Your funniest Moment

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yoshinaro.3815


Me and my friend just managed to beat about 8 dudes in a huge Brawl and nearly died so we laughing and saying “How the hell did we live” when a Troll champion the size of a house comes round the corner before we could heal and my friend shouts down the Mic “Good God Run!” I turn round being me and get smashed instantly and then it chases him down and smashes him into the ground the hole time we cant stop laughing. So whats your Funniest Moment?

No Gods Or Kings Only Norn

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drintar.1246


First time I fell off the Sylvari jump puzzle at the flower. I for some reason found it hilarious to fall off and splat right beside another player who was below me.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimir.4690


The Vista with the cows and the canon… Oh man, I was laughing so hard.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swagman.9013


I always laugh my kitten off whenever, right after defeating Nokk in SE, a player blindly runs to the chest for loot not noticing a gravity well is still active from before Nokk died. And boom they go flying off the edge into lava.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uberlicious.3956


kept about 12 IoJ people at the front of tkitten juping puzzle by repeatadly hitting them in the face by the logs for about 1/2 hour … laughed my Kitten off every time i would see a group of them fly off the ledge

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


In WvW, I got separated near a cliff with 5 people on me. I had no chance so I decided to jump off the cliff.

My character splattered on the ground and a second later another one of the enemies landed right next to them and died as well. They must have thought I knew an escape route lol

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


I think mine happened in Lornar’s Pass or perhaps dredgehaunt cliffs. (I forget). Anyway there was a vista spot that was purely a jumping puzzle. (Had cool mechanics like having to pull a chain to open a gate, a few vets etc).

Anyhow, after climbing two towers in this dredge cavern, I finally got to the top and saw the vista. I thought the jump wasn’t too hard, so i went for it. No dice. I plummeted to my death, after realizing that the jump wasn’t even possible. Thankfully this nice Norn woman came along and gave me a little rez.

After this, the two of us stormed off to find the right tower. We must have been at it for like 30 mins, fighting everything up the final tower, hitting a dead end until we realized that the pull chain actually unlocked a gate to the next area. There we were, we could see the vista in view.. when all of a sudden, mid fight, she used some sort of dash move. (I believe she was an ele)... Off the tower she went, to her death. >_<

While it sucked, after doing all of that work, I laughed like a little school girl, facepalm included. probably the most amusing thing I’ve seen so far. I did wait for her to return and helped her to the last part, killing the chest guarding vet. Was a fun time all in all.

@Doc HAHA! i did the same thing my first time in WvW... My stealth abilities were on cooldown, and I had a guardian and a mesmer on top of me. I ran and jumped off a cliff and the mesmer followed. xD Never think people would actually follow off a cliff...

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Wait, there’s a chain that opens that door? I went a level up and jumped off onto the side of the platform and ran up in what may have been a glitch…

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eveningstar.6940


First time I played a Guardian, I picked up a hammer and went around Queensdale.

There’s an event in Queensdale where you have to keep bears from pillaging a beekeeper’s honey. Hammer has a move called Banish, where you take a swing and launch your target across the screen.

I don’t care what you think. Banish + Bear = Hilarious.

Valerie Cross: Roleplayer, Writer, Tarnished Coast

A Beginner’s Guide to Guardians

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


Wait, there’s a chain that opens that door? I went a level up and jumped off onto the side of the platform and ran up in what may have been a glitch…

Haha yeah, I thought about that afterwards. I always love finding ‘jump-arounds’ to puzzles. Yes, there’s a chain one level above that. There’s a vet dredge guarding it, once you beat him, you pull the chain behind him to open the gate. (It’s a timed gate, so it closes after a few minutes).

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Natjur.4017


The two vista that you use items to throw you there, the catapult that fires cows (and you) and the super jump musket.

I love the COWapult! (now I am looking for a Catapult that fires cats!)

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Balkito.8160


One is when I was fighting the kitten blender with a fairly dysfunctional team. Peppering him with my rifle, I managed to dodge right before he dragged everybody in. It killed my entire group, save for me. I used every ability I had trying to buy time as he came towards me. Right before I dodged he pounced me and kicked me off the edge to my death. I was laughing so hard at how I died I took a minute to respawn.

