(edited by Derigar.7810)
Your goals in the world of Tyria
Kill all the things!!!!
Seriously though, my current goal is full rabid ascended for my necro. Including trinkets. I have full ascended and a legendary for my warrior, so my necro is next. Long term goals are full ascended for all 6 of my characters, with maybe a legendary for each. Not sure about the legendaries though, depends on how the precursor collection works out with the expansion.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
To collection every hat in the game.
My only goal is to level more characters to 80 and hope that when they get there they aren’t anything like one of their fellow 80s. So far they’re all different. Or feel different, anyway.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Roughly in order of priority:
- 100% map completion
- Completing the story on my other 4 characters (only if/when it’s back in the correct order)
- Completing the living story on every race (and multiple orders/backgrounds) to see different versions of the dialogue)
- Playing through every single personal story instance (same condition as above)
- Collecting mini pets
- Making The Dreamer
- Making Mawdrey II
- Making the ascended spinal blades, blue or green, I haven’t decided yet
- Completing the Silverwastes achievements
- Completing other achievements I’m interested in
- Maybe making other legendaries
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Getting my Light Hellfire Chest / Leggings… unfortunately that’s mathematically impossible at the moment, I hope Heart of Thorns adds too many Achievement Points so I can reach my goal!
My current Goals in List Form:
1) Working on my first Ascended Armor Set (Long Term: Get 1 Set of each Armor Type complete for the Achievement)
2) Getting the Collection Achievements done for the Karma Converter (the Karka Bows Missing only
3) Collecting the two missing Dwayna Bows for Dwayna Achievement/Title
4) Collecting the Missing Accessoires for the Personal Instance Daily Chest
5) Getting as many Achievements done as possible in general (Achievement Hunter, plus I work that way naturally on the Hellfire/Radiant Set to complete it, soon 19,5k, so still alot to do xD)
6) Bring my currently last 2 Characters also to 100% Map Completion, one is at 40% around, the other on 89%
7) First 3 Legendaries that I’d make are 2 Incinerators and 1 Dreamer first, maybe later on more Legendaries, dont waste time and money on Ascended Weapons, hopefully this stuff becomes alot cheaper, once the new legendaries are there, or the corresponding Collection Quests are good for this and Precursor Crafting allows for easier access finally to precursors
8) Finding people that help me to blast through the PvP Achievements and work with me on the Dragon finisher and the PvP Rewards Tracks to get the Ambrite Weapon Set complete for the Achievement as also gettign the balthazar Back Item done, currently PvP motivates and interests me zero, because i find this Conquest type of PvP total boring, I hope Strongholds will be better and works also good for working on all the kinds of pvP Achievements too.
9) Grinding my WvW Ranks up to get all the WvW Skilsl for my Account maxed and working naturally passively as good as possible on the horrible WvW Achievements, that need a redesign finally.
10) Grinding , as if i don’t need to do that already way too much for all the other goals far more gold, to buy all the missing minipets to complete my collections there too as good as possible.
11 Maxing the Activity Achievements, that I’ve not maxed yet, like Crab Toss, Southsun Survival, Belcher Bluff, Costume Brawl, Keg Brawl.
the only Activitiy, in which I’m absolutely superior in and that was a simple thing to max in now time was Sanctum Sprint ^^, but the others are all so grindy compared to it, except for belcher bluf,f which I’m just too lazy currently to do right away.
To have fun. That’s becoming harder and harder.
My goal is to find some legitimate justification for one part, just one part, of any balance change that has occurred since the start.
As with Test, mine is to have fun as well.
1. Have fun with my guild
2. Map Completion on my main
3. Upgrade the guild to start missions and more storage
4. Build Quip
5. Wait for Season 1
6. Get more ascended gear than the one trinket I have on my main
I’ve been playing GW since Prophecies was released with family and friends, but I’m a student, so I missed Season 1 besides Flame and Frost part 1 and most of Season 2. I like GW games because I can easily put them down and pick them up later. I also play it mostly for the story (besides the fun gameplay).
Unfortunately, the Living World system means I had to pay ten bucks to get the episodes I missed; and I’ll have to pay even more to catch up on S1 when that’s released, on top of the likely $30 or $40 I’ll have to pay for Heart of Thorns to make sure I know where my head or my heels are in the story. I think Living World should be free.
That aside, thanks Anet for the continued innovation, the move back to cinematic cutscenes, the ever-improving texture work to keep the game beautiful, and for keeping players like me in mind with the general content.
