past life with sadness and regret. You gave up a MMO game in order to go play another MMO game, then came back deciding that, gee, the other MMO games are kinda bad in a soul-sucking obsessive-compulsive kind of way.
@Latinkuro.9420 -
Shared loot is nothing new.. shared banks, guild banks etc all provide shared loot access.. GW2 is nothing revolutionary there I’m afraid its just collated in different mechanics to how others do it, that’s just to make it look different and avoid the “its a copy”… I do like the ability to deposit collectables straight to shared bank though.. +1 ANET
GW2 has only just introduced an LFG system x-server that’s in no way comparable to other systems that have been around as long as the arc in my opinion.
Kill stealing – I will give you that if you mean stealing as in thief steels/ sigil procs. otherwise not sure what it is your getting at.
Dodge – sorry but DDO has had dodge and block mechanics in it right from original beta must be 9 yrs now, I believe Tera has it and so do others I would hazard a guess…. nothing new at all in GW2
Grind – Every MMO has a grind attached and GW2 is no different – Leveling is a grind to some, gathering resources, loot etc is a grind to others.. it all comes down to playstyle and preference. Tell me gathering all those silk scraps isn’t a grind for your ascended armours or salvaging all those blues, greens or ectos isn’t a grind for players to get some waste of time Magic Find %… getting your pre-cursors or crafting legendary.
As for your smooth camera stuff.. GW2 (by the devs own admission) has a fail camera system.. jump puzzles area clear indicator of that.. so much camera collision, poor zoom capability and poor model scaling . a la Norn Guardians in jump puzzles.
UI.. simple yes but imo far to simple. When I want to take something from my inventory like a spikey fruit to throw in combat or down some food etc etc, all I got to do is stop , open inventory find it and double click it – but then I realise I cant cos.. I is dead!.. quickslots are there to be utilised but of course GW2 was planned for console junkies rather than PC’ers I guess.
GW2 is visually good I will give them that, but all that comes at a price and they have been in reactive mode since beta to try and reduce the demands both server side and our side to bring the game into playable performance.. culling, particle reduction etc and the ability to have all those nice things on screen with hundreds of players at the same time, like other games, it has found it to be a problem for many. Personally I don’t suffer too much in GW2 compared to say SWTOR but many others do on a regular basis.
Don’t get me wrong I think GW2 has some impressive points, had some good idea and still has potential, but it isn’t amy better than other games out there already, at least not in my opinion – we all have our opinions on what’s right wrong, liked not liked ya see.
Shakespeare’s plays…theyr’e nothing but words. That’s all they are. There isn’t a new word in any of it.
I think you missed the point here. It’s not one feature or one thing that makes this game better than other MMOs for some of us…it’s the specific combination of features.
Pretend you’re a friendly social casual for a second. In most games, someone can tag your guy before you do and kill steal your boss, so you have to wait five minutes for a respawn. I’m sure other games have done this in the past. And rewarding me loot and experience for participating in the fight even if I come in late….that’s just..well…rewarding. But how many games that do that also don’t allow node stealing. I remember being in Rift and knocking back people I’m fighting, so I could mine during a fight, before some idiot took my node.
And how many of those games that had no kill stealing and no node stealing also allowed everyone to rez everyone else without using a skill slot? I don’t remember many games that do that.
How many allow you to have combo fields with people not in your party or buff people not in your party? Not too many. How many don’t make you go to a quest giver to get a quest or a reward? Not too many.
And none of the games I’ve played had all or even most of these features.
What Anet had was a vision of cooperative PvE and they aimed every feature of the game, from no killing stealing to down leveling to separating PvE and PvP, all with this singular vision in mind of creating something that no other game has come close to creating.
You’re so busy looking at trees, you forgot to notice the forest.
God I hated kill stealing lol. I remember being in swtor when it first came out and there being hundreds of players in the beginner area having to kill the same boss. Think I tried for like an hour to get the first tag in on him before I gave up having to wait 5-10 min each time for him to spawn again before I gave up for the day. Or when blood elves first came out in WoW, same process. Makes me laugh at the memories. Great post btw. +1 love the analogy at the end
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