Your favorite jumping puzzles.

Your favorite jumping puzzles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RolandDaemon.7268


So. What’s your favorite?

Mine is one I found somewhere in Lornar’s Pass called Griffonrook Run.

Here’s a screenshot of the GENERAL idea of what you do here.

I’m not saying where because this place will never be found unless you KNEW it was somewhere around the area. (There’s an npc somewhere in Lornar’s that will give you a hint on where its at.. and I must say Anet… You do know how to hide an entrance)

Shame the npc didn’t give the bombs when I found her… but atleast it gave me time to figure out how to get through this area.

When in Tyria, do as the Tyrian’s do.

Your favorite jumping puzzles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I’ve only done 5 so far (the 3 in Lions Arch, Morgans Leap and the Asuan lab one in the Sylvari area) and I’ve enjoyed them all but I think my favourite was the one in South LA.

Partially because it’s one of those ones where I didn’t even know I was doing it until I was part way through. I actually did the first part during a beta weekend and never realised what it was – I stopped because I thought it was going no where and I was wasting my valuable beta time.

But also because theres so many elements to it. It starts off inoccently enough, then there’s that awesome drop (I don’t want to give too much away but if you’ve done it you’ll know what I mean) and then the cool looking cave, followed by the actual puzzle part which surprised me by including mechanics I didn’t expect them to put in this game and finally the dark room.

I have to say thought the really long one in LA…Trolls Haunt I think it’s called, really made me re-think what I was expecting from jump puzzles and where I was looking for them. The start especially, wow that was well hidden!

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Your favorite jumping puzzles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RolandDaemon.7268


Oh god, Troll’s Run is correctly named. Going through that with a full size (max height) charr was a trial in patience on my end (here’s hoping Anet comes out with camera fixes/changes in the coming months ^^; )

But yeah, the LA Jumping puzzles were pretty cool… there are some REALLY cool ones out there… not looking forward to finding the Jumping puzzle that’s apparently AFTER ANOTHER jumping puzzle.

When in Tyria, do as the Tyrian’s do.

Your favorite jumping puzzles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackard.3071


i cant stop playing the pvp puzzle dungeon

Your favorite jumping puzzles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RolandDaemon.7268


WvW’s jumping puzzle is awesome if you don’t get people ganking you (though, with free blueprints, gear and badges… it’s worth it)

Thinking about it, that puzzle is actually kind of easy once you figure it out and the jumps are slightly forgiving (just carry a swiftness in some cases)…. platforms are kind of big enough to do REAL close range engagements if such would happen.

Carry a knockback… that’s the real deal to that one though if other’s arn’t playing friendly ;P

When in Tyria, do as the Tyrian’s do.

Your favorite jumping puzzles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devilmore.2139


I have done almost all jumping puzzles and it’s REALLY hard to come up with a favourite one. I liked the one at Hope Falls in Malachor’s Leap since it was SO HUGE.
Also the Asura’n one in the east of Metrica Province was awesome simply because it was such a huge bonus area…

If I have to pick, probably the Asuran one in the vulcano (I think it was in the sylvarie starting area) with the timed jumps.

Your favorite jumping puzzles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Runyst.2034


the Scavenger jump in Malchor’s leap is one of my favorite jumps in the game next to the Mistvault borderland jump

btw does anyone know why the rewards scale anymore in the lower level jumping puzzles?

Your favorite jumping puzzles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RolandDaemon.7268


I think rewards scale but i’m not 100% sure. I believe I had acquired a silver doubloon from one of the first jumping puzzles when I Was roughly level 40…. Grain of salt.

When in Tyria, do as the Tyrian’s do.

Your favorite jumping puzzles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deathenger.1850


Sharkmaw Caverns!

Life is hard, but it’s even harder when your stupid.

Your favorite jumping puzzles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jackard.3071


WvW’s jumping puzzle is awesome if you don’t get people ganking you

thats what makes it exciting though