Mine are easy:
1) Get all the “old” RNG only precursors at least once
a) I have five left to go
2) Get all the fractal skins
a) I have 12 left to go
-solo-ing every fractal\dungeon story\path as far as possible (exludes button pushing and stuff you NEED to have more then 1 person to)
-getting all dungeon armors and weapons (close to finishing that one)
- buying the molten jetpack with gold i earned in game and not the gems i buy
- getting a darn sunless skin (that i try to get since 1 year now)
- finally getting that “illusive” perfect engineer look i want so badly (up to a-net releasing skins for that)
- finding the boss that actually makes me actually give up in defeating it
- getting more into wvw
- winning atleast ONCE against a necromancer in a 1 vs 1 fight
- waiting for the x-pac to update my goals, cause of now i dont want a legendary cause they all look stupid to me
Absolutely everything that can be done.
Erm, get rich, be able to craft anything…get cool armour (Regardless of type)…..explore….
I like to collect, customize and be independent……of course I am a 100% team player I just hate having to ask people to lend me stuff.
To know the professions better and make new unique and useful builds to get the job done the best way possible. Also making my characters look epic (to me!) while i’m at it, so i’m playing kick-kitten and look kitten:)
Unlock all the skins and make tons of outfits for my characters and to make a ton of awesome friends. Sounds cheesy but that is what makes me happy ^^
my only goal is to keep having fun in the game
So, what are your goals?
To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women. Er. I mean, fun! Yeah, that’s it. To have fun!
Fun crushing my enemies, fun seeing them driven before me… um…
Try to find enough interest to log in for at the moment, sadly. I will be back but I’m just bored right now.
to have fun with family, friends and guildies. I agree with Test that it’s becoming a bit more difficult. Quite a few of us were extremely frustrated trying to obtain carapace gear boxes. Then having to complete the more difficult story achievements to obtain the Luminescent gear. Quite a few just gave up.
My goals are to keep improving skill wise and cosmetically like I have continually been doing. I also like meeting new people and having good times with my guild. This is all while having fun at the same time.
-Getting Full Luminescent Carapace armor in Silverwastes
-Finding a reliable and tolerable way to make gold in large quantities
-Getting “Light of Dwayna” back accessory,
-Getting legendary hammer The Juggernaut
-Finishing optimized builds for WvW
-Improving with Hammer/Scepter+Focus meditations Guardian
-Improving in PvP in general
-Leveling Second Mesmer
-Leveling First Ranger
I’m plunking away at ever the more ascended armor and weapons, which is a fun little diversion for me. Mostly, I puts around, enjoy done dungeons and trying different ways to complete different paths of them and roleplaying.
I go out into wvw fairly often, but I just follow zergs most odd time. I’ll go roaming when the mood strikes me and it’s there to do. I’ve had some fun solo and duo capping things like that.
All in all though, this isn’t a place I try to keep a laundry list of goals in. I have plenty enough of those in other parts in my life. Don’t want another one here.
Mine was initially first weeek of the game after seeing a video to Solo Lupi. Got that done on 4 chars and can do it regularly on them.
At this point I’d like to finish the other 4 professions and be that proficient at it.
Also, I’d like to not suck at fractals
Gear/Items, ehh, not really after any. If there was a skin I’d really want to go after I’d be playing GW1 to get my Gearlock Rifle. Everything else will simply come in time if I keep working at my other goals. And as far as legendaries… until they fix Hobosacks to let me get a benefit from my legendary still I see very little reason to go for it…
(though I do have Minstrel)
I have a spreadsheet for my GW2 goals, so it’s fairly easy to figure out exactly where I am:
- Get one character of each class to level 80. (Done)
- Get two sets of non-vendorable exotic armor and weapon for every alt. (Done)
- Get two sets of ascended backpiece and necklace for every alt. (81.25%)
- Get one set of ascended rings/accessories for every alt. (Done)
- Get 100% world completion on every alt. (Done)
- Get exactly 1000 spare skill points on every alt. (55.1875%)
- Complete every story dungeon for every alt. (60.9%)
- Complete personal story for every alt. (12.5%)
The upcoming Revenant and specializations may delay me from completing my goals though.
My personal goal in GW2
1. 100% map completion – DONE
2. Play through all race personal story route
3. Craft a legendary GS – DONE
4. Equip a legendary GS – DONE
5. Create 2 different race character for each class at lv80
6. Decorate all character to totally satisfaction
7. Buy and play the all expensions will be released
8. Create 2 different race of each additional new classes
These should keep me busy for the next decade. :P
- Get full ascended gear on my main, an Elementalist. So far I have all accessoires, 2 staves and the chest piece. Still need the rest of the armor and a scepter and a dagger at the least, maybe even a focus even though I never play focus.
