Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hartmoore.9632


Just interested to know, here’s mine:

My play times:
I play roughly 20-30hrs a week
- 60-90mins mon-thurs
- 3hrs friday
- 6-10hrs sat/sun.

What I do in-game:
- mon to thurs – LA JPs, a bit of resource gathering, TPing
- fri to sun – non FOTM dungeons, orr/frostgorge DEs, general world wandering, TPing, some WvW, some PvP

Play objectives:
- 100% map complete on the two professions (warr/thief) I love.
currently sitting at 45%/51% respecitvely.
- in-game Wealth building, sitting at 30g
- very long term goal, store enough mats to one day get legendary items that I actually want to own (Twilight is the only legendary I like but I don’t play a GS warrior).

What’s yours?

Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

I play about 10 hours a week, mostly condensed in the weekends. But I don’t have a schedule, I just do whatever I feel like doing at that moment. Right now, I have to do 2 more TA runs for my chest armor. After that, I dunno. My armor still needs tweaks. Helping my boyfriend level to 80, maybe doing a fractal, or maybe I work on my map completion some more or level my own alt.

Getting a legendary is not a goal for me yet.

Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pustulio.8207


I didn’t know I needed a “play schedule”, but, I guess if I had one, it would be:

Play times:
“Whenever I want”

What I do in game:
“Whatever I feel like”

Play objectives:
“Kill everything in sight, tease people, pretend to help, actually help when i get bored of pretending, going to sleep after forming a dungeon party, making fun of people that crafted “Sunrise”…. and that’s about it.

Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amen.2630


log in,
10 minutes on guild upgrades to start and queque
15 minutes to manage guild ranks
3 minutes to play a new created elementarist (lvl3) then simply bored to death,
log off,

awsome heh?

Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vinny.6924


Log in to LA.

Stand around typing “lfg fotm level x” over and over.

Pet my dog.

Fins funny and creative ways around the chat suppressor because im forced to spam sais above phrase over and over.

Run 1 fotm level. Log.

Pet dog.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlyAnger.9785


I play 2 hours a day usualy(more if there is something to do with guild…)…I do daily event and play a little bit of WvW and thats about it…

Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Those Who Remain.1987

Those Who Remain.1987

My play times:
Around 20-30 hours per week

What I do in-game:
-Whatever I want, including: Map completion, dungeon runs, WvW, sPvP, just messing around, jumping puzzles etc. etc.

I just like the variety and am easily distracted, thus I have little true ‘goals’ at the moment.

Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyrus.8261


About 6 hours a week, divided into 1-1.5 hour sessions.

- Complete the daily PvE achievement on the alt I’m currently leveling.
- Log out to the char select screen because I have to take care of something irl.
- Log to my main, continue completing the level 70-80 zones, joining any events and chains I come across.
- Log out to the char select screen because I have to take care of something irl.
- Run off to explore whatever catches my attention.
- Try to farm T6 scales, give up after 10 kills when I decide it sucks to have to farm.
- Check the TP, curse loudly when I see prices went up more than I gained gold. Apologize to wife for startling her.

My objectives:
- Collect the gold/resources to craft Exotic armor set.
- Complete more zones, try more jumping puzzles.
- Level my favorite alt of the week.
- Explore the awesome world of Tyria and try to solo everything I come across, be it DEs, skill challenges or champion mobs. (tends to be a bit expensive now at 80)

Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valmarius.4150


I play at least 5 hours a day (at night when the kids are in bed), and sometimes more (if the wife takes the kids out for the day and leaves me to myself).

-Check see if a dragon is going to spawn in the next hour or so. If so, go and farm the area (possibly do a dungeon run if in Frostgorge) while waiting. This includes finishing the daily, doing DE’s, mining, just killing mobs for loot
-After a dragon is dead, check if another is incoming. Repeat above if so. If not, off to Lion’s Arch to sort my inventory, pick up earnings from the TP, do some crafting. Take my time doing this to see if anyone is putting a group together for a dungeon I feel like doing. As I like running all the dungeons, I usually find something.
-If I get very unlucky (not often) and can’t find anything to do, it’s off to Orr to farm a little.

Your play schedule and what you do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravbek.7938


Pretty much the same as the OP, although probably only a couple of hours a night.

Due to the monthly I have been running dungeons a lot lately helping guildies. Other than that a guildie and I have been trying out money making schemes on the TP…and now we both have all our money tired up in investments lol.

Mainly I’ll log on and do what ever I fel like that night, map completion (56%) is my first on the list. Then maybe level another character…depends on how much content Anet implement…so far I can only just keep up.

Cybek – Gunnars Hold
Wipus Frequentus –
Rock Paper Signet –