Young Kids that can't follow Instructions
Have any of you run into this? In raids or dungeons, or maybe jumping puzzles etc.? Is there a way to filter it out? I don’t think you should let your 8 year old play.
How do you know how old someone is?
Heck, it could be me you’re encountering being bad at a jumping puzzle! Bad doesn’t equal young.. I’ve played with some darn good young people across many games.
Filter out what, exactly? If you mean “make it so I never run into someone like this ever again”, then no; you can’t do that.
It’s unlikely they’re young kids. It’s more likely they:
1) Don’t have chat turned on.
2) Don’t speak/read English well, and so they don’t know what’s being said to them.
3) Just don’t give a crap.
4) Have lag problems
5) Have children/cats/dogs/tiny elves running around that distract them from paying attention to instructions.
6) Really, really don’t give a crap.
7) Don’t understand the basics of how chat works.
8) Don’t really want your help.
(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)
Filter what out? The people in a jumping puzzle? What are you doing in there, standing in the jumping puzzle and barking out instructions that they are ignoring?
ANet may give it to you.
From my experience being an kitten isn’t age restricted. Listening, guiding, and cooperation skills vary from person to person.
Are you doing guild mission puzzles? I can’t really see a need to give or get salty about instructions on a jumping puzzle.
Filter out what, exactly? If you mean “make it so I never run into someone like this ever again”, then no; you can’t do that.
It’s unlikely they’re young kids. It’s more likely they:
1) Don’t have chat turned on.
2) Don’t speak/read English well, and so they don’t know what’s being said to them.
3) Just don’t give a crap.
4) Have lag problems
5) Have children/cats/dogs/tiny elves running around that distract them from paying attention to instructions.
6) Really, really don’t give a crap.
7) Don’t understand the basics of how chat works.
I like the bolded 3.
I have 4 Savannah cats. They’re big cats. They sometimes get onto my desk and can easily block my entire monitor before I can make ‘em move. If I fall from the cliff/small platform/etc. it won’t be in real life. Ah well.
It’s unlikely they’re young kids. It’s more likely they:
9) Refusal to exploit/cheat
Filter what out? The people in a jumping puzzle? What are you doing in there, standing in the jumping puzzle and barking out instructions that they are ignoring?
hehe! Higher HIGHER!
Filter what out? The people in a jumping puzzle? What are you doing in there, standing in the jumping puzzle and barking out instructions that they are ignoring?
Rofl. That wins the “mental image of the day” prize for me.
“You! Yes, You boy! Learn to jump better or get out of my game.”
It’s unlikely they’re young kids. It’s more likely they:
9) Refusal to exploit/cheat
Those people get so annoying! :P
There are two sides to every story.
- There are those who give polite, well-meant instructions.
- There are those who command other players around as if they’re NPC’s.
- There are those who refuse to listen because of any of the reasons listed above.
- There are those who simply wish to play as they want and not rush/skip/exploit everything for maximum efficiency simply because it’s considered “meta” by some.
Something I truly notice a lot lately is the high horses some people believe they’re sitting on.
It doesn’t matter if some players are veterans or new to the game.
They have to be rude.
Two cases that have happened to me:
- I was helping around in Ascalonian Catacombs, a dungeon I like to complete in my own way. (no rushing, skipping, stacking.) A dungeon I often invite new players into to allow them to experience the world of dungeons first-hand instead of all the negative comments you find on dungeons on the reddit/forums often. I was running through this dungeon explaining stuff when we reached the Ghost Eater at the end of Path 2. Someone in the party adressed that they have had issues with this certain boss before and asked if I could explain it in detail. I started explaining how using skill 1 (the pull) and skill 2 (the lift) could be used to spawn and pull oozes into the traps to charge them without getting any unwanted aggro from the Ghost Eater. People were content with this information but then we began to have a rogue member. This certain member did the exact opposite of what I explained and when we had to regroup after a near party-wipe he started getting mad because I was explaining everything in English and he happened to be French. Alright, I thought to myself, I’ll do my best to try and explain it in my best french, a language I used to be quite well-versed in but haven’t spoken in years. Then he got mad again, he understood what I was trying to say but my grammar wasn’t 100% correct! This continued for a while and all I got was foul comments because I didn’t meet his expectations. We did eventually manage to kill the Ghost Eater, eventhough we got early-aggro and I had to guide people to traps and other locations on the spot.
Some people care about your explanation and are patient, others are just plain rude.
Sure you have the “vote-kick” function for situations like this but I’m not one to kick that easily.