- Get full ascended gear on my other characters. My Engineer has 2 rings and an amulet, the rest nothing.
- Get world completion on all my (currently) 7 characters. I have my main done, next up is my Necromancer at 70-80%ish. Guardian and Engineer are at 45%ish, the rest is all below 30%.
- Buy one more Lovestruck weapon because they’re my favourite set. I’ll probably go for a riffle for my Engineer.
- Finish all dungeon paths once for the title. I have Arah left and 1 HotW path I think.
- Finish the personal story on all characters. I have 1 out of 7 finished, 2 others have an order and the rest I never really started.
- Save enough gold for a character slot and wait until it’s on sale to buy it.
- Buy the Trickster set off the gem shop for my Mesmer, aka saving enough gold for that.
- Finish all jumping puzzles.
- Getting to 10k AP. I’m like 30 points shy of 9000 at the moment.
- Get all area explorer achievements.
- Buy proper underwater headgear for my alts (this is a goal because not all have been even close to Orr).
- Buy proper runes and sigils for underwater gear. I actually went out and got all my alts exotic underwater weapons, after having greens and blues for ages.
These should keep me busy for the next decade. :P
- Get full ascended gear on my main, an Elementalist. So far I have all accessoires, 2 staves and the chest piece. Still need the rest of the armor and a scepter and a dagger at the least, maybe even a focus even though I never play focus.
- Get full ascended gear on my other characters. My Engineer has 2 rings and an amulet, the rest nothing.
- Get world completion on all my (currently) 7 characters. I have my main done, next up is my Necromancer at 70-80%ish. Guardian and Engineer are at 45%ish, the rest is all below 30%.
- Buy one more Lovestruck weapon because they’re my favourite set. I’ll probably go for a riffle for my Engineer.
- Finish all dungeon paths once for the title. I have Arah left and 1 HotW path I think.
- Finish the personal story on all characters. I have 1 out of 7 finished, 2 others have an order and the rest I never really started.
- Save enough gold for a character slot and wait until it’s on sale to buy it.
- Buy the Trickster set off the gem shop for my Mesmer, aka saving enough gold for that.
- Finish all jumping puzzles.
- Getting to 10k AP. I’m like 30 points shy of 9000 at the moment.
- Get all area explorer achievements.
- Buy proper underwater headgear for my alts (this is a goal because not all have been even close to Orr).
- Buy proper runes and sigils for underwater gear. I actually went out and got all my alts exotic underwater weapons, after having greens and blues for ages.
In case you haven’t seen.
Lovestruck is 2 tickets at the moment, so now might be a good idea to get that riffle
1. Get behind the tengu wall.
2. Have fun.
3. Collect as many skins as possible.
4. Once behind the tengu wall, roast the tengu.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
(edited by Naus the Gobbo.5172)
trying to get all wvw tittles wvw means everything to me
In case you haven’t seen.
Lovestruck is 2 tickets at the moment, so now might be a good idea to get that riffle
Yes I saw, so I’m franctically saving up my gold at the moment. XD Thanks for the reminder.
yakslapper: should get it around 2023…
Twin emperors.
I’m not really playing, just collecting those silver doubloons and selling them. Well, if I got my operation going again, being kind of lazy. Don’t know what to do if silver doubloons are ever changed. At any case, might take few years.
And since level up scrolls are available from login rewards I can bring some more characters to level 80. Again… in few years.
I have a spreadsheet for my GW2 goals, so it’s fairly easy to figure out exactly where I am:
- Get one character of each class to level 80. (Done)
- Get two sets of non-vendorable exotic armor and weapon for every alt. (Done)
- Get two sets of ascended backpiece and necklace for every alt. (81.25%)
- Get one set of ascended rings/accessories for every alt. (Done)
- Get 100% world completion on every alt. (Done)
- Get exactly 1000 spare skill points on every alt. (55.1875%)
- Complete every story dungeon for every alt. (60.9%)
- Complete personal story for every alt. (12.5%)
The upcoming Revenant and specializations may delay me from completing my goals though.
Your math doesn’t add up, how can you get world completion 100% without doing dungeons which count towards it?
World completion doesn’t include any dungeons. Its the entire exploration of PvE* + WvW maps, thats all.
*minus Southsun Cove and, for the time being, Silverwastes and Dry Top.
World completion doesn’t include any dungeons. Its the entire exploration of PvE* + WvW maps, thats all.
*minus Southsun Cove and, for the time being, Silverwastes and Dry Top.
I’ll be VERY disappointed if they decide to add those three maps to the world completion.
Perhaps World completion Tier 2? But not the one we still got from release.