Your AFK timer is whack.
Report it as a bug.
ANet may give it to you.
Afk time is 1 hour but in wvw it is 15 min
(edited by Methods.4023)
I think it’s possible that zones where there is no penalty for being logged out (ie cities), the afk timer may be shorter too.
I can log on, alt tab out to read the news, have a few cups of coffee, eat breakfast, grab a shower, go through a morning routine, be AFK for an hour or more, come back and still be fine.
Then later on in the day, I can chat with my guild, run around the city and play the game. Take a few minutes for a bathroom break, come back and find that I’ve been booted.
You are correct. It’s been like this though for over 3 years. It doesn’t seem consistent at all. AFK in LA for 10 minutes and then kicked. Later I can be AFK for over an hour and still not get kicked in the same exact spot. I think it’s been broken since day 1 but isn’t really a huge enough thing to be looked at.
I would also add that chatting doesn’t seem to count as being at the keyboard, which seems an odd omission.