You want me to pay WHAT?
They’re for cosmetics more so than stats, so once you obtain them you can transmutate them. They’re just bragging rights, and expensive prestigious ones at that.
Cosmetic pupose only.
If you want gear with uber stats plenty of other games out there that offers endless gear grinding for top stats.
Right, GW2 has endless gear grinding for cosmetic items, instead. That makes much more sense :p
If they are for cosmetic purposes only, how come they aren’t just transmutation items then instead ? Would make a lot more sense instead of having them as rare items, where as you will need 6 fine transmutation stones to actually transmute them after you have paid around a hundred gold to obtain them o.O?
does it make any difference if they’re transmutation items as if they are actual armors? TSs are bought with gems and anet has the right to put something for sale om their store, although you gain 3 free stones each time you complete an area.
Anytime you mention gear the fan boys have to bandwagon and talk about how you should play another game that has the endless gear grind
Pie Flavor – yeah it actually does – it really doesnt make any sense to put stats on them if they are for cosmetic reasons at all.
And getting transumtation stones are possible through black lion chests as well, Basic Transmutation stones as of what I know the only ones you get for getting a map at 100% which can’t be used for level 80 items.
I don’t mind that you are able to buy fine transmutation stones in the gem store, but first having to pay around 100 gold for a rare set, to then either pay up more gold or pay with real money for transmutation stones in case that you haven’t been lucky to get any through black lion chests, is a bit steep honostly. It’s not really all that easy to actually get a hundred gold in the first place.
Both the cultural weapons and armor are WAY too expensive. The amount of karma needed for the different tiers of weapons is insane too. At one time during beta, the prices (for weapons at least) were about right: they would greatly dent the karma sash of a character, but without being impossible to get ON LEVEL. Now, even a level 80 will struggle getting the tier 2 weapons, and even more the tier 3 one.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
That’s the thing I don’t understand — if it’s about cosmetics, then sell the items as cosmetic ones. If it’s about stats, then make sure the items are exotic or legendary.
The fact that the items are rare strikes me as extremely weird — to use the cosmetic aspect I will also need transmute stones on top of the 100g you already pay. Why would that make any sense?
Now I know this may be crazy, but just maybe, MAYBE, there might be someone that is content with wearing a rare lvl 80 set and missing out on 20 power per piece.
I know we should find these people and murder them for the lunatics they are, not wanting to max their stats to the highest potential. But maybe the stats are on the gear for them.
Farming gold should’nt be that hard. I only play 4hrs a day and have saved up 16g in 2 weeks. Yep, it’ll take a while, but its not an issue (for me). However, I agree with the karma though, Im at 60 and all I have is about 20k karma.
Right, GW2 has endless gear grinding for cosmetic items, instead. That makes much more sense :p
Well, let’s look at it this way; in GW2, you don’t have to gear grind in order to have the most powerful gear to play in WvW or Orr or top level dungeons, so it’s not a “must have” in order to compete at top level in those venues.
Thus, cosmetic gear can really only be pursued out of a “want to have”, not a “need to have” motivation, which I think appropriately defines the difference between a “grind” one feels is necessary to endure, and a “challenge” one simply wishes to take on.