Another is anytime I have my Tropical Bird summoned. For an example, he was out in TA right at the end of the first turret area in story, and immediately flew off to pull a group of dogs as I yelled ‘kittenING BIRD!’, accompanied by the laughs of my group.


Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bbaghi.8934


Using Heartseeker when a invader suicide off a cliff. You can smell what happend there.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krimpton.4879


The two vista that you use items to throw you there, the catapult that fires cows (and you) and the super jump musket.

I love the COWapult! (now I am looking for a Catapult that fires cats!)

Oh Noo!

Not the vista in Lions Arch with that musket. is that the one you mean.?

I couldn’t work out how to do that one for ages, everyday for a week i would be standing there firing myself off in all directions before i got so frustrated and left.

Then one day i was doing it another guy walked by watched me for a while and said ‘’hey dude why don’t you just aim it at the rock’’
Tried it and boom first time straight on it..

Im not sure why i was laughing so much after that, but it still makes me smile thinking of all the times i pinged all over that part of the map trying it.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katai.6240


My friends and I were roaming around and doing some exploring. We found a diving platform and decided to jump off it. My two friends went first. I jump after them… and hit a rock. They couldn’t reach me to res, so I respawned and ran back. I jumped again, and my freaking toe clips the side of a ledge and I die instantly. My body is 99% hanging off this platform, and I’m dead.

Third times a charm….

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdg.8462


A friend and I were fighting some trolls or maybe ettins, I forget, and they kept knocking us down. Each ettin used their knockdown once and only after some other ettin already used theirs. So it was like they were perfectly coordinated in their use of knockdowns. Anyway, we spent the entire fight flat on our backs and couldn’t do anything. Needless to say we died.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrChoco.2837


This is my funniest moment check it out

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thrace.2036


When I was kiting a Jotun, he lobs a huge bolder at me, but it was just as I past behind an Ice Worm. The boulder smacks the worm and the two of them start going at it. Then their friends and spawns joined in the fight. I laughed for a minute, then swooped in and mopped up what was left.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


I love running through towns and players fall, splat and die right in front of me (PoI I guess), always makes me chuckle.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jalliah.7862


Was doing a level 10 event nearish Beetlerun. Around 20 people were escorting some moa trainer guy. Met some groups of mobs along the way and pew pewed them down. Then we rounded a corner and another group was there. Started the group pew pew and then within maybe 20 secs every single one of us was dead with the little mobs running back and forth over our bodies.

Then it was like MMO silence…….. No one typed anything. I think like me we were all ‘wth?’ and staring at our monitors. I was at least.

I lost it when someone typed ’level 10 event my a%s!!"

Then chat just broke up laughing. It seemed even funnier as we waited for a couple of people to respawn (the waypoint was quite far) and come back to rez us. All these little chat bubbles popping up over the pile of dead bodies as we killed time.

Still makes me laugh remembering it.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawthus.4630


Best moment thus far for me has to do with a bot and 2 brilliant players.

Bot in NW Caledon Forest – kitten derp, farm farm…

Then 2 other players come round the hill… kiting… a champion troll. (took a few tries to get the troll to the bot, was right at the edge of his chase range)

Champion troll, meet bot; bot, meet troll. Aww look, the troll is turning the bot into paste, he must like bots.

Was epic and brilliant, left me laughing at the bot and cheering for the troll.

Your funniest Moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gabo.6721


The tree climbing vista in Straits of Devastation…

Youtube + another guy in front of me showing me the way… fell of one branch… landed on another… winged it from there. got to the vista before the other guy who kept falling from the “right” way.

then i waited at the bottom to rez all the falling bodies… so glad the game isn’t “realistic” in that aspect.

Also… one time, saw the kill champion mob in the “safe zone” DE. Me (guardian), elementalist and archer only people there. i “tanked” by kiting the thing with my scepter and getting agro for a good 5 mins. slow orbs > boss CC, my hits were never too far apart for the aggro to change.

Last… the giant vet spider guarding the skill point in that one map where your personal story tells you to save some scientists in the ruins… kited that kitten thing for a solid 15 mins with my scepter/focus. True testament to “battle of attrition”. hand was sore after… was downed 1 time at boos 5% HP, where a guy came in, got the aggro and i got the chance to get back up. the hand fatigue really kicked in.

Gabo Silvershine
Isle of Janthir
Learn my name, or do not. The world will know it soon enough.