- My second story is about my guild. I run a small, casual, “play as you want” type of guild. Yet sometimes we get members who don’t really “fit in”. This is the story of one of these members. This certain member would command (not ask) us to assist in his daily fractals which we would do. After all we enjoy fractals ourselves and needed the dailies anyway. The fractal we were doing was the Uncategorized Fractal with the kitty-golems and the Raving Asura. At Old Tom I was explaining what to do with the batteries and the fan and we were dividing the roles together. The member in question however would refuse any of these strategies because “100% zerk teams can just damage their way through everything”. While we had people running tears, activating the fan and damaging old tom this member would be attacking Old Tom all the time. On its own this is no problem at all, we needed DPS after all to bring Old Tom down. But because of our party having some new-players/inexperienced players we eventually had a few casualties (among which the “100% zerk” member). The “100% zerk” member would start raging and preeching with elitism, calling his own guildies noobs and ended up ragequitting after a single wipe. This happened a couple of times until I eventually decided to kick him from the guild, leaving him with a mail stating I believe he doesn’t fit in with our Casual Guild.
The expectations of some people are off because they see videos of 100% zerk raids and fractals. They see with their meta-builds which they MUST use. They stick to those rotations and everyone else has to do the same or they “suck”.
Simply because you’ve found a meta-build doesn’t mean that you’re “superior” compared to other players. Not everyone desires maximum efficiency in all the game-content. Some just enjoy having fun and coming up with strategies together to tackle challenges.
Now, I’m not bashing on players who do enjoy the meta.
I don’t hate the meta at all, it’s simply efficient builds.
But over time it’s begun to disgust me whenever I see self-proclaimed Meta-Pro’s command others around, demanding more efficiency, blaming their own mistakes on others, having zero interest in discussing strategies and most of all don’t care about their party members at all.
Casual players get told to specify in the LFG when they want “non-meta” teams.
Alright, I do that. I often add a “Play as you want, NON ZERK RUSH” in my LFG messages. Still I get 2-3 meta-fixated rushers shouting at me because I’m a Guardian using a hammer instead of a greatsword.
I support the meta-groups who take it upon themselves to specify their desire for wanting a 100% meta-build party instead of joining a casual party and take it over with shouting, cursing, meta-talk and most of all elitism.
Disclaimer: I am sure I have made generalizations in the above post. I am indeed upset about the behaviour of some people. This is however a sub-group of a group of players. it does not portay all players who use meta-builds and desire maximum-efficiency.
*TL;DR: There are multiple sides to the story of following instructions and playing efficienctly. GW2 is a multiplayer game and you can’t escape the social factor. Different people have different playstyles and interests. Please don’t tell others what to do against their own will. The best thing to do is to remain polite and specify your playstyle before becoming frustrated at everyone around you.
Thanks for the read,
apologies for it being a moderately long one,
a small, casual Guild with a play as you want style.
Oh what I’d give for all adults to always read and follow instructions. My job would be so much easier!
As everyone else said there’s no way to filter out people who don’t meet your requirements. Probably your only option is to make your own LFG listing and put something very specific and easy to check in there so you can identify people who didn’t read it.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I have 4 Savannah cats. They’re big cats. They sometimes get onto my desk and can easily block my entire monitor before I can make ‘em move. If I fall from the cliff/small platform/etc. it won’t be in real life. Ah well.
My husband loves Savannah cats; he’s now mega jealous of you. And yup, I know what you mean. We have a new cat who has decided that his FAVORITE PLACE EVER is right in front of my main monitor or on top of my arms. It makes game playing very interesting.
OP wants a magical sentient filter that pull personal information from player accounts and live web feeds of players in front of their computers.
GL with that…
Have any of you run into this? In raids or dungeons, or maybe jumping puzzles etc.? Is there a way to filter it out? I don’t think you should let your 8 year old play.
My 12 year old daughter and her 11 year old friend play GW2 with restrictions. They are better team mates than a lot of adults so I wouldn’t make assumptions.
Have any of you run into this? In raids or dungeons, or maybe jumping puzzles etc.? Is there a way to filter it out? I don’t think you should let your 8 year old play.
How about we find a way to filter out kids like you instead?
Age has nothing to do with being incompetent or inability to follow instructions. An adult would know that.
I have 4 Savannah cats. They’re big cats. They sometimes get onto my desk and can easily block my entire monitor before I can make ‘em move. If I fall from the cliff/small platform/etc. it won’t be in real life. Ah well.
My husband loves Savannah cats; he’s now mega jealous of you. And yup, I know what you mean. We have a new cat who has decided that his FAVORITE PLACE EVER is right in front of my main monitor or on top of my arms. It makes game playing very interesting.
They’re fun, but take some work! They get into everything, and the person says cats are graceful hasn’t met this breed..cause..mine fall off everything… even though they can conquer the most high of jumping puzzles, it takes a few tries. The dark brown (the first pic) one can jump as high as my head. Here are a few of my kitties. The white one is a snow spotted Savannah.
The white one has zero issues getting on my desk and sitting there like he owns it. Jerkie.
Have you ever seen this typical comedy sketch with one serious guy giving instructions to someone who seems to be paying attention, and then goes and does anything else? Then he’s told not to do that and they go and do it again? I keep getting that all the time.
My husband loves Savannah cats; he’s now mega jealous of you. And yup, I know what you mean. We have a new cat who has decided that his FAVORITE PLACE EVER is right in front of my main monitor or on top of my arms. It makes game playing very interesting.
That’s what you get for playing a Charr.